Puckster - what is it with this woman i havent watched it yet but she is already staring at me in that pose like the royals waveAnother QHHT session from Laura.She wasn't planning anymore videos but decided this information had to come out. In it the patient channels Alcyone and a wave of Orange fire energy to cleanse and complete the process. We are in it now and will be done in November.
Omg it has gotten to the point that I am responding to my own quote reply’s... what I meant is - I so have to watch this (although I prefer reading cause it’s slower / I’m a nerd) I am fascinated by the posed still shot she does. Which leads me to think - can you trust this robotics ? Can you trust beautiful people ? I should do a separate post about that... apologize for the nonsense but hope someone else’s funny bone is tickledPuckster - what is it with this woman i havent watched it yet but she is already staring at me in that pose like the royals wave
None of us are immune to what appears attractive - I think it is a big thing and when it comes to truth seeking - we have to always question anything that is too one dimensional or only speaks to arousal ( I’m talking food here too) honestly I don’t know ( like it has already been discussed in regards to these specially selected information videos ) if people passing on the messages are necessarily aware. I’m weirdly pragmatic with very few things - one of them being I’m not going to trust a psychologist under 50 ( I need some lived life) and at the same time I recognize reincarnations - but the more times you been here the less likely it seems to me you would be quoting outworn systems anyways - or telling people what to do. Intuitive pragmatismTaniaI've reached the point where I don't know what to think anymore. Pretty girls and sex sells I guess even here tho I won't stoop to that level. I tend to bypass that and just listen to the message. There are too many telling me what I want to hear. Until recently I stepped back and not posted much as a wait and see attitude encompassed me. It's creeping back in. I'm almost done with this stage of my construction project. (I'm finishing off building a cottage I started many moons ago, finishing off the interior) I gotta move back to the city as winters here are a little too nasty to stay. This is a wilderness setting totally off grid on a lakefront. I can only suggest as I do, to take it all with a grain of salt, file it away in the back of your mind and live a little for there are many charlatans in sheeps clothing in this industry. Smile and stay positive.
First read I was like - man, smoking and getting on the treadmill what an over achiever .... then I reread itI couldn't agree more. I need to listen to all sides as all have a shred of truth. As for me? I think today i will smoke a fattie and listen to and immerse in my music. I've been on this treadmill for a while now and learned a lot about nothing lol. As i find all the teachings of The Christ and Buddha all boil down to "just be nice to each other"
I don’t know if the (Actual ) treadmill Is the beginning point of angst - or the opposite as sweating it out - talk about thinking !!! It’s like I often find opposed views equally true and so much wisdom in like the most mundane - believe you me that’s when people think you are tripped out - just cause you notice things/are aliveJust venting a little angst, Tania. It's all good. This man thinks a little too much sometimes.![]()
Yup been there my own life with precious few who understand let alone having someone to talk to about such things.believe you me that’s when people think you are tripped out - just cause you notice things/are alive
Hit the smiley button on top. a selection there. Personally I think your doing great, Maybe you can teach me to play guitar. the only true regret i have is not taking time to learn. Even my daughter plays well. Never too late to learn.
I think young Patti in all her glorious simple Repetitive truth telling can teach you the guitar :
Hey just to live what we preach - can you get your daughter to teach you the guitar ? Just because that sounds like a healthy Challenge - like Reverse karate kid style !!! It’ll be a wonderful maddening experience - like my dad was a math teacher and he looked at me like I was just “ beyond reach” Ha ha it was terrible ... for all the equality I preach I am so stereotypically “female”Hit the smiley button on top. a selection there. Personally I think your doing great, Maybe you can teach me to play guitar. the only true regret i have is not taking time to learn. Even my daughter plays well. Never too late to learn.![]()
Thats music for the masses as much as I hate that term, The Jon Bon Jovi's and Bruce Springsteen put out pretty songs But Clost to the edge gets me rocking. I like instumentals classical guitar,Flamenco, Return to forever, Jon Lord, etc.Because both you and I know great musical manipulators who think they are gods and then those that merge with divine - like a detail buuuuutttt a pretty big one.
No worries I will learn and teach myself with some help fron utube.All I know how to teach is the confidence and motivation and freedom to do. I believe knowledge is transferable - I believe in the transdiciplinary approach
people were told to be afraid and get sick so they oblige, such is the power of the human, until these people know they can create their own life it will always be so. Overall I'm a happy go lucky guy who finds pleasure in everything It shows in my health at 63 bI can still play a vigorous ice hockey game, walk several kms a day etc. I feel great,very tired but great I take One pill everyday for hypertension and no other meds. I attribute that to attitude and telling my body to stay healthy.there is something with joy - for health and my latest epiphany is how joy( and Covid ) travelled like particles and how we as filters neutralize or interact and send them of from our bodies into the Shower drains, out with our speaking breath, etc our inner state adds
I have no musical instruments right now but will be getting a folk guitar to learn on. i think i can create some pretty good music.Do you do software recordings do you have a usb keyboard?
I Love that in you. Yes i will get my daughter to show me a thing or two. It started with an old guitar I had and i taught her the couple of chords i did know as having a lot of musicians as friends something was bound to rub off. When at home with the kids i never had the tv on but a radio station playing music all the time.for all the equality I preach I am so stereotypically “female”
i am no good musician, i can play an instrument average and the other in the meantime i surely lost a part of what i learned as i distracted myself in other thingsAll I know how to teach is the confidence and motivation and freedom to do. I believe knowledge is transferable - I believe in the transdiciplinary approach - I will never understand why the simplest purest idea of equality is regarded as such a revolt.
anyways. I am sure your playing can be deepened. There is in a sense creative/musical self exploration and then a more collective oriented inviting approach. I think the key btw these worlds to merge them is to become a “we” in the exploration - like David topi ( the last post) reminded me - there is something with joy - for health and my latest epiphany is how joy( and Covid ) travelled like particles and how we as filters neutralize or interact and send them of from our bodies into the Shower drains, out with our speaking breath, etc our inner state adds +++ or minus’s or whatever we in our own core But fluctuating state Are omitting. The responsibility and awareness of this is I guess is what makes us humble and grand - some become big manipulators because of it
I think it is both hard and easy w the guitar. The hard thing is both that it hurts your fingers when learning but also that what we love about guitar is also what keeps us too humble to imagine it as something else - or reinventing play - like jimmy. We are stuck with our heroes - which is nice - but also a vacuum. With the library you have in your musical head I really want to suggest When you get back to the city - you Consider trying to do music on the computer. I do and it doesn’t have to sound “fake” at all. Just Ditch the Metronome - never start with a beat/ drumtrack as it locks you in) You can get free software and like 4 simple basic instrument sounds ( i suggest : Grand piano, cello, bas, guitar) and try out your imagination By playing these sounds on A usb keyboard. I think you could make something cool because it is easy and playful and quick to get something that sounds nice. Next thing you know you get obsessed - and from the work you been putting into the cabin - you need a city obsession that is almost free and healthy!! If you have questions that I can help you with!I like that thinking of being outside the box and doing your own thing ala Radio Ethiopia. I was despised by mgt where I worked because i questioned everything and wouldn't succumb to their BS. I had to retire to get away from their small mindedness and anger. they tried to box me in several times and I broke out everytime. Anyway that was then and now I'm enjoying my trees and nature. Life is good.
Thats music for the masses as much as I hate that term, The Jon Bon Jovi's and Bruce Springsteen put out pretty songs But Clost to the edge gets me rocking. I like instumentals classical guitar,Flamenco, Return to forever, Jon Lord, etc.
No worries I will learn and teach myself with some help fron utube.
people were told to be afraid and get sick so they oblige, such is the power of the human, until these people know they can create their own life it will always be so. Overall I'm a happy go lucky guy who finds pleasure in everything It shows in my health at 63 bI can still play a vigorous ice hockey game, walk several kms a day etc. I feel great,very tired but great I take One pill everyday for hypertension and no other meds. I attribute that to attitude and telling my body to stay healthy.
I have no musical instruments right now but will be getting a folk guitar to learn on. i think i can create some pretty good music.
I Love that in you. Yes i will get my daughter to show me a thing or two. It started with an old guitar I had and i taught her the couple of chords i did know as having a lot of musicians as friends something was bound to rub off. When at home with the kids i never had the tv on but a radio station playing music all the time.
I've been doing this since 2007 with different musical styles. And yes, I recommend it, it can be fun! I used to play in bands in the 80s and 90s, it was fun too but I think I like doing this now even more. Moreover, you are always your own boss and your own band.Consider trying to do music on the computer. I do and it doesn’t have to sound “fake” at all. Just Ditch the Metronome - never start with a beat/ drumtrack as it locks you in) You can get free software and like 4 simple basic instrument sounds ( i suggest : Grand piano, cello, bas, guitar) and try out your imagination By playing these sounds on A usb keyboard. I think you could make something cool because it is easy and playful and quick to get something that sounds nice.
Thanks - let’s just get Puckster going with joint subtle pressure if it comes from love it’s all good.I've been doing this since 2007 with different musical styles. And yes, I recommend it, it can be fun! I used to play in bands in the 80s and 90s, it was fun too but I think I like doing this now even more. Moreover, you are always your own boss and your own band.
Also yes, it even can sound 'organic' if you do it right. Back then 2007 already my first 'song' I had then (actually only a simple loop, a bit latin music style with piano, bass and percussions) sounded promising, so it kept me going. The good thing is you can try adding things, and deleting, and editing, until it fits, patience needed sometimes. Loop it and add and delete, and experiment with sounds, and so on. Adding vocals sucks for me though, I'm not much of a good singer, but I need to do music with lyrics and not just instrumentals as part of the artistic package.
I have a different take on 'never start with beat/drums', but maybe that is because I was a 'real' drummer and I come more from the rhyhtm rather than the harmony/melody angle when composing and arranging my songs. Yet, whenever I started a new song usually with the first beat and variants (fills) I always have the song in the back of my mind (or ears) already, sometimes the melody even, or just the 'feel' and 'atmo' of what it is going to be. Sometimes it works, sometimes what I got was even a bit better than what I had already pre-arranged on the mental (etheric, astral) levels. The lyrics are finished too for the most part, so this also helps to mold the 'gestalt' of the song in advance. You see, I have a holistic approach in all things, this includes music, even the artwork I do for the songs is important then and must fit the overall 'gestalt' in form, poetry, melody, rhythm, flair, atmo, messaging, etc..
So to sum up, Pucksterguy, I support Tania's suggestion. You have a computer and just need a DAW (=digital audio workstation). What you waiting for?
So much yes!Sounds like a great idea, Tania. I know my way around a keyboard having played around with a piano any time I'm near one. I also know how to read music, been a while tho. I need a new hobby anyway, I'm sure i can come up with some interesting melodies...
I don’t know how I managed to erase what I wrote you the other day - but I just want to say I so agree on the errors so much freedom in errors so much growth getting beyond that. I don’t remember getting nervous going on stage because I know how to entertain and command a room ( makes me sound awfuli am no good musician, i can play an instrument average and the other in the meantime i surely lost a part of what i learned as i distracted myself in other things
however there is a golden rule, don t be forced to do it and have fun and don t fear errors it is part of the process, getting nervous before going to the stage, easy think you are alone and it gets better, and when you hear the cheers at the end you know you did it