Your Personal Meditation Experiences (3 Viewers)

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Spiritual & Meditation Teacher
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Jul 27, 2016
Hi everyone, I thought I'd create a new thread and discussion on your personal experiences you may have encountered during meditation. Even if the experiences you have experienced are only small or subtle, feel free to share them. :)

Before I started my career in producing guided meditations, I was attending a weekly meditation class. We would have a lesson on meditation and then the teacher would take us through a guided meditation towards the end of the class. Before I had created my first guided meditation CD, I had a vision during one of the meditations - which I thought I'd share here.

During the meditation, in my minds eye I saw a giant golden buddha that was the size of a large room. He was sitting in the lotus position with a golden robe and was wearing a big smile. He didn't speak, but I felt great love and compassion coming from him. He felt very real, but as if he was in a different dimension or a higher plane. The vision probably only lasted a few minutes, but it was etched very strongly in my consciousness. I had this vision many years ago now, but it had an impact on me that I never forgot it. I feel it was confirmation that I was about to embark on the right path and that spirit was pleased and guiding me. I later decided to draw the golden buddha on my first album cover, as I felt it was a good fit for a meditation CD.

Feel free to comment if you wish or share some of your meditation experiences.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Last weekend (or the one before) I was pretty sleepy during my participation with the transients remote healing group but an image that is, as you say, etched into my memory is that of a bright-as-can-be light that shone down onto our shared onion shaped (like a softened pyramid) structure where we were gathered. The light was being filtered through a huge ring-shaped 'screen' that had golden metallic interlacing running through it in the shape of a flower of life. The flower of life structure filtered the light so that it came through as a beautiful gold colour. Unforgettable and a memory worth revisiting.


Spiritual & Meditation Teacher
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Jul 27, 2016
Last weekend (or the one before) I was pretty sleepy during my participation with the transients remote healing group but an image that is, as you say, etched into my memory is that of a bright-as-can-be light that shone down onto our shared onion shaped (like a softened pyramid) structure where we were gathered. The light was being filtered through a huge ring-shaped 'screen' that had golden metallic interlacing running through it in the shape of a flower of life. The flower of life structure filtered the light so that it came through as a beautiful gold colour. Unforgettable and a memory worth revisiting.
Thanks for sharing Lila, that sounds like a beautiful experience. :)


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I'm still trying to find a similar picture to post!

This one is the closest but inverted, in that the light coming through the circle was being filtered from incandescent to golden.
I guess the most beautiful images are tough to communicate (which keeps artists all over the world working hard, lol).


Spiritual & Meditation Teacher
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Jul 27, 2016
I'm still trying to find a similar picture to post!

This one is the closest but inverted, in that the light coming through the circle was being filtered from incandescent to golden.
I guess the most beautiful images are tough to communicate (which keeps artists all over the world working hard, lol).
Very nice! The flower of life is quite a sacred symbol, did you get a feeling or impression of what it represented to you?


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I think it was for the whole group, though I chose it as my avatar since it does seem to be a theme for me too, and fitting. Source and the grid came to mind at the time. Also the idea of the light behind it being incandescent and full of potential. The screen filtered it, gave it form and another type of beauty, made it something easier to work with on some levels.


Spiritual & Meditation Teacher
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Jul 27, 2016
I think it was for the whole group, though I chose it as my avatar since it does seem to be a theme for me too, and fitting. Source and the grid came to mind at the time. Also the idea of the light behind it being incandescent and full of potential. The screen filtered it, gave it form and another type of beauty, made it something easier to work with on some levels.
There are quite a few videos on YouTube about the Flower of Life.

If interested in having a look, this one is quite a short one.



Spiritual & Meditation Teacher
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Jul 27, 2016
I think it was for the whole group, though I chose it as my avatar since it does seem to be a theme for me too, and fitting. Source and the grid came to mind at the time. Also the idea of the light behind it being incandescent and full of potential. The screen filtered it, gave it form and another type of beauty, made it something easier to work with on some levels.
A beautiful experience, thanks again for sharing!


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I was listening to Kenyon's Aetherium sound meditation and the first image I got was cups being filled with golden water. The second one surprised me. I saw me in other lives bringing together the best qualities to Austin Linda. The one that stood out the most was the Apache chief (American Indian).


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Thanks, I liked that one :)
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Spiritual & Meditation Teacher
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Jul 27, 2016
I was listening to Kenyon's Aetherium sound meditation and the first image I got was cups being filled with golden water. The second one surprised me. I saw me in other lives bringing together the best qualities to Austin Linda. The one that stood out the most was the Apache chief (American Indian).
That sounds like a special experience Linda, thanks for sharing it. :)
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Mother Bear
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Jul 22, 2016
I have had a bit of trouble with meditation over the last 6-12 months or so, but before that I would have very vivid visions, particularly with guided meditations. One stands out most though, & it was the last guided meditation I did that "worked" properly (for lack of a better term).

In it I was walking toward a beautiful, big, lone oak tree. While standing underneath it I had someone (a spirit guide?) come forward and talk with me. I don't recall the conversations we had, just that they were significant, and that it ended with him motioning toward a low hanging tree branch that had a glowing purple crystal(?) amulet hanging from it & I was told that it was an important gift for me.

Ever since, I have felt like there is a part of me that needs to either find or replicate that pendant lol. I'm not sure why though! I wish I could go back to that moment and revisit it but I don't even remember which meditation it was! Haha. Oh well! Hopefully when my life is a bit less busy and I'm not always so tired, I will get my meditation practice back on track :)


Spiritual & Meditation Teacher
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Jul 27, 2016
I have had a bit of trouble with meditation over the last 6-12 months or so, but before that I would have very vivid visions, particularly with guided meditations. One stands out most though, & it was the last guided meditation I did that "worked" properly (for lack of a better term).

In it I was walking toward a beautiful, big, lone oak tree. While standing underneath it I had someone (a spirit guide?) come forward and talk with me. I don't recall the conversations we had, just that they were significant, and that it ended with him motioning toward a low hanging tree branch that had a glowing purple crystal(?) amulet hanging from it & I was told that it was an important gift for me.

Ever since, I have felt like there is a part of me that needs to either find or replicate that pendant lol. I'm not sure why though! I wish I could go back to that moment and revisit it but I don't even remember which meditation it was! Haha. Oh well! Hopefully when my life is a bit less busy and I'm not always so tired, I will get my meditation practice back on track :)
Hi Brooke, that can be common if you are busy or tired, it can be harder to concentrate during meditation.

The first thing that comes to mind, is maybe the vision was a suggestion for you to wear an amethyst crystal to help you connect with your crown chakra. Does that resonate?


Mother Bear
Retired Global Moderator
Jul 22, 2016
Hi Brooke, that can be common if you are busy or tired, it can be harder to concentrate during meditation.

The first thing that comes to mind, is maybe the vision was a suggestion for you to wear an amethyst crystal to help you connect with your crown chakra. Does that resonate?
I actually kept an amethyst crystal on me for a long time (the first one I ever bought) but not long after that meditation I managed to break it :/
Perhaps you are right? It has been a while since that vision but I have thought about finding the right crystal ever since. Haven't found one that resonates yet though! Lol.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I actually kept an amethyst crystal on me for a long time (the first one I ever bought) but not long after that meditation I managed to break it :/
Perhaps you are right? It has been a while since that vision but I have thought about finding the right crystal ever since. Haven't found one that resonates yet though! Lol.
Oh, I have a great crystal story! I actually "found" one in the wild (not just laying there where someone left it, but in a piece of rock on a mountainside). The way it came and went from my life (after quite a number of years of my carrying it in my pocket) was a complete mystery. Well, not really, if you believe in Spirit. Since it was such an important experience for me, I wrote a rather lengthy account for my family to read someday. If anyone's interested, I'd be glad to post it on the crystal board of the forum someday...
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Spiritual & Meditation Teacher
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Jul 27, 2016
I actually kept an amethyst crystal on me for a long time (the first one I ever bought) but not long after that meditation I managed to break it :/
Perhaps you are right? It has been a while since that vision but I have thought about finding the right crystal ever since. Haven't found one that resonates yet though! Lol.
From my understanding, sometimes if you break a crystal it can mean you no longer need it anymore. So perhaps the next crystal that comes into your life could be a different one. Another interpretation of the vision could simply be a healing gift that the guide was giving you, perhaps a lost aspect of yourself that was being reintegrated.
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Involved Wayfarer
Aug 1, 2016
When i was twelwe i went on a dancingcourse. The only thing i remember from that weekend is that two elder women took me to a room and told me to sit on the bed in lotusposition and repeat a mantra. I did and i came into a completely diffrent space/dimension and i was there doing something and it was a homey feeling. They had to shake me for me to come back. That was my first strong experience. Today i teach mantrameditations (yogi bhajan and not traditional) which is a bit fun.
When i was about 25 i was sitting in the woods just listening to meditative mucic not using a specific teqnicue. A young buddhist appeared in astral body with colours of red and orange. He came as a guide and used telepathy. He said that, you starting to go to India studying eastern philosophies is with you from when you are born. There is nothing just happening out of nowhere. If i believed in the soulcontract before i was even more convinced. I have visited him in the astral in his temple where he meditated as small boy. I think its in northern India.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I also have had experiences in meditations and dreams that must reflect a connection with India. Two Hindu women helped me with meditation for awhile. One was petite and very old and the other was younger. Next came some people with blue skin and one time a white, baby elephant came by. It was very friendly and even played with the dogs in the backyard. I don't know what that means.


Involved Wayfarer
Aug 1, 2016
Sounds interesting Linda! Im directly thinking of the female sadhvis-holy women which are rarely seen in India, mostly you see men and I dont know if women can even become sadhvis if they have not become widows. The goddess Kali is sometimes seen blue and she can be seen as a kind of rebel. Theres diffrent stories but i heard from Indians and read that the colour blue which appears on diffrent aspects of God are blue in faces as a symbol of the things which goes beyond our perception and the infinite. Ganesh God is worshipped as related to beginnings and the remover of all obstacles among other things. When you talk about the young and the old woman i think about the union of those aspects in each woman and cooperation between women for to work for an equal society. Hope it can give you something.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Regarding the blue skins: In meditation I have also seen a lady with blue skin once, smiling at me. She looked a bit like the ones from the movie Avatar.

(During a projection one of my astral guides with whom I was lifting off and flying - which I did quite often for a while - also had blue skin and I asked him about it. And I also had projections related to India or the Far East in general.).

During meditation I sometimes get flashes the way you get them also in hypnagogic experiences (so maybe it is the same for me?). I should say I am most of the times pretty lousy at meditation. :oops:

Once I saw, for example, a Sasquatch stare at me for 2-3 seconds or so, it seemed surprised and did not look to friendly. What this means for me I don't know.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Anna and Sinera you all made some interesting observations. The rebel idea suits me because I think of myself as a quiet or unlikely rebel.

I believe the Sasquatch are here and sometimes make themselves known to us.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Has anyone else got any meditation experiences they may like to share?

Speaking of Sasquatch, has anyone else stumbled across this blog? I've read it for a couple of years now and find it quite interesting.
I have been re-posting blog entries from John now and again from his blog on for a few years now.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I recently had an experience during a healing session of meeting my Council. They were immensely august beings! Their presence was preceded by a feeling of great dignity, compassion, power and gravity, though I did find a sense of humour in there too which comforted me:-D They each walked into the council area, some with staff in hand, and formed a supportive circle around me. Their actual message was brief, they reassured me and answered my question. It felt pretty timeless and I am hoping to bookmark that place where they were since I'd love to experience that again!<3
The healer said later that she just hung in there, once she realized that something other than her agenda was going on, and held some space for what was coming in, as that's what was needed from her.
Now I'm trying to sort out what I am 'ready' foro_O

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