Voter Fraud & The 2020 USA Election (1 Viewer)

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Involved Wayfarer
Nov 10, 2016
Texas, USA
Exactly, Linda; it doesn't really matter which member of the Uniparty gets in. There will be more violence, actually, if justice prevails and Trump rightfully takes the oath a second time because I would wager the mind-controlled Marxist BLM/Antifa brownshirts will go into a crazed rampage of burning, looting and murdering that will make the LA riots of the early 90s look like a walk in the park. On the Right, OTOH, the rage against the duplicitous RINOs will boil over, and hopefully lead to a huge tidal wave of primary challenges in 2022, which, presumably, Trump will support with rallies and tweets.

It will be fascinating to see what transpires amongst the Praetorian Guard media (NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, Twitter, Facebook, et. al.) who have bet the farm on Mr. Potato Head and his whore running mate. Will they just go on with "business as usual," pillaging Trump for another four years? Personally, I hope some kind of RICO suit is brought against these seditionists; the Project Veritas recordings of Zucker and his merry band of presstitutes provide conclusive proof of how "newsy" they really are. The rebel media outfits that have gained ground (Parler, Gab, OAN, Newsmax, RealAmericasVoice, etc.) will probably solidify their gains and alter the globalist media landscape forever.

All that being said, however, I still think the globalists will not allow a delay on the Great Reset, and I predict they will double down on Biden getting installed, and the compliant RINOs and Marxist Dems will fall in line. Notice how, in the recent Biden/Harris CNN interview, they were pushing for Trump to be at the inauguration , ostensibly "to unite the country," but in reality for his public humiliation. If the election goes to SCOTUS or the House, expect false flags, too.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Watching to see were this one goes -

Texas sues Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia for screwing up the election (my paraphrase). It goes directly to the Supreme Court.

Is this about getting a case about more provable issues (not the dominion machines) in front of the supremes that will affect a large number of states at once. If judges agree, then it goes back to state legislatures to name electors. Will legislators have an easier time because they did not have to fight their individual governors? All I have are questions about this case. Our governor is a straight arrow and friend of Trump, so I lean toward this being a coordinated move.

Certain officials in the Defendant States presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in voting. The Defendant States flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballot applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received, evaluated, and counted. Whether well intentioned or not, these unconstitutional acts had the same uniform effect—they made the 2020 election less secure in the Defendant States. Those changes are inconsistent with relevant state laws and were made by non-legislative entities, without any consent by the state legislatures. The acts of these officials thus directly violated the Constitution.



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Is this about getting a case about more provable issues (not the dominion machines) in front of the supremes that will affect a large number of states at once. If judges agree, then it goes back to state legislatures to name electors. Will legislators have an easier time because they did not have to fight their individual governors? All I have are questions about this case. Our governor is a straight arrow and friend of Trump, so I lean toward this being a coordinated move.
Found a little more info on the RedState site, which is definitely hard right, but you can get good info there if you read carefully.

An integral part of the suit is about the lack of equal protection within each state because voting rules were different from county to county. The supremes ruled on this in another case - wait for it - Bush V Gore.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Updated info in relation to what Linda posted:

Alabama supports Texas case before US Supreme Court alleging ‘unconstitutional’ election in four states
"Minutes after Louisiana backed Texas in challenging the presidential election results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin, Alabama signaled support for the case before the US Supreme Court as well. The “unconstitutional actions and fraudulent votes in other states not only affect the citizens of those states, they affect the citizens of all states,” Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall said on Tuesday afternoon."

Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
More on the Texas "leave" to bring suit before the Supreme Court. I have the benefit of having taken civics, where I learned how our government works. Seems like Kevin did, as well. For everyone else, I figure this is a complicated jumble. The following article does a pretty good job of explaining what Texas has done.

As one election law expert put it, the US constitution is effectively a contract between the 50 states, including how their president is elected, and Texas is claiming other parties broke parts of that contract. Texas is apparently now supported by Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Tennessee. Talk about a divided country. Perhaps not a surprise, the Supreme Court took the Texas case in expedited fashion, and has called for a response by 3PM Thursday.
Yes, it *is* a huge can of worms it is opening if it acts. Yet it is also a can of worms if it doesn’t act when Texas and other states claim:
“Our Country stands at an important crossroads. Either the Constitution matters and must be followed, even when some officials consider it inconvenient or out of date, or it is simply a piece of parchment on display at the National Archives. We ask the Court to choose the former.”
In short, this *might* be the most significant Supreme Court case since 2000, which notoriously decided the presidential election in Florida.
Of course, it does *not* mean the Court will rule for Texas – but them taking the case, rapidly, and calling for a response suggests they are taking it seriously. That is something the Twitterati were saying was inconceivable 24 hours ago. It could also explain why the Court denied emergency injunctive relief in Pennsylvania without dismissing the case: because the claim can be rolled into this larger one. We will soon get to hear what the Court has to say on the matter.

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Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
More on the Texas "leave" to bring suit before the Supreme Court. I have the benefit of having taken civics, where I learned how our government works. Seems like Kevin did, as well. For everyone else, I figure this is a complicated jumble. The following article does a pretty good job of explaining what Texas has done.

As one election law expert put it, the US constitution is effectively a contract between the 50 states, including how their president is elected, and Texas is claiming other parties broke parts of that contract. Texas is apparently now supported by Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Tennessee. Talk about a divided country. Perhaps not a surprise, the Supreme Court took the Texas case in expedited fashion, and has called for a response by 3PM Thursday.
Yes, it *is* a huge can of worms it is opening if it acts. Yet it is also a can of worms if it doesn’t act when Texas and other states claim:

In short, this *might* be the most significant Supreme Court case since 2000, which notoriously decided the presidential election in Florida.
Of course, it does *not* mean the Court will rule for Texas – but them taking the case, rapidly, and calling for a response suggests they are taking it seriously. That is something the Twitterati were saying was inconceivable 24 hours ago. It could also explain why the Court denied emergency injunctive relief in Pennsylvania without dismissing the case: because the claim can be rolled into this larger one. We will soon get to hear what the Court has to say on the matter.

I had a US history class in junior high where we had to do a huge project dissecting the Constitution, word for word, and explaining why/what each section is from/for. It was a huge undertaking. That was my civics lesson on the US federalist republican government. Talk about a 200+ page dissertation with maps, charts, graphs, pictures, etc. - in junior high.

The cool part was it also forced us to appreciate the beauty of the system since we also had to compare/contrast with Magna Carta/English system/constitutional monarchy/religious monarchies/Roman/Greek/etc. Especially the part about "peaceful transition" process. Makes one appreciate the independence of the Supreme Court/judiciary system and its importance in enforcing the "law of the land."

This lawsuit is highly likely to succeed, because the states can't unilaterally and arbitrarily change election "count dates", as well as "vote metrics and systems". If that were the case, elections would last months and never end, and votes can be faked forever since they can basically be digital.
Coupled with the "vote count replication" issue above in Georgia, makes it glaringly obvious the Dominion system was used to manipulate vote counts (also, the system was accessed remotely in real-time during the elections - this is mentioned in many places, including the Germany/Spain server situation).

The interesting thing is... here in CA, it throws into doubt what happened in the last governor election. GOP John Cox was leading on election night, and the next morning, Newsom does the "Biden jump" and wins. Same with lots of local CA elections. GOPers were leading.... then "Biden jump" overnight, Dems won.

I bet lots of people are starting to wonder if they actually won their elections in years past.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
The cool part was it also forced us to appreciate the beauty of the system since we also had to compare/contrast with Magna Carta/English system/constitutional monarchy/religious monarchies/Roman/Greek/etc. Especially the part about "peaceful transition" process. Makes one appreciate the independence of the Supreme Court/judiciary system and its importance in enforcing the "law of the land."
I was in a conversation on this subject, and we all agreed that the founding fathers were brilliant - almost to the point of wondering if there was some "extra help" (but I don't want to hijack the thread on that subject). Sadly, civics no longer is taught in our schools. I imagine it may be the same in other countries, as well.

The idea of vote manipulation is popping up here, even though we don't have Dominion machines. There was a proposition that passed that will raise our property taxes quite a bit - into perpetuity. As I talk with people, I've found no one who voted for it, and they all report the same. So, how did it pass - questions are being asked, which is a good thing.

I think The Biden Jump will become an idiom.
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Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
I was in a conversation on this subject, and we all agreed that the founding fathers were brilliant - almost to the point of wondering if there was some "extra help" (but I don't want to hijack the thread on that subject). Sadly, civics no longer is taught in our schools. I imagine it may be the same in other countries, as well.

The idea of vote manipulation is popping up here, even though we don't have Dominion machines. There was a proposition that passed that will raise our property taxes quite a bit - into perpetuity. As I talk with people, I've found no one who voted for it, and they all report the same. So, how did it pass - questions are being asked, which is a good thing.

I think The Biden Jump will become an idiom.
That was part of the project. We found out that the Founding Fathers took every history lesson available and created the most 'sadistic, bickering-laden' (Legislative Branch), yet superbly brilliant system of government (Executive Branch to keep Legislative in check, Judicial Branch to babysit everyone and make sure they F-o-l-l-o-w the rules they made themselves), since it forced everyone to slowly walk and discuss through every proposal, and coming to a compromise, instead of resulting in mob rule ramming proposals through, leading to French Revolution-style revolts.

True. Vote manipulation has become the talk of the town everywhere, as long as people aren't brainwashed by MSM like they are in LA, Hollywood, Sillycon Valley, NYC, Seattle, etc.
The commercial property tax "increase" didn't pass in CA, so that was an interesting surprise.

HahA.. I should TM "Biden Jump" now... lol...


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
Here’s the link on Metallicman’s site:

My take on why I think this rapid decline in US population is likely rests on the following circumstantial evidence:

a) historical precedents of what happened in other countries where one segment of the population is demonized with impunity while totalitarian ideologies gain acceptance. In our case it is white males and the rise of the SJWs. Examples include various demographics in Nazi Germany (Jews, Gypsies, chronically sick, queers), Tutsis in Rwanda, Cambodia, Gulag period of the Soviet Union, and Mao’s Cultural Revolution.
b) rise in income inequality and inability of younger generation to gain social mobility (French Revolution).
c) divided populace who basically want to kill each other (Civil War).
d) Fourth Turnings are always accompanied by stacks of bodies (Revolutionary War, Civil War, Great Depression/WWII).
e) a spark that lights the dynamite; in our case, this stolen election along with the stress of a phony virus.
f) Georgia Guidestones prophecy that ideal population should be 500 MM (predictive programming).
g) elite Davos types and globalists pushing for a Great Reset which would necessitate guns being confiscated here in the US. Historically, gun grabbing always precedes totalitarian take over. A crisis would be necessary to pull this off, and Biden’s lockdown would probably suffice.

There are probably many more, but that’s just off the top of my head.
I did read the fourth turning and I do think it is a good basis for opening up the discussion to be less for and against and more research based. On this forum research based is a wide inclusive term for investigating with all that is available to us.
From what is available to me, I gather Trump and co are purely impressive in how unrefined they come across. It is so interesting how one would trust them to be able to get out of their own way enough to create anything, anything that is not purely of and for themselves. Very questionable as to any visionary leadership we are not purely projecting onto them. Chaos - sure, I see it, after all so many of us are preoccupied with fatalistic futures.

I guess what excites me regardless of persuasion would be autonomy. Who these days has the autonomous inclination to lead for a balanced collective outcome ? To clarify balance : not as in killing of the population you are elected to govern. :)
Obviously fascist would argue balance as management and the reason to kill of populations. In a time of presidential language low grabs and neo nazis doing yoga - the old has new meanings.

I see your point of dependency and what happens when the welfare check does not come. It is a major vulnerability. Dependency always is isn’t it. I for one would not reveal any vulnerability if I was ever alone with and dependent on Joe Biden or Trump. After all reasonable doubt or confession is purely a lipstick pig isn’t it.
Speaking of, I appreciate your take that the “white man” is undergoing a demonization and I see it too, much like the Catholic Church - the bad ones are really unimaginably bad which really ruins it for the good ones.

I think we should consider the possibility that the fourth turning was written inside a structure of thinking that suffers from its own limitation which is always a risk within a discipline. It wants to give us an insight to A future, not THE future. THE future - is created on the basis of the decisions we make right now - which gives both you and me and everyone on this forum a big work load to avoid preconceived notions, like the Marxist.

The positive is this struggle we can fight today in every situation offered - by balancing our own fight or flight mode and defense mechanisms. This is the fight of the people to train to react or not - constructively for more than our own survival.

So constructively consider a future where the enslaved might not repeat the ways of their masters but find their own way. Soldiers might put down their weapons and find freedom through non violence, and victims might come out of their victim hood to be hopeful and empowered. This is already happening everyday.
It could be what we see is the final purger in a transitioning into inventive new ways of co existing that isn’t curated, but just alive.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
17 states file SCOTUS brief backing Texas challenge to Biden ‘victory’ in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin
"Seventeen US states have officially backed the Texas complaint to the US Supreme Court alleging that four states that certified the presidential election for Democrat Joe Biden mismanaged them in violation of the US Constitution. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt led his colleagues from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia in filing the amicus brief to the US Supreme Court on Wednesday. The amici “have a strong interest in ensuring that the votes of their own citizens are not diluted by the unconstitutional administration of elections in other States,” says the 30-page brief, adding that when other bodies in those states encroach on the authority of their legislatures – the only ones constitutionally entrusted with elections – “they threaten the liberty, not just of their own citizens, but of every citizen of the United States who casts a lawful ballot in that election.”"
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Involved Wayfarer
Nov 10, 2016
Texas, USA
From what is available to me, I gather Trump and co are purely impressive in how unrefined they come across. It is so interesting how one would trust them to be able to get out of their own way enough to create anything, anything that is not purely of and for themselves. Very questionable as to any visionary leadership we are not purely projecting onto them
Judging from the amount of enthusiasm he has been able to generate, I would characterize this comment as snobbery. Trump has accomplished a significant amount of positive changes, even with the headwinds of a media shriekometer cranked on 11 24/7 (Russia! Russia! Russia!), as well as having RINOs, Democrats and the Deep State all working against him (a nomenclature which is now a part of the conversation thanks to the president, for the most part). Other successes include:
a) delegitimizing the mockingbird media as "fake news"
b) legalizing hemp
c) recognizing the CCP as a significant threat to national security, rather than kowtowing to them as in previous administrations
d) calling out the "global warming" hoax
e) inspiring a populist political realignment as evidenced by his receiving the most Hispanic and Black votes of any GOP candidate since 1960
f) lowering taxes for middle class Americans

However, most of these successes are canceled by his lack of leadership on the phony pandemic and his continued pushing of a dangerous vaccine.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I was thinking about the differences in delivery between Trump and Obama - not the message, just the delivery. I searched for a way to bring my life experience to the observation and did not have to go far. Having spent many years in commercial real estate and finance, I've come across honest and corrupt people. Many of the corrupt ones had such a smooth way of talking - drawing you in - but something inside me sensed the falseness of their words. Then there were some more plainly spoken types, who often were not very PC (almost all the time, I was the only woman in the group). My instincts were to let the words roll away - their presentation was just who they were - no artifice. What I learned was to get a sense of the deeper message and not the surface presentation. (True story - once I was in meeting with a developer, who was supposed to give me copies of financial and building data. He sent a clerk to copy the files. Later, as I looked at the pages, there was one group xeroxed with a sticky note that said not to give these to me. - lol).
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Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
I was thinking about the differences in delivery between Trump and Obama - not the message, just the delivery. I searched for a way to bring my life experience to the observation and did not have to go far. Having spent many years in commercial real estate and finance, I've come across honest and corrupt people. Many of the corrupt ones had such a smooth way of talking - drawing you in - but something inside me sensed the falseness of their words. Then there were some more plainly spoken types, who often were not very PC (almost all the time, I was the only woman in the group). My instincts were to let the words roll away - their presentation was just who they were - no artifice. What I learned was to get a sense of the deeper message and not the surface presentation. (True story - once I was in meeting with a developer, who was supposed to give me copies of financial and building data. He sent a clerk to copy the files. Later, as I looked at the pages, there was one group xeroxed with a sticky note that said not to give these to me. - lol).
Recall when Donna Brazile admitted that Hillary got debate questions in advance and screened before each debate in 2016? This is why Obama looked so polished every time, as did Hillary. Trump had trouble coming up with cogent answers on the spot, just like any of us. Even Ted Cruz, a champion debater, would pause at times during the Republican primaries.

MSM was in bed with the Democrats and the Deep State.

This is precisely why Trump understood he had to do crazy things during this year's debates - to throw Biden off script and off pace. Biden's true face came through during both debates, especially with his "destroy the oil and gas industry" statement.

Here's my take - polished well-spoken people tend to have lots to hide, because they need to create a seamless narrative to cover their crimes. Look at how many Hollywood dignitaries lost their masks once their real faces came through in IG, FB, Twitter. Weinstein is a great example.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Believe it or not - Arizona just joined and now it is 18.
The President of the USA and the Speaker and Majority Leader of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, also joined.
Dang - Pennsylvania!?!

Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
The President of the USA and the Speaker and Majority Leader of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, also joined.
Dang - Pennsylvania!?!
They probably got enough calls from the voting population that they realize their butts are on fire if they don't contest the election.
The Governor, Lt. Governor and Sec of State have been shown to be in cahoots with either China indirectly, Dominion graft, and CAIR/ACLU/ANTIFA/far left...
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I always somehow noticed that the Democratic presidents or presidential candidates often are more the 'suave' charismatic type. While the Republican 'red' party presidents or candidates tend to be more of the direct no-fuss 'red'neck type.

Exceptions confirming the rule, here I especially think of:

Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, Jimmy Carter, JF Kennedy (although the latter was at least a good president I think)
Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr.

I like the second type much more now, especially in these times, since at least they are more honest and less phony. Obama killed thousands during his many foreign wars and constant drone war around the world with a smile. At least Trump did/does not wear a mask (double meaning here!) and did not start new wars either.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Texas petition - 7 to 2 against leave to file suit against the named states - Alito and Thomas yes on leave to file but no other relief. Reason cited was lack of standing to question the voting actions of another state.

I sort of understand the strict legal ruling; however, the issue of what happens when some states openly allow voter fraud to an extent that it affects the outcome of a national election is a big one.

Turning it into a more personal experience - what happens when a few bullies join together and take over a neighborhood - or - outlaws a town? Does it come down to the regular people joining together to fight back, or maybe unusual legal tactics such as tax evasion, RICO, etc. that were used with the mob?

It is a perplexing situation. There still are other cases out. Also, the fact that Michigan decided to seal the results of the audit of those county dominion machines is VERY interesting. Pretty sure there must be bad news in that report.

Still wait and see. Not giving up, yet.
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Roaming Contributor
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Jul 28, 2016
Yeah it's not a matter of there not being a reason for it. I got the impression that SCOTUS was just saying to Texas, yeah, you can't do that constitutionally. That's all.
Still plenty of stuff going on. There are so many constitutional and legal factors that is likely difficult for us lay people to have full knowledge of. I was a little shaken when I heard that but I think it was because of the rather dismal perspective trump supporters suddenly had. It doesn't change the game.
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Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
Keep charging ahead... Nothing's set in stone yet until inauguration day in January.

The Texas case, although likely to succeed, could not be heard as is.
In hindsight, the aggrieved parties are the "people" of the states, not the state itself. That includes Trump and Pence.
So you'd need to have million-plus class action lawsuits from each state to go to the Supreme Court.
Not likely to happen even in a year, much less 4-6 weeks.

Lots of cases still on dock, but that's just the path through the courts.

There are lots of layers to this going on right now. It is both a foreign invasion and an internal "illegal" coup using blatantly illegal cheats to win the election.

Sidney Powell filed a RICO lawsuit on Dominion, Smartmatic, and Venezuela officials, for illegal intervention and manipulation of voting machines and the election. It has been demonstrated that the numbers were adjusted in real-time, and the system was logged in during the election not just by far left groups, but also China and Iran (as far as the evidence says, there may be more countries). The full evidence of this is part of the server confiscation in Germany/Spain.

The following events all happening simultaneously within the past week are telling:
Biden wearing a "boot (most likely a tracking device)" for a "fracture" that miraculously heals in 2 days (and no reporter allowed on the day it happened),
Newsom and Wolf "exposed to covid19" within a few days of each other and requiring 14-day quarantine. There are others that we do not know... yet.
Military flights increasing 4-fold over the normal schedules (anyone can look this up in flight tracker sites, just too much data and time-consuming to sift through).

The funny thing is... Trump telegraphed the Texas case. He said "this is the big one", and then in an interview a few days ago, he admitted the Supreme Court may not hear the Texas case. So the question is... is there some game going on here? Is it possible that maybe Trump-Pompeo-Miller used this Texas case to smoke out those who used Dominion software and manipulated results in their state's elections (see the list of Democrats/some Repubs who filed for the plaintiff in the Texas case). Now, I understand that this is convoluted logic and projection, but Michigan blocking their Dominion analysis results, and the Georgia county that was not able to replicate their vote counts on Dominion machines - both incidents are huge tells.

Lots of info - both local and alternative (not MSM obviously), are indicating that US military/navy have placed aircraft carriers on alert in strategic areas (Northeast / Northwest and Virginia seashore), not to mention F22/F35 and other fighter squadrons all on alert. I'm aware that in CA several local bases went on operational status. So something is happening in real-time militarily. And this is in addition to the renditions and arrests that are happening, as well as the deal-making.

Consider a few weeks ago: Trump sacking Esper, then Miller immediately taking control of all special forces, including within FBI and CIA/NSA. Then within a few days, General Flynn was pardoned. Then most of the NSC was sacked. All within less than a week.
Also, has anyone seen Haspel and Wray anywhere?

It seems Flynn may have been given control of the armed forces to oversee the multitude of activities with cooperation of Miller, while Trump/Powell/Giuliani fight on in the public front.

I know... very Jack Ryan-007 (Spectre)-Jason Bourne (CIA/NSA)-Ethan Hunt (Syndicate/Apostles).

Main point: hold the fort and ignore MSM. there's more going on behind the scenes than we are aware of.

We'll know what's happening with in the next 2-3 weeks.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I know... very Jack Ryan-007 (Spectre)-Jason Bourne (CIA/NSA)-Ethan Hunt (Syndicate/Apostles).
Yes - seems so over the top - but listening to testimonies of regular people shows we are indeed over the top in terms of fraud, collusion, disenfranchisement.
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Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
Yes - seems so over the top - but listening to testimonies of regular people shows we are indeed over the top in terms of fraud, collusion, disenfranchisement.
Also, a couple of things stand out the past few days.

There's an unsubstantiated rumor that 50,000 Chinese soldiers were killed on the border of Maine and Canada. I'll leave it at that since the statement in itself is preposterous - 50,000 foreign troops invaded US border and died, and nobody knows about it?
Here's a way to put that into perspective - WW2 June 6 D-Day, Normandy landing, 150,000 troops, estimated 10,000 deaths.

But it does continue the trend of rapid militarization across the nation. Something is happening militarily within CONUS.

Then here's the interesting part - all of a sudden, all of MSM is reporting on Hunter and Joe Biden's corruption, crimes, financial webs, etc.
So.................... they sat on this for at least a year, then weeks after the election, "someone strong-armed" MSM into reporting. Huh?
Technically, if Biden is president, MSM can just sit on it and it'll disappear.
AND... Kamala still has not resigned her Senate position.

This election is.... bonkers on all fronts....


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
So what you all think? Will there be a sham inauguration of grandpa Biden (pushed heavily also by the MSM) regardless in January or not?


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
So what you all think?
I've been having little episodes of anxiety lately, but something clicked / switched for me late yesterday. I felt taller, centered, and - here is the interesting part - settled, as in something was settled. Since then, I've had moderate interest in the news. All I can say is that I have a sense that in some way everything will work out just fine.


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Jul 28, 2016
I've been having little episodes of anxiety lately, but something clicked / switched for me late yesterday. I felt taller, centered, and - here is the interesting part - settled, as in something was settled. Since then, I've had moderate interest in the news. All I can say is that I have a sense that in some way everything will work out just fine.
I had a very similar feel about a week ago. I'm still keeping up because I'm interested. But it was like a switch went off and I just knew it was all good.
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Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
I've been having little episodes of anxiety lately, but something clicked / switched for me late yesterday. I felt taller, centered, and - here is the interesting part - settled, as in something was settled. Since then, I've had moderate interest in the news. All I can say is that I have a sense that in some way everything will work out just fine.
I'm treating everything as a humongous movie epic complete with spies/military/invasion/politics with popcorn and tall chocolate with caramel drop milkshakes. Mix "Lord of the Rings 3" + "Saving Private Ryan" + "Avengers Endgame" + "MI" + 007 "Goldfinger/A View to a Kill/Moonraker" + "All the President's Men" + "Wag the Dog"....

This is way better than any of the 007/MI/Bourne/Jack Ryan movies.
And it's free, in 3D and in real time!

DNI Ratcliffe suggests on TV that Biden may not be installed as President.

Seems he's insinuating the top secret evidence he's seeing so far are incriminating. Otherwise he wouldn't say this lightly in public.

More caramel popcorn please...
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Involved Wayfarer
Nov 10, 2016
Texas, USA
Jon Rappoport just published a piece on “Slick Willie” Barr’s “nothing to see here” approach to election fraud, despite the fact that cyber security expert Navid Keshavarz-Nia’s analysis concluded the following:

“1. The counts in the disputed states (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia) show electronic manipulation.

2. The simultaneous decision in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia to pretend to halt counting votes was unprecedented and demonstrated a coordinated effort to collude toward desired results.

3. One to two percent of votes were forged in Biden's favor.

4. Optical scanners were set to accept unverified, un-validated ballots.

5. The scanners failed to keep records for audits, an outcome that must have been deliberately programmed.

6. The stolen cryptographic key, which applied to all voting systems, was used to alter vote counts.

7. The favorable votes pouring in after hours for Biden could not be accounted for by a Democrat preference for mailed in ballots. They demonstrated manipulation. For example, in Pennsylvania, it was physically impossible to feed 400,000 ballots into the machines within 2–3 hours.

8. Dominion used Chinese parts, and there's reason to believe that China, Venezuela, Cuba interfered in the election.

9. There was a Hammer and Scorecard cyber-attack that altered votes in the battleground states, and then forwarded the results to Scytl servers in Frankfurt, Germany, to avoid detection.

10. The systems failed to produce any auditable results.”

Barr’s inaction and outright disdain for the deplorables is a clarion call, a signal to all his fellow swamp creature, opposed to Trump’s focus on economic nationalism and beholden to ”Mr. Global’s” transhumanist objectives, that they can act with impunity towards the obvious fraud and criminal lack of chain of custody and transparency in this election. These hacks, Marxist sympathizers, and outright thugs can rest assured that they have nothing to fear from AG Droopy Dog. (I just learned yesterday that the DOJ had Seth Rich’s laptop; four and a half years after his murder— don’t hold your breath, folks).

Now we can add SCOTUS to that same despicable crowd, leaving only the military and the Insurrection Act as the last barriers to this republic’s unceasing march towards totalitarianism. As a resident of Texas, I can state with assurance that this farce of an election will not stand with any of us; our state constitution is very clear what our next action will be if the electors cast their votes for Biden.
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Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
Jon Rappoport just published a piece on “Slick Willie” Barr’s “nothing to see here” approach to election fraud, despite the fact that cyber security expert Navid Keshavarz-Nia’s analysis concluded the following:

“1. The counts in the disputed states (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia) show electronic manipulation.

2. The simultaneous decision in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia to pretend to halt counting votes was unprecedented and demonstrated a coordinated effort to collude toward desired results.

3. One to two percent of votes were forged in Biden's favor.

4. Optical scanners were set to accept unverified, un-validated ballots.

5. The scanners failed to keep records for audits, an outcome that must have been deliberately programmed.

6. The stolen cryptographic key, which applied to all voting systems, was used to alter vote counts.

7. The favorable votes pouring in after hours for Biden could not be accounted for by a Democrat preference for mailed in ballots. They demonstrated manipulation. For example, in Pennsylvania, it was physically impossible to feed 400,000 ballots into the machines within 2–3 hours.

8. Dominion used Chinese parts, and there's reason to believe that China, Venezuela, Cuba interfered in the election.

9. There was a Hammer and Scorecard cyber-attack that altered votes in the battleground states, and then forwarded the results to Scytl servers in Frankfurt, Germany, to avoid detection.

10. The systems failed to produce any auditable results.”

Barr’s inaction and outright disdain for the deplorables is a clarion call, a signal to all his fellow swamp creature, opposed to Trump’s focus on economic nationalism and beholden to ”Mr. Global’s” transhumanist objectives, that they can act with impunity towards the obvious fraud and criminal lack of chain of custody and transparency in this election. These hacks, Marxist sympathizers, and outright thugs can rest assured that they have nothing to fear from AG Droopy Dog. (I just learned yesterday that the DOJ had Seth Richard’s laptop; four and a half years after his murder— don’t hold your breath, folks).

Now we can add SCOTUS to that same despicable crowd, leaving only the military and the Insurrection Act as the last barriers to this republic’s unceasing march towards totalitarianism. As a resident of Texas, I can state with assurance that this farce of an election will not stand with any of us; our state constitution is very clear what our next action will be if the electors cast their votes for Biden.
Agreed. But this is now bigger than any of the above. Even Hillary's open email server (linked to Seth Rich, and linked to China, Iran, Russia intelligence money + actions) is now linked to all of it.

The military has already been primed since Flynn pardon + Miller's direct control of special forces.

All we need is enough incriminating evidence + Powell's military court tribunal processes in order to invoke the Insurrection Act, call off the entire presidential election, and either go through the constitutional process or conduct new elections with military logistics. And call all state National Guards under federal orders to stamp down any ANTIFA/BLM/SJW/ACLU/Soros riots and arrest them all as traitors under military tribunals.
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