The Event is very close now...10 - 9 - 8 - (3 Viewers)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
No sign on Facebook. Mutnav does not sound like a real Indian name. Does not mean story is fake, could be an insider hiding behind an alias. If he had called himself "Dr. Singh" it would have been easier for him.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Try Linkedin
Good one but nothing there. Apparently the news broke a couple of days ago (there are videos in YouTube). Some scientists in the institute of technology in India were tied to CERN but not Dr. Mutnaj. Wondering if is a typo or somebody else using that fake name to avoid detection/reprisal.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
OK! Here is the source of the news regarding CERN: And here is the comment from the originator: "This article has drawn many new viewers to the channel, many of whom are unfamiliar with me. Therefore, please read below:

To thos asking for the original source of the article, I am the original source. All material on this channel is sourced/vetted/produced by me. I do not borrow/scrape/read/use/steal other peoples' content. The written version of this story is availbalbe on our website --"


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
The 666 killed 3 people and we haven't heard about it? Gawdy mawdy.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Schrödinger's Öther Cat now on board too. It's a full house!

According to Simon Parkes, Psychic Lynn, and now the M's, we've learned that something interesting is (finally) inbound around the Equinox... but it's not exactly The Event. It's the next part of The Event (Step 9, finally). This energy boost will be for for all, and will pave the way toward reconnection with SOURCE -- especially for those who work toward SOURCE, who'll have a choice as to what to do with the energy. But... it's going to be a pretty chaotic ride for the 3-D crowd, so we'll all probably be called to do lots of guidance. Take care of yourselves first, then address people around you.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Thanks for the links to the info above, Pod. Some of the Q&A'ers on Psychic Lynn seemed to be pretty confused, and there's no denying this is new territory for all. My points below are purely my psychic response, and when I get those, it is an immediate, gut response.

  • You won't be able to split the energy wave as you receive it, and have some go down to negative polarity and some up to positive polarity (in terms of a linear line of chakras from red to indigo). When surfing a real wave, you can't split the wave and try surfing it in both directions. There's also the part that we've left some of the lower chakras behind in the old paradigm... so good luck trying to push it that way. The energy wave is meant to wash over (as in a consciousness rinse), so though it feels right that its point of entry is the wheelhouse of the boat - the heart - it will ride the molecules easily to reach where needed.

  • Someone else asked if they would have the option of leaving the energy in the heart, where it landed. My immediate response to that is if the energy stays right there, you will have a heart attack. That is why putting up resistance, as in an electrical circuit, is not a good idea. Just accept, indwell, and love.
This is all about assimilation (and I do not mean hive-mind!)


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
According to Simon Parkes, Psychic Lynn, and now the M's, we've learned that something interesting is (finally) inbound around the Equinox... but it's not exactly The Event.
I did run into several of the above posted sites by Anaeika, Neeraj, etc. yesterday while researching the supposedly event at CERN. It got me thinking (my first step is to submit things to the logical/analytical mind to do some distillation).
A conclusion was that some of the scenarios presented regarding The Event could cause such chaos during the first minutes that could be considered a huge catastrophe by current standards. For example there are comments that huge spaceships would have tractor beams (taken right out of science fiction books, TV or movies) that would hold planes in the air to avoid disasters and evacuate people unable to handle the energy. My mind held a red light.
Yes, there are thousands of planes in the air at any given time (just look at online radars -specially the ones around airports), and it is probable that technology exists somewhere in the multiverse to accomplish that feat. However, that would leave ships in rivers, lakes, oceans; some under the oceans, trains, and worst of all, how about the millions and millions of vehicles in the roads? We are looking at accidents all over the planet. No psychic, hypnosis session, vision, etc., has covered that aspect really. Basically the entire planet would need to be paralyzed to avoid such potential disaster.
Wouldn't make more sense that while the initial moment could be a very, very brief shock we would have a period of assimilation of the energy, transmutation, and it is then that some people would have different reactions to the energies? What do think you guys? Any more ideas, perspectives?


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I’m super foggy. And I’m usually social and I don’t want to be around anyone. Call it depression, fatigue.
Feel the same way. Although I got enough sleep and took all my healthy food and supplements as usual.
Unlike you however I am usually unsocial and like to be alone anyway.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Just spent time doing some research regarding "The Event." It came to me that perhaps it was just something being discussed where English is the primary speaking language or one of the languages, but maybe not, so wanting to read what could be perspective from Spanish speaking nations I started a search -thought too I could translate some of the important points/insights discussed to English and post them here for your perusal.
Unfortunately in the very few sites I found the articles regarding The Event were just translations of articles originally written in English -all discussed/quoted here already; there was even a mention regarding QHHT and Dolores Cannon- while others were the Spanish version of American sites. There were no comments in response to the articles either. There was only one recent article (February 2018) in a newspaper in Guayaquil, Ecuador. They interviewed somebody that goes under the label of Zaphiel, (real name David Mallen, from Spain) that they say is an Avatar, Guide to Awakening, Archangel, Commander of the Galactic Confederation and an expert in the process of ascension to the Fifth Dimension. Yes, curious claims isn't it?
Well, that gentleman was visiting Ecuador for the second time to give a seminar and was interviewed by the paper. He mentioned The Event but gives as the date 2038. He said all was ready but it wouldn't happen until then because it is very complex. A bit difficult to follow his approach/logic to issues (200 convoluted words to say something that could take 15 to 20 at most for example). I am disappointed with the results of my search since I was hoping to find other perspectives and insights to this issue.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Just spent time doing some research regarding "The Event." It came to me that perhaps it was just something being discussed where English is the primary speaking language or one of the languages, but maybe not, so wanting to read what could be perspective from Spanish speaking nations I started a search -thought too I could translate some of the important points/insights discussed to English and post them here for your perusal.
Unfortunately in the very few sites I found the articles regarding The Event were just translations of articles originally written in English -all discussed/quoted here already; there was even a mention regarding QHHT and Dolores Cannon- while others were the Spanish version of American sites. There were no comments in response to the articles either. There was only one recent article (February 2018) in a newspaper in Guayaquil, Ecuador. They interviewed somebody that goes under the label of Zaphiel, (real name David Mallen, from Spain) that they say is an Avatar, Guide to Awakening, Archangel, Commander of the Galactic Confederation and an expert in the process of ascension to the Fifth Dimension. Yes, curious claims isn't it?
Well, that gentleman was visiting Ecuador for the second time to give a seminar and was interviewed by the paper. He mentioned The Event but gives as the date 2038. He said all was ready but it wouldn't happen until then because it is very complex. A bit difficult to follow his approach/logic to issues (200 convoluted words to say something that could take 15 to 20 at most for example). I am disappointed with the results of my search since I was hoping to find other perspectives and insights to this issue.
You are looking outside the box. Thank you, Carl.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
You are looking outside the box. Thank you, Carl.
Thank you for your comments HM and Anaeika! I keep thinking there is still an angle we have not discovered yet. Pod is trying hard as well to find something as you all can see/read. I was hoping Simon Parkes would have by now something regarding the CERN issue but no further updates yet there either.
I really would like to know if there is frenzy from the powers than be/were trying to either hide or escape for example since it would be a clue that they are expecting an imminent game changer. I keep looking at the news but many of the "questionable people in power of some kind" seem to be still at their usual positions yet.
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
check out this video from someone getting info from her deceased son on the shift and the new earth.



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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Thank you for you comment HM! I keep thinking there is still an angle we have not discovered yet. Pod is trying hard as well to find something as you all can see/read. I was hoping Simon Parkes would have by now something regarding the CERN issue but no further updates yet there either.
I really would like to know if there is frenzy from the powers than be/were trying to either hide or escape for example since it would be a clue that they are expecting an imminent game changer. I keep looking at the news but many of the "questionable people in power of some kind" seem to be still at their usual positions yet.
In a way it is heartening that Simon Parkes hasn't come back to us yet. He is not prone to repeat the words of others, and waits for verification from 2 of his trusted sources, which means that he never spreads rumours. Rumours can cause more trouble than they're worth, mainly because fear mongering is as bad as pointing a gun at someone. For as long as we don't hear from him, there is still the chance the original report was a pile of rubbish.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Just spent time doing some research regarding "The Event." It came to me that perhaps it was just something being discussed where English is the primary speaking language or one of the languages, but maybe not, so wanting to read what could be perspective from Spanish speaking nations I started a search -thought too I could translate some of the important points/insights discussed to English and post them here for your perusal.
Unfortunately in the very few sites I found the articles regarding The Event were just translations of articles originally written in English -all discussed/quoted here already; there was even a mention regarding QHHT and Dolores Cannon- while others were the Spanish version of American sites. There were no comments in response to the articles either. There was only one recent article (February 2018) in a newspaper in Guayaquil, Ecuador. They interviewed somebody that goes under the label of Zaphiel, (real name David Mallen, from Spain) that they say is an Avatar, Guide to Awakening, Archangel, Commander of the Galactic Confederation and an expert in the process of ascension to the Fifth Dimension. Yes, curious claims isn't it?
Well, that gentleman was visiting Ecuador for the second time to give a seminar and was interviewed by the paper. He mentioned The Event but gives as the date 2038. He said all was ready but it wouldn't happen until then because it is very complex. A bit difficult to follow his approach/logic to issues (200 convoluted words to say something that could take 15 to 20 at most for example). I am disappointed with the results of my search since I was hoping to find other perspectives and insights to this issue.
I just keep getting messages (confirmations) to trust the unfoldment of what is meant to be. Our tiny minds can't grasp the enormity of the potentials. I find it quite possible that a Spanish-speaking person has tapped in at some level to angel rites and channels, and the language would be convoluted, since a lot of channeling is. Have you ever read Law of One, for instance? Very difficult to read straight through. 2038 is also a very respectable date, as that would be right in time to circumvent the AI singularity, if that indeed is where we're headed.

I'm just putting one foot after the other, and getting bonus "bunches of flowers" along the way.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
2038 is also a very respectable date, as that would be right in time to circumvent the AI singularity, if that indeed is where we're headed.
Something tells me that things will break before that date. We can judge how close perhaps by looking/checking the efforts being made by the people in power to control the masses through fear and/or greed. The more desperate and drastic the measure taken could indicate the proximity of the changing event. I am thinking not just about another school incident or regional issue, but something trying to impact as many people as possible around the planet -they need to generate as much negative feelings as possible in order to try to counteract/delay the potential effect of a mass awakening.

Out of Time

Roaming Contributor
Sep 5, 2016
If the shift is to happen in 2038, I will be watching it from the other side while eating etherial popcorn and rooting for the good guys :)

I came to this reality once more because there was a high chance of it happening during those times. But since it is obviously not (that may not be true at all), I will just miss it with no regrets at all.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Unfortunately in the very few sites I found the articles regarding The Event were just translations of articles originally written in English -all discussed/quoted here already; there was even a mention regarding QHHT and Dolores Cannon- while others were the Spanish version of American sites.
I tell you what IS International Carl....the readings of the energy influxes that are regularly hitting the planet these days, specifically, the Wave X energies. These are from instruments set all over the world. I think you will find them listed on Schrödinger's Öther Cat. I am not always in tune with their interpretations, but I do find the huge spikes exciting and they match my own feelings about it all.

I would be more suspicious of the The Event if there was a worldwide movement about it, because that would mean it IS orchestrated.

Mostly, I am aware that all the information from without myself is only a confirmation of what is happening within myself.

As for the 2038 date, damn it, all the psychics in the world cannot set a date for something we do feel is imminent. How can this man set the date for twenty years ahead? Easy to set the date so far in advance, if it doesn't happen, no one is going to remember your prophecy anyway.

The sudden onslaught of youtube against alternative media sites is a further indication to mind of the PTW levels of fear and panic. Has Natural News been reinstated?

Let's just keep sharing our feelings, thoughts and insights eh? Our community spirit is our best defense.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I tell you what IS International Carl....the readings of the energy influxes that are regularly hitting the planet these days, specifically, the Wave X energies. These are from instruments set all over the world.
Right on target there my dear Pod! Precisely covers something I found today and is reported below -the second article.
I would be more suspicious of the The Event if there was a worldwide movement about it, because that would mean it IS orchestrated.
That is an angle I had not considered. My idea was only to find if other hypnosis practitioners, or mediums, etc. in other parts of the world were receiving similar messages/insights and what were the comments to those reports.

Finally, two articles caught my attention on the news this morning, first: “Mysterious burst of light, loud boom puzzles Washington state residents.” I would have expected something like the usual comment/explanation about space debris or meteor but nobody said anything. Here is the article:

And second, this article touching in one item already reported by Bernie a day or two ago but this is easier to read. This quote in the article raised my eyebrows: “NASA is even considering the use of drugs on Martian crews that will alter the DNA code of those people. The goal would be to alter those human bodies in such a way that the altered DNA would repair any damage sustained from cosmic rays that could cause cancer and other diseases. Here is the full article:
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Very interesting. There have been a lot of reports of strange noises in the skies in the last year. No idea what they are. And there is something amazing happening with our sun which is not, I think, dangerous, but helpful in terms of codes and energy being sent to help Earth upgrade. That is one of the reasons for the chemtrails!
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
Right on target there my dear Pod! Precisely covers something I found today and is reported below -the second article.
That is an angle I had not considered. My idea was only to find if other hypnosis practitioners, or mediums, etc. in other parts of the world were receiving similar messages/insights and what were the comments to those reports.

Finally, two articles caught my attention on the news this morning, first: “Mysterious burst of light, loud boom puzzles Washington state residents.” I would have expected something like the usual comment/explanation about space debris or meteor but nobody said anything. Here is the article:

And second, this article touching in one item already reported by Bernie a day or two ago but this is easier to read. This quote in the article raised my eyebrows: “NASA is even considering the use of drugs on Martian crews that will alter the DNA code of those people. The goal would be to alter those human bodies in such a way that the altered DNA would repair any damage sustained from cosmic rays that could cause cancer and other diseases. Here is the full article:
It could have been a meteor.
“I’m not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.” Hahahaha (Ancient Aliens)


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
And there is something amazing happening with our sun which is not, I think, dangerous, but helpful in terms of codes and energy being sent to help Earth upgrade. That is one of the reasons for the chemtrails!
Good observation. My next research is going to be if something significant -besides the mini ice age- for the human race did take place during the period 1790-1830 (or a bit later) when similar solar event took place before.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Good observation. My next research is going to be if something significant -besides the mini ice age- for the human race did take place during the period 1790-1830 (or a bit later) when similar solar event took place before.
Are you talking about The Carrington Event?
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Let's just keep sharing our feelings, thoughts and insights eh? Our community spirit is our best defense.
Yes, yes, yes!

Carl, for Spanish speaking reports of what is going on, I immediately think of David Topi. If you were to use a search term like 'Event' I don't think you'd necessarily get his material coming up, but it certainly seems to me like pertinent to what is going on in that vein.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
Yes, yes, yes!

Carl, for Spanish speaking reports of what is going on, I immediately think of David Topi. If you were to use a search term like 'Event' I don't think you'd necessarily get his material coming up, but it certainly seems to me like pertinent to what is going on in that vein.
I agree. He doesn’t use the term “Event”, but rather timelines. That alternative timeline may be the New Earth.
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