The Event is very close now...10 - 9 - 8 - (4 Viewers)

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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Obviously, if the latest input from the latest couple is correct and it happens at night, regardless if they are in NY or Arizona, Pacific time would still be at night, thus making the feedback from the other subjects incorrect. Left me wondering.
I’m feeling more and more that this is an “individual” experience...where each being manifests this experience at exactly the right moment for itself and it’s own growth. For example, in my “reality”, I may experience it tomorrow. Since you can shift to a different timeline, perhaps you may experience it sooner or later.

Some may not wish to experience it at all, so perhaps their soul has chosen a corresponding timeline.

That’s the beauty of being “multi-dimensional! :)

Where Spirit is concerned, there ARE no limits.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I’m feeling more and more that this is an “individual” experience...where each being manifests this experience at exactly the right moment for itself and it’s own growth.
Perhaps you are correct SG. I was thinking in engineering terms, like a switch turning on the electric energy (cause) thus activating the light (effect) for all. However, your perspective made me think on another most likely possibility. The light is ready to turn on since the energy has been already hitting us for a while (cause), and as you propose the manifestation could be at different times (effect) because each one of us is a different individual at different levels of awaking. Therefore making all the input from the QHHT sessions correct simultaneously. Made me think too that The Event could be explained using the Chaos Theory. (I include the definition found in Wikipedia regarding Chaos Theory for the ones not familiar with my prior statement: "Chaos theory is a branch of mathematics focusing on the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions.")


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Not sure how this fits in with this discussion, but I feel it goes here for some reason. Maybe you all can help me fill it out.

I spent a lot of time yesterday with people who do not know anything of what we write about here. I was curious about what I could observe and sense. What I felt was their inner strength and calm.

There is a term used in this country - the heartland, which is curiously descriptive. It means the places of ranching and farming, small towns, knowing your neighbors, and standing up to do what is needed. It is not the flash and rabid talkers from the east and west coasts that we see all over the media.

I keep thinking about what it might be like without cacophony of virtue signaling, misdirection, and downright hatred spewed from national media outlets. While I think people banding together for change can be helpful, what I see are more who are shouting sound bites fed to them.

So what would it be like? It would be like where I was yesterday - people who quietly go about living their lives, doing their jobs, and doing what is right.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
So what would it be like? It would be like where I was yesterday - people who quietly go about living their lives, doing their jobs, and doing what is right.
That is similar to where I live -there are drawbacks, mind you (not good internet, poor phone reception, having to travel decent distances to get needed items, higher danger of fires -two in property next to mine this month- being on your own in case of medical emergencies, or assistance taking their time to arrive -voice of the experience there- and not enough doctors come to mind quickly. On the other hand you are closer to nature and all the benefits you mentioned Linda.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
eh new date is 14.4 and then ? maybi 21.6 ? Seems that QHHT sessions are not usefull on global predictions maybe are usefull only for the client.
The jury is still out. Allison Coe gave Q1 as the target based on the HQQT input but added too in a couple of videos that it could take a bit longer. Other QHHT practitioners have it from the end of March to mid April or so. I would venture that if by the end of Q2 we don't have concrete evidence (even if just it is acceleration of disclosures, purges of people in power, etc.) of a global switch the dating input coming from HQQT needs serious analysis. If you watched Allison's Coe last video interview she said it was going to be likely her last one for a while because basically she was just repeating the prior information. I believe too it has to do as well with having reached the announced manifestation period and we must now see if it takes place.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I believe too it has to do as well with having reached the announced manifestation period and we must now see if it takes place.
My question is not "if" it takes place, but WHEN. I really like the analogy of an impending birth. We've had a couple of "due dates", but now they're past, it could happen at ANY time. Again, I'm reminded that in the 1,000s and perhaps even EONS of this controlled charade of physical earth life, even a year or two can be perceived as the "blink of an eye". So a few months either way makes very little difference in the overall scheme of things.

The final kicker that REALLY convinced me that this will actually happen was where someone posted about the movie, "Annihilation". The timing and similarities to what many perceive to be "The Event" are far too synchronistic for me to ignore. The Posers That Were are obviously trying to spin this into something to be afraid of. This is so they can keep as many people as possible in a lower, 3D state of fear. That will either delay things a little bit or help them "harvest" as many people (keep them in a 3D reality) as possible. I feel pretty certain that BOTH are in their agenda. But the fact that this movie is coming out NOW has only strengthened my resolve.

Alison's attitude toward this (i.e., not simply repeating old information) only gives her (and her work) more credibility in my eyes.

I was just chatting with Anaeika this morning about this and she asked whether I felt "The Shift" would be gradual or not. I'm at the point where I feel the gradual part is over. People have been "waking up" and the extremes of behavior that are so evident in our "outer" world today are only forcing people into a choice. Do they continue engaging in the daily "shit show" perpetuated by the lamestream media, or do they reject it? I see more and more signs every day that increasing numbers of people are finally seeing through their fog of lies and rejecting it. Like PG says:

Those are the distractors getting louder spewing their noise as less folk listen to them and more listen to their hearts.
I find it very interesting that the Department of Defense Outreach website tweeted, "The calm before the storm" in a post today. Those were the same words President Trump used a couple of months back, and it's almost become an unofficial "mantra" for those who are pushing for this shift.

We're past the gradual part. Things will be happening faster and faster. Our consciousness has gone into creative hyper drive and the Universe is simply trying to catch up. Not to mix metaphors, but I feel like the train has been loaded up, it's got a full head of steam, and it's starting to move forward. The couplings on the cars have already clanked together and the last car is slowly moving forward. There are still a few folks rushing across the platform to jump on, but we're DEFINITELY moving out!



Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
We've had a couple of "due dates", but now they're past, it could happen at ANY time.
Checking other forums today I did run into another thread mentioning The Event; here are 3 comments I found interesting (obviously avoiding the ones saying that it is a rehash of 2012 or more New Age BS): 1. “Later, in the thread, as time allows, I will also share my own experience with QHHT. My hypnosis happened 11 years ago, and I had a similar imagery surface during my session.

I also saw a wave.”

2. “She (Carl’s note: the ‘She’ being Allison Coe) is clear to assert that she isn't predicting anything but reporting on a pattern in the hypno sessions that began happening a year ago. The soonest timeframe, even then, for the wave to hit was the first qtr. of this year. A few sessions specified March.

It also appears from listening to the vids that it could be an individual thing. People may feel it and see it well before others. Or it may be nothing.

It's really interesting as I have had my own experience of seeing this new "light' approaching.

The idea that a new frequency of light can shift everything is very easy to believe. We see it happen in nature every year with flowering plants (marijuana) and in animal behavior. Chickens are a great example.....they are triggered into egg laying cycles by exposure to sunlight.”

3. “Ed Dames remote viewing of a massive solar event was predicated and the RV predictions included a shuttle like craft crashing to earth.

Could the Tiangong 1 IS be that object? Are the RV sessions also describing the same event as the QHHT sessions?

The QHHT sessions have the same imagery and timing of an event as the RV sessions.

What's going on in our collective consciousness?”

(Carl’s note: for those that don’t know, the Chinese space station Tiangong-1 (Heavenly Palace) has been declared out of control by Chinese authorities and will re-enter the atmosphere in the coming days. Most parts of the orbiting lab are expected to burn up during falling, however some parts may reach the ground. According to the latest analysis the re-entry is expected to occur April 1st, around 6:00 AM Universal Time -time may change as it approaches as the scientists get more accurate readings.)


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Something else I found interesting to research was that in several “channelings” and/or QHHT sessions there has been mention of the energy wave coming from the central Sun, hitting the back of our Sun and then the wave coming thru hitting Earth.

I found this today that it may have a bit of correlation, not fully, but worthwhile mentioning: “A flux transfer event (FTE) occurs when a magnetic portal opens in the Earth's magnetosphere through which high-energy particles flow from the Sun. This connection, while previously thought to be permanent, has been found to be brief and very dynamic. The European Space Agency's four Cluster spacecraft and NASA's five THEMIS probes have flown through and surrounded these FTEs, measuring their dimensions and identifying the particles that are transferred between the magnetic fields.

Earth's magnetosphere and the Sun's magnetic field are constantly pressed against one another on the dayside of Earth. Approximately every eight minutes, these fields briefly merge; forming a temporary "portal" between the Earth and the Sun through which high-energy particles such as solar wind can flow. The portal takes the shape of a magnetic cylinder about the width of Earth. Current observations place the portal at up to 4 times the size of Earth.”


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
During this morning's chat with Anaeika, I was reminded of something I had written for my blog back in 2014. As I revisited the page and read it again, it brought on an entirely new depth of meaning for me...along with full-body chills. At the time (2014), I knew about "The Shift" or "The Event", but I don't think anyone had as clear of a picture of it as has recently been portrayed by Alison's and others' work. I'm also pretty certain that it wasn't yet perceived as "a storm" of sorts. I'll have to go back to my journals and see what was going on at the time.

Anyway, I've often wondered why this one experience stood out so strongly for me so many years ago. Now I think I know.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Something else I found interesting to research was that in several “channelings” and/or QHHT sessions there has been mention of the energy wave coming from the central Sun, hitting the back of our Sun and then the wave coming thru hitting Earth.

I found this today that it may have a bit of correlation, not fully, but worthwhile mentioning: “A flux transfer event (FTE) occurs when a magnetic portal opens in the Earth's magnetosphere through which high-energy particles flow from the Sun. This connection, while previously thought to be permanent, has been found to be brief and very dynamic. The European Space Agency's four Cluster spacecraft and NASA's five THEMIS probes have flown through and surrounded these FTEs, measuring their dimensions and identifying the particles that are transferred between the magnetic fields.

Earth's magnetosphere and the Sun's magnetic field are constantly pressed against one another on the dayside of Earth. Approximately every eight minutes, these fields briefly merge; forming a temporary "portal" between the Earth and the Sun through which high-energy particles such as solar wind can flow. The portal takes the shape of a magnetic cylinder about the width of Earth. Current observations place the portal at up to 4 times the size of Earth.”
This seems like it would make a good new posting, esp if it had a link to the original article:cool:
Thx for sharing the research, Carl.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
During this morning's chat with Anaeika, I was reminded of something I had written for my blog back in 2014. As I revisited the page and read it again, it brought on an entirely new depth of meaning for me...along with full-body chills. At the time (2014), I knew about "The Shift" or "The Event", but I don't think anyone had as clear of a picture of it as has recently been portrayed by Alison's and others' work. I'm also pretty certain that it wasn't yet perceived as "a storm" of sorts. I'll have to go back to my journals and see what was going on at the time.

Anyway, I've often wondered why this one experience stood out so strongly for me so many years ago. Now I think I know.
That article has so much in it to make one's hair stand on end, including the electricity in the air during a lightning storm.

I, too, have always loved storms. I'd linger to watch them, from shore, mountaintop, or wherever. Some memorable ones come immediately to mind (like the ones below) and it seems a timely reminder that, somehow, things always seem to come out well.
Watching 'the show' from an island as a storm swept the mainland.
Having my hair stand on end and watching my companions faces as they watched. We skedaddled downhill really fast, realizing that our metal jewelry has become hot. We had just been talking about first aid in the event of a lightning hit but there was only one small cloud in the summer sky at the time.
Watching the horizon change as a storm swept ashore.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Not sure how this fits in with this discussion, but I feel it goes here for some reason. Maybe you all can help me fill it out.

I spent a lot of time yesterday with people who do not know anything of what we write about here. I was curious about what I could observe and sense. What I felt was their inner strength and calm.

There is a term used in this country - the heartland, which is curiously descriptive. It means the places of ranching and farming, small towns, knowing your neighbors, and standing up to do what is needed. It is not the flash and rabid talkers from the east and west coasts that we see all over the media.

I keep thinking about what it might be like without cacophony of virtue signaling, misdirection, and downright hatred spewed from national media outlets. While I think people banding together for change can be helpful, what I see are more who are shouting sound bites fed to them.

So what would it be like? It would be like where I was yesterday - people who quietly go about living their lives, doing their jobs, and doing what is right.
Linda, when you talk about heartland, I get it that the most honourable thing is connection, and these people have spent a life weaving and building on that. I envision them all standing and living on a flat barge, working its way down a broad sweep of river, with the daily markers in their lives still good and true as they pass jetties in their wake, take care of their waste, feed their kids, etc. The point is that the environment of the flat, safe river will change, into one that is perhaps at first just choppy, but then dynamic, not knowing which way the waves will move the barge, perhaps the sides of the barge are too low for everyone to feel totally secure. And then I envision others of us who have jumped onto surfboards, just the energy of their intent carrying them along in the froth and bother of the agitated waters. It is the transition onto the surfboard, and perhaps onto something even less physical than that, a fragment of cork, but the courage and the depth within to shout into the oncoming winds: "Hell yeah! I'm going to enjoy this ride!"

And perhaps our energy and enthusiasm can help some of the people on the barge, who have known flat waters all their lives.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Those are the distractors getting louder spewing their noise as less folk listen to them and more listen to their hearts.
Try threading a needle in front of the TV while it has some of those super-hyped people on it, as you say, spewing....
You soon won't even be aware there is a TV in the room as you try to get that floppy bit of thread through that mega-tiny eye of the needle. Focus, and importance of doing something right, will win out every time.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
3. “Ed Dames remote viewing of a massive solar event was predicated and the RV predictions included a shuttle like craft crashing to earth.

Could the Tiangong 1 IS be that object? Are the RV sessions also describing the same event as the QHHT sessions?

The QHHT sessions have the same imagery and timing of an event as the RV sessions.

What's going on in our collective consciousness?”
Carl that is amazing.....I saw an article and a link to a website where Ed Dames is giving away a free DVD about this huge solar flare that is going to wipe out humanity! He calls it "The Kill Shot" I read about it briefly, it is as you say. I wondered too, is The Event the Kill Shot that Dames and his RVers have seen?

I used to believe that only a major EMP like The Kill Shot could change things on Earth because the whole banking stuff was so out of control. But that was before I learned about The Event.

Time will tell.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
It would be like where I was yesterday - people who quietly go about living their lives, doing their jobs, and doing what is right.
That is beautiful Linda. I do feel that more and more people are switching off from the news and other distractions and trying to connect to "Heart Land"

My old friend Tim Wheater sang about Heartland. It is very haunting.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Carl that is amazing
I found it intriguing too. The "kill shot" could very well come true by killing our civilization as we currently know it and simultaneously birthing a path for humanity. By-the-way, as I was traveling for my dental appointment earlier I heard on the radio that the latest estimate for the Chinese space station to crash was between April 1-4. I'm sure we will get updates in TV as well.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
The "kill shot" could very well come true by killing our civilization as we currently know it and simultaneously birthing a path for humanity
I do not think the Kill Shot would be so good for humanity because you can bet the PTW know about it and, deep underground, will have all their computers etc protected by Faraday cages. No only the ordinary people would suffer.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
That is beautiful Linda. I do feel that more and more people are switching off from the news and other distractions and trying to connect to "Heart Land"

My old friend Tim Wheater sang about Heartland. It is very haunting.
That is a really beautiful sound.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I do not think the Kill Shot would be so good for humanity because you can bet the PTW know about it and, deep underground, will have all their computers etc protected by Faraday cages. No only the ordinary people would suffer.
The RV described by Dames was energy coming from the Sun and hitting Earth. What if what he saw was the energy wave coming and hitting but didn't know what the effects would be in general. The RV folks called it a "kill shot," when in reality it could have been instead the energy wave the QHHT subjects described. I believe that is what the original poster in the forum I saw was trying to explain. If that is the case and he is correct, then perhaps it is beneficial for humanity and no matter where the PTW go to hide they would still feel its impact.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
The RV described by Dames was energy coming from the Sun and hitting Earth.
If I recall correctly, Dames’ concern was primarily with our modern electrical “grid” and dependence on electronic technology—that this incoming energy would “fry” everything, putting us back into the Stone Age and ushering in global war.

Perhaps he simply misunderstood the energy and was viewing it from a conventional perspective. I can easily see where his military background would nudge him toward a survival-oriented conclusion. Hard to believe (even for me) that not so many years ago, mine was much the same!


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
The jury is still out. Allison Coe gave Q1 as the target based on the HQQT input but added too in a couple of videos that it could take a bit longer. Other QHHT practitioners have it from the end of March to mid April or so. I would venture that if by the end of Q2 we don't have concrete evidence (even if just it is acceleration of disclosures, purges of people in power, etc.) of a global switch the dating input coming from HQQT needs serious analysi
ok, three weeks left:)


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
You know what the greatest fear is on Earth? WWW3.

It seems the PTW are trying their hardest to convince us that they are going to start WW3, that it is inevitable.

This is pure propaganda. The expulsion of Russian diplomats is nothing, there are more diplomats in the Russian embassy in Mexico city than have been expelled worldwide. There are thousands of Russian diplomats worldwide, yet the MSM refers to "Mass expulsions" Not true.

The whole poisoning of a Russian in Salisbury is bullshit! So we know this is just a story.

You have to ask yourself why this need to generate such fear at this time?

When I walked into Shelter last week, all the staff were clustered around talking about WW3 and the poisoning. Luckily, I had that morning, read a very interesting article on how the nerve agent was not even recognised by the poisons committee because they did not even know if it actually existed. One bonus of a smart phone is that I was able to access the article on my phone and show it to them. That stopped all the fear. "You are being played" I told them.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
You know what the greatest fear is on Earth? WWW3.

It seems the PTW are trying their hardest to convince us that they are going to start WW3, that it is inevitable.

This is pure propaganda. The expulsion of Russian diplomats is nothing, there are more diplomats in the Russian embassy in Mexico city than have been expelled worldwide. There are thousands of Russian diplomats worldwide, yet the MSM refers to "Mass expulsions" Not true.

The whole poisoning of a Russian in Salisbury is bullshit! So we know this is just a story.

You have to ask yourself why this need to generate such fear at this time?

When I walked into Shelter last week, all the staff were clustered around talking about WW3 and the poisoning. Luckily, I had that morning, read a very interesting article on how the nerve agent was not even recognised by the poisons committee because they did not even know if it actually existed. One bonus of a smart phone is that I was able to access the article on my phone and show it to them. That stopped all the fear. "You are being played" I told them.
You’re right Pod, it is total bullshit, I tell people that if they start talking about it but some are quite hard to convince and can’t understand why none of it bothers me.

I guess the ptw are just that, the ptw, passed tense and they know it so they’re upping the game, trying to stay afloat.
Won’t work of course.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Perhaps he simply misunderstood the energy and was viewing it from a conventional perspective. I can easily see where his military background would nudge him toward a survival-oriented conclusion. Hard to believe (even for me) that not so many years ago, mine was much the same!
I agree with SG's analysis. Also, anytime we are viewing into another place and/or time, we may be seeing a snippet. Although I've used this example many times, it seems like a good time to bring it up again. Sometimes a vision will just pop in - looking out at the woods, which become a mountain view, and learning the next day we were going to Colorado. So, that was a great one. On the other hand, I was looking out the front windows, "saw" a new maroon SUV in the driveway, and thought we are getting a new car. A few days later my husband pulled in the driveway with that car, which was a rental while his was in the repair shop. Each vision was accurate, but the context for second one was not what I thought.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
You know what the greatest fear is on Earth? WWW3.
What nobody tells you is that WWW3 started shortly after WW2 but it is not being fought with conventional weapons (too risky for the people in power because they could die too -too many unknowns and elements to control). The wars now are fought in the financial arena -much more profitable and less casualties, if any, for the people in power.
I realized that back in the 1990s and during a meeting I tried to explain it to my boss at work (a Japanese gentleman that was the vice-president of the division -like many Japanese he started and finished his career at the same company) when I wanted a more aggressive approach solving a very difficult manufacturing problem (not easy to get from a person representing a nation that needs consensus and has the historical baggage of a lost war). I stated directly that business was war and that having worked for different companies I had been both at winning and losing armies and unless we were to take an aggressive approach we would loose and our division could be eliminated. Corollary: a peaceful/diplomatic approach was taken and we were slaughtered. As we were closing the division I was called to the Japanese VP's office just before he was to leave to Japan for good. He just looked at me and said that I was correct, business was war.
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