I just posted this on my Facebook page:
A level 4 Geomagnetic Storm is occurring right now as a result of the recent activity on the Sun. Ben Davidson, over on his Suspicious0bservers YouTube channel has determined that this may not the peak just yet, as there is a third CME to arrive, which he predicts is the largest of the three recent ones. Based on NOAA’s space weather scales, a G4 Geomagnetic Storm is the second highest, with G5 being the maximum. Their scale indicates that power systems will be disrupted with possible widespread voltage control problems and some protective systems will mistakenly trip out key assets from the grid. Spacecraft operations may experience surface charging and tracking problems, corrections may be needed for orientation problems. HF radio propagation will be sporadic. Satellite navigation should degrade for hours. Low-frequency radio navigation will be disrupted, and aurora will likely be seen as low as Alabama and northern California in the US.
I recently wrote a post about what the term means when an event on the sun is Earth facing, the comparison between yesterdays X9.3-class flare and the largest recorded — an X45-class back in 2003. I discussed the differences of the X45 with the Carrington Event of 1859, and what the differences are between a CME, solar flare and coronal hole, which you can find here;
As to the further effects of the solar energy, a range of things can occur. It does depend upon how directly earth facing they are. Generally speaking, they can impact communications from satellites to ground based communication (including not just distorting them, but damaging them); electronics can be damaged, and basically destroyed if they are strong enough; they are known to increase the risk of heart attacks/strokes; they create strong aurora on the poles; electrical surges can end up traveling along the power grids as a result leading to power blackouts and fuel leaks. The higher dose of radiation means those on the International Space Station need to take cover inside special areas built for this purpose on ISS. People in the air can end up having higher doses of radiation. Strandings of whales and dolphins do occur as a result (a recent study was released about this). Large scale weather events, earthquakes and possibly even volcanic eruptions can begin to manifest afterwards.
What I see as most important is that they impact people’s decision making, thoughts, emotions and consciousness in general. Sometimes it’s like an eclipse, an alignment of the planets, or full moon in terms of the way people may behave when the energy reaches Earth. I also see it as part of the changes going on, so it’s all connected into the spiritual growth of all life, but also DNA and cellular changes all over the planet, which is also connected into the shift in consciousness.
You can find the NOAA Space Weather Scale PDF right here:
Ben Davidson’s channel is a very helpful source to keep updated on the space weather and earth changes:
For general news on space weather,
www.spaceweather.com is a great site.
And to keep an eye on the current data surrounding the incoming energies, I use NOAA’s site here:
Also, while I am yet to get it, which I should, Ben Davidson has an app out which has real time alerts for space weather events. The Disaster Prediction App —