The Event is Upon Us! (3 Viewers)

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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
October 22, 2018 3:11 AM

It is I. It is One.

I reach to you now from a point of pure love. This moment is one of great change for all of creation.

The portion of life you inhabit right now proceeds through a very specific process.
This procession requires the agreement of each participant. Like it or not, nothing happens until chosen by the whole. It is not like - "Ready or not, here it comes". But more like - "Everyone get ready. Okay, now it's on its way".

This means, dear one, that as you lurch forward in readiness and hang back in fear or even do nothing specific either way - it all has an effect on the timing. This Event, like it or not, is a collective process.

Do not imagine this means that it won't or can't happen immediately - because you'd be mistaken. Do not imagine this means it is now somehow "delayed" because of these words. There can be no such thing as a delay for a thing with no specific "time".

Timing is therefore relative, and in the case of current proceedings, dependent on the preparedness of a planet along with her people.

You will not be singled out separately for this Event. You will experience it differently according to personality, perspective and location at the time. It will be a single moment for all concerned, a universal happening.

In order to prepare for such a massive uptick in speed there are necessary ideas and relative changes. These enter individual consciousness according to personal plans and preferences.

What this means, dear one, is that none of you knows the other's individual process. What may look like falling apart or crisis in someone's life circumstance may actually be a necessary breakdown of a failing system - one that becomes necessary for survival in a greater frequency.

The vibration of love is having the effect of shaking things loose. Things fall apart of fall off that are NOT LOVE. Do you see?

You are witness right now to a unique and special moment for "third dimensional" life. Realize too that this third dimension is your current assumption. As you shake off what is not the frequency of love, there will be a change for you. As the collective changes its assumption, the dimension changes.

Yes, there are other choices yet I tell you now that few will choose otherwise. As you prepare and become aware, you realize that each soul came and played his or her part to accelerate and help manifest this shift. Each soul is here now on purpose. Beneath all action is a knowing of what occurs right now, whether conscious or not.

No one is here by mistake. You do not have to be aware of something for it to transpire. Your body changes and parts of it grow without your attention on the process. It is the same with Ascension.

Each of you will change, (and) are right now shaking off what is not your new and incoming frequency - in your own unique way.

If you were standing back, way, way back, and viewing the process as a single event, you'd see what appears to be a single form shaking off droplets of what, in some cases, it has been drenched with. The entire form will eventually be dry, yet parts individually remain at varying levels of "drenched".

It happens slowly for some, immediately and quickly for others and all at once. From this view you witness it happening.

Your personal perspective limits your ability to appreciate fully the point of view of each other. It has to be this way.

There is such a thing as divine timing and yes, it is known when it will occur.
Unfortunately for you, the "when" cannot be seen with your eyes. It is seen as an event of universal readiness, and that moment looms ever closer.

I was told that the timeline had changed and that we were now closer to the time of the Event and Shift.

The timeline has shifted and in favor of an accelerated process. A momentum is happening and there is a ringing heard further now. This ringing is the freedom bell.

Know that freedom equals love, and appears many ways. In human form it is looking like allowing and revealing truth - truth in personality, in beliefs, in feelings, in opinion even. Realize that what may start out as opinion eventually becomes revelation. As you feel unlimited in your ability to state how you view the world, you simultaneously realize there are other equally valid ways to view the same thing. This is enlightenment.

It is not everyone reaching a certain level or specific viewpoint. It is realization that there are no "levels" that differ at all. Instead there are locales along a spectrum, that are (all) necessary for the diversity of creation.

You will find that the idea of twin flames is born in this dimension. Finding your twin flame is not a process available to you once you've assumed another frequency. This is representative of your current locale and not of your level of consciousness.

As in any theatrical production, all parts and props are necessary in order for the whole story to be told. There are "stars" and also less visible roles, but none unimportant.

Would you summarize for us the current landscape and timing? There are many thoughts and predictions for this month and year.

There is not a single date but instead an accumulation of events and summaries. These look like global realizations, local readiness, personal acceptance of previously perceived fault. All is One.

As people, programs and things in general appear more and more "real" - this Event gets nearer.

You will not speed things up with judgment, declarations and separation. This Event is purely love. This Event is purely love. This Event is purely love.

Each individual increase in acceptance adds to the acceleration of the process.
Acceptance starts in your heart.

This is not to say that outer work is not needed, for of course it is. You together accomplish this. Yet, here is the primary and single most accurate predictor of this Event - Self-acceptance.

When you see, know and absolutely love who it is that you are - every bit of your light vibrates faster.

It is not so much that you are traveling to another dimension, but that you are becoming one.

You are not pushing some away from you who are not (at) your level. There are no levels. You are standing in place, vibrating now to a frequency of love. Until every bit of you vibrates at that frequency, you will feel unsettled and out of sorts.

That is all.

Thank you.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Great points One65 & Pod. I have heard or read too that we will at the right location as well -where we will be need it. That is something that it is indeed manifesting in my life since it seems I'll be in Oregon rather than Texas very soon.
I am glad that you are finding another home Carl. Good luck with the move.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
You will not speed things up with judgment, declarations and separation. This Event is purely love. This Event is purely love. This Event is purely love.
Thanks for posting Lotos. I awoke this morning with a sense that something is going to happen for me this weekend. This is great confirmation.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
October 22, 2018 3:11 AM

It is I. It is One.

I reach to you now from a point of pure love. This moment is one of great change for all of creation.

The portion of life you inhabit right now proceeds through a very specific process.
This procession requires the agreement of each participant. Like it or not, nothing happens until chosen by the whole. It is not like - "Ready or not, here it comes". But more like - "Everyone get ready. Okay, now it's on its way".

This means, dear one, that as you lurch forward in readiness and hang back in fear or even do nothing specific either way - it all has an effect on the timing. This Event, like it or not, is a collective process.

Do not imagine this means that it won't or can't happen immediately - because you'd be mistaken. Do not imagine this means it is now somehow "delayed" because of these words. There can be no such thing as a delay for a thing with no specific "time".

Timing is therefore relative, and in the case of current proceedings, dependent on the preparedness of a planet along with her people.

You will not be singled out separately for this Event. You will experience it differently according to personality, perspective and location at the time. It will be a single moment for all concerned, a universal happening.

In order to prepare for such a massive uptick in speed there are necessary ideas and relative changes. These enter individual consciousness according to personal plans and preferences.

What this means, dear one, is that none of you knows the other's individual process. What may look like falling apart or crisis in someone's life circumstance may actually be a necessary breakdown of a failing system - one that becomes necessary for survival in a greater frequency.

The vibration of love is having the effect of shaking things loose. Things fall apart of fall off that are NOT LOVE. Do you see?

You are witness right now to a unique and special moment for "third dimensional" life. Realize too that this third dimension is your current assumption. As you shake off what is not the frequency of love, there will be a change for you. As the collective changes its assumption, the dimension changes.

Yes, there are other choices yet I tell you now that few will choose otherwise. As you prepare and become aware, you realize that each soul came and played his or her part to accelerate and help manifest this shift. Each soul is here now on purpose. Beneath all action is a knowing of what occurs right now, whether conscious or not.

No one is here by mistake. You do not have to be aware of something for it to transpire. Your body changes and parts of it grow without your attention on the process. It is the same with Ascension.

Each of you will change, (and) are right now shaking off what is not your new and incoming frequency - in your own unique way.

If you were standing back, way, way back, and viewing the process as a single event, you'd see what appears to be a single form shaking off droplets of what, in some cases, it has been drenched with. The entire form will eventually be dry, yet parts individually remain at varying levels of "drenched".

It happens slowly for some, immediately and quickly for others and all at once. From this view you witness it happening.

Your personal perspective limits your ability to appreciate fully the point of view of each other. It has to be this way.

There is such a thing as divine timing and yes, it is known when it will occur.
Unfortunately for you, the "when" cannot be seen with your eyes. It is seen as an event of universal readiness, and that moment looms ever closer.

I was told that the timeline had changed and that we were now closer to the time of the Event and Shift.

The timeline has shifted and in favor of an accelerated process. A momentum is happening and there is a ringing heard further now. This ringing is the freedom bell.

Know that freedom equals love, and appears many ways. In human form it is looking like allowing and revealing truth - truth in personality, in beliefs, in feelings, in opinion even. Realize that what may start out as opinion eventually becomes revelation. As you feel unlimited in your ability to state how you view the world, you simultaneously realize there are other equally valid ways to view the same thing. This is enlightenment.

It is not everyone reaching a certain level or specific viewpoint. It is realization that there are no "levels" that differ at all. Instead there are locales along a spectrum, that are (all) necessary for the diversity of creation.

You will find that the idea of twin flames is born in this dimension. Finding your twin flame is not a process available to you once you've assumed another frequency. This is representative of your current locale and not of your level of consciousness.

As in any theatrical production, all parts and props are necessary in order for the whole story to be told. There are "stars" and also less visible roles, but none unimportant.

Would you summarize for us the current landscape and timing? There are many thoughts and predictions for this month and year.

There is not a single date but instead an accumulation of events and summaries. These look like global realizations, local readiness, personal acceptance of previously perceived fault. All is One.

As people, programs and things in general appear more and more "real" - this Event gets nearer.

You will not speed things up with judgment, declarations and separation. This Event is purely love. This Event is purely love. This Event is purely love.

Each individual increase in acceptance adds to the acceleration of the process.
Acceptance starts in your heart.

This is not to say that outer work is not needed, for of course it is. You together accomplish this. Yet, here is the primary and single most accurate predictor of this Event - Self-acceptance.

When you see, know and absolutely love who it is that you are - every bit of your light vibrates faster.

It is not so much that you are traveling to another dimension, but that you are becoming one.

You are not pushing some away from you who are not (at) your level. There are no levels. You are standing in place, vibrating now to a frequency of love. Until every bit of you vibrates at that frequency, you will feel unsettled and out of sorts.

That is all.

Thank you.
Lotos old darling, what you have posted here goes straight in to my heart.
Like Pod, I also woke up this morning feeling something, it was to do with love, and dying...but not dying, it was more to do with rising vibrations.
At that point I grabbed a pen, so will leave that there for the moment, and post what I wrote...........

LOVE, cannot be stressed too often. The word is thrown in the air, bandied about quite casually, often without deep thought.
The love of the divine is so much more, when the divine embraces a soul, that soul in enhanced a thousandfold.
Entering the heart, seeping into the soul, changing from the inside. Ends

Then I read your post saying ‘ The Event is purely love ‘ and ‘ It’s not so much traveling to another dimension, but becoming one.

That resonates so clearly, yes, pure love lifts the vibrations to the point that the person is in a higher dimension, in the twinkling of an eye, so to speak..
There is a passage in the bible, I believe, that speaks of a person not tasting death, but changing in the twinkling an eye.
Could this be what is meant,

I’m feeling quite excited, because something seems to have evolved in us collectively, overnight.

A short while ago, I shared the words I was given.......’.This phase too shall pass, You are on the brink of an exciting new phase ‘
Am I kidding myself, are we already feeling the early beginnings of this phase, a phase where we begin to feel more connected, because if it is, I suspect many of us will be ready to see, what is all around us, spacecraft and their occupants.

What do you think guys n gals?


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
As more and more people DO adjust however, I feel they'll add their own energy to this "awakening", just as many of us have already done. This building collective energy will provide us all with a quantum LEAP forward (which will manifest as "The Event" for those who intend to experience it). I've seen it on a small scale with my own family. Some seem to be adjusting fairly well and others, not so much. BUT I have noticed that even those who have been fairly negative in the past seem much less so recently.

a slight positif change in the negatif thinking in persons around me i became aware of but certain ones are so deep in it the thought they don t like to experience the event can come nearly to the head


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
A short while ago, I shared the words I was given.......’.This phase too shall pass, You are on the brink of an exciting new phase ‘
Someone else got this same message - I don't recall who, but I read it recently.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
How about we all switch on our heartlights to full strength, send them to the centre of the universe.
Maybe the universe will reflect back that love in a tsunami like wave, that would engulf all humanity,
Maybe we already have and that is what is coming?

Carl, to respond to your question above, I, too, am finding it more and more compelling to focus on my little plot of land and my own 'piece of the universe', making what changes I can in the areas where I feel I can best make fundamental changes.
It's interesting to me how gardening, being outdoors and our neighbrourhoods seems to be such a consistent theme for Pod, Hailstones Melt and so many of us.

Doing so can be as simple as opening up new conversations or as detailed as organizing my neighbourhood. My point is, I am increasingly focused on what I can do and then it is just a matter of spending my time doing it and enjoying every branch that is waving at me, every neighbourly 'hello', every 'wind of change' and every remarkably beautiful 'sky show'.
Yes, there have been some entirely new 'stunners' of colours, birds, clouds and general 'sky shows' in my area too.

Perhaps this is how it goes. Our perceptions change and we notice these stunning things going on all around us and recall how to really appreciate them. And that is really the Event. Perhaps, too, the Event is an entirely new phenomenon of colours in the sky or somesuch. Perhaps all of the above.

Either way, I am not sure I need to know all the details and dates ahead of time to enjoy it fully. These may even get in the way.
Either way, I'd like to be as ready as I can to enjoy it fully.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Like Pod, I also woke up this morning feeling something, it was to do with love, and dying...but not dying, it was more to do with rising vibrations.
Lol, I woke up this morning to something about a companion in my dream reaching for some swords or pencils or something. What I remember is commenting that 'those don't seem appropriate since you have paws and those don't work too well with paws'.
Not nearly so enlightening nor beautiful as what you woke with:ROFL: June, on a beautiful day which I am enjoying.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Maybe we already have and that is what is coming?

Carl, to respond to your question above, I, too, am finding it more and more compelling to focus on my little plot of land and my own 'piece of the universe', making what changes I can in the areas where I feel I can best make fundamental changes.
It's interesting to me how gardening, being outdoors and our neighbrourhoods seems to be such a consistent theme for Pod, Hailstones Melt and so many of us.

Doing so can be as simple as opening up new conversations or as detailed as organizing my neighbourhood. My point is, I am increasingly focused on what I can do and then it is just a matter of spending my time doing it and enjoying every branch that is waving at me, every neighbourly 'hello', every 'wind of change' and every remarkably beautiful 'sky show'.
Yes, there have been some entirely new 'stunners' of colours, birds, clouds and general 'sky shows' in my area too.

Perhaps this is how it goes. Our perceptions change and we notice these stunning things going on all around us and recall how to really appreciate them. And that is really the Event. Perhaps, too, the Event is an entirely new phenomenon of colours in the sky or somesuch. Perhaps all of the above.

Either way, I am not sure I need to know all the details and dates ahead of time to enjoy it fully. These may even get in the way.
Either way, I'd like to be as ready as I can to enjoy it fully.
I like the word, heartlight, and while I believe we should send out love to the universe, and know we will certainly receive love in return, I have never believed a tsunami type wave of anything would engulf and change humans in an instant.
My post was really lighthearted, not too serious. I guess I was thinking along the lines of us being responsible for our change, rather than expecting outside help.
Our perceptions are changining aren’t they, and it’s great to see. Looks like many of us have had enough of dates that never materialise.
We’re evloving and taking back our power, noticing the subtle changes going on around us, instead of, waiting, waiting , waiting, and while we wait,we don’t move, don’t grow, all we get is disappointment.
We e had enough promises of outside help, we are the ones to raise our consciousness,’s drummed into us over and over, that’s all it takes, gosh, how hard can it be, seems almost too simple

Then magic can happen, I firmly believe we will be encountering our ET friends, our rising vibrations will clear the mist from our eyes.

I love your post, Lila, all the subtle changes you spoke of. We’ve had some stunning skies too, a friend told me of seeing a cherry red as the sun rose one morning, he said he had never seen anything like it before, didn’t get a pic, unfortunately.
Really looking forward to seeing what we manifest.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
a slight positif change in the negatif thinking in persons around me i became aware of but certain ones are so deep in it the thought they don t like to experience the event can come nearly to the head
Your loving presence is already helping them, little do they know it.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Maybe we already have and that is what is coming?
It's interesting to me how gardening, being outdoors and our neighbrourhoods seems to be such a consistent theme for @Pod, @Hailstones Melt and so many of us.
Yes! I feel this very much too. One of the things that has occurred to me is that we're not only helping "anchor" light here in the physical, we're helping maintain our own calm and strength so we can be a beacon of the same for others. As we share from our own strength, others will benefit greatly.

My post was really lighthearted, not too serious. I guess I was thinking along the lines of us being responsible for our change, rather than expecting outside help.
Definitely. As we reclaim our own power and create (or experience) through our own intentions, we can also allow "other selves" (whether "Guides", or ETs, etc.) to assist in the process. Either way, this is only occurring because WE are creating/intending for it to happen. Individually and collectively.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
This procession requires the agreement of each participant. Like it or not, nothing happens until chosen by the whole. It is not like - "Ready or not, here it comes". But more like - "Everyone get ready. Okay, now it's on its way".
Timing is therefore relative, and in the case of current proceedings, dependent on the preparedness of a planet along with her people.
It happens slowly for some, immediately and quickly for others and all at once. From this view you witness it happening.
Much of this resonates with me, BUT, I especially resonate with the last sentence I quoted above. I feel certain this is, in many ways, an "individual" experience. Sure, I understand the whole "collective choice" thing, BUT I feel strongly that I CHOSE TO BE HERE AT THIS TIME BECAUSE THE COLLECTIVE IS SHIFTING. I feel I'm SUPPOSED to be here to help, witness, and experience this shift. That's why I have NO RESERVATIONS that this is happening--and I have NO DOUBT that we're SEEING it happen, more and more quickly. It's not something that's going to happen at some vague time in the future, it's happening NOW. Our eyes are WIDE OPEN because it's happening (and that's exactly what we're here for). Our "awakeness" is allowing us to observe and experience the very beginning build up of "the wave" that's coming. That way, when we're all FULLY IMMERSED into it, we'll have a full and complete appreciation of the entire process. One day, we'll look back on all of this and be in awe and wonder about how FORTUNATE and BLESSED we were to be here for this amazing time...awake to see it all from the very beginning!

Just my thoughts.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016

Today at the farm, I became aware of energy flowing up from the earth and being moved around by me. I had no idea this was going to happen but just went with it.
Gosh, that’s wonderful,Linda. Going by the energy in the pieces of Lindaland that you sent me, I think you have some real strong stuff around you.
To to be aware you’re moving it around, must have felt pretty good.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
To to be aware you’re moving it around, must have felt pretty good.
Yes, it did. I think this is something that any of us could do. All I did was listen to my inner voice and was at the right place at the right time, and the opportunity presented itself.

I feel that more and more of these opportunities are available. June, I think you would be able to do much the same.The other thing I noticed yesterday was that I had little interest in what others wrote - not you all here but the channels, etc. Being there in the moment was fun and all I needed to know.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Yes, it did. I think this is something that any of us could do. All I did was listen to my inner voice and was at the right place at the right time, and the opportunity presented itself.

I feel that more and more of these opportunities are available. June, I think you would be able to do much the same.The other thing I noticed yesterday was that I had little interest in what others wrote - not you all here but the channels, etc. Being there in the moment was fun and all I needed to know.
I’m sure you’re right, if I got out into the countryside, it would probably be quite strong.
I do listen to my inner voice, and can feel energy in my apartment, and pick up energies in town, or having coffee.
I agree with just being in the moment, at those times it is all we need to know, I bet all of us has had those times. Magic!!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Wrong choice of word. :fp I’m not quite perfect yet :))
This all started without our concious awareness, personally feel for me best stay out of the way unless specifically asked to do otherwise darling woman.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I was trying to be light hearted old darling. I maybe being thick, but I don’t quite get the meaning of your message, could you be more specific.
I wasn't even a twinkle in my Dad's eye when the first conscious channelling from Peter Deunov came regarding The Event.

I was out of the way of it then and I am out of the way of it now. Not trying to consciously manipulate or direct the Event energies, just accepting them and riding them as they come.

Does that help me old fruit?


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I agree with just being in the moment, at those times it is all we need to know, I bet all of us has had those times. Magic!!
That my dear June is called: detachment. Here are a few quotes as an illustration:

1. “Detachment is not that you should own nothing. But that nothing should own you.” Ali ibn abi Talib

2. “Detachment doesn’t mean I’m trying less hard. It just means that fears and emotions that used to torment and paralyze me longer have the same power over me.” Kelly Cultrone

3. “He who would be serene and pure needs but one thing, detachment.” Meister Eckhart

4. “The root of suffering is attachment.” Buddha

5. “To spare oneself from grief at all cost can be achieved only at the price of total detachment.” Erich Fromm

6. “Only in the stillness of detachment can the soul yield up her secrets.” Elsa Barker

7. “Detachment is an art of enjoying something while always being open to the possibility of losing it someday.” John B. Bejo

8. “Detachment, sometimes it’s necessary in order to restore your sanity. Your peace of mind.” Anonymous

9. “Detach from needing to have things work out a certain way. The universe is perfect and there are no failures. Give yourself the gift of detaching from your worries and trust that everything is happening perfectly.” Anonymous

10. “Sometimes you have to completely detach yourself.” Anonymous

11. “Everything is temporary; Emotions, thoughts, people and scenery. Do not become attached, just flow with it.” Anonymous

12. “Detach yourself and be free.” ATGW

13. “Even when I detach, I care. You can be separate from a thing and still care about it.” David Levithan

14. “We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. We are here to observe, to learn, to grow, to love, and then we return home.” Australian Aboriginal Proverb

15. “Detachment is the ultimate pleasure.” Saraha

16. “Great calm, generous detachment, selfless love, disinterested effort: these are what make for success in life. If you can find peace in yourself and can spread comfort around you, you will be happier than an empress.” Rabindranath Tagore

17. “Sometimes you have to detach, to find yourself.” Anonymous

18. “Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached.” Simone Well

19. “The essence of the Way is detachment.” Bodhidharma”

20. “When you become detached mentally from yourself and concentrate on helping other people with their difficulties, you will be able to cope with your own more effectively. Somehow, the act of self-giving is a personal power-releasing factor.” Norman Vincent Peale

21. “Detachment means to not be owned by what we own.” Anonymous

22. “And never have I felt so deeply at one and the same time so detached from myself and so present in the world.” Albert Camus

23. “Be in the world as though you were a stranger or wayfarer.” Bukhari

24. “Consciousness is compassion infused detached.” Amy Larson

25. “Humor is a form of self-detachment.” Claude Roy

26. “The nature of mind has no stain; it is basically complete in itself. Just detach from false mental objects and be enlightened to being as is.” Baizhang Huaihai

27. “Those who conquer their minds are beings of detachment.” Anonymous

28. “Your heart must become a sea of love. Your mind must become a river of detachment.” Sri Chinmoy

29. “It was my letting go that gave me a better hold.” Chris Matakas

30. “True detachment isn’t separation from life but the absolute freedom within your mind to explore living.” Ron. W. Rathbun

Sam Vause

Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Great points One65 & Pod. I have heard or read too that we will be at the right location as well -where we will be need it. That is something that it is indeed manifesting in my life since it seems I'll be in Oregon rather than Texas very soon.
Carl, Welcome to Oregon! The universe moved us from South Carolina to Hillsboro, Oregon 2+ years ago, and I find it to have been an immensely positive thing; the wine's pretty good here, too! O.o:D
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