I don’t really give a toss who his dad is, just felt like stirring it a bit

I’m getting a bit fed up with hearing about them and the vitriolic hatred being poured out on Meghan is wicked, what ever anyone’s opinion there is no excuse for that. At least on RT we never stoop to that.
I agree that Harry does look like Hewitt, especially in profile, but he also looks like the royals, thin patch on top, but particularly the close set eyes. And he sounds so much like Charles when he speaks.
He was born in 1984, three years after Charles an Diana’s marriage. The cracks were showing within five years, around 1986, when Charles resumed his relationship with Camilla. I’ve often thought the time wasn’t right for him to be Hewitts son.
Diana admitted having a five year affair with him from 1986 to 1991, by that time Harry was two years old.
Just my two pennies worth
Unfortunately I’m unable to read the Telegraph site as they want me to sign in and all that rubbish and I really can’t be bothered.