Info Vaccines for COVID: Origins, Loss if Civil Liberties, Theories & Info (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand

3 Science-Based Reasons Why Many Parents Won’t Vaccinate Their Children Against COVID
  • The Facts:
    • The chances of a child contracting severe COVID is very low.
      • The chances of a child being hospitalized and/or dying from a COVID infection is extremely low.
      • Children are among the poorest spreaders of COVID compared to people of older age.
  • Reflect On:
    Why is science that calls into question measures like vaccine mandates for children completely unacknowledged within the mainstream? Why isn't there an appropriate discussion happening?
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Just sticking this here as I'm not sure if I ever posted it:

I came across this a while back now. A nurse in Slovakia, on video, claimed that 30% of the C maxxines were placebo.

Of course, that is just for one shot. Future shots for those individuals may not be.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Repost from a registered nurse: “If you are thinking about getting a Covid vaccination, I hope you read this first! If you're going to inject something into your body, do it with your eyes open. Do your own research if necessary, but at least be informed!

Below are the thoughts of Frank Schallenberger, MD regarding the Covid 19 vaccine.

Dear Patients and friends,

Last week I must have been asked 20 times about the new COVID vaccines. Here are my thoughts. Please pass this informatiion onto many as you can. People need to have fully informed consent when it comes to injecting foreign genetic material into their bodies.

1. The COVID vaccines are mRNA vaccines. mRNA vaccines are a completely new type of vaccine. No mRNA vaccine has ever been licensed for human use before. In essence, we have absolutely no idea what to expect from this vaccine. We have no idea if it will be effective or safe.

2. Traditional vaccine simply introduce pieces of a virus to stimulate an immune reaction. The new mRNA vaccine is completely different. It actually injects (transfects) molecules of synthetic genetic material from non-humans sources into our cells. Once in the cells, the genetic material interacts with our transfer RNA (tRNA) to make a foreign protein that supposedly teaches the body to destroy the virus being coded for. Note that these newly created proteins are not regulated by our own DNA, and are thus completely foreign to our cells. What they are fully capable of doing is unknown.

3. The mRNA molecule is vulnerable to destruction. So, in order to protect the fragile mRNA strands while they are being inserted into our DNA they are coated with PEGylated lipid nanoparticles. This coating hides the mRNA from our immune system which ordinarily would kill any foreign material injected into the body. PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been used in several different drugs for years. Because of their effect on immune system balance, several studies have shown them to induce allergies and autoimmune diseases. Additionally, PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been shown to trigger their own immune reactions, and to cause damage to the liver.

4. These new vaccines are additionally contaminated with aluminum, mercury, and possibly formaldehyde. The manufacturers have not yet disclosed what other toxins they contain.

5. Since viruses mutate frequently, the chance of any vaccine working for more than a year is unlikely. That is why the flu vaccine changes every year. Last year’s vaccine is no more valuable than last year’s newspaper.

6. Absolutely no long term safety studies will have been done to ensure that any of these vaccines don’t cause the cancer, seizures, heart disease, allergies, and autoimmune diseases seen with other vaccines. If you ever wanted to be guinea pig for Big Pharma, now is your golden opportunity.

7. Many experts question whether the mRNA technology is ready for prime time. In November 2020, Dr. Peter Jay Hotez said of the new mRNA vaccines, "I worry about innovation at the expense of practicality because they [the mRNA vaccines] are weighted toward technology platforms that have never made it to licensure before.” Dr. Hotez is Professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Virology & Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine, where he is also Director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development.

8. Michal Linial, PhD is a Professor of Biochemistry. Because of her research and forecasts on COVID-19, Dr. Linial has been widely quoted in the media. She recently stated, "I won't be taking it [the mRNA vaccine] immediately – probably not for at least the coming year. We have to wait and see whether it really works. We will have a safety profile for only a certain number of months, so if there is a long-term effect after two years, we cannot know."

9. In November 2020, The Washington Post reported on hesitancy among healthcare professionals in the United States to the mRNA vaccines, citing surveys which reported that: "some did not want to be in the first round, so they could wait and see if there are potential side effects", and that "doctors and nurses want more data before championing vaccines to end the pandemic".

10. Since the death rate from COVID resumed to the normal flu death rate way back in early September, the pandemic has been over since then. Therefore, at this point in time no vaccine is needed. The current scare tactics regarding “escalating cases” is based on a PCR test that because it exceeds 34 amplifications has a 100% false positive rate unless it is performed between the 3rd and 5th day after the first day of symptoms. It is therefor 100% inaccurate in people with no symptoms. This is well established in the scientific literature. If you go to the CDC site you can see that the weekly death rates in the US are now lower than they normally are during an average flu season.

11. The other reason you don’t need a vaccine for COVID-19 is that substantial herd immunity has already taken place in the United States. This is the primary reason for the end of the pandemic.

12. Unfortunately, you cannot completely trust what you hear from the media. They have consistently got it wrong for the past year. Since they are all supported by Big Pharma and the other entities selling the COVID vaccines, they are not going to be fully forthcoming when it comes to mRNA vaccines. Every statement I have made here is fully backed by published scientific references.

13. I would be very interested to see verification that Bill and Melinda Gates with their entire family including grandchildren, Joe Biden and President Trump and their entire families, and Anthony Fauci and his entire family all get the vaccine.

14. Anyone who after reading all this still wants to get injected with the mRNA vaccine, should at the very least have their blood checked for COVID-19 antibodies. There is no need for a vaccine in persons already naturally immunized.

Here's my bottom line: I would much rather get a COVID infection than get a COVID vaccine. That would be safer and more effective. I have had a number of COVID positive flu cases this year. Some were old and had health concerns. Every single one has done really well with natural therapies including ozone therapy and IV vitamin C. Just because modern medicine has no effective treatment for viral infections, doesn’t mean that there isn’t one available."

~ Frank Schallenberger, MD


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Hospitals Filling with COVID Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
"This experience by a resident in the Hunter Region, NSW, Australia, is about her visit to a Newcastle trauma hospital which was full of COVID vaccine injuries. From what she could tell, including information from medical staff, no one had COVID. She witnessed people dying from the jab in front of her among many others with a variety of health problems resulting from it.

This is an excellent eyewitness testimony of the genocide taking place with these vaccines. Please share. (Note this is not easy to read for the sensitive people out there.)

I’ve personally been seeing more and more stories like this, which continues to build on a narrative showing that the pandemic is not COVID, but the vaccinated. The truth is coming out. Do not get those vaccines. Hold the line."


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Things are getting worse here in New Zealand. I really on't believe these numbers in the article. The Government says 85% of the eligible population here has had the first vaccine... I know a lot of people who haven't had it here.



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
The Government says 85% of the eligible population here has had the first vaccine
Thinking about the ending of the movie - Invasion of the Body Snatchers when Donald Sutherland realizes he is alone.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
This is in my opinion the main reason that they don't mandate vaccines on government level.
If you mandate something you are accountable for what you mandate.
now they pester peolple into taking the vaccine and can still say you had a free choice, so no accountability for the government at that point.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
The fear of creating and living in a dystopian world is certainly conjured up by such moves / procedures / laws. However, as fast as the old paradigm is crumbling, dropping to the floor, and proceeding on its downhill gravity ride to the sub-basement, the new is a-building just a few steps ahead, as we stride purposefully towards it.

I was able to tell a Scottish nurse whose brother's name in Celtic means "Bridge" that humanity is the bridge between unconscious and superconscious. I think she "got it".
  • Insightful Post
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia

California to introduce mandatory Covid-19 vaccination for schoolchildren, in nationwide first
Under a new mandate by Governor Gavin Newsom, California will require all eligible schoolchildren to be vaccinated against Covid-19. The order is the first of its kind in the US, and will affect millions of kids. “Our schools already require vaccines for measles, mumps and more,” Newsom tweeted on Friday. “Why? Because vaccines work. This is about keeping our kids safe & healthy.”
Or to translate from 1984-speak into real talking: Unvaccinated spouses on employee's benefit plans, meaning whatever benefits the insurance is deemed to give you, are interfering with our "kill you" plans.

Look at the benefits you are actually receiving from the insurance, and what the payment for that looks like now.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
They've lost my business.

And QANTAS has forever lost mine (even if they become the only player left) since that arse-wit CEO early-mandated double-vaccines for staff, and the deadline has since passed, and pilots and workers alike have been dropped out of life-long careers. Never will I hop aboard a friggin' jumping kangaroo ever again - never!
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I am sorry to announce our State Premier has gone where politics and staying in power would force him to go:

I for one, fall into the 3rd group of mandates, and will drop out of a job on the deadline rather than be pushed into the pipeline of fear. I can even live without social welfare (dole) if necessary due to cutting back and enough prepping to get by for a while. If all goes as Clif High says, I don't think this state of affairs will last too long. Maybe not even through to March next year (2022).

The mistake unaware normies make, is that they expect life to "return to normal" or what their normal was, pre-COVID. That is never going to happen. People need to make adjustments to their expectations of life and living (even of holding onto life). We all have more resources than we know, and more stamina than we know. Recent history tells us millions have suffered way more than anything we are likely to experience, but many still survived.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
This is in my opinion the main reason that they don't mandate vaccines on government level.
If you mandate something you are accountable for what you mandate.
now they pester peolple into taking the vaccine and can still say you had a free choice, so no accountability for the government at that point.
Sorry, my government just did it. In Australia, everybody thinks everything must be government-regulated. Which is a sick way to run a society. It will change, it has to.
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