There's a new Alison Coe video up that relates to The Event and The New Earth. This is from a session in January, but just posted a couple of days ago. I resonated with most of it, but I was surprised to find quite a bit that didn't resonate. Here's the link:
Some personal observations, for what they're worth (my observations/thoughts are noted in blue). As always, I appreciate29 and respect your own discernment or thoughts.
03:50 The being states that
"earth will not exist". It will be thrown out of balance. This cannot be allowed.
This is but one timeline in a sea of infinite timelines and possibilities. Since ALL exists at the same time, there will be no true loss of Earth or anything else. From this being's perspective (positively oriented), the idea that this cannot be allowed doesn't respect the perspective of others who may need (or even wish) to experience an out-of-balance state for their learning.
ALL timelines and experiences are merely a matter of "soul" choice or the conscious choice of each being according to their own free will. There are infinite timelines and experiences--plenty for EVERYONE to experience EVERYTHING--and whatever they may choose.
04:15 The being expresses that Earth is in a "survival" mode.
Again, this idea is fear-based. Even if the Earth were to be destroyed (not actually possible as referenced above) in this timeline, it will always exist in multi-dimensionality. It's simply about what WE wish to experience as "individual" aspects of All-That-Is.
05:00 The being expresses that humans are destroying the consciousness of Earth and it's very sad.
Again, there is no true loss. There are only different timelines and experiences within multi-dimensionality. Once one understands that all are One (as the being also states), there is no lasting sadness. It's only a matter of choice.
05:34 The being speaks about "separation" and the appearance of The New Earth.
To me, this merely means that a new timeline, choice point, or path is appearing for us. We can either take it or not. Just because we choose a particular path, doesn't mean that everything else does not exist. It's merely a choice for OUR experience.
08:51 The being says that we have incredible protection from all the Universe.
Once we realize who and what we are (Sovereign, Divine Aspects of One, having a physical experience), we don't NEED protection from anything. We realize that, IN OUR OWN EXPERIENCE, WE are more powerful than any other beings. WE are the ones who choose. We have free will to experience that which WE wish to experience. These choices and power SHIFT US to an appropriate timeline...just as OTHERS may do IN THEIR OWN EXPERIENCE. ALL journeys are respected.
09:09 The being suggests that we call upon our angels, guides, etc. for assistance.
I'm learning more and more to stand in MY OWN power and recognize that (for this experience) I AM my own source of power and support. ALL can and will flow through ME if I allow it to do so (just as it can and will do for anyone else). It's tough doing this after a human lifetime of supplication and dis-empowerment, but it's coming along. 
09:40 The being says that if humans do not step up, it will consume the Earth.
Again, there is no true loss. That may be one timeline, certainly, but it isn't the one I'm choosing to experience in this new moment of now.
The being expresses that only by choosing Love can we strengthen the Light and pull it in. realizing that we ARE Love.
The being expresses that in her other form, she is able to create anything and spends time in meditation.
I believe this may be how we choose to spend our time "in between" lives. Enjoying, Loving, and experiencing whatever we wish in a sense of timelessness and much more expanded consciousness. This state is perhaps what many might understand as "Heaven".
The being talks about "Door Openers", those who help others remember and awaken.
Probably the same function as "Lightworkers", but just a different name. THIS is another reason why there's never any true loss...there will always be Lights shining for us in the dark. All we have to do is choose to turn toward them.
15:10 The being mentions
"all things being connected to Source."
Again, I do not feel there is any "connection". ALL IS Source expressing and experiencing itself in infinite ways. We only have to realize and fully remember that state of Being to return to it. BUT...we're having a DIFFERENT experience at the moment. So all will be in perfect timing for that experience.
16:10 We are becoming one and individual all at the same time. People rejected the darkness.
On my current "journey" I don't necessarily resonate with "rejecting" the darkness or anything else. I used to feel it was important to "transmute" things, but now I feel it's more a case of understanding that EVERYTHING (even darkness) is an aspect of All That Is. It's learning to Love and appreciate EVERYTHING as such. I can always choose to express or experience whatever I wish for my "mission" here, right now, but I can also learn to accept that others will have differing missions and journeys. ALL are essential aspects of the Whole. They are free to explore/create what they wish, just as I am free to explore/create what I wish. Neither can diminish the other unless the being experiencing these creations allows them to.
18:00 Description of The New Earth.
Sounds WONDERFUL. That's what I'm down for!
The "New Earth" is a physical "playground" for us to experience all the things we TRULY wish to create/or experience as INDIVIDUALS. So-called "Darker Experiences" are more oriented toward a "collective" will, where OTHER SELVES control what we believe and/or experience. WE DO NOT NECESSARILY CREATE in this environment except in VERY limited fashion. Once we rediscover our OWN power, we can truly begin creating for ourselves with more and more freedom.
25:57 Other beings surrounding Earth and helping us through this process.
Our fate is NOT in their hands, unless we allow it to be--and spiritually advanced Beings would not decide our fate anyway. They are here helping because WE CHOSE to experience this transformation. These beings, if present, are merely a manifestation of our own creation so that we could have this experience. There is no "hopefully". There is only what we CHOOSE in our own power as Divine Beings.
29:00 Regarding her personal relationship and "shining her light" as herself.
This approach resonates with me on MANY levels...including how we can serve best in helping others awaken to their own Divinity and Free Will choice. We simply be who we feel we are and release any concerns about others following along. Those who are attracted to our Light will join along for a time, then continue along on their own journeys. As long as we stick to what we feel is our own best path in each moment, we can never stray far from where we're "supposed" to be.