Ootn Aboot Dumfries.
I've read a lot of fantasy (along with sci-fi and detective novels) over the years. The best fantasy series that I have read is 'The Realm of the Elderlings' by Robin Hobb (aka Megan Lindholm).I also got the third book of what I didn't know was a trilogy. So I have the first book on hold now and I'll return this one. I'm really getting into the fantasy genre, so I'm excited to get into that when it comes.
Have you read the books by Patrick Rothfuss? 'name of the wind'?I've read a lot of fantasy (along with sci-fi and detective novels) over the years. The best fantasy series that I have read is 'The Realm of the Elderlings' by Robin Hobb (aka Megan Lindholm).
It starts off with 'The Farseer Trilogy', first book 'Assassin's Apprentice'.
Yes, I've read 'The Name of the Wind' and 'The Wise Man's Fear', everyone has been waiting since 2011 for the third book to come out, but it doesn't look as though it ever will.Have you read the books by Patrick Rothfuss? 'name of the wind'?
You could just read the Farseer Trilogy, it is fairly self-contained.I might check this out.. It is part of a long series? I'm not really into series books. I've only recently started reading trilogy books.
I started into 'the wheel of time' a long time ago and thought it was pretty neat. My brother introduced me to it. But then he mentioned how the author died during the series. I didn't finish them after I heard about that.My Favorite fantasy series is Robert Jordon's Wheel of Time. My favorite sci-fi series is Otherland, by Tad Williams.
There's scuttlebutt that it's to come out in next couple years. Did you read 'the slow regard of silent things'? A supplement to the kingkiller chronicles? It's pretty cool. And different.Yes, I've read 'The Name of the Wind' and 'The Wise Man's Fear', everyone has been waiting since 2011 for the third book to come out, but it doesn't look as though it ever will.
Kvothe's story was an excellent read.
You could just read the Farseer Trilogy, it is fairly self-contained.
I've been going to re-read the first two when I know that 'The Door of Stone' (or whatever it is to be called) is due to come out, it's been so long since I first read them now.There's scuttlebutt that it's to come out in next couple years. Did you read 'the slow regard of silent things'? A supplement to the kingkiller chronicles? It's pretty cool. And different.
Patrick rothfuss, man. This (incomplete) trilogy is one of my favorite books. He's an excellent author.
The new author wrote the last three books, which made it about thirteen in total. Jordan's wife helped him with the story, as there had been a lot of material left, and it all planned out.I started into 'the wheel of time' a long time ago and thought it was pretty neat. My brother introduced me to it. But then he mentioned how the author died during the series. I didn't finish them after I heard about that.
That makes me a little more interested, but I'm so very much not a series book reader. I like change ups in the voice of the author I'm reading. Perhaps things will change and I'll give it all a go.The new author wrote the last three books, which made it about thirteen in total. Jordan's wife helped him with the story, as there had been a lot of material left, and it all planned out.
Brandon Sanderson, the author who took over, did a brilliant job. To be honest, I found that he was actually a better writer than Jordan, in terms of the quality and style, but he kept very closely to Jordan's style so you wouldn't even know the difference if the author change hadn't been mentioned. I was very happy with the last three books.
One thing I do dislike about the series is that there ends up being far too many people to follow. You get attached to characters and then find yourself missing their attention, as the story evolves around other characters. But there is so much hidden in the world of the Wheel of Time that fits into metaphysics, including astral travel. Jordan was a wise man.
I have been rereading this book and it meant more to me this time.HM - Again, I agree with your thoughts on this matter and I appreciate your sharing this book.
I also view Jacobs input concerning the re-seeding of the planet with a more intelligent but more predictably programmable and obedient hybrid race of sapiens as important to consider. I read a lot of John Mack's work after he was killed in London and Dr Karla Turner in an attempt to form an opinion on whether there is more than one agenda going on beneath the radar of awareness. If you step back out and take the big worldview perspective and see all the madness going on on the planet, I find that the only way it all makes sense and the dots line up is if some of these more outrageous ideas might actually be true.
Many well known people claim that alien intervention is a fact of our existence including the gnostics, the maya, the dogon, Phillip K Dick, Colin Wilson, Don Juan, etc...etc...
Believing it is the hard part I guess....
Yes I would say it is normal, but there is a small amount of technical stuff, also mentions timelines.Like the sumarry june. I don t know if i arrive to have the time to read books as before. Is the english normal or more technical
I'd love to hear how you liked this book. It sounds fascinating.I'm taking a break from the witch of Portobello because I got a book from the library that I had been waiting almost half a year for. It's on loan to our library, and I don't want to not be able to finish it.
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It is currently proving to be an incredibly interesting book.
Heard about that one. Haven't read it.
I remember reading that when I was young. That would be a fun one to read again. I did a read again with the 'tale of two cities' a couple years ago. I read it the first time in school. But the second time, Wow. I loved it. Classics are so fun!View attachment 6727
I am reading this tale written by the famous Mark Twain in 1881 (or thereabouts). I find it interesting to go back and read the classics, from time to time.