Lotos, for posting.
I am looking at this from a different perspective. It is really one sentence that changes everything for me. One sentence that it all hinges on. It seems to me that the rest of the prophecy then works very well, without changing it.
This will happen again, if we don't change.
To me, this is the key line, a way in which things could turn out less chaotically than otherwise.
Below is that same sentence in the context of its paragraph.
Only God knows how the future of mankind will take shape. But, through his prophesies, He has conveyed much information to His prophet Jakob Lorber. God revealed to him that the material earth will continue to exist for incredibly long periods. But, in the near future - if it has not already started - we human beings will destroy our civilization. This is, as before, when men 4500 years ago destroyed their advanced civilization through the great flood. This will happen again, if we don't change.
The principal material cause of the catastrophes before us is the chopping down of virgin forests, as well as the greenhouse effect, which has been caused by us. Both of these will lead to climatic catastrophes. (These cataclysmic events will be of apocalyptic proportions). As a result of heat and drought on the one hand and floods, storms, earthquakes and tsunamis on the other, there will be a global disaster involving hunger and thirst. It will lead to a breakdown of the world economy, together with the collapse of States and social systems.
These environmental pieces of change are easy to see with our current way of life. Again, if the change is not too great, the current would have the potential to take us on a less chaotic path, without massive loss of life. Again, that is if, as it says above, we do change/have changed.
I see this a bit like piloting an ocean liner. To do so, one must think far, far ahead because it cannot turn quickly, so small changes earlier in its course make for biiiig changes in course later on.
Similarly, the current of our possibilities (as all of humanity) could have the potential to change course dramatically over the course of time if even a small, critical change in consciousness occurs at an earlier point in time.
I believe we do see real change around us. There is at least one post about such (small but critical) changes that RT folk have observed.
Is it enough? Was it at the critical time? I don't know about you, but I'm on the edge of my seat craning my neck to look ahead. And the reason I am on the edge of my seat is not only because I'm excited/afraid (2 sides of the same coin) but also because I am a passenger on this boat and even my small amount of weight can make a difference in our direction... especially if my neighbours catch on and lend their weight to our direction. I choose to lean toward change in consciousness which results in a real change in course toward a beautiful earth
[6] Once such activity will have attained its highest point by the force of the fire, the air of the Earth will become too strongly saturated on such places of the Earth with combustible kinds of ether, and these will soon ignite here and there and transform such cities and regions together with their many inhabitants into ruins and ashes, and that will then also be a great and effective purification. But whatever the produced fire will not have accomplished all kinds of great storms on Earth will accomplish where this will be necessary, for without necessity nothing will be burned or destroyed.
This is easy to see occurring if one considers what Ben Davidson describes in the post I mention above, specifically in cities and factories, i.e. places where there is the most concentration of electric circuitry, etc.
Again, perhaps it will not be so destructive as to cause widespread loss of life, but enough to cause us to change our way of life to one that sounds more like the last few paragraphs.
A change that does occur but of gentler proportions and toward a beautiful earth that we live upon with gratitude, will be what I continue to put my energies into. I hope more folk join in leaning our energy that way. If so, perhaps we can take a wild, beautiful ride together