The Event is Upon Us part 3 (2 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Holy Cow - the temperatures this morning were low 60s in the city, breaking record lows for this day that go back to 1900. I don't know if I can adequately describe what this is like for us. From late July through August, the unofficial title changes from summer to Hell's Front Porch. I've even opened the windows. Perhaps my roadrunner friend whooshed in some cooler air.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Holy Cow - the temperatures this morning were low 60s in the city, breaking record lows for this day that go back to 1900. I don't know if I can adequately describe what this is like for us. From late July through August, the unofficial title changes from summer to Hell's Front Porch. I've even opened the windows. Perhaps my roadrunner friend whooshed in some cooler air.
I'm so glad they agreed to see you on the porch, and didn't ask you in!
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
what can be the reason the schuman resonanz shows such a long calm? it s like turned off
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
The calm before the storm? or extra heavy dose of cosmic rays?
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I confess to not knowing too much about the schuman resonance, but couldn’t this lull be something that naturally happens? like the world weather patterns change over time, maybe the schuman has lulls, spikes up all over the place again, that sort of thing.
Just asking
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
confess to not knowing too much about the schuman resonance, but couldn’t this lull be something that naturally happens? like the world weather patterns change over time, maybe the schuman has lulls, spikes up all over the place again, that sort of thing.
Just asking
It moves around all the time. At the same time, there are other energies blowing in, as well. Here is a great link to the daily and historic data.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Had an experience that Maryann describes as finding the right thread to pull.

Coming up the aisle at the grocery store and hear 2 children tussling and their mom trying to sort them out without making a scene. I considered turning around to avoid it but then sensed I could help. As I moved forward, I felt taller. I came around the corner and found twin 4-yr-olds wrestling on the floor. I winked at the mom, so she would know I was friendly. Then I said something like - Hey guys, will you all help me out? I need to get something from these shelves." As I spoke, I felt there was something added to my voice. It seemed more melodious and stronger - just a little more than my normal voice. (Kind of surprised me.) The boys stood up, moved to the side, and looked at me with huge eyes. The mom mouthed "Thank you". I could hear them in the store - happy and kind of loud, but no more issues.

I was not sure how to describe it until I read Maryann's post. It was like I pulled just the right bell rope and opened up another passage way for the children.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
In the book I am reading "Mists of Avalon", the high priestess of Avalon is able to do this. It is called a Seeming. The priestess is able to draw upon more of herself than what is visible in the physical, namely adding stature and having more grace / authority / integration for the purpose of whatever it is the Seeming is called for. Her voice also changes tone and timbre. It is not meant to be intimidating, it is simply that she carries more authority.

Now the veil (mists) is lifting, these things are once again available in our tool sets for how we want to conduct ourselves.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
In the book I am reading "Mists of Avalon", the high priestess of Avalon is able to do this. It is called a Seeming. The priestess is able to draw upon more of herself than what is visible in the physical, namely adding stature and having more grace / authority / integration for the purpose of whatever it is the Seeming is called for. Her voice also changes tone and timbre. It is not meant to be intimidating, it is simply that she carries more authority.

Now the veil (mists) is lifting, these things are once again available in our tool sets for how we want to conduct ourselves.
Your description is so true, we have, what I will call, reserves, when necessary it’s almost as if we are someone else.

I’ve looked online and had a peek inside ‘ Mists of Avalon ‘ I’m intending to purchase a copy at some point, looks like my kind of book. Thanks for sharing


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I’ve looked online and had a peek inside ‘ Mists of Avalon ‘ I’m intending to purchase a copy at some point, looks like my kind of book. Thanks for sharing
I read it in the 90ies and it was okay. However, the author is a child abuser most probably, at least there are allegations by her daughter. So you might consider that when you decide if you buy/read it or not. She seems not a good person.



Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
The latest from Allison Coe describing the day of the event. A very interesting talk...
Ive just listened to this video for the second time and I must say it is very interesting and encouraging.
We have been hearing about the event for quite a while, dates of when it is supposed to occur that always come to nothing, bringing disappointment after disappointment.

I personally began to feel numb to all the info, but this video made me sit up. Allison has explained so much that has bothered me, the fact that info coming from all over the place fits in, making a whole rather than separate stories which I found confusing.

If anyone needs uplifting I recommend listening, it’s around 40mins long. <3


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
The calm before the storm? or extra heavy dose of cosmic rays?
Curious indeed. NASA recently registered a day with no sun spots at all. This is very unusual. It's like we have a very low solar minimum like it's building up for a pulse. Some people have mentioned the sun will pulse and possibly put out all unprotected electronics, which would be bad for some people, especially for those on life support machines, portable oxygen machines, or with heart pace makers.

2013 article: 2013 solar storm peak expected to be followed by 100 year low.

General current space weather: (Go to left side of page to see number of days in each year without sun spots.) Aug 4, 2019 is another "spotless day".

So I made a screenshot of that page here:
Last edited:


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I agree with you. Also, a vision I had a while ago popped into my head. I walked to the front door and saw a bunch of people I knew in the front yard. They'd come to find out what was going on.
Wouldn’t surprise me one bit, Linda, I can well imagine folk turning to you for answers......and others like you when things get a bit crazy.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
Lion's Gate energies... I am having some really powerful and interesting dreams.

The one yesterday was very real and relevant here. I dreamt I was in a beautiful city. I took my son and we started walking (left our wife/mother behind). We walked out of the part of the city we were used to and entered a ghetto-like area. There was no electricity and it was twilight. In the half darkness I could see people and gangs of people that were best to avoid. We talked to people occasionally but they were hostile. We could see that they needed food. I offered to buy a man lunch and he snarled at me "I don't need your pity!". We could see on the horizon that it was *very* dark in the distance, so we turned and made a large loop through another neighborhood and began heading back in the direction where we came (on a different street). People began walking alongside us and wanted to go where we were going. A young boy came and told me he needed to go where I was going. We continued walking, and the group grew. Soon I could see the edge of the area that had electricity and I was quite close to buildings that had lights on. Just as we were about to approach a building with lights - at that moment I realized (still in the dream) what it all meant. I had left my home in the light - went in to the darkness - and gathered people without ever telling them a single word about the light. They instinctly knew that wherever I was going, they wanted to go too. It was a beautiful moment of clarity. Then the dream ended very suddenly as I was focused on the fact that we were very close to the light.

We ARE close to the light people! I know it. You know it!

Have a great day everyone.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
One65, I had a similar dream, as did another friend of mine - whoa!!!

My dog woke me up from my morning dream. He did not want anything. As I started to go back to sleep, he insisted that I stay awake. Ok, message received - he is a magical companion. What was in my mind was the morning dream, usually prescient. There was a group of us - like a work group/family, and some people brought other people to us for care. They were confused, ill, could not speak, and a bit fearful. For some reason, I decided getting on a carousel was the right thing to do, and then I understood that it was a torus - healing for them. I also understood that this was going on all over the world.

Every part of my body was not working quite right and the nausea was awful, but I did Donna Eden’s centering exercises and began to feel better. I’ve not done much, although I did sweep the front porch and clean the glass because it seemed important- something like best face forward.

If anyone else is feeling out of it, try Eden's morning exercise - very simple movements.



Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
Her energy routine is awesome. I had forgotten about that one... thanks for the reminder.

Well Linda, your dream is somewhat related to my dream from this morning. Also very strong.

Last night before bed I set the intention of connecting to my Sirian aspect (I identify strongly with the Sirians/Blue Rays). In my dream I was sitting in a darkened room with a bunch of people I felt comfortable with, watching home movies. The movies were snippets of moments from high school days, and zero'ed in on a particular group that I shared a particularly affinity to, but did not hang out with most of them. I will call them the "math kids". We seemed to be "in tune" and end up in the same math/algebra/trig classes. We functioned as a group and placed very highly when entered into a national math contest. There were pictures from our high school days, and finished with us all in suits and dresses at graduation. Then the movie ended with a single slide with a bunch of numbers on it, but one stood out in particular: 6,057,000+. When I awoke, and was somewhat still in dream state I tried to feel what that number meant. It took a while... what I was being shown was that the "math kids" are a group. We came here together to "do this". As a group we have affected ("passed our frequency" is what I am hearing) to over 6 million people.

When I focus on those people (I don't keep track of most of them anymore) my body starts to shudder a little bit. The vibe is very strong.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
What I originally started out to write in this thread today got lost in my ramblings about dreams. I wanted to ask how everyone is doing this week. I am barely "in this world" for the last couple of days. Today I am in a trance-like state. All I want to do is meditate, and nothing else (which would be kind of awkward at work).

Anyone else feeling that this Lion's Gate is extra intense?


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Yes, meditating at work; the definition of awkward, lol!:))
It seems to be dream time for a number of us so I'll share too.

This morning's dream that I woke up with and therefore had some recall and ability to influence the ending:
I was in a house which had been custom built by a man who adored his wife and put in amazing personal touches which were hand made and each unique. In particular there were some giant cupboards on the top floor in what would be the living room. Looking inside, they contained various forms of giant speakers; they were a sound system, a really large scale sound system. I can't imagine (now as I consider it) what kind of sound they would have made in such a tiny house in this crowded neighborhood!
Not entirely sure what they represented though I am thinking that they make sound and vibration; also that they were dusty with disuse and had great potential.

The downstairs area was a mess, crowded, dusty, possibly mold infested. Nobody wanted to touch it. The upstairs was livable and had definite hints of its former grandeur and beauty though it was in poor repair and didn't have any of its early shine. The house was condemned. People were looking it over, considering what they'd do with the space as it was for sale. It was obvious to everybody that the house itself was going to be torn down. As it was in a very desirable neighborhood it was very popular and going for a high price. The neighborhood itself was pretty vibrant but without much connection at all between people who were very squeezed into a 'desirable' space in tiny houses without much outdoor time nor interaction.

The place felt somewhat familiar and I was looking it over to see if it was salvageable and if I could make something of it due to the gorgeous features I mention above. It was just too much to try to salvage that downstairs area which was quite possibly a biohazard. Nevertheless, there was some really valuable stuff down there and lots that folks could use if it could just get cleaned up and distributed. I didn't even want to hire people (expensive!) to move things out or even give it away for free because I saw too much potential for spreading disease (mold or something nasty and insidious) so I considered other options. What came up was a clean, clear wave of water that washed the stuff a ways downhill where it conveniently washed up alongside a sort of corner where things could easily dry out and be picked over. This is what happened, to the delight of a big crowd of people who benefited from the various beautiful and handy items. I was very happy to see this redistribution and felt it evened out some sort of balance. It felt good.

The house itself could now come down gracefully with its parts being merged into what emerged next. What emerged was an open space with a big, beautiful tree. The tree reached up and around/down leaving a clean feeling everyplace it touched. Even in winter when it was just its bare branches, its profile enhanced the area with a touch of nature in a too-packed urban jungle.
At some point I realized that this idea was just what was needed; a few people sacrificing their houses for the sake of much-needed space between. It caught on, especially as older folks realized that they could bequeath the legacy of beauty on their old neighborhoods by taking down their house after redistributing what had been inside and the working parts (eg the walls, garage openers, gutters, windows etc). This recycling aspect really caught on and became a key feature of this town and then others. It became how houses were built; via loving reclamation of the best of the past with individual touches being added by acclaimed and much sought after reclamation artists so that each piece became highly valued.
After each house had its parts redistributed there was little left and this was carefully studied and each part placed where it went best. Nothing ended up in a landfill; these became considered horrors of the past.
Lastly, the landscapers filled in the space, or part of it, with something beautiful from the natural world. Whole parks were created, each more beautiful than the next.

At some point each of these parks had trees far taller than the remaining houses, which were few. They towered over the houses, threatening to take them over. This too was an imbalance so I/we/my dream state went through each space finding out what was needed. This turned out to be very simple: the people in the houses needed to care for and love the natural beauty around them. As soon as they did the balance was restored. It was so simple. All the issues took care of themselves. The trees became in synch with the people and were just the right size and type to fit with its neighboring houses, provide shade, fruit, everything that was needed.

I had an image taken from a line of Tolkien's writings (I can't recall the line) about the elves who talked to the trees. It was their beloved work to do so and when they did the trees, elves and other being lived in harmony, flourished and the trees grew in sentience. They started to talk. Some started to walk and care for the others. These were the Ents.
When the trees were not cared for, talked to and loved this way they became hostile. The somewhat sentient ones, the 'Hurons' became dangerous like "Old Man Willow" in "the Hobbit" book or the tree that almost swallowed Merry and Pippin in "The Two Towers" movie or the forest that grew up overnight at the outskirts of the Hornburg battle and swallowed any remaining orcs that fled after they were defeated in battle.

I guess the message is clear: talk to the trees and wildlife, love them, hug them, give them space so that the balance will be restored and life becomes easy and harmonious.

Gardeners of the world unite! (now there's a battle cry for you:)):ROFL::))<3!)
If you are a Tolkien fan, recall that Sam, the gardener became 'Samwise the Brave' with a host of incredible stories to regale his loved ones with, longtime mayor of his town and he got the girl of his dreams, growing old with her in peace with a big, beautiful family. He also got the rare privilege of traveling by ship to the undying lands when he chose to, once he was quite old.
Is there a better life than that?


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Yesterday morning, the sunlight was breaking through the tree canopy in the woods, and one little plant at the base of a tree stood out.
It was neon green - not spring green - but strobing neon green. It seemed so happy.
As a check I looked this morning, and it was a regular green.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Yes, meditating at work; the definition of awkward, lol!:))
It seems to be dream time for a number of us so I'll share too.

This morning's dream that I woke up with and therefore had some recall and ability to influence the ending:
I was in a house which had been custom built by a man who adored his wife and put in amazing personal touches which were hand made and each unique. In particular there were some giant cupboards on the top floor in what would be the living room. Looking inside, they contained various forms of giant speakers; they were a sound system, a really large scale sound system. I can't imagine (now as I consider it) what kind of sound they would have made in such a tiny house in this crowded neighborhood!
Not entirely sure what they represented though I am thinking that they make sound and vibration; also that they were dusty with disuse and had great potential.

The downstairs area was a mess, crowded, dusty, possibly mold infested. Nobody wanted to touch it. The upstairs was livable and had definite hints of its former grandeur and beauty though it was in poor repair and didn't have any of its early shine. The house was condemned. People were looking it over, considering what they'd do with the space as it was for sale. It was obvious to everybody that the house itself was going to be torn down. As it was in a very desirable neighborhood it was very popular and going for a high price. The neighborhood itself was pretty vibrant but without much connection at all between people who were very squeezed into a 'desirable' space in tiny houses without much outdoor time nor interaction.

The place felt somewhat familiar and I was looking it over to see if it was salvageable and if I could make something of it due to the gorgeous features I mention above. It was just too much to try to salvage that downstairs area which was quite possibly a biohazard. Nevertheless, there was some really valuable stuff down there and lots that folks could use if it could just get cleaned up and distributed. I didn't even want to hire people (expensive!) to move things out or even give it away for free because I saw too much potential for spreading disease (mold or something nasty and insidious) so I considered other options. What came up was a clean, clear wave of water that washed the stuff a ways downhill where it conveniently washed up alongside a sort of corner where things could easily dry out and be picked over. This is what happened, to the delight of a big crowd of people who benefited from the various beautiful and handy items. I was very happy to see this redistribution and felt it evened out some sort of balance. It felt good.

The house itself could now come down gracefully with its parts being merged into what emerged next. What emerged was an open space with a big, beautiful tree. The tree reached up and around/down leaving a clean feeling everyplace it touched. Even in winter when it was just its bare branches, its profile enhanced the area with a touch of nature in a too-packed urban jungle.
At some point I realized that this idea was just what was needed; a few people sacrificing their houses for the sake of much-needed space between. It caught on, especially as older folks realized that they could bequeath the legacy of beauty on their old neighborhoods by taking down their house after redistributing what had been inside and the working parts (eg the walls, garage openers, gutters, windows etc). This recycling aspect really caught on and became a key feature of this town and then others. It became how houses were built; via loving reclamation of the best of the past with individual touches being added by acclaimed and much sought after reclamation artists so that each piece became highly valued.
After each house had its parts redistributed there was little left and this was carefully studied and each part placed where it went best. Nothing ended up in a landfill; these became considered horrors of the past.
Lastly, the landscapers filled in the space, or part of it, with something beautiful from the natural world. Whole parks were created, each more beautiful than the next.

At some point each of these parks had trees far taller than the remaining houses, which were few. They towered over the houses, threatening to take them over. This too was an imbalance so I/we/my dream state went through each space finding out what was needed. This turned out to be very simple: the people in the houses needed to care for and love the natural beauty around them. As soon as they did the balance was restored. It was so simple. All the issues took care of themselves. The trees became in synch with the people and were just the right size and type to fit with its neighboring houses, provide shade, fruit, everything that was needed.

I had an image taken from a line of Tolkien's writings (I can't recall the line) about the elves who talked to the trees. It was their beloved work to do so and when they did the trees, elves and other being lived in harmony, flourished and the trees grew in sentience. They started to talk. Some started to walk and care for the others. These were the Ents.
When the trees were not cared for, talked to and loved this way they became hostile. The somewhat sentient ones, the 'Hurons' became dangerous like "Old Man Willow" in "the Hobbit" book or the tree that almost swallowed Merry and Pippin in "The Two Towers" movie or the forest that grew up overnight at the outskirts of the Hornburg battle and swallowed any remaining orcs that fled after they were defeated in battle.

I guess the message is clear: talk to the trees and wildlife, love them, hug them, give them space so that the balance will be restored and life becomes easy and harmonious.

Gardeners of the world unite! (now there's a battle cry for you:)):ROFL::))<3!)
If you are a Tolkien fan, recall that Sam, the gardener became 'Samwise the Brave' with a host of incredible stories to regale his loved ones with, longtime mayor of his town and he got the girl of his dreams, growing old with her in peace with a big, beautiful family. He also got the rare privilege of traveling by ship to the undying lands when he chose to, once he was quite old.
Is there a better life than that?
Lila, as well as Collected Consciousness, I see that you could amply be given another name: Reclamation Artist. Reclamation is what is going to happen on this planet, and it starts in little ways first (one way I do it, is at the Op Shop, I remind other co-workers that certain of our rubbish bins go straight to landfill, others to the recycling plant, etc. It's funny to see them sit up and take notice - sometimes!)


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Speaking of Lion's Gate experiences, I experienced something in this time which was another little wake-up call for my growth.


We had some disruption at the Op Shop, with a volunteer worker being let go (yes, unpaid workers can be let go, surprising thought, and I saw this case as another turn of the Separation of Worlds spiral). This led to some requirements to do different or changed hours. I volunteered to step into the breach for Saturdays. However, there was a worker whom I have never shared a shift with, but whom I have met on occasion. She told management she would never work with me. It came as a shock to the management, that she held this opinion, however, due to her own personal circumstances, she then decided to step down and no longer work there. I saw this again as Separation of Worlds.

One of the managers, who does work closely with me, asked her at her exit interview why she felt strongly about not working with me. My manager knew beforehand that this woman "sees dead people". She stated: "Her aura is bad. With my husband sick, I don't feel strong enough to work together with her".

When I got this feedback, it threw me for a day or so. I started to try to justify who I am/what I am to myself, so that I could get some sense of it. Then I gave myself a serious but loving talking to. Why do I always care what others think? Why am I always emotionally hurt when I am not understood by someone? Why is it important to my happiness that everyone I meet should embrace me with trust and love, and that they appreciate the power of my crystallised self? As I walk the journey, why do I expect everyone else to walk the journey?

I already know without drama and ego battle, that some of us have had our light activated and are strategically placed at certain geographic points all over the surface of the Earth, at the intersecting points of the Flower of Life pattern, where our activation can seamlessly, quietly, and joyfully enhance others and activate their light within themselves, just by being within the field of this pattern of nets of points of light.

Having been a long-time reader of the blogs of Denise Le Fay (HightHeart Life), I am aware of Team Dark (TD); as well as having my own firsthand experience of being married to a manipulative player from the negative side. I also know that in spiritual evolution, there is constant testing given (when I say given, I mean our Higher Self gives ourselves chances to be tested and overcome challenges, by which process we may graduate). I understood that this experience was nothing more than a test, which I could overcome by not succumbing to egotistical thoughts, such as "who the hell does she think she is?", etc and having angry thoughts about the situation.

Do I trust in my own Light enough to know that I am Light? Do I hold this position of anchoring the light in this location by wavering and not really believing I am a Light which can anchor through grounding, and also expansion? Do I not know, that every time I greet a customer at the Op Shop and help them with their purchase, they are a recipient of a small quotient of Light, as much as they may bring their Light to bear by entering the shop?

I also know that when one has heightened psychic abilities, it should not be expressed in a negative way, such as: "I see dead people". Everyone has the potential for these abilities, and in some people that is already awakened, whilst they may not have walked other aspects of their spiritual journey. What you could say, is: "I see energies. I sometimes see beyond the veils between dimensions, I sense things psychically." This would be the positive way of expressing it. I know that I have two ancient, nonhuman guides/guardians about my being that are helping me with this incarnation. That is, they are of the dragon race. Dragons are a type of reptilian, in that they have scales, lay eggs, have slitted eyes; and if she had psychic sight of these, it may have scared her. Or it could have been Team Dark speaking through her, as I think most of the ones they use are unconscious of their psychic in-dwellers, or visitors that are able to subjugate them.

I know I am blessed; synchronicities in my daily life teach me that. Now the power of Light which is within me, as a vessel holds a lamp, can experience the lesson, balm the hurt of the ego, and continue emitting in a frequency that is seen by some and not by others.

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