The Incoming Energies Thread (2 Viewers)

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I don't follow Openhand, but I read his input from emails now and then and have a couple of his books. He is a man for our times. The information at this url jumped out at me and resonated deeply. It is deep, amazing, scary and beneficent all at the same time. His understanding of the Universal Torus really puts me in the picture.

Shiva Graphic.jpg


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Thanks MELT, am on it.

Will explore and get beck to you.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Torus thread here

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Very accurate these days
I also have been drawing toruses since I received The Crystalline Light Body Activation on December 2020 and January 2021. Still in the Update of the Activation and the new one I have received in two downloads. It is part of the current energies coming from the Crystalline Grid.


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Jul 25, 2016
I don't follow Openhand, but I read his input from emails now and then and have a couple of his books. He is a man for our times. The information at this url jumped out at me and resonated deeply. It is deep, amazing, scary and beneficent all at the same time. His understanding of the Universal Torus really puts me in the picture.

View attachment 11177
Sat Shiva Yuga has begun. We've been in the transition period from Kali Yuga to Sat Yuga for some time, many decades, and are coming to the point of BAM! light everywhere. OM Namah Shivaya.

I love the torus woven with Shiva in this article. Thanks for sharing this post.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I love the torus woven with Shiva in this article. Thanks for sharing this post.
Yes, that torus depiction is really something and a great fit.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
This week has been very odd energy-wise. I feel like I have gone somewhere else. The brilliant accountant at work can't seem to spell his name or find the door. The receptionist said she felt dizzy and went unconscious at her desk. A couple of other non-awakened are really "out of it" and clearly struggling.

Now and then I have doubts about all of "this". And then... weeks like this come along.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
This week has been very odd energy-wise. I feel like I have gone somewhere else. The brilliant accountant at work can't seem to spell his name or find the door. The receptionist said she felt dizzy and went unconscious at her desk. A couple of other non-awakened are really "out of it" and clearly struggling.
Whoa - those were some reactions. Looking back to our earlier years - how many of us sought medical advice only to learn there was nothing wrong. Still we knew there was something going on, so we sought info elsewhere, which lead us to places like this. Perhaps there is another influx of people with questions on the horizon.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Now and then I have doubts about all of "this". And then... weeks like this come along.
No doubt there are powerful energies coming on to the planet. Thanks One65 for the affirmation of movement.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
This week has been very odd energy-wise. I feel like I have gone somewhere else. The brilliant accountant at work can't seem to spell his name or find the door. The receptionist said she felt dizzy and went unconscious at her desk. A couple of other non-awakened are really "out of it" and clearly struggling.

Now and then I have doubts about all of "this". And then... weeks like this come along.
I can't have doubts. It's so wild! But I'm glad there is circulation for you too.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Isn't is just beautiful. I read some where Melt that such a solar storm could knock out satellites and I thought "Good! There are thousands of them up there beaming down 5G. Start with those!"


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Isn't is just beautiful. I read some where Melt that such a solar storm could knock out satellites and I thought "Good! There are thousands of them up there beaming down 5G. Start with those!"
I agree, Pod. I also read somewhere that the 5g towers and satellites can be converted to tesla towers to broadcast free energy. I sure hope so.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I also read somewhere that the 5g towers and satellites can be converted to tesla towers to broadcast free energy
Had not heard that before, but I like it!
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Oh thank you for that Dear Pucksterguy! Perfect. It is what I have always known would happen.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Recently a question was posed about ascension symptoms. I recall several posts with lists, but as I thought more, I realized that it has become a whole life thing - changes in eating, drinking, cleaning, entertainment, friends, and family, sleep, dreams, the natural world - the list could go on. I've made changes all over my life because I wanted and/or needed to.

What is the end result? Well, my body is healthier, have less contact with the mainstream world, more attuned to what is going on the natural world around me, and so on. One sort of funny aspect is that I have great difficulty understanding what angry people are saying. I know they are speaking my language, but it sounds garbled as if it was another language - applies to people, as well as on tv.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
i tend to also hear not correctly in similar situations, a vibration thing i suppose

what was 4 years ago and what is now for me is hard to take in words, and still i have to learn to embody better
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
My meditations changed in 2012 - almost overnight. They had been more serious, with images and info about terrible changes, but they stopped, and I now believe it was a time line shift. Physically, it feels like rolling changes, as if I'm incorporating bits and pieces at a time.

Just about everyone here has the same experience of friends and family dropping away. I lost the majority of my friends, career, and income in a matter of weeks because I was no longer able to cope with that world. The large majority of my friends now are people here, most of whom I've never met in person.

There have been discussions here and there about why we are so spread out around the world, and we sense we are like lighthouses, bringing our talents where they are needed.

And those greys...... they can be little buggers, but it sounds like you made your point with them.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
time i no longer can say what happened when only what happened up to an degree, there were and still are people who life a few decades in the past in the head, those poor ones suffer a lot

luckilly i found shortly after my awakening this community and am ever gratefull for it

by going by my antennas there seems to be a big energy influx in beeing processed


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
I had a very strong dream this morning with a lot of thought provoking things in it. At the end of the dream I was walking down a dark hallway by myself buttoning up the top button of a dress shirt. I was wearing a tuxedo. I was preparing myself to come out into the light and be seen by many people. Something new, and I would be seen by many - and under scrutiny. (hence the tuxedo). Whatever it is, it is SOON. We are at the last moments. That point where we hold our breath for just a second before going on stage. The impression was quite strong, but I decided not to share it today. Maybe just mull it over for a while. Then I got a message in my Inbox from Lisa Gawlas, which really resonates with the feeling I had, and I was guided to share. Here are excerpts from her message:

"There is a major shifting coming up upon the earth. There is also a convergence of energy underway"

“There is a serious amount of energy building up inside the earth. It must be released outwards. This will cause a great shift on the earth. This is also when the massive convergence of energies will take place. (I ask, as always, when) “We do not know an exact time. Time is not stationary as we look at the earth. It comes from all directions, bends, blends and varies. Humans are hung up on time and it is too elusive in this grand awakening of the human species"

This is not another prediction of The Event, but I feel that something big is about to happen. It does not feel like the final chapter, but more like a major development in the plot.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
At the end of the dream I was walking down a dark hallway by myself buttoning up the top button of a dress shirt. I was wearing a tuxedo.
I have a pretty tuxedo suit - so I'm ready. Sooooooo ready.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I had a very strong dream this morning with a lot of thought provoking things in it. At the end of the dream I was walking down a dark hallway by myself buttoning up the top button of a dress shirt. I was wearing a tuxedo. I was preparing myself to come out into the light and be seen by many people. Something new, and I would be seen by many - and under scrutiny. (hence the tuxedo). Whatever it is, it is SOON. We are at the last moments. That point where we hold our breath for just a second before going on stage. The impression was quite strong, but I decided not to share it today. Maybe just mull it over for a while. Then I got a message in my Inbox from Lisa Gawlas, which really resonates with the feeling I had, and I was guided to share. Here are excerpts from her message:

"There is a major shifting coming up upon the earth. There is also a convergence of energy underway"

“There is a serious amount of energy building up inside the earth. It must be released outwards. This will cause a great shift on the earth. This is also when the massive convergence of energies will take place. (I ask, as always, when) “We do not know an exact time. Time is not stationary as we look at the earth. It comes from all directions, bends, blends and varies. Humans are hung up on time and it is too elusive in this grand awakening of the human species"

This is not another prediction of The Event, but I feel that something big is about to happen. It does not feel like the final chapter, but more like a major development in the plot.
I’ve had the feeling for some time that something is building up, like a volcano ready to blow its top, and recently it has become much stronger. It could happen any time, one minute going along as usual the next ‘ Bam ‘ and I think it will reverberate around the globe, maybe making people sit up and think and question.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I had a dream - was it only last night - where I heard 27 days, and when I checked how many days that was from here, it was 20th/21st June. Winter solstice in this part of the world. I love getting dream messages like that.

Like all of you, I don't think it is the big clanger to end all clangers. It is a major shift, a stair step (as Denise Le Fay explains it), an upwelling of energy as Alain puts it, a movement. It is the ocean pulling back before the wave crests.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I dreamed your words Melt!

This morning I think I dreamed I went to the beach with some friends (more a group of people, not close friends, I do not know who they were)

The sand was creamy white, the sea was blue and the sun was shining. It was so beautiful, I decided to go into the sea with my clothes on. Blue jeans and a purple 't' shirt.

Frolicking about I felt a wave coming and it was HUGE! I rode it as it lifted me high into the air. I was sort of standing at the crest of the wave looking down on everyone on the beach and waving.

I landed gently on the shore. I gave someone my phone and asked them to take a photo of me as I rode another wave but she did not seem very interested and although there were some more waves, none were very big.

Sea - May represent the unconscious. Putting out to sea therefore would symbolize exploring the unconscious. May be the mother symbol, either that of Mother Nature or your own mother. May symbolize the feminine, or any aspect of it (e.g intuition, receptiveness,). May symbolize creative potential.

In my dream experience, the beach is the divide between the conscious mind (land) and the unconscious (sea)

Here in the UK we are due to be released from our Covid shackles in our entirety on June 21st (interesting that TPTW chose the summer Solstice) There is some debate about whether the Indian , variant (I'll take mine with Naan bread and mango chutney) will delay this.

I love the 27. Christopher Maiklin advises the use of the Prayer for Protection with 27 Merkaba layers.

The Sceptre

This is an excellent, harmonious, and fortunate number of courage and
power, with a touch of enchantment.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
I am having old memories come up a lot again over the past few weeks. Things I haven't thought about for 40-50 years are coming into my awareness. Once I acknowledge them they are gone and don't come back. This happened last year for a period, and then stopped. This time it is many per day (much more often than last time). Pretty much any time I am able to relax and calm the mind something comes. It feels like a "life review".

Is this happening to anyone else?


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Is this happening to anyone else?
Yes, exactly as you described. Had something pop in this morning, which made me laugh because it was from so long ago. Don't recall it now because I knew I was done with it.
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Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
Is this happening to anyone else?
Yes, this has been happening for me almost exactly as you describe, except when I am off by myself doing menial chores instead of when I stop to relax, likely because I'm always in active kid company when I stop to relax. Happened last year for a while, and has certainly started back up again with more intensity. Sometimes I just get "transported" to a place from my past with no relation to my current time or place, or a similary unrelated situation. Sometimes it comes with more insight into the "whys". Other times it does not.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I had a waking dream about this concept. So glad you brought it up, One65.

Mine was in the form of flying alongside a butterfly (for me; the epitome of transformation from a caterpillar) as I viewed a series of scenes below me. They were far below so I had a sense of seeing them from above with some distance. As we passed each one we dipped our proboscis into each scene and drank in what was there to nourish and left the rest behind. I realized, as this was happening, that I, too, had become a butterfly. We must have passed tens of thousands of scenes at least, just so very many I couldn't even keep track of the order of magnitude anymore.

Then, as we were at the end of something I burst into a bright fire of white light and, I guess, transformed.
When I woke (in my dream) I was being given a ride back home and very gently, lovingly cared for as I slept for days and weeks and lifetimes, it seemed. I had so much to absorb. It was very much like the preceding part where I'd been a caterpillar, happily munching my weight in leaves daily and then cocooning for quite a while until I drew out of the cocoon, finding myself winged and able to fly.

I realize now that I don't yet know the ending to the story; what did I turn into? What does a butterfly (agent of transformation) become once transformed again?

Again, I find myself so very grateful to have this place to share these findings!
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
What does a butterfly (agent of transformation) become once transformed again?
That is a lovely dream. Except of course it wasn't a dream really. Your life in another reality perhaps?
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