The Event is very close now...10 - 9 - 8 - (4 Viewers)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Are you talking about The Carrington Event?
Ben Davidson did a report on our losing three of our best layers of protection at this time. This is how I understood it. I wish I could find the video but so far haven't been able to:

1. the Earth's magnetosphere is taking a hit as the poles move at an ever increasing pace. This lessens our 'cushion' to incoming energy. If I recall correctly, the poles started to move around approx the beginning of the 1900s in a slow, lazy way, but have really picked up the pace in an accelerating way.
2. our Sun is in a 'solar minimum', giving out less of its usual solar radiation that offers a kind of 'blanket' of protection from incoming cosmic rays. We can still get CMEs etc from the sun, but that 'constant stream' of relatively gentle solar radiation is less than it has been for a long time.
3. our solat system is entering a large 'hole' in the area of our galactic arm which lessens the surrounding layer of gases that has been offering another layer of protection from incoming cosmic rays. This one ia very long timeline event.

His point was that even a much lesser energetic even than the Carrintgon Event would be able to create more of an effect on Earth at this time, due to the exposure we currently have. He offered examples of power outages, unexplained electric fires and electronic systems that have gone down over the last couple of years in response to relatively much smaller incoming cosmic energy events as raising suspicion that we may already be seeing some evidence of such an effect.
He is, characteristically, very careful to state that this is not proof of such an effect, but that it is certainly something to watch and be aware of, in his typical "Eyes open. No fear." style<3
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Ben Davidson did a report on our losing three of our best layers of protection at this time. This is how I understood it. I wish I could find the video but so far haven't been able to:

1. the Earth's magnetosphere is taking a hit as the poles move at an ever increasing pace. This lessens our 'cushion' to incoming energy. If I recall correctly, the poles started to move around approx the beginning of the 1900s in a slow, lazy way, but have really picked up the pace in an accelerating way.
2. our Sun is in a 'solar minimum', giving out less of its usual solar radiation that offers a kind of 'blanket' of protection from incoming cosmic rays. We can still get CMEs etc from the sun, but that 'constant stream' of relatively gentle solar radiation is less than it has been for a long time.
3. our solat system is entering a large 'hole' in the area of our galactic arm which lessens the surrounding layer of gases that has been offering another layer of protection from incoming cosmic rays. This one ia very long timeline event.

His point was that even a much lesser energetic even than the Carrintgon Event would be able to create more of an effect on Earth at this time, due to the exposure we currently have. He offered examples of power outages, unexplained electric fires and electronic systems that have gone down over the last couple of years in response to relatively much smaller incoming cosmic energy events as raising suspicion that we may already be seeing some evidence of such an effect.
He is, characteristically, very careful to state that this is not proof of such an effect, but that it is certainly something to watch and be aware of, in his typical "Eyes open. No fear." style<3
Hmmmm I wonder if this is no coinkydink as we are about to get blasted by devine energy from the central sun...


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Ben Davidson did a report on our losing three of our best layers of protection at this time. This is how I understood it. I wish I could find the video but so far haven't been able to:

1. the Earth's magnetosphere is taking a hit as the poles move at an ever increasing pace. This lessens our 'cushion' to incoming energy. If I recall correctly, the poles started to move around approx the beginning of the 1900s in a slow, lazy way, but have really picked up the pace in an accelerating way.
2. our Sun is in a 'solar minimum', giving out less of its usual solar radiation that offers a kind of 'blanket' of protection from incoming cosmic rays. We can still get CMEs etc from the sun, but that 'constant stream' of relatively gentle solar radiation is less than it has been for a long time.
3. our solat system is entering a large 'hole' in the area of our galactic arm which lessens the surrounding layer of gases that has been offering another layer of protection from incoming cosmic rays. This one ia very long timeline event.

His point was that even a much lesser energetic even than the Carrintgon Event would be able to create more of an effect on Earth at this time, due to the exposure we currently have. He offered examples of power outages, unexplained electric fires and electronic systems that have gone down over the last couple of years in response to relatively much smaller incoming cosmic energy events as raising suspicion that we may already be seeing some evidence of such an effect.
He is, characteristically, very careful to state that this is not proof of such an effect, but that it is certainly something to watch and be aware of, in his typical "Eyes open. No fear." style<3
Here is the link:—-ben-davidson-energy-from-space.4553/
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Are you talking about The Carrington Event?
No. The idea was to try to find something like signs of some type of human evolution/progress somehow tied to the time when we had the last mini ice age, which is associated to the Maunder Minimum (prolonged sunspot minimum) that in the article was given from 1790 to 1830. Well, that was a mistake in the article. I did find out using Wikipedia that the last mini ice age associated to the Maunder Minimum was from 1645 to 1715.
Did something usual happened during that period that could give us a clue regarding potential effects after the Event? Yes, I did find a couple of things (unfortunately I couldn't post them earlier having had to take care of a couple of issues at the vet. -you don't want to upset our furry friends if their medications/prescribed food are not obtained ;)).

Anyway, despite the weather creating difficulties in marginal regions, culture and economy were generally flowering in Europe during that Little Ice Age. This is most visible in the way that people transformed their environment during the 17th and 18th centuries with expanding agriculture and large scale land reclamation (for example in the Netherlands and England). The Little Ice Age also coincided with the maritime expansion of Europe and the creation of seaborne trading and later colonial empires. First came the Spanish and Portuguese, followed by the Dutch, English and other European nations. Key to this success was the development of shipbuilding technology which was a response to both trading, strategic but also climatic pressures.

Art and architecture also flourished. On balance, the Little Ice Age affected northern European history in different ways. Regions that diversified agriculture and had good access to the international trade network, like Britain and the Low Countries, could cope quite easily with increasingly severe weather conditions. They could import food when harvests failed. Trade also gave them the financial base to develop technological responses. Generally, the impact on different parts of Europe differed considerably. Some regions thrived while others struggled.

The second interesting thing during that period was that there was a tiny increase in the height of the human population. One article stated: "Mr. Fogel and his co-authors, Roderick Floud, Bernard Harris and Sok Chul Hong, maintain that “in most if not quite all parts of the world, the size, shape and longevity of the human body have changed more substantially, and much more rapidly, during the past three centuries than over many previous millennia.”

Another article I found acknowledged the fact above but discounted that it could be due to DNA alterations, instead stating: "Therefore, the small gain in average human height experienced in many countries over the last few hundred years was not caused evolution. The most likely cause is improved nutrition and health." So there you have it. I still find that something curious did happen regardless.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
So there you have it. I still find that something curious did happen regardless.
I love the information that people posters are offering. Thanks Carl. Hope the furry friends are OK.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
The idea was to try to find something like signs of some type of human evolution/progress somehow tied to the time when we had the last mini ice age,
Europeans came to North America searching for a fresh start, more freedom, and hope of a better life. It was incredibly difficult - out in the wilderness all alone, trying to figure out how to live in this strange place.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I love the information that people posters are offering. Thanks Carl. Hope the furry friends are OK.
Your are right Pod! The insights, ideas, advise here are awesome! I feel so grateful at times! Best forum I found ever.
Furry friends are OK, thank you again. They just needed the refills for their food (one of my cats) and my dog her heartworm prevention medication. What took time was that I found a poster from a guy at the veterinary for a missing dog, a heeler breed. I found a lovely one last week that after hanging around our property for 2-3 days approached me like I was its owner and tried so hard to fit with us. It broke my heart (yes, got me very emotional, and the sadness is still there) when I had to call the local animal control and rescue to have her picked to be put for adoption -nobody in 50 miles had reported a missing heeler. The picture in the flier was close enough to call the poster with the information about the dog I found, where was taken, etc. Unfortunately after seeing the animal they called me back as I had requested to inform me that it wasn't their missing pet. My wife still hasn't forgiven me for having adopted my dog (first one in my life, she too showed up at our property a couple of years ago) and taking another one now wasn't an option. I made the promise though that if The Event happens really soon and both that dog is still available and my wife opens her heart I would try to adopt it.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Years ago when people thought the rapture was near, there was a service that matched "non-believers" with pets of "believers" so the pets would be cared for.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
Years ago when people thought the rapture was near, there was a service that matched "non-believers" with pets of "believers" so the pets would be cared for.
That’s CRAZY!


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
All this discussion of “the event” is getting into my mind. Last night I dreamt of seeing 3 moons in a triangular formation in the sky while I was in a parking lot loading my car with groceries. :ROFL:



Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
2038! Noooooooooo!
You don't have to wait till 2038,max 2024:)

For me is return of the Jesus is return of true self I am

The New Revelation by Jesus concerning the end of our civilization through the prophet Jakob Lorber

The New Revelation by Jesus concerning the end of our civilization through the prophet Jakob Lorber. The Christian mystic and prophet of God, Jakob Lorber (Graz 1800 - 1864), received from our Lord Jesus Christ a wide-ranging New Revelation in the German language! Here is set out the truly pure and unadulterated Word of God. Even those with a vested interest have been unable to tamper with His revelations. As "Scribe of God", as Jakob saw himself, he was given detailed information which would be impossible to receive in an earthly-materialistic way. Lorber foretold in great detail inventions and discoveries - all verifiable - which would take place. He made other predictions which again became exactly true. His revelations answer all the important issues of life and are in accord with the discoveries of scientists. By giving his prophet such minute knowledge God gave Jakob absolute proof. The following examples show some of Lorber's forecasts which have since been demonstrated by recent scientific advances.

Example 1840: Lorber predicted - elementary particles with a lifetime of 1 trillionth of second. Only after 1948 were the ETA-Meson and the Baryon SIGMAo both discovered with a lifespan of about 10-19 sec.
Source: 1. "Gifts of Heaven" (GH); p. 83; verse 11.
Example 1847: Lorber says that the allegedly indivisible atoms are divisible and that they constitute a Microcosm or a Micro-Universe. It was not until 1911 that the Rutherford - Bohr Atom Model was defined.
Source: "Earth and Moon" (EM), chapter 18, 8 and 9.
Example 1850: Lorber writes: There are billions of galaxies besides our Milky Way. Since 1948 with the use of the 5m - MT. PAOLOMAR-telescope, this fact has been confirmed.
Source: "From the Hell to Heaven" (H2H); 2. H2H 298.6 and 303.1 (date)
Example in 1850: Lorber writes: there are super-galaxies or galaxy clusters. Since 1948, Discovered and confirmed following the use of the 5 m - MT. PALOMAR-telescope.

Source: "From Hell to Heaven" (H2H); 2. H2H 298.6 and 303.1 (date)

Only God knows how the future of mankind will take shape. But, through his prophesies, He has conveyed much information to His prophet Jakob Lorber. God revealed to him that the material earth will continue to exist for incredibly long periods. But, in the near future - if it has not already started - we human beings will destroy our civilization. This is, as before, when men 4500 years ago destroyed their advanced civilization through the great flood. This will happen again, if we don't change.

The principal material cause of the catastrophes before us is the chopping down of virgin forests, as well as the greenhouse effect, which has been caused by us. Both of these will lead to climatic catastrophes. (These cataclysmic events will be of apocalyptic proportions). As a result of heat and drought on the one hand and floods, storms, earthquakes and tsunamis on the other, there will be a global disaster involving hunger and thirst. It will lead to a breakdown of the world economy, together with the collapse of States and social systems. As a result, over half of the earth's population will lose its life.

Last fire of purification

4th kind of fire by which the Earth, the people and all creatures will have to be purified by My 2nd coming. This kind of fire will consist of all kinds of great natural upheavals of the Earth, more precisely on those places of the Earth where men have built too big and beautiful cities in which the greatest pride, lack of love, bad morals, false administration of justice, power, prestige, laziness and with that also the greatest poverty and all kinds of need and misery will prevail, caused by a too strongly grown-out Epicurism of the great and mighty.

[5] In such cities, through excessive pursuit of profit, all kinds of factories will be built on a large scale, and instead of human hands the work will be done by fire and water, together with a thousands kinds of artful machines that are made of metal. The heating will be done by means of the ancient coals of the Earth that men will acquire in extremely great quantities from the depths of the Earth.

[6] Once such activity will have attained its highest point by the force of the fire, the air of the Earth will become too strongly saturated on such places of the Earth with combustible kinds of ether, and these will soon ignite here and there and transform such cities and regions together with their many inhabitants into ruins and ashes, and that will then also be a great and effective purification. But whatever the produced fire will not have accomplished all kinds of great storms on Earth will accomplish where this will be necessary, for without necessity nothing will be burned or destroyed.

[7] By that, the air on the Earth will be freed from its bad vapours and nature spirits as well. This will have a blissful influence on all other creatures on Earth and which will also benefit the physical health of the people, because the many malicious bodily diseases will cease to exist and the people will be able to reach a healthy, strong and old age.

[8] Because the thus purified people will be standing in My light and will lively and truly keep forever the commandments of love from within, the earthly landed property will also be spread among the people in such a way that everyone will have so much that, with the right kind of zeal, he never will have to suffer need. The heads of the communities and also the kings, being entirely submitted to My will and standing in My light, will take care that there will never exist any need among the people. And I Myself will once here then again there visit the people and strengthen and establish them in those places where the people will have the strongest desire for Me and possess the greatest love for Me.

During the span of four years the souls of more than 50% of humanity will be transferred into the beyond. The reason: An environmental catastrophe.

all phases described here

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
All this discussion of “the event” is getting into my mind. Last night I dreamt of seeing 3 moons in a triangular formation in the sky while I was in a parking lot loading my car with groceries. :ROFL:

Wow that is a prophecy dream if ever I saw one. Denise Lynn says that anything repeated three times indicates a prophecy dream, especially of they are round objects and shine brightly.

So is there a "triangulation" coming with the moon? Or anything like that? Where are our astrologers?
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
During the span of four years the souls of more than 50% of humanity will be transferred into the beyond. The reason: An environmental catastrophe.
I think that we have, through the raising of our consciousness and the planet's efforts to ascend, moved beyond that timeline! So I do not buy into that at all. Thanks anyway Lotos, you never know eh?


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
This is interesting, from David Top's latest on Confusion and Anchoring the Collective Unconscious (by the way those of us that are sinking into brain fog, inertia and sleepiness, I believe we are anchoring the collective unconscious)

"As we have said many times, when the psyche of the human being was created and manipulated so that we could act according to the designs of those who created us, different control programs were introduced in the mental spheres so that, if necessary, they could be enabled to prevent some kind of “awakening” in mass, some kind of reversal of control exercised over us, and so on"


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
“I request to be removed and deprogrammed from my mental spheres, my behavioral pattern of my sphere of consciousness, my mental body, and my egoic center, all the components which reside as programmed energy that create confusion. I request that my higher self will block the installation of new programs of confusion from the collective unconsciousness in my mental spheres, and request to be completely clear and transmute the Source energy of confusion I have created in me, which has been absorbed in the timeline to which I belong, and that is being used to obfuscate, to create chaos and sow distortion in the common reality of humanity. Thank you.”

With this, simply everyone is responsible for cleaning his “piece” of confusion generated in ourselves, based on our individual timelines which we are in, and once deprogrammed will try to again sow the program within us, so we must try and not create more confusion, as such confusion is completely against our highest good as a species, as we continue buying time to delay them.
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
I think that we have, through the raising of our consciousness and the planet's efforts to ascend, moved beyond that timeline! So I do not buy into that at all.
i think that it doesn't matter what we believe :) A lot of ppl really believe 2012 that we enter in 5D overnight :)

maybe is date still active ,we will see,for me is this prediction very intersting because is old :) and has many proofs :) and not even mentioned 2012 like many predicitions and channelers


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
As a note of caution, we should keep in mind that any prophecy is made retrofit and re-interpreted after the fact(s) like Nostradamus and what have you.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Where are our astrologers?
Astrologers were taken their beauty rest –I need lots. Well, regarding the 3 moons, actually an extremely rare phenomenon did occur on 31st January 2018 when we had a lunar eclipse, but also saw the moon in three different forms (a blue moon, a super moon and a blood moon) -first time since 1866 (151 years ago).

Another perspective could be a symbolic one specifically for Anaeinka since the triple moon is a Goddess symbol that represents the Maiden, Mother, and Crone (as the waxing, full, and waning moon). It is also associated with feminine energy, mystery and psychic abilities.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Well, regarding the 3 moons, actually an extremely rare phenomenon did occur on 31st January 2018 when we had a lunar eclipse, but also saw the moon in three different forms (a blue moon, a super moon and a blood moon) -first time since 1866 (151 years ago).
That is an awesomeness post Carl. Anaeika, did you see this?

It could mean both things, a new feminine energy came on to the planet in January. That will set me thinking........thanks Carl. Really.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
Wow! Good thing I did not dismiss this dream and decided to share it with ya’ll. You guys have me thinking. Thank you.

Lotos , thank you for sharing. I like to see other perspectives although it does not resonate with me. It makes sense considering the time since that was an era of old energy. I am called to help those “unwanted” in such a scenario.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
That will set me thinking........thanks Carl.
Another thought that came -and had to check my tables first- after reading the word triangulation in one of your comments above was that actually this month of March we have 2 full moons and 1 new moon (a bridge) in between. That could make 3 moons. What it could mean astrologically? Completions -specially in the feeling/emotional realms for something started last year - at the start of March followed by a new start (around March 16th, plus or minus a day, due to new moon) and reaching another completion/fulfillment at the end of the March with the final full moon. Remember as well that the astrological new year starts March 20 as we enter the sign of Aries.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
together all from one dream
Correct. Anaeika may have been the channel to give us something to look into. Kind of reminds me of when my youngest brother passed unexpectedly a few years ago and one of my other brothers (the one closest to him and more attuned to his frequencies) started to have strange dreams featuring our departed brother and I had to decipher the dream to get the message. One became the channel and other the interpreter -common in my family I learned later.

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