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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
eclipse scorpio 2Laron_Vincent_Van_Gogh_ins.png

Today the Sun is conjunct Saturn at 22 degrees Pisces, while Mercury is conjunct Rx Venus in 8 degrees Aries.

Globally Id say something from the warlike past is going to bring chickens home to roost and fast .

There are going to be some pretty important matters being discussed between two major world leaders with some lesser discussions from smaller players that will add to the results.

But it is the two main players that will decide what comes next. It looks like a plan even if not all agree on it but there will be a solution as a conjunction is much better than a square or an opposition in a global matter. This aspect of Sun and Moon brings structure to what appears as chaos world wide.

Venus Rx could be a sign of opposition from a political party that is anti.
This could all peak in two days at the time of the total Lunar eclipse, that could be the timing trigger for a major global event.

The Eclipse is what I really want to write about as this one happens on our 14th in Aust and the same for most of the world although there are some counties that will experience it late night on the 13th and see it too.

In NZ it is at 7 55 pm local time and where I am in Eastern Aust, it will be at 5 55 pm and will be earlier across the different time zones towards Perth .
Its being called a Blood Moon by some, not sure why as it is not Perigee just an Apogee a few days later which means the Moon is far from the Earth .
Still it should be a beautiful eclipse all the same.

Due to Saturn and the Sun being close it will be a Moon to remember I am sure, as Total eclipses even though only Lunar do make their mark and some of our world leaders have a total lunar prenatal eclipse.. This usually means there is an outgoing personality, someone who might be in the limelight quite a bit, a person who makes their mark in the world, often very talented too.

The eclipse degrees is 23 56 degrees so basically 24 degrees Virgo.
I notice that this one is in a square angle to Trumps birth Sag total lunar prenatal eclipse and his Sun and Moon , Nodes too but luckily it is trine to his MC so it could be a triumph for him, for him especially as the eclipse happens on Neptune in the USA chart almost exact. Neptune is near the USA MC which gives America its strong “soul” or spirit power.
In the USA chart, Neptune rules part of the countries home zone and when Neptune moves in the coming weeks into Aries, soon he will be sitting on USA’s IC bringing a spiritual/creative movement to the people.

And this will be a highly individualistic movement where people will be able to worship their own beliefs without persecution.
There is a new wave of individualistic creativity and spirituality coming to USA and to the rest of the world too.

I will write more about that in another post soon.

But obviously this total lunar eclipse has something to do with that!

And speaking of t r u m p he has not had a lot of personal joy since he became president according to his planets – its all been hard work with more to come, but Jupiter that brought him the presidency and then left him for a while, is returning by April to conjunct his Node and Sun and oppose his Moon, form a sextile his Mars by May so this will be very helpful to him and he might make more of an impression on his haters and be able to relax a little.

The dual influence of lovers and haters has been about Jupiter in that dual sign, but also due to Saturn that has been squaring his sign planets in Gemini from Pisces, for the last time in February and March right now from his 7th house . One would think its been very hard on his marriage and family life too.

Its lucky in his birth chart Saturn is next to Venus even though it is quincunx to his Moon . Also lucky Saturn is sextile to his Midheaven in his birth chart or he would not be President.
As it is he will likely step down for his family once the job is done.

But this Virgo total eclipse for him could cost him financially in a personal sense due to the square to his Sun and Moon .
Or it might mean a sacrifice due to Saturn as Saturn is forming the first square to his Sun as I write this.

For the rest of us, if we are Piscean or Virgos and have our sun near the 23/24 mark we could be in for quite a major turning point in our lives. Its on my MC and IC axis so I will keep you posted on that . Also Im Pisces Sun.

An eclipse is a time to throw away all we no longer need and sometimes this can be taken out of our hands due to the nature of an eclipse. It can and usually does bring something unexpected into out lives and this could be before, during or after.

Often also we have a quite different perspective on life after the event,
Virgo is traditionally about details and data , health, diet, science too in fact an there could be some major breakthroughs with health matters about now. In fact I have seen a few new cures coming up for Cancer (scientific breakthroughs) as Virgo is all about Science .
I saw interesting information about a new med available for eyesight for the elderly with the new injections being made available for everyone who needs it financially, as it was still being tested and very expensive before,

That’s interesting as Virgo is about our perception as well.
Many of us with Pisces or Virgo prominent in our life patterns may be having a health crisis of some sort that will have some solution as Eclipses break down stuck places physically- emotionally or mentally, spiritually too I would imagine

I think there will be breakthroughs world wide, announcements made fairly soon about global diet, our food supplies and sources, and more about certain medications. especially as Uranus prepares to leave Taurus His job will be done also in that department very soon.

Its also interesting that Mercury the lord of the eclipse will go backwards the day after the Eclipse at 9 degrees Aries which makes the Venus/Mercury aspect more potent.

Its very obviously that this Eclipse is telling us “timing is everything” so if we have had to be very patient indeed about something, we must understand that answers could be very near .
Mercury backwards will help us assimilate and process what the eclipses means for us and bring results from anything different or extreme we may be facing and hopefully celebrating in the coming days .

Mercury will be backwards until 6th April and by then would have gone back to Pisces which he conveniently does just as Neptune moves to Aries so when he returns with whatever info he needed to find – it will be a very different world for we Fish and Arians too PLUS the rest of the planet.

I will tell you more about Neptune into Aries very soo

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