QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Let's do something different this time around, well, we sometimes do that anyway! Let us put in some intentions during this healing session to stimulate the system, and energies, which control the flow of information and memories between our dreams, and out of body travels during the night.
What I want us to aim at is to trigger some dreams that grab memories of our healing session, whether that is the moment we focused in during it, or simply our travels while we sleep the night on the same day we have the session.
So for the night of the day the session is on, try and remember to take note of your dreams and write them down upon waking. You may wake during the night and recall something important, so then write and/or record it down and go back to sleep. You may wake in the morning and have the same thing happen — take note of it. Share what you get the next day if you can, or any day proceeding. Feel free to just respond on here if you want to share.
During the healing session, think of a common place we can all create and go to, which is our aim as the setting later on when we go to sleep.
For the first part of the session before sending healing, or if you prefer, send healing and then do this, think of a cluster of trees in your mind. They may be short, tall, with large or thin trunks, it's up to you. Create that in your mind.
So just go with this as well... within the cluster there is a grassy clearing. The grass is longish, not too long, and soft to stand on with bare feet, or even lay on if you feel inclined. Above you you can see the tops of the trees, but this is evening, and the stars are coming out... you can see some bright stars up there as the darkness starts to set in more fully.
That's all we need. We don't need to know where this is, and what surrounds those trees, just that this will be the place that will meet while we sleep later on. And feel free to share anything that comes to you during the healing session, as well as anything that comes during the night.
On top of that, put in the intention of meeting up together when you sleep and that you will remember the experience. When you do go to bed, it will also help if you do this.
Otherwise, this is a regular session where we focus and send healing to those participating. As always, you can do more after that and focus on an event or situation going on in the world, but I like to remind everyone, for us to help others, it's important we help ourselves so that's why these sessions exist so we can get a bit of healing at least once a week.
This should be interesting!
The usual introduction is below for our healing sessions
For those new to these sessions, or if you simply want to me reminded on how to connect in and what methods you could use to send healing, see this article here on
The purpose of these 20 minute weekly sessions is to send healing to each participant, which can be accomplished by focusing on individuals or the group, deepening on what methods you chose to use. You are always free to set secondary intentions around focusing on world events that may need some helping energy — on other levels our group also works in a multi-dimensional sense. Sometimes we get healing requests within the replies here, so do check back here just before the sessions begins.
Let us know if you are joining by responding here or contacting me from the Contact Us form on The session is only 20 minutes and you can send, and or receive healing; it is up to you. Anyone can heal, no training is required to participate.
Please provide any feedback on here if you receive any and feel comfortable sharing.
You can find further information about these sessions through the link, Weekend Healing, on, which also includes links to a few
Current Timing
The time for the session is the same each week, based around Laron's time to make things easier, which is 2 PM on a Saturday in Virginia, USA (PDT). All the other times reflect this time, but this time is worked out to accommodate the greater number of people based on their geographical location.
USA: Saturday: 2 pm EDT, 12 pm MDT, 1 pm CDT, 11 am PDT
Europe: France (Paris), Switzerland, Sweden, Saturday: 8 pm
UK: England (London), Ireland (Dublin), Saturday: 7 pm
Russia: (Moscow), Saturday: 9 pm
South Africa: (Johannesburg), Saturday: 8 pm
Australia: (Sydney, AEST) Sunday: 4 am, (Perth) Sunday, 2 am
New Zealand: (Auckland) Sunday: 6 am
To understand about joining outside of the set time, which you are free to do so and the hosts do this sometimes because of other commitments, just check out the instructions on how to send healing here, which I linked to above as well.
What I want us to aim at is to trigger some dreams that grab memories of our healing session, whether that is the moment we focused in during it, or simply our travels while we sleep the night on the same day we have the session.
So for the night of the day the session is on, try and remember to take note of your dreams and write them down upon waking. You may wake during the night and recall something important, so then write and/or record it down and go back to sleep. You may wake in the morning and have the same thing happen — take note of it. Share what you get the next day if you can, or any day proceeding. Feel free to just respond on here if you want to share.
During the healing session, think of a common place we can all create and go to, which is our aim as the setting later on when we go to sleep.
For the first part of the session before sending healing, or if you prefer, send healing and then do this, think of a cluster of trees in your mind. They may be short, tall, with large or thin trunks, it's up to you. Create that in your mind.
So just go with this as well... within the cluster there is a grassy clearing. The grass is longish, not too long, and soft to stand on with bare feet, or even lay on if you feel inclined. Above you you can see the tops of the trees, but this is evening, and the stars are coming out... you can see some bright stars up there as the darkness starts to set in more fully.
That's all we need. We don't need to know where this is, and what surrounds those trees, just that this will be the place that will meet while we sleep later on. And feel free to share anything that comes to you during the healing session, as well as anything that comes during the night.
On top of that, put in the intention of meeting up together when you sleep and that you will remember the experience. When you do go to bed, it will also help if you do this.
Otherwise, this is a regular session where we focus and send healing to those participating. As always, you can do more after that and focus on an event or situation going on in the world, but I like to remind everyone, for us to help others, it's important we help ourselves so that's why these sessions exist so we can get a bit of healing at least once a week.
This should be interesting!
The usual introduction is below for our healing sessions
For those new to these sessions, or if you simply want to me reminded on how to connect in and what methods you could use to send healing, see this article here on
The purpose of these 20 minute weekly sessions is to send healing to each participant, which can be accomplished by focusing on individuals or the group, deepening on what methods you chose to use. You are always free to set secondary intentions around focusing on world events that may need some helping energy — on other levels our group also works in a multi-dimensional sense. Sometimes we get healing requests within the replies here, so do check back here just before the sessions begins.
Let us know if you are joining by responding here or contacting me from the Contact Us form on The session is only 20 minutes and you can send, and or receive healing; it is up to you. Anyone can heal, no training is required to participate.
Please provide any feedback on here if you receive any and feel comfortable sharing.
You can find further information about these sessions through the link, Weekend Healing, on, which also includes links to a few
Current Timing
The time for the session is the same each week, based around Laron's time to make things easier, which is 2 PM on a Saturday in Virginia, USA (PDT). All the other times reflect this time, but this time is worked out to accommodate the greater number of people based on their geographical location.
USA: Saturday: 2 pm EDT, 12 pm MDT, 1 pm CDT, 11 am PDT
Europe: France (Paris), Switzerland, Sweden, Saturday: 8 pm
UK: England (London), Ireland (Dublin), Saturday: 7 pm
Russia: (Moscow), Saturday: 9 pm
South Africa: (Johannesburg), Saturday: 8 pm
Australia: (Sydney, AEST) Sunday: 4 am, (Perth) Sunday, 2 am
New Zealand: (Auckland) Sunday: 6 am
To understand about joining outside of the set time, which you are free to do so and the hosts do this sometimes because of other commitments, just check out the instructions on how to send healing here, which I linked to above as well.