The Event is Upon Us! (3 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
We saw one thing six months ago, all of us did — Xmas trees and smiley faces and a wall of energy — but now… well, we aren’t seeing The Event in the near future.


neverending story

Here is the whole quote, which has a different meaning from just the snippet quoted above.

We saw one thing six months ago, all of us did — Xmas trees and smiley faces and a wall of energy — but now… well, we aren’t seeing The Event in the near future. That shouldn’t be that alarming because we can’t see ANYTHING in this energy storm/timeline kerfuffle. Guides are being quiet, which is unusual. The calm before The Event? What we *are* seeing is lots and lots of ET activity, light beings in dreams, GIANT white ships going into the earth, happy skies, a whole new group coming to the fore (who still haven’t green-lighted their mention, but they will), etc. If we could pinpoint a date, we wouldn’t, as the PTW might use that as an excuse to try something bad… though those things are drying up as the ca8al is corraled. At this point, we’re gonna have to say that what we saw back in July was the September energy and the “black doorway” and the recent Step (12) we’re (still?) going through. When you do a reading and you see a white wall of energy in the future, you think it’s The Event, but it’s ALL The Event. You can’t swing a LIVE CAT without hitting a white wall of energy. Sorry, this is why our site is free.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Here is the whole quote, which has a different meaning from just the snippet quoted above.
Thankyou Lady Linda.

Lotos, I have to say that as a human with one foot in this world I STRUGGLE WITH THE CONCEPT OF TIME! My friend will say "Do you want to go hiking on such and such a date? Then she looks at my blank face and amends "Ah sorry, I will ask nearer the time" We are the only ones living in this time illusion. How any Being not on this planet manages to set a date for anything is beyond me.

I was waking up and hearing Christmas Carols a couple of months ago. So I do not know what that was about.

If your unhappiness is forcing you to look forward to The Event as a way of resolving issues then you know why it has not happened.

Please do not cherry pick the writing of others to fit your perspective. Not fair on the CATS who try their hardest, bless them.

Be your own authority Lotos.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
but they are seers !
In which case please do them the courtesy of quoting them accurately. Taking one line out of context dishonours The Cats and yourself as a poster. People might start to distrust what you are writing and that would be a pain because you are a great source of information.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
In which case please do them the courtesy of quoting them accurately. Taking one line out of context dishonours The Cats (yourself as a poster. People might start to distrust what you are writing and that would be a pain because you are a great source of information.
I taking one line out,because this is the core of msg,if anybody want to know more ,can get whole msg on
SOC,so i write under the post Cat(s) as a author.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
but now… well, we aren’t seeing The Event in the near future. That shouldn’t be that alarming because we can’t see ANYTHING in this energy storm/timeline kerfuffle. Guides are being quiet, which is unusual.
No is not the core of the message, the next line states clearly that they cannot see anything. Changes all of it.

Furthermore, you did not supply a link to the message in it's entirety so how are poeple supposed to find it?

Your post was dishonest and I can only assume you felt bad and wanted others to feel bad too.
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
If your unhappiness is forcing you to look forward to The Event as a way of resolving issues then you know why it has not happened.

Please do not cherry pick the writing of others to fit your perspective. Not fair on the CATS who try their hardest, bless them.

hehe, is not a unhappiness is an excitement of the mind not ME,waiting for The Event,like kids waiting for Christmas !
And CATS are sincerely and genuine source !they write things as they see ! not just looking for excuses
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
No is not the core of the message, the next line states clearly that they cannot see anything. Changes all of it.

Furthermore, you did not supply a link to the message in it's entirety so how are poeple supposed to find it?

For me that was the core msg ! yes i didnt supply the link i just write CATs under the post,sorry for that
but i think that all forum members who reading this topic know about SOC and their site and know what mean Cat(s) under the post !
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
For me that was the core msg ! yes i didnt supply the link i just write CATs under the post,sorry for that
but i think that all forum members who reading this topic know about SOC and their site and know what mean Cat(s) under the post !
Yes of course we all know about SOC but they have so many posts, I would not know where to start looking for the one containing that line.

In fact I think this is a good opportunity to remind everyone that when you quote someone else's work, please supply a link to it. THanks Lotos.

I understand the excitement, yes! I value your posts. I think we are clear now.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I have my depressive moments, and I have to work hard to remember the divine injunction that challenges undertaken are successful challenges, because to be challenged at all is to be successful. When I remember this, my energies revert to my usual, positive stream of being. The success is in the trying.

I really do wish for a human collective upgrade, but do not see this as ascension but as expansion of awareness, simply expanding the boxed-in view of the populace, so that wonder, curiosity, motivation for betterment can take over. So that instead of each man/woman being out for him/herself, we all realise it is a game of support - supporting each other over the hilly bits. That the strength of the team is like a welded bond - stronger than anything you can do on your own. And yet the journey is an individual one. No-one but yourself can make the necessary steps along the path.

So we have dichotomy, which is what you would expect in a world of duality.

So I take SOC as part of my team (sometimes) and at others I walk the path alone. Anyone who saw the Schumann Resonance graphs of the last week or so will have seen a wall of white energy on them. And I feel personally as if I have squeezed myself through the narrowest of gorges, and I wasn't sure if I was wearing quite the right shoes to do it, but because of my nature of forging forward, I did it anyway, and the squeeze was so tight it spat me out at the end. So I am still picking myself up from that.

Anyone else had this experience over the last few days/week?


If your unhappiness is forcing you to look forward to The Event as a way of resolving issues then you know why it has not happened.
THIS 100%

Suffering is good at first because it drives one to search for answers that the 3D experience as a human cannot give.

But when you are awake, or "higher up in the food chain" so to speak, you cannot depend on an event or anyone else to fix your suffering. You gotta do that. You find out who you are, what your purpose is, and you fulfil it, and all the other worries become insignificant.

I would also caution relying on one website. They can be changed; by outside parties, who seek a different goal, especially when such parties have their hooks in authority. When I find a website or a blog or even a post that gives me a lightbulb moment, I go and search for other information that verifies said information (and not direct copy and pastes) because otherwise how do you know it is written with the best intentions?

This is why I personally don't trust the Q movement. One source... is not reliable..again in my opinion.

Btw...what is SOC?


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
but they are seers !
Aren't we ALL in some way? :) I'll certainly take their observations into consideration, but (as Pod suggests) I reserve the right to discern whether or not that resonates with me.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
But when you are awake, or "higher up in the food chain" so to speak, you cannot depend on an event or anyone else to fix your suffering. You gotta do that. You find out who you are, what your purpose is, and you fulfil it, and all the other worries become insignificant.
You can simple just accept "suffering" and JUST BE,mind cant help everytime on "higher" levels !
Also you can ask yourself Who suffer?
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But I feel people say "you can do this" but they don't and they want to depend on the "Event" to take it all away...

I know you can ask yourself who is the is that suffers BUT you won't get any further doing that. That path leads to nihilism because if you just realize it's not "you" that suffers then it isn't you that feels ANYTHING then life becomes pointless.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
That path leads to nihilism because if you just realize it's not "you" that suffers then it isn't you that feels ANYTHING then life becomes pointless.
no,then you can become FREE,because you know yourself and you realize that you arent your mind ! and you can do EVERYTHING that you want,so life become full of JOY.But this must be truly yours inner discovery not just intellectual
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I went through that phase myself and it just lead to nihilism. I think it can go either way. But I also believe if you get stuck there, your other bodies (astral, etheric, etc) also stagnate, and it leads to stalling your light body development. I think this is why when I read people like Mooji, they don't feel very energetic to me. They have stagnated there.

You can either see that everything is pointless or that you are free. For me it went the negative way. Thankfully I got out of it...and failed to try and get a community of nihilists out of it too :/


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
This is the most precise and succinct description of our impending ascension from 4D to 5D that will be accomplished through a phase transition from the current carbon-based body to crystalline light body and a maximal expansion of our current limited 3D linear space-time consciousness due to the slow-functioning human brain to a multidimensional simultaneous awareness based on crystalline plasma superconductivity of the 5D quantum structure without even mentioning the word “ascension”, but only the synonym “shift”. Please observe that our crystalline light bodies are fully built and ready for this phase transition and we only wait for Gaia and humanity to reach the “tipping point” for this to occur
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This is the most precise and succinct description of our impending ascension from 4D to 5D that will be accomplished through a phase transition from the current carbon-based body to crystalline light body and a maximal expansion of our current limited 3D linear space-time consciousness due to the slow-functioning human brain to a multidimensional simultaneous awareness based on crystalline plasma superconductivity of the 5D quantum structure without even mentioning the word “ascension”, but only the synonym “shift”. Please observe that our crystalline light bodies are fully built and ready for this phase transition and we only wait for Gaia and humanity to reach the “tipping point” for this to occur
Without causing you offence, do you have your own thoughts?

Last week you said something along the lines of how the event will only occur once we lift the patriarchal system of oppression away from society, yet this link says

We want you to know that the freedom from limitation that we are talking about has nothing at all to do with money, borders, governments, or even the cabal/illuminati/whatever name they are being called in this moment. You will be the ones who lift the veil, and that will occur in the moment you truly recognize that you are infinite and eternal beings of light and love.

When you start living that truth in every moment, then nothing about your economy can keep you down. No chemtrail is strong enough to lower your vibration, and there is nothing that anyone can do, who is in one of those positions of power, that will be able to put the limitations back on you.
This directly conflicts with the information you gave in that post.

Are we limitless, or are we bound by societal norms? Which is it?

I was trying to help you above. Trying to make you see how depending on the event occuring is not the end to suffering...and you replied with basic "who is the one that..."

You speak of having to know, and not just know intellectually, yet you get triggered by things which would not occur if you were "free from the mind" as you put it. Again more conflicting statements.

I'm having a very hard time understanding you.

Maybe I should just stop trying.


The suffering I feel now trumps the suffering that pushed me to find answers within, to awaken. Sometimes I wish I was just ignorant because I suffer more seeing people in pain and not being able to help them, than I did with my own problems when I was not awake. A paradox, maybe?


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Without causing you offence, do you have your own thoughts?
I am just a messanger here!

Are we limitless, or are we bound by societal norms? Which is it?
You can choose...

I was trying to help you above. Trying to make you see how depending on the event occuring is not the end to suffering...and you replied with basic "who is the one that..."
You speak of having to know, and not just know intellectually, yet you get triggered by things which would not occur if you were "free from the mind" as you put it. Again more conflicting statements.
I'm having a very hard time understanding you.
Maybe I should just stop trying.
This is not basic,this is core question ! These channeled messages are different perspectives how shift will occur

"free from the mind" mean that you know yourself ! and you still can play games here but you know that you are beyond

Yes,stop trying understanding me, understand (know) yourself !

I suffer more seeing people in pain and not being able to help them
If you are awake,you dont need to choose suffering
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
So I take SOC as part of my team (sometimes) and at others I walk the path alone. Anyone who saw the Schumann Resonance graphs of the last week or so will have seen a wall of white energy on them. And I feel personally as if I have squeezed myself through the narrowest of gorges, and I wasn't sure if I was wearing quite the right shoes to do it, but because of my nature of forging forward, I did it anyway, and the squeeze was so tight it spat me out at the end. So I am still picking myself up from that.

Anyone else had this experience over the last few days/week?
Replied here Melt:
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