The Event is very close now...10 - 9 - 8 - (2 Viewers)

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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I love the idea of our choosing to make an Even happen that everyone experiences in their own way. I love that the old 'doom and gloom', 'killshot' type scenarios are outdated now.
For me the killshot is the negative and violent interpretation of light piercing the earth. That 'piercing' was also once the key aspect and element of my '(acu-?)Puncture' vision I had in 2011.

Still it is clear for me that it is affecting this physical Earth and not an 'ascended' or '5D' version of it. It is the awakening of Humanity taking place gradually around the world in many (sun)spots nowadays.

In a way it's a metaphor but as I posted above it is also physically happening- guided by the sun development or other universal influence factors that are being observed (not channelled...), maybe it happens with or without benign ET support/guidance, as my vision at least insinuated, but who knows. Maybe we don't even need them and it would happen anyway?

Yeah, I said it before, for me it is not about any "New Earth" we all suddenly jump / ascend / 'rapture' to. This "New Earth" for me is the energetic/astral version of physical Earth. But any 'Event' or the 'Shift' as a whole (that consists of maybe many events) is about our physcial Gaia in the process of 'becoming' a new Earth. And that takes ... time ... at least on our plane. :cool:

I can almost see Sinera's brow creasing with this one. After all, how does one 'know' something has happened when it hasn't happened yet?
You know, I already have a sore forehead muscle ache from creasing and raising my eye-brows every now and then here, like this: O_o:rolleyes::confused:.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
While doing some research today I did run into a video from March 17 by Stacie Overman (that btw says The Event will happen in March based on what she heard and watched but under pressure by some comments she starts mentioning around Easter or further like this comment: “I listen to many channelers I believe all have truth in their messages. But note many have mentioned it like a wave. Meaning it is coming in small waves at a time. Calibrating each of us a little more with each wave. And like a wave they build upon one another. So at some point between now and 2024 we may actually experience a big event. But now is simply the unveiling to the big event. I will be doing another video of this soon. Hope that makes sense.” But there was one interesting reply to her video though:

“Jane Ishii4 days ago

What you are saying is true. I am getting similar kinds of information from my QHHT sessions here in Japan. It has been building for some time now. I am not sure about the date you mentioned? I did feel it more around Easter or after Easter but I can feel there energy very strongly these past few days. It feels like I am a bit dizzy. It feels like I have high blood pressure (in my head). Which is not uncomfortable but a bit weird. Yes, it will re-calibrate the planet. Yes, I had a client yesterday whose higher self said he will not notice 'The Event'. But they said he will benefit greatly from it. His higher self actually said 'many people will not notice it happening'. Only those whose frequency is high enough will actually experience it consciously and know it is happening. It is an exciting time!”


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
many others
haha,but there are no "others"

Bashar once answered 'what people? you are in an empty room talking to your own higher mind. Just because it looks like there are other people in the room with you, their not.' and 'you are the only one in it (the room), regardless of what it looks like'

Bashar has talked about you being in the center of your universe; what you put out is what you get back. is correct. However There is the reflection on that mirror, one is yours; the other reflections are your 'versions' of other people in thier own reality. this means that there are your reflection that you see, and your versions of another persons transposed image in your reality mirror

You see your own reflection in the mittor, there is also another person in the mirror next to you. that person has properties of matching your frequency,vibration and patterns that exist in your reality and thier own reality. Therefore there more that 1 person in your universe, there is the other person that you have a version of matching patterns and vibrations.

Reference is the Channelling Session "Mechanics of Channelling" the handout shows this example.

bashar forum
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
So at some point between now and 2024
How clever of her. :rolleyes:

Years ago when 2012 was all the rage I remember it was also said by some that it would be a span of years from 2012 to 2016 or even -18 by some. It's a good strategy, so you cannot be called upon directly if nothing happened on that day, in that month or year.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
haha,but there are no "others"

Bashar once answered 'what people? you are in an empty room talking to your own higher mind. Just because it looks like there are other people in the room with you, their not.' and 'you are the only one in it (the room), regardless of what it looks like'

Bashar has talked about you being in the center of your universe; what you put out is what you get back. is correct. However There is the reflection on that mirror, one is yours; the other reflections are your 'versions' of other people in thier own reality. this means that there are your reflection that you see, and your versions of another persons transposed image in your reality mirror

You see your own reflection in the mittor, there is also another person in the mirror next to you. that person has properties of matching your frequency,vibration and patterns that exist in your reality and thier own reality. Therefore there more that 1 person in your universe, there is the other person that you have a version of matching patterns and vibrations.

Reference is the Channelling Session "Mechanics of Channelling" the handout shows this example.

bashar forum
What Bashar explains is depending on your frame/point of reference. If you regard Source/God as the one being we all emanate from and take that top-down look for a moment ... then this is probably right to say.

If your point of reference is all other realities including this physical plane, but also astral planes or whatever dimensions, then it is is not right to say. There are "others". It's even the reason why we have these experiences as 'incarnated' beings or any kind of 'separate' individual being in any kind of reality frame, energetic or physical or whatever.

So in my view this is just some rhetoric trick. It's typical New Age "We-Are-All-One-And-It-Is-All-Illusion"-speak. :fp (Laron, I'm missing a 'yawn'-smiley here.)

Btw, I do not trust a lot in what Bashar says. Just my impression. I saw some vids years ago. Something is off with this guy. Cannot point to it exactly, just a gut feeling. It's the same old story: either your resonate with it or you don't. I do not. Just my view.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
What Bashar explains is depending on your frame/point of reference. If you regard Source/God as the one being we all emanate from and take that top-down look for a moment ... then this is probably right to say.

If your point of reference is all other realities including this physical plane, but also astral planes or whatever dimensions, then it is is not right to say. There are "others". It's even the reason why we have these experiences as 'incarnated' beings or any kind of 'separate' individual being in any kind of reality frame, energetic or physical or whatever.
I like the idea that "we" (Source/God AND "others") are without limitation.

If we can accept ALL points of reference as valid (or even possible) then BOTH concepts of "Self" are acceptable and neither is mutually exclusive. Therefore, from this "higher" or "broader" perspective, we ARE one. And from the more "microcosmic" or "incarnate" view, we ARE ALSO individuals.

Looking at it this way includes ANY and EVERY possible perspective.

To experience the Wholeness that we are:

ALL are needed.
ALL are wonderful.
And ALL are loved (because without even one of the smallest parts, our experience would not be as full)​



Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
If we can accept ALL points of reference as valid (or even possible) then BOTH concepts of "Self" are acceptable and neither is mutually exclusive. Therefore, from this "higher" or "broader" perspective, we ARE one. And from the more "microcosmic" or "incarnate" view, we ARE ALSO individuals.
You misunderstood me. What you write that is what I've been saying. Perspective matters, yes. But therefore the general statement of Bashar (as quoted) making it somehow an 'argument' to 'debunk' individuality and personality is inaccurate and just somehow New Age wischiwaschi. I just found out this word exists in English too, cool.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
How clever of her. :rolleyes:

Years ago when 2012 was all the rage I remember it was also said by some that it would be a span of years from 2012 to 2016 or even -18 by some. It's a good strategy, so you cannot be called upon directly if nothing happened on that day, in that month or year.
hehe,so true, but 2030 is a last date in a lot of predicitions
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
haha,but there are no "others"

Bashar once answered 'what people? you are in an empty room talking to your own higher mind. Just because it looks like there are other people in the room with you, their not.' and 'you are the only one in it (the room), regardless of what it looks like'

Bashar has talked about you being in the center of your universe; what you put out is what you get back. is correct. However There is the reflection on that mirror, one is yours; the other reflections are your 'versions' of other people in thier own reality. this means that there are your reflection that you see, and your versions of another persons transposed image in your reality mirror

You see your own reflection in the mittor, there is also another person in the mirror next to you. that person has properties of matching your frequency,vibration and patterns that exist in your reality and thier own reality. Therefore there more that 1 person in your universe, there is the other person that you have a version of matching patterns and vibrations.

Reference is the Channelling Session "Mechanics of Channelling" the handout shows this example.

bashar forum
Bashar sounds to me, in some respects, a lot like Tom Campbell (author of "My Big Toe").
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
How clever of her. :rolleyes:

Years ago when 2012 was all the rage I remember it was also said by some that it would be a span of years from 2012 to 2016 or even -18 by some. It's a good strategy, so you cannot be called upon directly if nothing happened on that day, in that month or year.
When you no longer want to kick the can down the road, you look within and find out it's an everlasting now.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I think a lot of confusion stems from the fact that we have "free will within limitation", meaning everything is not without boundaries in this dimension or expression of life. We willingly choose the limitation to give us the grounds for our learning journey. We may not like what that limitation does for us while we're here (and while we're in forgetting mode); but it sure can wake us up, like a bump on the head in the night. So exercise and express your free will, for sure, but remember that the limitation is only as good as the learning journey permits, and it is possible to break free of it even while still being of this body/shape/form if you evolve past it.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
What Bashar explains is depending on your frame/point of reference. If you regard Source/God as the one being we all emanate from and take that top-down look for a moment ... then this is probably right to say.
you can always choose point of view! it is more convenient use "lower" point of reference,because there are others (people,goverment,dark forces) and you can easily put on blame for your problems -typical 3D life
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
...remember that the limitation is only as good as the learning journey permits, and it is possible to break free of it even while still being of this body/shape/form if you evolve past it.
BRILLIANTLY expressed, HM! That’s why I think so many of us are feeling frustrated. We’re trying to break free, we somehow just “know” it’s possible, and yet we still have doubts about our ability to do it.

2030? Yeah, not on my timeline. Our catalyst friends will try to stretch this out as long as they can ( that’s their job, after all), but I’m not having any of that.

Let’s get this “train” rolling! There’s lots left to see!!!



Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Crossing the Crystalline Bridges: Part One
Mar 29, 2018

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Obviously it has been an intense few weeks as this next light level flows in. This series of intel addresses the mulitidimensional levels of what is unfolding for the Ascension in this now. I AM about to travel to Sedona for High-Vibe gatherings, which feels well-timed as April provides unique interaction with the crystalline bridges to the New Earth experience. Kindwhile, this series of articles may provide clarity and support.

We are experiencing major releases of plasma light pulses. Ancient codes are stepping forth for higher timelines. Unlock what you planted here for Ascension, beloveds. The Crystalline Grid is adjusting the New Earth Grids for stability; Intend flow, ease and grace.

Meditate to feel the bliss, expansion and soothe the clearing activity. Focus on the heart as the energy field stimulation is very strong, especially for embodiers of the Christed frequency. The whole-body vibrations and surges will continue to amplify. Shake it til you make it!

Your lightbody is changing right now, don’t let the mind distract from this sacred transformation. Deep Soul group activity also present; we are migrating realities as a collective.

Note the activated heart torus expansion – like a big balloon of light. Spin crystalline-diamond-Christed light through these fields, it truly supports balance and integration. Extra water and oxygenation; we are purging the uncomplimentary DNA patterns and imprints from the cells. Release, weep, smile, we got this. It is safe to change.

This initial thrust of the Equinox wave lasts through April 7. Keep the focus on Highest Primary timelines for all. Join the SUNday Unity Meditations for collective amplification, balance and healing. Full Moon unified Gatekeeping and Gridwork this Saturday, March 31 at 5:37AM PT.

Crossing the Crystalline Bridges: Part One

Geomagentic storms were strong during the initial blows of these Cosmic Winds. Solar wind (plasma influxes) are consistent; a stream of higher vibrational Source-light-encoded light. Alignments during this passage assist the ever-increasing influx of these plasma delivery systems. This phase is different, however. Energies always rise and grow stronger, that is the shift itself. This new frequency is revealing higher trajectories for many, which in turn levels up the collective Ascension.

As the planetary magnetics shift, it opens Gateways – ancient Gateways – for activation of Gaia’s crystalline core to radiate 5D activations. It also triggers awakened DNA and lightbodies to go into Ascension mode. This is why the body, mind, and emotions are so stimulated right now. This is the new light level consistently blooming, expanding us into the next creation which is already in place. New Earth Now.

This Divine Will influx is significantly altering the magnetics and grids of Gaia. Note the consistent solar wind and geomagnetic storms all throughout the Equinox influx from March 15. This is strong energy, powerful dimensional-shifting, consciousness-raising light. On the evening of March 16th I experienced six hours of watching the lightwave come nearer, activating extremely pure planetary and star toroidal fields in nearby systems. There were also vast fields of sparkling 5D-rainbow plasma flowing with this activity. More on that in the next article.

These pure phototonic deliveries are unlocking the magnetic stronghold which held old systems in place. As above, so below, Beloveds. Old game over, both externally and internally. This is why your lifestream is demanding change on a personal level. This is why you cannot create with the old energy, or why it feels uncomfortable to do so. Our higher trajectory, Primary Christed timelines, are doing what was intended; empowering the creators and active participants of this experience to raise all willing hearts into Unity consciousness.

Deconstructing the Old Architecture, the Old Storyline.

Think Universal, act local. The collective demands change on all levels. This is a reciprocal effect; the energies coming in create change, the Divine return of a pure experience of Source. Ascension is a command from Source; our entire Universe is shifting. The collective responds to the triggering light by seeking truth.

This has been going on for decades; the revelation of that which was hidden. The intensity increases; more light provides more exposure. As distortions, time-loops, uncomplimentary timelines and holographic inserts/imprints are removed, the collective consciousness catches up to the true level of light; the Divine Truth. Revelation begins to accelerate, the energies amplify, and our body-mind-spirit complex adjusts.

Part of the Gatekeeper credo is ensuring that everyone is provided with the opportunity to explore their Ascension without boundaries or control systems interfering with their path. This is what is occurring right now with Ascension. Everything is being cleared so that the collective experience of Ascension is wide open for exploration by all.

Anxieties and Insecurities

This current energy is aimed at global, palpable awakening and transparency. Insecurities, lack of confidence, emotional deep purging may get intense right now. Yes, it is part of the process and DNA/lightbody upgrades. However you may have noticed that it feels different, almost too intense in some moments. This is happening at the same time that many of us are experiencing intense bliss. Global magnetic shifts also alter your personal magnetics, however there is more going on.

As we move into unity consciousness, we can feel the collective field. Much of the insecurity, egoic clearing, and confidence challenges are a reflection of what is occurring behind the scenes. Those who believed that money and control were the most important thing, have no heart platform to stand on as the timelines shift. They feel they are losing everything by losing their material belongings, social status, financial status, or belief systems about how this was going to unfold. They are afraid of exposure and judgment. These HUmans have a deep ties energetically to nearly everyone on the planet. The core-shaking loss that they feel as the New Light takes over the plan is palpable.

We have experienced loss, reevaluation of all that we are, and the release of egoic-level attachments through our Ascension process. That same process is available to those who have chosen lower timelines. However, when it hits the powers-that-were in such a strong way, there are collective reverberations of those emotions and constructs being released. Those who are completely enamored and entangled with control-as-power, manipulation-as-power, are suffering. We must remember this is a collective release of what was created here, on overdrive.

There is much deep soul-searching as old structures collapse. However here is the point of mentioning behind the scenes in this article: Because we are all One, because the energy is doing the exact same thing to our personal lives that it is doing to the old structures, and because those systems had energetic ties to the entire collective, we feel it removing the old foundational platforms based on control, ego, and survival. This effects us on an individual case-by-case, person by person level. Clemency, forgiveness, emotional and psychological breakdowns from those transparency operations are palpable.

The energy does the same thing to our journeys as it does to larger operating systems. The questioning, the doubts, the fears, the insecurity, the lack of confidence … You see that this is all a reflection of what is happening on a mass scale. When folks at the top feel wounded and insecure, we feel it too. It teaches us empathy and compassion. In order to fully become a Christed being, we demonstrate non-judgment and forgiveness. False confidence or a false sense of power are falling away. This allows us to re-examine everything in this new light. Constructing new realities as we de-construct old ones is a mighty task for the lower Self. Have patience, follow the flow of this new light and let it change you.

Addiction to the old reality is breaking apart. Mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual distortion is surrendered so the palpable experience of a new path may be attained.

Spiritual Maturity, Spiritual Disclosure

The challenges to our spiritual maturity, our hearts, our relationships, releases the magnetics of the past. If you feel un-glued, that is exactly what is happening in your fields (and Gaia’s). Yes, the filters for our Ascension get finer and finer as we go through this process. That has been consistent. However this year, when we’re dealing with larger numbers in the awakened collective, the experience dissolves storylines and beliefs about who we were, and how we were going to walk through this.

This is a beautiful Mastery initiation to infinite possibility. We place our hearts on the feather scale. What has been learned and did we apply it properly? Is there anything that needs to shift to accommodate the higher trajectory?

We keep refining what we are in order to merge with our Higher True Self. Those of us feeling and creating this pull to the higher level, must respect and honor it. The High-Vibe Tribe reaches out multidimensionally to create highest outcomes for all.

Relationship with Source: Apply Multidimensional Awareness to Everything

Our relationship with Source is tested. Relationship issues are a reflection of the relationship with Self, which is a relationship with Source. The Divine searches for its own reflection, amplifies the Sacred mirrors and corrects distortion.

As this pure Source light returns, we deeply honor our relationship with Source. We feel and honor our relationship with creation, everything as God, as Self. Our relationship to Source is completing and aligning relationships in form because the Higher Self relationship is purifying with Source.

We are learning during this bifurcation process how realities are separated, and how they arise into something else. We remember our ancient creation, and how to create again in alignment with Source. We are reaching for the highest truth, the highest expression. Anything which limits the full expression of your highest trajectory is exposed.

Focus on multidimensional awareness and apply it to everything that is presenting in your lifestream. All situations, interactions, emotions, behaviors, words, projects, and creations. This is the emergence of our consistent presence as one unified consciousness. Everything traverses dimensions; apply this knowledge directly to what is presenting.

The new light level can be intense in some moments; both intense bliss and intense realignment with the Christed/Crystalline/Unity timelines. Our vibrancy is tested. Authenticity is tested. Spiritual maturity is tested. Oversoul groups are raising as many as possible into the higher experience with ease and grace. The brighter we glow, the easier it is for others to see the light.

Primary Christed timelines are very high vibrational creations, and by quantum effect they raise our experiences into zero point. Remember they are a part of bridging the worlds; we use them to Ascend to 5D. As always,the vibrational pass-key is the Christed/Crystalline HUman Heart.

In Love, Light and Service,
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
yes of course,but after ascension in 5D,we will become truly yourself without a trace of any other "programs"
Do we know that for certain?
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Here in Dumfries, we are holding the first Farmers Market at the station. This is a great improvement, bringing local produce into the town so people can access it on foot rather than having to drive miles out.

I had to laugh at the latest posting on the Dumfries Facebook page:

There is one more day after this to go before the Big Event and I expect there are loads of things that I could have said...............


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
you can always choose point of view! it is more convenient use "lower" point of reference,because there are others (people,goverment,dark forces) and you can easily put on blame for your problems -typical 3D life
Works the other way round too. Ignore all problems and dark things going on on this 3D duality level by becoming (or pretending to be) ascended/elevated and just stating all the time your mantra 'I ignore the problems because 'we' are one anyway and duality is all illusion'. Fine if it instantly solves your problems or that of many 'others'. I doubt it. ;):cool:


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
'we' are one anyway and duality is all illusion'. Fine if it instantly solves your problems or that of many 'others'. I doubt it
The idea really isn’t to instantly solve problems. I see it more as a “chipping away” and a gradual transmutation of older, more negative programming. It’s TOUGH to dismantle decades of personal (and millennia of collective) mental programming.

I find positive affirmation to be extremely helpful and I have no doubt of its power to create positive change. Every time I have a negative thought (one of concern regarding my health, for example) I affirm, “I AM health, I AM life, I AM the highest outcome for the benefit of all, I AM gratitude. And so it is.”

Whether I think the words (when others are around) or speak them (if I’m alone) I trust that I’m not only training my mind and body, I’m declaring my intentions to Universe.

Different practices may work for different people, of course, but I find this one works quite well (albeit slowly) for me!

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
The idea really isn’t to instantly solve problems. I see it more as a “chipping away” and a gradual transmutation of older, more negative programming
But you are still stuck in duality if you need positive affirmation to undo negative thoughts.
Works the other way round too. Ignore all problems and dark things going on on this 3D duality level by becoming (or pretending to be) ascended/elevated
Good to see you are still as miserable as ever Sinera.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Good to see you are still as miserable as ever Sinera.
Thanks. I do my very best. ;)

However, it's not personal at all, because I just mean this in a general way. Do we ignore all suffering people in the world? What I mean is that we need to stay firmly in both worlds since the negative one will not go away (so easily and fast by an Event ...) and many live in it even if we are lucky enough to be (temporarily) out of it. Ignoring it does not help imv, neither does wishywashy-new-age-talk - especially it's not helpful for the ones you want reach or help. The talk of 'don't suffer, we are all one' will come across as cynical to them. Isn't this just common sense? I think it is.

No, I am not against positive thinking and vibrations and trying to elevate oneself by this. I tried it too. For me it is especially the 'follow your bliss' strategy. It is better for me than just affirmations which might become hollow after a while if there's no intent behind it or you do it automatically like a robot.

Btw, 'follow-your-bliss' is one of the talking points of Bashar I remember that I really liked. He describes it as the practice to create the highest excitement by doing what you love doing every moment, this will indeed elevate you and your life. So I did not mean that everything he says is BS or wrong - not at all. It was just more about the channeller type/personality that somehow put me off, his strange stage 'performance' if you will.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
However, it's not personal at all, because I just mean this in a general way. Do we ignore all suffering people in the world?
No need to ignore it but see it for what it is......souls having experiences they have chosen.
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