The Event is Upon Us! (3 Viewers)

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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Indeed! I just looked again and keeps going. I'm very tired today. Wondering if it is affecting similarly to some of you -unfortunately I'm still living in an isolated area so I have not been able yet to check people's behavior.
I fell asleep during morning meditation (not unusual though), and feeling fine. I’ve only interacted with a few folks today, but nothing noteworthy about moods, etc. In fact, everyone in my area seems friendly and in a good frame of mind. :)
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
if this is not massif what is for you massif?
A full whiteout in the charts. That is what the guys at SOC are waiting for as well -it is unknown how we as a race would react to it. Some believe we would expand our consciousness, others believe it would depend on the individual's spiritual level, others even think many would go literally out of their minds.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
if this is not massif what is for you massif?

today my guardian had to be good actif, that could have been a severe work accident but nothing happend of damage, i must have smooth together with him the situation as it went out as i wanted from the moment i saw it
I love the way you write Alain.
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Interesting message….


Please take what resonates and discard as necessary.

Incoming Wave NOW…it’s stepped up significantly in it’s energy (or have we?). Both…

The point is, the third effect has arrived for Mass Collective Timeline NOW, via today’s Incoming Wave of energy from our Sun. It’s been evident a while before today, but tonight’s is very clear, it’s to be experienced widespread via the Mass Collective Timeline of Ascension, as many have recently received activations and/or upgrades on their paths of transcendence.

Incoming waves contain all these following effects at once, as per human frequency attained:
1st effect: Pulsing energy
2nd effect: Multiple vibrational energy patterns
3rd effect: orgasmic energy

The human orgasm has been greatly and intentionally misunderstood for ions of time.

Each will absorb the anticipated MAIN ENERGY WAVE according to their ability to withstand energy (hertz). The highest vibrational beings we have on Gaia will absorb the most energy (hertz) to their vessels on behalf of the collective. There are FOUR physical effects to the human body for those higher vibrational beings when the MAIN Incoming Wave (The Event) arrives. The fourth effect only occurs at the time of The Event. Not before.

We are building ourselves up in human energetic frequency to withstand the highest absorption of energy possible on behalf of the Whole Cosmos of Creation, at the time of The Event. In service to the whole. For we are One.

We are another step closer to The Event…YET, this new step (third effect) must strengthen in it’s energy (hertz), to withstand stronger energy. So we will be given time to further activate/upgrade to increase our ability to withstand a much stronger dose of it at the time of The Event.

Amanda Lorence
30 October 2018
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Since it resonates, here is today’s message from Amanda Lorence:


We are in a very strong energetic VORTEX right NOW. I can see it consciously. Presumably connected to yesterday’s very powerful Incoming Wave. In human terminology, we can say each are in a ‘Passageway’, or that they are ‘in-between’ experiences. This vortex will have different effects to all peoples, based on their own energetic frequency as a facet of the One. Here are some examples of what may be experience at a human level:

A person may feel a shift from their former consciousness state, yet they have not yet shifted into a higher consciousness state (they are in the vortex).

A person will just feel different within themselves (they are in the vortex).

A person may know a life experience, relationship or circumstance is over, yet they do not know what to do next. They can not see clearly (they are in the vortex).

A person may feel an excitement for doing something significant on their spiritual or non spiritual path, yet they are not knowing what it is (they are in the vortex).

A person may feel they have risen out of a difficult or painful mind state and emotions, caused by an experience or situation, yet they do not know what action to take next (they are in the vortex).

We could also say “Out with the Old, and in with the New”.

Everyone is in this vortex right NOW. It is divine energy presented within the 26,000 year cycle. It heralds changes on a microcosmic level for each life-force, and yet is also part of Cosmic energies of change, experienced within this Universal timeline of cause and effect.

The kindest thing to do for yourself and all others is to just allow it. And allow yourself and others their experiences. Not to resist it, which causes pain and upset. The vortex just IS. And is present at it’s Universal Timeline within the 26,000 year cycle. We will all come through it. It heralds divine change for the highest good. One step at a time.

One Love
Amanda Lorence
31 October 2018
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
By Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloveds,


With the TIMELINE SHIFT that occurred in August and continued into September/October we entered into a Gateway point where Ascension Symptoms are changing. These changes are dramatic and will continue to be even more dramatic. Instead of the symptoms of Ascension affecting the body so much, they are now entering our consciousness on a sometimes DAILY basis in order to expand our awareness. This is a BIG DEAL because in the past, we received many physical downloads which then transformed into expanded consciousness. Now expanded consciousness/higher awareness is flowing into our souls without having to endure so much of the harsh physical symptoms. The harsh physical symptoms have always been extreme for me as I will ALWAYS experience everything more extreme, the symptoms will be harsher and the subtle symptoms I will be extra sensitive to. As we reach higher states of consciousness we become MUCH more sensitive to energy in all ways, physically, emotionally , mentally and spiritually/psychically. It will then affect us in all ways at once and many times as for me, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. ( This does not mean the physical symptoms are completely leaving, it means the higher consciousness symptoms are now becoming the leaders)


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
For your discernment:

This is a great "update" by Aluna Ash for yesterday (October 31, 2018) I HIGHLY RECOMMEND if you're drawn to listen. In this "private" update (I received it through Grace's "The Earth Plan" newsletter), she talks about:

Earth's vibration and current surges of energy (huh...YEAH!?);
Current "war" is taking place in 4th dimension (although I tend not to get too tangled up in definitions and labels like "dimension" anymore);
Old controls are working hard to keep us stuck in duality and division mode, to keep us from creating;
This is the end of a 13,000 year cycle of masculine energy (Mother Energy/Original Template/Divine Feminine) begins resurgence in July 2019);

4:00 Discussion of multi-dimensionality/stargates;

5:00 Huge spike in energy plus many waves;
Many wake up tired due to so much work (clearing) during sleep;

6:00 Sacred Geometry and "downloads";

7:00 Interference with electronics (she actually experienced a couple during this video);
Increase in earthquake activity, volcanic activity, and water displacement/movement triggering around November 7 (due to pole shifting);

8:00 Nothing to be afraid of--great discussion of how dimensions and timelines and parallel realities work. Aluna explains we are in a reality that is primarily 3-5 dimensional. 3D is physical manifestation, 4D is where we create and things are taking form (into 3D). When we're shifting OUT of 3D, we're no longer stuck in the "collective timeline". You'll be AWARE of what's going on in the 3D collective timeline, but you won't be as affected by it because your higher vibration will no longer resonate with it. YOUR perception and YOUR vibration is what you're manifesting and what YOU WILL EXPERIENCE. That's why you need not have any fear or anxiety about any of these shifts or events.

10:00 As long as we continue to focus on our "knowing" that we're spiritually guided and don't fear death, we are protected. When we feed into fear, we link ourselves to the old, lower 3D timeline. FEAR ITSELF IS DUALITY. Those who would control us promote fear to keep us in lower vibration and duality. This is how we've always been trained and controlled and it's very difficult to break free from those old programs and paradigms.

11:00 There will be financial "reset" because all the old systems must collapse in order to create the new. There will be war, but for many it may be metaphoric and symbolic (those experiencing 4D vibration and above). Those in "higher" vibratory states will have AWARENESS of greater conflict in 3D, but they will not have to actually experience that conflict because they are no longer feeding energy into it. They will be MERGING INTO A HIGHER TIMELINE THAT ALREADY EXISTS ("Mandela Effect" anyone?). They will be breaking free from the karmic time loop that we've been trapped in for the last 13,000 years.

12:00 The beings that control 3D operate "out of time" (in 4D), so they aren't affected by it. It's nothing to them. To us, the 13,000 years seems like a VERY long time. They're able to shift in and out of different timelines, so they don't experience time the same way the 3D collective does.

13:00 When we are (ourselves) in the 4D state and merging with our "Higher Self", we can visualize, create, and experience these higher timelines and break free from the 3D collective experience. Especially if we trust in our knowing and visualize these higher timelines over and over again. THESE HIGHER TIMELINES ALREADY EXIST! THE MORE WE FOCUS OUR ENERGY ON THEM, THE MORE WE BRING THEM INTO OUR OWN REALITIES. We're really just merging with aspects of ourselves that have already been created. We also drop back into the lower realities every time we feed into the fear, programming, and division--and we can get stuck in those loops if we remain in those states.

14:00 NOTE: Here is where our "compassion" and value as "Light Workers" comes in: Aluna says we are not only clearing these programs and loops individually, WE ARE CLEARING THEM FOR THE COLLECTIVE AND ASSISTING THEM IN BREAKING FREE FROM THESE KARMIC CYCLES (my note: BY SHOWING THEM THE WAY OUT). This is why we've awakened and why we're here at this time.

15:00 Aluna expects another big spike of energy in less than a week. This may last for a few days, depending upon location and your own energetic state.

16:00 Our "Galactic Family" is here. Disclosure may be different than we expect. Any "ships landings, invasions, or beings publicly introducing themselves" would be a fake, staged event. From a higher perspective, this is seen as "intervention" or "interference" and anything like this can be seen as a method of control. In actuality, true "ET's" are in a different dimension and "Starseeds" are receiving telepathic communications from their Star Family via contracts and information downloads. Aluna says there will be another strong activation in March that will bring full activation of our Higher Selves (for those who have been working on this).

17:00 New Earth will look different--different land masses, etc. This is a physical shift, not just a vibrational one.

18:00 Aluna talks about "interference" and how she has to be careful about things she says in videos and what she puts on her descriptions, because if she uses certain words, her videos are deleted, etc. (more censorship, anyone?).

19:00 Events are playing out like a script. It's all linked by synchronicity, astrology, etc. Aluna was seeing a HUGE earthquake in 2019, but since our vibration has been speeding up, this may not happen. In any case, there is nothing to fear as we are creating our own experience and do not need to experience what the collective experiences. Our own creations are what's helping the collective end this cycle of suffering, pain, duality, and control.

21:00 We've been in training for the last four years--learning how to clear our own lower vibrations. Aluna encourages us to look back over the last four years and see who has come into our lives to help us learn about our own power and our own ability to manifest and create. This new ability is now shifting to the collective. THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE AWAKENING (July 2018-July 2019). Many, MANY more will be awakening through March 2019--and this awakening will be a multiplication of prior awakenings. Those of us who are working on manifestation will begin to see great progress and changes in the physical. These waves will be continuous.

26:00 In order to merge the physical and non-physical, it's important to purge and release our denser energies. We will shift the body itself. This is why so many people are lashing out--their conscious and subconscious are merging and it's bringing all kinds of issues to the surface. They may not be quite ready to deal with these, so they're reacting as they've been programmed to. Focus on creating. Focus on aligning with your Higher Self. Everything else is old paradigm and a distraction. These old paradigms cannot sustain themselves in this new reality.

28:00 Everything happening now is what needs to happen to create the new. This is an exciting, abundant time. It's a new world for the collective--and it starts manifesting VERY quickly after the next few months. Everyone is exactly where they're supposed to be. We all have our "assignments". Don't feel you're behind--or that you're not where you're supposed to be. Those awakening now can awaken VERY quickly. Every person on the planet right now is going through this adjustment and the ascension process.




Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Nov 1, 2018
The big news is the earth went 5D on Sept 12th.
I thought 4D was the next frequency. I thought only people with high enough vibrations could only go to 4D, and most people on earth are not 4D or 5D yet. Can someone explain why I might be confused? I just assumed we were in 3D right now and moving on to 4D as the "ascension". What did I miss here?
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
This is why so many people are lashing out--their conscious and subconscious are merging and it's bringing all kinds of issues to the surface.
Thank you for this. I'm normally a very calm person but just a little stress seems to set me off this fall. I was concerned my frequency was not high enough and I'd be stuck with the "others".

This also seems to explain why the Indigo children (in their 20s and 30s right now) are lashing out so violently, although the types of violence differs between groups.
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
I thought 4D was the next frequency. I thought only people with high enough vibrations could only go to 4D, and most people on earth are not 4D or 5D yet. Can someone explain why I might be confused? I just assumed we were in 3D right now and moving on to 4D as the "ascension". What did I miss here?
we are now living mostly 3d/4d and moving on to 5D as the "ascension".

The 3rd dimension is the realm where suffering is a tragedy that can be prevented by taking 3D action -- feeding the hungry, expelling the dictators, voting for peace instead of war, etc. Our actions have a definite effect on the 3D world and there's a lot of 3D action we can do to help alleviate the suffering. The 3rd dimension represents conformity (following a leader) and the corresponding political system is often socialism (or its cousin, communism).

The 4th dimension is the realm of karma (cause and effect). In this realm, everyone creates their own version of reality and we are not responsible for another's karma. People can create a 4D heaven or 4D hell, depending on their consciousness. This is the world of time, thought and mind. The 4th dimension represents individuality and creativity and the corresponding political system is capitalism (in its ideal state when people are mature enough to make it work).

The 5th dimension is the realm of love and compassion. It is here that we truly see that we are not separate -- that we are one being living in one universe created by one God. When we live in 5D, compassion is normal, natural and spontaneous. Spirit within directs us to take the best possible action to help ourselves and our fellow aspects of God. The 5th dimension is unity (completely different from conformity) and involves mature spiritual beings co-creating together while respecting each others' individuality. Unfortunately, there does not appear to be a current political system that reflects this (maybe politics becomes a moot point when one enters the 5th dimension).


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Nov 1, 2018
Thanks Lotos (is that how I ping you?) That makes more sense. There is so much info out there I can't possibly read it all and I'm not much into watching videos for this type of thing.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016

How could I so easily have forgotten.
We live in a hologram, everything is illusion, and we are playing a virtual reality game.
Think ‘ The Matrix ‘ film. That is us, our cities, jobs, food, name it, all is illusion

‘ The Time Loop ‘ by David Icke, explains how we are trapped in a loop, deceived into returning over and over, to put right karma that we have supposedly created.
He might have been ridiculed over the years, but thirty years or so later, much he spoke of has happened.
Some will shut their eyes and ears at the mention of his name, that’s fine, but today, I was getting echoes from the past, then, for the first time ever, I recalled a previous life, and experiencing the same stuff that is going on now.
That reminded me that all is illusion.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I thought 4D was the next frequency. I thought only people with high enough vibrations could only go to 4D, and most people on earth are not 4D or 5D yet. Can someone explain why I might be confused? I just assumed we were in 3D right now and moving on to 4D as the "ascension". What did I miss here?
My understanding is that 4D IS the next "major" frequency. While there are actually INFINITE "frequencies" and variations of energy, in order for us linear-thinking humans to understand it, we have to label things and put them into "boxes". We place energies that manifest into physical form into the "3D" box. Non-physical energies that are somewhat "higher" (meaning faster), go into the 4D box. Those higher still, we put in the 5D box, and so on.

As multi-dimensional beings, we may continuously shift our consciousness between 3D, 4D, and even 5D in some cases. We just may not be aware of it unless and until we expand our own consciousness to understand and accept this possibility. Even then, we may not actually "FEEL" the shifting. According to Aluna (and I resonate with this), 4D is the energy of "creation". I see 5D as being the energy of spiritual balance and understanding (often characterized by expanded feelings of Oneness, Peace, Bliss, and Gratitude). When we reach a state of 5D consciousness (or awareness), we begin to break free from the paradigm of "Duality", where we see everything as "good/bad", "dark/light", "lack/abundance", etc. We start to see or understand everything to be a beautiful expression and part of One/Self/All-That-Is.

So when we are immersed in our 3D physicality (and especially the "lower", "slower", "darker" or "denser" energies of it), we oftentimes focus on and experience pain, fear, suffering, and lack. As our vibration (or frequency of our energy) increases, we feel the "faster", "higher", and "lighter" energies of joy, confidence, acceptance, and abundance. We can easily see this process playing out in our daily lives as we go about our business, unaware of our spiritual potential or ability.

When we start breaking free from the limitations and controls of 3D, our consciousness expands. We begin to realize that we are, at our core, immortal, "Divine", spiritual beings. We're simply having this illusory, limited 3D physical experience as a means of soul expression, learning, and some might even say, entertainment.

I guess we could almost see it like being in an elevator. Even though we're constantly going up and down levels, each time we open the door and our consciousness sees our reality, it's like we're always on the same floor. In reality, we ARE shifting levels all the time, and the floor we think we're seeing looks like the same exact one every time, it's just a slightly different version. As our awareness, understanding, and consciousness expand, we're actually opening the elevator doors on VERY different versions of reality. It just seems relatively seamless to us because it's all happening so quickly (at least according to our human perception).

I hope I didn't confuse things even worse and that this is of some help!


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Thank you for this. I'm normally a very calm person but just a little stress seems to set me off this fall. I was concerned my frequency was not high enough and I'd be stuck with the "others".

This also seems to explain why the Indigo children (in their 20s and 30s right now) are lashing out so violently, although the types of violence differs between groups.
I think the shifts we're going through are actually VERY big. Some might even call them "Quantum Leaps". So please try not to feel badly about yourself. Like Aluna says, we're here in this exact moment because we're meant to be. No one is technically "behind". Everything is in a perfect state for maximum growth. People are awakening and shifting consciousness exponentially now. This is supposed to be one of the very best opportunities for soul growth available, so things may seem a bit rough at times. But believing and even KNOWING that you can do this with Ease and Grace is what allows one to shift to that kind of experience or timeline.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
‘ The Time Loop ‘ by David Icke, explains how we are trapped in a loop, deceived into returning over and over, to put right karma that we have supposedly created.
However, we can break free from the of the best ways is the simple act of "forgiveness". Dolores Cannon wrote often about that. She always said that forgiveness gets us off the hamster-wheel of karma (or at least I think she termed it that way a few times).

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Linda's live report on the energies.....

Today's farm tour was Pre-K (4-yr-old) children. I took them by the big tree that was struck by lightening because the energy traveled around the outside of the tree, and you can see the path. The tree is working hard to survive (had an arborist out), so I tell the children about this and that they can touch the tree and say they hope it feels better. Even some of the parents joined in.

Oh, you all would have had tears well up seeing those tiny bodies all around the tree with their joy and excitement. My sense of the moment was that the tree was like a mother hen with her chicks under her wings.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I guess we could almost see it like being in an elevator. Even though we're constantly going up and down levels, each time we open the door and our consciousness sees our reality, it's like we're always on the same floor. In reality, we ARE shifting levels all the time, and the floor we think we're seeing looks like the same exact one every time, it's just a slightly different version. As our awareness, understanding, and consciousness expand, we're actually opening the elevator doors on VERY different versions of reality. It just seems relatively seamless to us because it's all happening so quickly (at least according to our human perception).
I know that different analogies work for different people.

I really like this elevator analogy. I particularly like its acknowledgement that we are on multiple levels all the time and that we can and do go to different levels without necessarily realizing that we've done so. As Pod points out above, dreams count too and we all dream so, even if we don't think we do this, we almost certainly do; and that's just one relatively easy example.

I guess we can call them multiple dimensions or spaces or whatever we are learning to call them as we acknowledge that they exist. It seems to me fundamental to realize + acknowledge that there are multiple levels and that we can move between them.
Once we are 'all' pretty clear on this it seems likely that the language around it will sort itself out, since this seems to be how 'memes' work.
Then, once we have the language we can start trading ideas and having 'this worked for me. What worked for you?' conversations so much more easily. We can see this starting all around us and gaining momentum, which I love<3

It seems to me that that is when the fun really begins!:-D
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Oh, you all would have had tears well up seeing those tiny bodies all around the tree with their joy and excitement. My sense of the moment was that the tree was like a mother hen with her chicks under her wings.
Aw! Fellow tree huggers<3

Yes, I know that particular term often has a disdainful, throw-away connotation to many.

I count myself in that group because how can I not smile when a tree branch waves at me in that fast back-and-forth motion that looks so much like a kid waving, or appreciate the warm dry spot a large tree offers at its bole on a cold day and who doesn't love a sun-kissed ripe peach on a summer day courtesy of a nearby tree?... and on and on.

A world without trees would be a muuuuch poorer world in so many rarely acknowledged ways that occassionally hugging or patting or considering the needs of the trees around us seems as natural as appreciating a good dinner.

So call me crazy or call me a tree hugger.
Either way, I hope you'll join me and Linda's little ones in showing our trees some appreciation.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Oh, you all would have had tears well up seeing those tiny bodies all around the tree with their joy and excitement. My sense of the moment was that the tree was like a mother hen with her chicks under her wings.
Well, my heart just melted a bit when I read that, so I'm sending positive, loving, healing energy to that wonderful tree, you, and all those well-wishers too!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Well if you're crazy and a tree hugger, then I guess I am too. :) I sometimes talk to my trees and plants as I trim and care for them. I definitely can't hear them respond, but I'm pretty sure they respond in their own quiet ways! :D
I'm guessing that most gardeners fall into this category in some form or another;)


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Linda's live report on the energies.....

Today's farm tour was Pre-K (4-yr-old) children. I took them by the big tree that was struck by lightening because the energy traveled around the outside of the tree, and you can see the path. The tree is working hard to survive (had an arborist out), so I tell the children about this and that they can touch the tree and say they hope it feels better. Even some of the parents joined in.

Oh, you all would have had tears well up seeing those tiny bodies all around the tree with their joy and excitement. My sense of the moment was that the tree was like a mother hen with her chicks under her wings.
All kids should have a, Linda, to teach them about these things, that’s a lovely story, and you are a lovely soul. I’ve done a bit of hugging in my time, trees give off so much energy, the world would definitely be a poorer place without them.
If I see my indoor plants looking a bit hopeful, I say, Oh you’re thirsty aren’t you, be there in a second. And say sorry when I’ve been a bit neglectful.:)


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
This also seems to explain why the Indigo children (in their 20s and 30s right now) are lashing out so violently, although the types of violence differs between groups.
The indigo’s role is to break down old systems which are no longer in alignment with our higher purpose. They are vehemently determined truth-seekers intolerant of anything or anyone deceitful, manipulating or inauthentic ! they doing their job very well !


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
When it happens there will be three groups of humans:

1) The light warriors of the first and the last hour, such as the PAT, who will ascend to Shambala and the cities of light and will assume their mission as leaders, healers, teachers and guardians of the new humanity.

2) A large group of humans who have made the decision to ascend in this lifetime, but have just awakened or barely entered the LBP and must first do their inner work as to raise their personal frequencies sufficiently to become part of the unity consciousness and ascend in the distant future.

3) The rest of humanity who will not ascend and will continue with their long incarnation cycle on a 3D earth

For a short period of time after the quantum shift, which I personally hope will happen by the end of this year, these three groups will coexist and their realities and timelines will overlap. The future ascension candidates will be aware during that time about the dire destiny that is awaiting the descending humans and they will also experience first hand their plight when the 3D matrix will fully collapse. Depending on the challenges they have chosen for this incarnation, they may experience some of the hardships of the collapsing matrix in order to do their inner work and overcome their ego. Most of the light workers from the New Age will most probably belong to this group.

They will be directly confronted with the choice: a) do the inner work properly and ascend and join us in the cities of light and later on in Shambala as ascended masters or b) neglect the inner work and go under with the descending portion of humanity. If they decide to leave this reality through a death experience, then they may incarnate soon in the new ascending 4D worlds and try their personal ascension one more time.

The crystalline children will ascend with us after the quantum shift and will immediately become the new leaders in the cities of light as old souls where they can choose any body form their desire. They do not need to do any inner work as they come from the Source and have incarnated here only to help Gaia and part of humanity ascend by holding the light and raising their frequencies.

After some time the descending humanity and timelines will begin to separate visibly from the ascending 4D timelines and these people will no longer take any notice even of the group that is preparing for ascension but still lives in the physical 3D world, as these ascension candidates will come together in new communities and smaller cities of light, from where they will prepare for their ascension under much more favorable energetic and living conditions.

Last edited:


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Nov 1, 2018
The indigo’s role is to break down old systems which are no longer in alignment with our higher purpose.
I'm confused. Forgive me, this site is new to me but it's the next step in my path. So this site is like me beginning a new class (related to my dreams I mentioned in another post).

How does all the violence and negativity bring up the planet's frequency to be more positive?

Is it a "teaching moment" that says "if you don't fix things then things will be like this forever"?

For a short period of time after the quantum shift, which I personally hope will happen by the end of this year,
As do I. I'm physically tired all the time, and there is no medical explanation for it. It might be related to things I do unconsciously.

Like in business, unexpected things can happen and due dates can slip. The main issue seems to be on earth: certain things must happen in a certain order in order for things to move forward.
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