The Event is very close now...10 - 9 - 8 - (6 Viewers)

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I’ve noticed a marked uptick in nightmares too. Many in the last few nights. I’m sure there’s a concerted effort at many levels to hold us all back.

Not gonna work! They do not have my consent. Let them reap what they sow, I say!

I just woke up from a nightmare about my last place of work, where it was easily seen they planned my demise, by cutting me off from interesting jobs (in the dream, actual police tape was used), and just getting me to deal with an enormous pile of mail, but interfering in my carrying out that duty as well. At one point I was given clandestine support by a tall stranger who touched my hand, as he passed by. I just saw the back of his coat, he looked like Keanu Reeves from the back. I realised that plan was to make me want to leave, as is often done with employees they want to see the back of. If they can get an employee to resign, they don't need to make any payout. In my case, I did actually stick it out, and I did get the payout.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I found it intriguing too. The "kill shot" could very well come true by killing our civilization as we currently know it and simultaneously birthing a path for humanity. By-the-way, as I was traveling for my dental appointment earlier I heard on the radio that the latest estimate for the Chinese space station to crash was between April 1-4. I'm sure we will get updates in TV as well.
Tiangong-1 has crashed somewhere in the ocean, overnight, but most likely chunks of debris as most of it burned up in the atmosphere upon re-entry.

"Most famously, America's 77-tonne Skylab crashed through the atmosphere in 1979, spreading pieces of wreckage near the West Australian city of Perth, which fined the US $400 for littering."


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Earth is attached to a fibrillator, in the Cosmic Hospital
LOL! Somehow I feel she’s just fine—just as we ALL are. She (and we) are ready to birth a whole new experience for ourselves—and I also feel somehow that the labor is almost over. I almost typed getting ready, but don’t have any intention of prolonging things!

Mama Gaia is in GREAT hands. We’re here for her. WE’VE GOT THIS.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I’ve noticed a marked uptick in nightmares too.
Interesting that many here have nightmares. My dream life has also become more messed up. Either it's nightmare-ish like tonight (not really terror nightmares, because I never have them) or too bizarre to get sth out of it.

Now since the month March is over let's take stock: Apart from the Schuman frequencies going wild nothing really happened that could be "The Event", at least not if we want to avoid wishful over-interpretation and data-fitting?

Is there any update from the QHHT guys, especially Allison Coe? Or maybe not because she has ascended by now ... :D ... ok sorry, <:) ... could not spare me that one o:) ...

But it is interesting to watch what goes on with those crazy Schumann spikes, let's see what happens in April now. Fasten seatbelts.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Interesting that many here have nightmares. My dream life has also become more messed up.
I had a couple of dreams tonight, one involving physical purging being experienced by my son (a child in the dream) while I was trying to help; and a second one being in an office area in the dark with only a former boss/company owner that is a friend too and he telling me he was leaving and me after checking the area in the dark did so as well and while standing at an elevator a young Asian man with an mustache came saying that he was late due to his girlfriend that also was with him. The dream ended with the 3 of us at front of the elevator. Yes, could be Shift related, but since I'm going trough a serious relationship issue, it could be just related to a personal shift/change. Obviously can be interpreted either way since in both cases it translates to change/shift -hopefully for the best in every aspect.
Is there any update from the QHHT guys, especially Allison Coe?
You know, I had thought about the same and doing a search today regarding that. If I find something I'll post it ASAP.
it is interesting to watch what goes on with those crazy Schumann spikes, let's see what happens in April now. Fasten seatbelts
Agree again. If a similar or larger spike takes place (specially now that as HM reports, the Chinese space lab has finally come down) it would be kind of a confirmation that indeed there is something very interesting ongoing . Will post any anomaly I run into as well. As you point out Sinera, "fasten seatbelts." and I would ad, "the ride may turn bumpy!"


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
when ?

hat being said, here comes our final answer to your BIG question. With the presumption that all things/all matters continue to develop at their current velocity of change, there is a 56% possibility that the Great Event will probably take place within the next 3 to 6 months from today. This answer is based on current Light Data and planetary vibration level of Earth. Please do not be disappointed if it comes slightly later than the above forecast. There is even a 30% chance that it will take place before the above time range.
The most important thing to bear in mind, regardless of when the Great Event will actually occur, is that this cosmic, magnificent and miraculous Spiritual Event is inevitable. It will definitely happen. The Light is already victorious! Absolutely nothing can prevent Nova Earth from being manifested into your physical reality right here, right now.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Not long after my previous message about the coming Great Event, here comes along another important update for you all.

Your Galactic Brothers and Sisters of the Light are now planning for a major landing on the surface of Gaia. The first wave of landing will be led by a spiritually-advanced race of beings called the Pleiadians.

Please remember, their continuing presence here on Earth has, in the past, always been kept "Top Secret" by the many people who are occupying high leadership positions within your current governments. We have suggested to these leaders to provide Full Disclosure of 'alien' presence to many citizens of Earth, to no avail. So now it is time for Humanity to know the Truth. As nothing can be hidden in this complex, grand project that is the formation of Nova Gaia. Humanity's awakening and full participation are required for the next phase of this development.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Is there any update from the QHHT guys, especially Allison Coe? Or maybe not because she has ascended by now ... :D ... ok sorry, :) ... could not spare me that one o:) ...
LOL! Since Alison had nothing new, she didn’t want to just keep pumping out the same information and is “on hold” like the rest of us.

Yeah, my seat belt’s on...READY TO GO!!!!!


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Since Alison had nothing new, she didn’t want to just keep pumping out the same information and is “on hold” like the rest of us.
Correct. Did some searches and there is nothing new really, from any of the past sources it seems. So maybe we should do as you suggest and tighten our seat belts just-in-case. Actually, perhaps expecting something imminent to take place could act as additional mental fuel towards manifestation.
The Schumann Resonance is back to normal for the time being as well but will keep checking periodically while looking for other signs.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
Not long after my previous message about the coming Great Event, here comes along another important update for you all.

Your Galactic Brothers and Sisters of the Light are now planning for a major landing on the surface of Gaia. The first wave of landing will be led by a spiritually-advanced race of beings called the Pleiadians.

Please remember, their continuing presence here on Earth has, in the past, always been kept "Top Secret" by the many people who are occupying high leadership positions within your current governments. We have suggested to these leaders to provide Full Disclosure of 'alien' presence to many citizens of Earth, to no avail. So now it is time for Humanity to know the Truth. As nothing can be hidden in this complex, grand project that is the formation of Nova Gaia. Humanity's awakening and full participation are required for the next phase of this development.
Here is a passage from this website from the end of March 2018/latest channeling:

“Ascension to the fifth-dimensional paradigm will NOT happen all in the course of one day. Even 'The Great Event' that will soon occur is just another wake up call directed more for the souls who are still deeply sleeping. It is NOT the end of the Ascension Process. If anything, it is the BEGINNING of the Ascension process for the people who will be awakened then.”


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Hey guys! Something curious may be starting to develop. Look at the current picture (below) for the Schumann Resonance for Lithuania. Notice the right portion (solid yellow -highest activity). It is starting to go up in the values chart too. Equipment malfunction or true anomaly? Will keep watching and will report to you later.

GCI 003


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
With all this talk of external help, even the expectation of the help coming from a Wave, rather than an external ET being, I am reminded of my youthful self. I was 26 years of age, and had spent 3 months in an Osho commune. I was energised by the experience, never tired, and full of energy, joy and ecstasy. I wasn't involved in any one-to-one relationship at that time, but I guess my heart was wide open with the joy of being with like-minded people and being at the service of others (by helping in the commune). As some of you know, Osho devised certain body movement meditations (called Dynamic, Nataraj and Kundalini) which especially helped those born in the Western collective mind. At the end of Nataraj (a dance meditation) someone commented on my high level of energy, which was unflagging during the hour of dance.

In contrast, after the pummellings of ego-based events in my life, and the entropy of disease and aging, I think it would be a wonderful intervention to just awaken in the morning each day with that same high level of energy, and be able to spend it in being joyful - just joyful for being alive. And I think that is quite achievable without any external help.

I have always thought the purpose of the Wave was to bring a deep, cleansing reminder. Perhaps a reminder is all we've ever needed, as we can connect through our Hearts to the joy of being and loving and being loved.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Perhaps a reminder is all we've ever needed, as we can connect through our Hearts to the joy of being and loving and being loved.
That is a lovely post, a lovely memory HM and I thank you for it.

I have been thinking back to my youthful self these last few days. I came in from work on Sunday and came straight to bed with my hot supper and my hot electrical blanket. I thought back to how, as a single parent, I would be up early to get my daughter to school. How I would come home, eat, change and then go dancing till the wee small hours. Then get up the next morning and go to work again. The energy!

Slowing down is part of the human process of ageing, not available as an experience to a soul. But I get more out of every moment, more out of every person.

I sense that your time with Osho helped to seed a new programme into human consciousness. Yes, the joy of being alive would be something wonderful for humans to awaken with. Perhaps the event will help us reconnect to that energy as we real*eyes our divinity!
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
With all this talk of external help, even the expectation of the help coming from a Wave, rather than an external ET being,
I have always thought the purpose of the Wave was to bring a deep, cleansing reminder.
I see these things like 'waves' or 'energies' by the sun or by nonphysical/ET helpers (or both) also just as a trigger for the evolution within each person. The main change should come from within, it can be triggered and switched on (from external forces), but the change (withing) itself is not the trigger. These are two different things. It's like Jackson was singing: Start with the man (or woman) in the mirror.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
How does one cope? Do you have any advice /suggestions for those struggling? Things like this do not have to occur.
It is not for us to judge another's reactions to the energies. If this occurs it is because it is meant. Sorry Anaeika, but you have to move beyond victim/ tyrant polarity and see it as souls completing their journey.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Hey guys! Something curious may be starting to develop. Look at the current picture (below) for the Schumann Resonance for Lithuania. Notice the right portion (solid yellow -highest activity). It is starting to go up in the values chart too. Equipment malfunction or true anomaly? Will keep watching and will report to you later.

GCI 003
Wow...that's some SOLID yellow, for sure. That IS unusual. What I find very interesting too are the horizontal bands (three large ones) on the bottom half of the image. I don't recall seeing anything like that before. Hmmm.

Never mind. Those bars (while more pronounced than usual) are not anomalous.

But check out this graph:

That's pretty impressive!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I am finding the energies extremely intense. I have not slept properly since midnight last night and this afternoon, my worst nightmare threatened to manifest. I felt I was fighting for my life as I talked someone round and redirected life energies to a resolution that suited everyone.

In between phone calls I wept out my frustration, fears and stress then steadied myself for calm as the phone rang again.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
I am finding the energies extremely intense. I have not slept properly since midnight last night and this afternoon, my worst nightmare threatened to manifest. I felt I was fighting for my life as I talked someone round and redirected life energies to a resolution that suited everyone.

In between phone calls I wept out my frustration, fears and stress then steadied myself for calm as the phone rang again.
Hope that passes for you soon.
Yesterday, I was hit with vertigo and have been tired out since then.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
How does one cope? Do you have any advice /suggestions for those struggling? Things like this do not have to occur.
Perhaps they DO need to occur for some people to "wake up" to what's truly important (love, compassion, spiritual growth, unity and working together, etc.). If we look at these kinds of incidents as a "playing out" of soul contracts in an effort to nudge people back to remembrance of their true source/purpose/mission, etc., then they are actually gifts.

I see all this "chaos" and events like this as catalysts for positive change. The incoming energies are simply nudging us off the fence and asking us to open our eyes and LOOK at life from a new perspective. Then we get to choose how to react--or even not to react. Do we wake up and react with compassion? Do we remain "asleep", shrug our shoulders and become angry or lose hope? Or do we simply experience it as neutral observers?

I suppose it all just depends upon how we choose to look at things...and all perspectives are perfectly OK from the "higher perspectives".


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Hope that passes for you soon.
Yesterday, I was hit with vertigo and have been tired out since then.
O loveling. I have never had vertigo but it must be very unpleasant and crippling!

Thanks for your good wishes!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
This from Sophia's last spot on for what happened for me today!

"With this post, it is suggested that the initiating event has either already occurred for you or is about to. This avalanche is cataclysmic. It will represent a crisis in your life – in either relationship, family, health, housing, self-image, love, prosperity or something else you have held onto"

I had this crisis today.......and in order to deal with it, I was pushed to step out of my passive feminine energy that just lets the men do the business, then tell me about it and step into a powerful energy that is neither masculine or feminine. This new energy that took charge of the situation was born out of a few minutes of utter terror and despair. It is fearless, determined and utterly aligned with my inner truth.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
This from Sophia's last spot on for what happened for me today! I had this crisis today.......and in order to deal with it, I HAD to step out of my passive feminine energy that just lets the men do the business, then tell me about it and step into a powerful energy that is neither masculine or feminine. This powerful energy that took charge of the situation was born out of a few minutes of utter terror and despair.

"With this post, it is suggested that the initiating event has either already occurred for you or is about to. This avalanche is cataclysmic. It will represent a crisis in your life – in either relationship, family, health, housing, self-image, love, prosperity or something else you have held onto"

I had this crisis today.......and in order to deal with it, I was pushed to step out of my passive feminine energy that just lets the men do the business, then tell me about it and step into a powerful energy that is neither masculine or feminine. This new energy that took charge of the situation was born out of a few minutes of utter terror and despair. It is fearless, determined and utterly aligned with my inner truth.
This resonates for me so, out of curiosity, I clicked on the Sabian Oracle and asked "What is this about?" I found the answer to be fascinating:


This Symbol shows passing the tests that life, other people, spirituality or karma throws at you. You are likely to find at times that you are being judged by those above or around you. It is difficult to see what their qualifications to judge you are, but this is often the nature of progression through the ranks. People being critical of one another can lead to better behavior, better performances or the like, or it can lead to feeling judged, violated and intruded upon. It can seem as though our lives are like lessons; we are periodically “Examined” to see how we are doing on our course. Be careful not to shut yourself away to avoid being seen or having to endure criticism. The ordeal that comes with higher realms of being. Tests and trials. The Inquisition. Examinations. Cross-examinations. Proving courage and purity. Being a candidate."


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
That is amazing Lila.......that you thought to ask as well. What a jaw dropping synchronicity!
Yeah, I seem to ask a batch of things periodically, and then drop the SO for a while.

This came up after another question that resulted in an answer of something like "Purging the Priesthood of What Was No Longer Needed" (that is not quite accurate but it is the part of the title/reading I identified with and the best my memory can do at the moment).
So to have 2 of these come up one after the other on such a similar subject was truly jaw-dropping for me; especially as the one above (the 2nd question I asked) starts "This symbol shows passing the tests that life, other people, spirituality or karma throws at you."

I'm taking the message in that first line as a supportive pat on our collective back:-D
... which, when I think about it (just realized this!) is in synch with a brief waking dream I had a few days agoO.o:D which was very much a variation of the scene from the last few minutes of "The Return of the King" movie/book where Aragorn (freshly crowned as King Elendil) turns to the 4 hobbits who start to bow to him as king and he tells them "My friends, you bow to no one" ... except we were the hobbits.
Sounds like recognition of sovereignty to me<3


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
am finding the energies extremely intense. I have not slept properly since midnight last night
I just noticed the following from Disclosure News commenting about the Schumann Resonance for 4/4/18:
Schumann Resonance Today
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:

  • The activity for today was concentrated in a single spike way above 40 Hz that lasted 1 hour from 7:20 UTC."


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I just noticed the following from Disclosure News commenting about the Schumann Resonance for 4/4/18:
Schumann Resonance Today
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:

  • The activity for today was concentrated in a single spike way above 40 Hz that lasted 1 hour from 7:20 UTC."
Thanks Carl, Still trying to settle!


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I find Sophia's mention of nature (and particularly birds), intriguing. I agree that this will likely be a good indicator of unusual conditions—as evidenced also by MrMBB333’s videos lately
Thought this video from Dahboo7 was of great interest. I only listen to his videos on rare occasions, as he has seemed to be pretty “fear-based” in the past. I never took him to be very interested in “energies” before (although I could certainly be wrong). He sure seems to be least as this video seems to indicate:


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