The Incoming Energies Thread (3 Viewers)

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Rambling Companion
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Apr 21, 2021
The "separation" is well underway. Have you noticed how many spiritual/metaphysical sites and guides have gone away in the last year or so? Are you noticing a lot of people in your life drifting away? I sure am.
YES! This is what bothers me. I'm witnessing wonderful people going away and "3D" people disappearing from my life, but, from time to time, I still have to see situations that... please... You know? I don't want to be left behind, I don't want to "get off the train" "and stay in this frequency band to assist those who are lagging." Through QHHT I could forgive, through Reiki I send love and healing, through meditation I tap into my true Self, through veganism I express my love, empathy and respect for other beings, through few understanding on Quantum Physics I try to make a positive "blueprint" in the 'now' on behalf of the "address" Future, etc... If anyone has more ideas, I'm open to listen, because I'm running out of options here :)|
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thinking back to our winter event several months ago - we have supplies, we have tools, and we have knowledge about how to do things. All of that helped us and the others around us get through a difficult situation. If we think about our lives on spiritual and physical levels, it makes sense that we are prepared for whatever events come our way.

I try to make a positive "blueprint" in the 'now'
I think this is the crux of our lives - not only is it helpful for our own well-being, it is for those around us. Also, given some of the very odd things that have happened to and around me, I have faith that we know exactly what to do in any situation - know that just the right words that another needs to hear.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
I don't want to be left behind, I don't want to "get off the train" "and stay in this frequency band to assist those who are lagging."
If you feel strongly about changing your situation, set your intention to get you where you want to be. You are, after all, a powerful Creator being. :)
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I don't want to be left behind, I don't want to "get off the train" "and stay in this frequency band to assist those who are lagging."
For all those who feel themselves to be in a low, heavy frequency.

It is OK. I have been in a slow frequency for about a month now. It is a very "being" frequency" not a "doing" frequency. If I need to do something my frequency raises a little to accommodate me.

So many of us are grounding!!!! We need to ground, ground, ground in order to be able to hold the high frequencies that are incoming in the future. Whilst you are grounding you will be clearing. Me? I weep!

I get so fed up of people posting videos saying "Keep your frequency high" It is bollocks unless you are smoking heavily, or drinking heavily or eating crap food. If, like me, you are eating good food, not drinking and exercising when needed and still you are low then it is because you need to be. It is about clearing your "understanding" what you stand on. Don't fall for spiritual snobbery!

Let me tell you I had my first awakening experience in a prison cell with a cigarette and a cup of instant coffee.

Sounds like you need to clear fear Nara. You HAVE to trust your soul to take you through this. I know it is hard, I know it is very scary sometimes and most of all it is deeply sad to see our society in such a mess.

Someone said something quite wise to me yesterday; "I used to be able to look at society and use it's structure to centre myself and now I cannot" I thought it a very perceptive comment. Maybe that is why people like me have withdrawn from the world.

Hang on in there girl!
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
For all those who feel themselves to be in a low, heavy frequency.

It is OK. I have been in a slow frequency for about a month now. It is a very "being" frequency" not a "doing" frequency. If I need to do something my frequency raises a little to accommodate me.

So many of us are grounding!!!! We need to ground, ground, ground in order to be able to hold the high frequencies that are incoming in the future. Whilst you are grounding you will be clearing. Me? I weep!

I get so fed up of people posting videos saying "Keep your frequency high" It is bollocks unless you are smoking heavily, or drinking heavily or eating crap food. If, like me, you are eating good food, not drinking and exercising when needed and still you are low then it is because you need to be. It is about clearing your "understanding" what you stand on. Don't fall for spiritual snobbery!

Let me tell you I had my first awakening experience in a prison cell with a cigarette and a cup of instant coffee.

Sounds like you need to clear fear Nara. You HAVE to trust your soul to take you through this Nara. I know it is hard, I know it is very scary sometimes and most of all it is deeply sad to see our society in such a mess.

Someone said something quite wise to me yesterday; "I used to be able to look at society and use it's structure to centre myself and now I cannot" I thought it a very perceptive comment. Maybe that is why people like me have withdrawn from the world.

Hang on in there girl!
Having the same issues. Very low on energy and several times the last month migraines where I just have to lie down and close my eyes.
At that point I have to process a lot of negative energy, cut off a lot of points of energy losses. they are really energy attacks in my opinion.

a few days ago was the last time this happened and when I tuned in to my energy I felt dark energy flowing towards me from the sides and me pushing it vertically up and transforming it to neutral/good energy. So I was really doing a lot of cleanup when I was really low in energy in the 3D world. if you run a marathon you will be very tired. this does not mean you have a bad physical condition as the fact you ran it says you have a good condition. guess it is the same energy/frequency wise. a lot is asked from everyone at this point so feeling exhausted and low doesn't mean you frequency is low.

another point I notice is that I should cut off from the media as every news article is another blow but on the other hand we live in a certain world and you need to know what is going on to anticipate but this is really draining. We are going downhill really fast in losing all fundamental right a lot of people died for in WWII.
what scares me the most is not the fact that the media and government is doing it but the people. they seem to be under a spell just as they were during other times in history when atrocities have been done against humanity.
cutting off from the world and grounding/meditating is needed sometimes.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Having the same issues. Very low on energy and several times the last month migraines where I just have to lie down and close my eyes.
Geez Bert!

I have had leg ache. Serious leg ache in my right leg from hip downwards. And as the leg ache comes (at night when I want to sleep, never through the day) I weep and slowly it dissipates.

Almost gone now.

Last night I dreamed that a wise man asked a group of people how their energies were and I said "Low, so low sometimes, heavy but peaceful" and the wise man to me "That is the right path, you got it girl"

I have a Dear friend coming this afternoon to stay the night and tomorrow I am off to her house for a few days. Curious to see how my energies respond!

Returning the star to you Bert. Thanks for honestly detailing your pain so that others may find comfort and support.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
YES! This is what bothers me. I'm witnessing wonderful people going away and "3D" people disappearing from my life, but, from time to time, I still have to see situations that... please... You know? I don't want to be left behind, I don't want to "get off the train" "and stay in this frequency band to assist those who are lagging."
Nara, I had a lucid dream this morning that I feel may help you a little. But reading Pod's message above, she kind of beat me to it. Trust your soul... At the moment that is very difficult, I know. Believe you are where you are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing - and what you are FEELING is part of where you are "supposed" to be at. I am writing this as much for myself as I am for you. I have also been feeling low-vibe too often... Feeling like I really don't want to be here anymore... Feeling "done". But... we really are in uncharted territory here. Vibrationally and energetically we are in a wilderness. It *should* feel strange because we have never been here before!

Three years ago I was able to speak directly to my chakras (and they would answer), have out-of-body experiences, and get so high vibrationally that people wouldn't see me. Now... I feel very out-of-sorts almost all the time. Most of those experiences aren't possible right now. A part of me tells me that I have done something wrong, but another part of me assures me I am EXACTLY WHERE i AM SUPPOSED TO BE. Instead of floating through my days in bliss (but avoiding people) I am now standing shoulder to shoulder with people "in the low vibe trenches" (so to speak) and doing my best to be the Love/Light to the ones I used to avoid in order to keep my vibe high. That is most likely my Service at this time. I feel that a lot of those who are still here are in the same boat. We are doing exactly what we came to do. Mankind has never needed us more, and I am doing my best to remember that. Oh - and I think we are all doing a damn fine job of what we are doing!

Your being here is immensely helpful and important right now. Give yourself a hug for all that you have - and still are - doing. But if you are "done", then I am pretty sure you have the power to change your situation.

In my dream this morning I was a horse. Every time I would try to gallop ahead someone would pull on the reigns (my Higher Self) and slow me down. The message to me (and possibly you) was to stay with the pack. You are needed here.

Hope that helps.

Have a great day!


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Two things

First, you all will love my latest Lindometer, which was a surprise to me but along the lines of what we are saying here.

Second, when Laron first considered this website, I had a vision of it being a valued historic record of how people lived and worked through these times. It is like a collection of diaries of specific and individual histories. There is nothing more valuable in understanding the realities of living right now. So, conversations like ours are very important - not only for us - but for others to understand.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
Is anyone else really struggling with the energy(s) over the past week or so? Something different is happening for sure. For me anyway.

I have been super-sensitive to everyone else's emotional state. It becomes my own. I seem to be directly tied to the Collective's body of pain, and I can't seem to get away from it. My Team will tell me it isn't mine but it takes an abnormal amount of meditation and breathing to get any relief from it. And... before you know it it is back on me. Like an enormous weight. I was close to wretching several times leading to the 21st. Today is mildly better, but - man - I am struggling. Can't focus on anything, and just feel energetically very crappy.

I had a lucid dream where I think I was shown that this is one of my main reasons for being here at this time. I am likely transmuting negative energy. I say "I think" and "likely" because the whole dream was disorienting and really matched my "altered state" that I am in.

Historically when I am going through something big energetically, there are also a bunch more of you out there going through the same. What say you people of the roundtable?

Oh - and happy holidays! Love, Light, and Blessings to you all!


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Is anyone else really struggling with the energy(s) over the past week or so? Something different is happening for sure. For me anyway.

I have been super-sensitive to everyone else's emotional state. It becomes my own. I seem to be directly tied to the Collective's body of pain, and I can't seem to get away from it. My Team will tell me it isn't mine but it takes an abnormal amount of meditation and breathing to get any relief from it. And... before you know it it is back on me. Like an enormous weight. I was close to wretching several times leading to the 21st. Today is mildly better, but - man - I am struggling. Can't focus on anything, and just feel energetically very crappy.

I had a lucid dream where I think I was shown that this is one of my main reasons for being here at this time. I am likely transmuting negative energy. I say "I think" and "likely" because the whole dream was disorienting and really matched my "altered state" that I am in.

Historically when I am going through something big energetically, there are also a bunch more of you out there going through the same. What say you people of the roundtable?

Oh - and happy holidays! Love, Light, and Blessings to you all!
I don’t think you are the only one, I keep feeling fidgety, can’t settle like waiting for a storm to break.
We know somethings coming, and it must be near because of how we are feeling .

With such strong energies and chaos running rampant throughout the world, no wonder we feel as we do , we’re sensitive so it affect us more than some.

You know all this of course, sometimes it’s good to hear others put it into words.

Happy holidays to you.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I'm all over the place. Some days I'm transmuting energies, as you do, and it is exhausting. The best things I figured out are a cup of tulsi rose tea and being outside. I get the fidgets, too, and a couple of days ago, I had to stop my trip to the grocery store because I just could not bear it one minute more. If we are still getting up every day and putting one foot in front of the other, then we are doing Ok.

Sending warm holiday wishes to you all, too.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Is anyone else really struggling with the energy(s) over the past week or so? Something different is happening for sure. For me anyway.

I have been super-sensitive to everyone else's emotional state. It becomes my own. I seem to be directly tied to the Collective's body of pain, and I can't seem to get away from it. My Team will tell me it isn't mine but it takes an abnormal amount of meditation and breathing to get any relief from it. And... before you know it it is back on me. Like an enormous weight. I was close to wretching several times leading to the 21st. Today is mildly better, but - man - I am struggling. Can't focus on anything, and just feel energetically very crappy.

I had a lucid dream where I think I was shown that this is one of my main reasons for being here at this time. I am likely transmuting negative energy. I say "I think" and "likely" because the whole dream was disorienting and really matched my "altered state" that I am in.

Historically when I am going through something big energetically, there are also a bunch more of you out there going through the same. What say you people of the roundtable?

Oh - and happy holidays! Love, Light, and Blessings to you all!
I do plenty of this. Sounds like you've really been hit by a truck.
It's getting far easier it seems ... though having said that, there's always something! It has been one thing after another over here.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
I recognize your description very well.
when it hits me I will have something like a migraine and the only thing I can do is get into bed and close my eyes.
And the only solution is indeed transmuting all the energy that sticks to you.
I have this for some time now and it comes and goes in waves.

in the bad periods it doesn't seem to stop even with all the protection you put in place.
In my case I always need to look for point where they steal my energy. In my visualisation it is a bit like the matrix where you have tubes fittet to you that steal your energy. I mostly disconnect them and transmute it with purple flames. Sometimes I can see them following the tube until the "production installation" is consumed.

I also had a similar message from my guides. bringing light and transmuting energies.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
There are days One65 when I wonder what all the work and clearing of the last 30 years has been about???!!!!

I only survive by staying at home out of the way! I still weep a lot, it is my way of releasing.

Yesterday I sat with two women I thought I knew who were depressed about "the situation" and one of them started talking about "how if we only did the right things like hand sanitizers and mask wearing we would not need these new restrictions" and I was surprised at how utterly irritated I was by her stupidity.

Came home muttering all the way.

But I am also having times of total connection to something utterly loving. Swings and roundabouts.

Hang on in there!
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I can empathize with "nearly retching". I actually do retch. It only takes a smell, or even the thought of something can make me retch. Then I can go for 1-2 years without it, then suddenly that shows up again. I don't usually have a sensitive stomach but some situations just make me retch my guts out and only then I feel better.
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 21, 2018
I've been struggling with the incoming energies for a long while now, hence my lack of posting in recent months.

In the past, it was inner heat that had to be dealt with, occasionly some inner cold. The last few months, it seems to have been persistent inner cold (which is tolerable when the weather is milder) with occasional hot flushes of inner heat. The only way that I can describe it is to use a description that I have used elsewhere on this board - it's as though there is an etheric breeze continuously blowing over the etheric body.

As for the retching, I get that when I'm clearing something from my throat chakra, it doesn't happen very often though.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Is anyone else really struggling with the energy(s) over the past week or so? Something different is happening for sure. For me anyway.

I have been super-sensitive to everyone else's emotional state. It becomes my own. I seem to be directly tied to the Collective's body of pain, and I can't seem to get away from it. My Team will tell me it isn't mine but it takes an abnormal amount of meditation and breathing to get any relief from it. And... before you know it it is back on me. Like an enormous weight. I was close to wretching several times leading to the 21st. Today is mildly better, but - man - I am struggling. Can't focus on anything, and just feel energetically very crappy.

I had a lucid dream where I think I was shown that this is one of my main reasons for being here at this time. I am likely transmuting negative energy. I say "I think" and "likely" because the whole dream was disorienting and really matched my "altered state" that I am in.

Historically when I am going through something big energetically, there are also a bunch more of you out there going through the same. What say you people of the roundtable?

Oh - and happy holidays! Love, Light, and Blessings to you all!

well there are surely a few persons i know who tend to overreact even more than they did a sign of intensification, i for myself am trown in all directions enclosed in a storm but that is also partly my own fault, i had also a few days my ears were more tuned like a dog than human by beeing hypersensible to loud sounds

if i don t do the gpc of soc and my evening oil routine my nights could have me less restfull than they were

well i have of what to balance at home no easy job
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
In the past, it was inner heat that had to be dealt with, occasionly some inner cold. The last few months, it seems to have been persistent inner cold (which is tolerable when the weather is milder) with occasional hot flushes of inner heat. The only way that I can describe it is to use a description that I have used elsewhere on this board - it's as though there is an etheric breeze continuously blowing over the etheric body.
I used to be well adapted. not hot or cold but lately I'm also feeling cold a lot to the point that it sometimes worries me.
I sometimes really need to soak up heat.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
I forgot to mention the body temperature thing. Thanks for everyone for bringing that up! I can't seem to soak up enough heat either. I can be in an extremely warm place wearing thick clothing, and not feel overly warm. This is not normal for me.

It really is helpful to hear everyone else's experiences. I knew I wouldn't be the only one. I can honestly say that this is the most sensitive I have ever been. And, I am also feeling fidgety. "Like a storm about to break"; thank you June. Well put. That is exactly what it feels like.

I have also withdrawn from posting, like Toller mentioned. I have decided that I am not putting any more energy into the "virus" discussions or situations. They have no place in my thoughts or attention anymore. My focus has become those around me, and ensuring they are okay. I am putting out as much Love and Light as I can muster.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
this is interesting, can be i am also in the cold club, a thing i cannot make so much sense so far but here it could be
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
One65 Same here. I got angry for no reason for a few days. Work was going well, I wasn't stressed, wasn't hungry, I just just agitated. Then it was my turn to do a sermon at church (they are very open-minded). So something in my mind said do a sermon on empaths. So I did. One of the signs of an empath is they often take in the emotions of others without realizing it. It was a big hint for me and I missed it at first.

Odd how things just work out when I actually listen to my guides! :)


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
Maybe it’s the new balance of yin and Yan cause im always cold but getting warmer


Roaming Contributor
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Jul 28, 2016
I have been cooler than normal too. But when I exercise, feeling warmer than usual very quickly.

I also have been experiencing a whole ton of vertigo and dizziness lately.
As well as the emotional junk and in general feeling off and not really here.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
Is it just me, or has the feeling of chaos in the world cranked up a notch or two in the last week or so? It feels like chaos-on-fast-forward. No other way to describe it.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
It feels like chaos-on-fast-forward.
Yes, but it feels disconnected at the same time - much like a toddler throwing a tantrum - creates a mess that is easily cleaned up - of course, it does feel as though there are thousands of toddlers on the loose.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
so by what is written it can be also formulated like

what once had a form of power is cracking up and cannot hold together anymore

had an event this morning i was best if i cast a protection as it affected me downwards for good an hour, i see it like that, protect more and know trully what is wanted, message of 2022


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
very important awareness - when to step aside, protect, and let it pass
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
According to Sophia Love's last few blog posts, we are in the eye of the storm and things will go by us so fast that we will barely have time to discern what is happening. It sure feels like that to me. Like a very bumpy road, energetically speaking. Hard to keep your bearings straight. She (well One actually) says we are basically along for the ride at this point. Makes sense.

I had a strange moment the other day when i read about Russia moving into the Ukraine. I heard a voice saying something like :"IT is beginning to happen". And a "knowing" that this is one of the pivotal moments in humanities ascension path. Then I was reminded of MaryAnn's list. That war will be declared and it will be over before anything major happens. It was one of the milestones.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
i have the impression the perception of time took even a notch more of speed

russia a land with a lot of hidden things, he is after all far from a dump person so i hope it is this milestone, it is only the poor locally that have the hardest on such short things

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