The Event is Upon Us! (1 Viewer)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
A picture of a magnetic field created by iron filings:
From: Magnetic Field Lines Retrieved 15:05, December 15, 2018 from

In looking for a pic of an electromagnetic field I came across this fascinating article:

From the article: (bold emphasis is mine)
Magnetic fields are produced by moving electric charges and the intrinsic magnetic moments of elementary particles associated with a fundamental quantum property, their spin. In special relativity, electric and magnetic fields are two interrelated aspects of a single object, called the electromagnetic field tensor; the aspect of the electromagnetic field that is seen as a magnetic field is dependent on the reference frame of the observer.

In quantum physics, the electromagnetic field is quantized and electromagnetic interactions result from the exchange of photons.

I especially love the pics made with iron filings. Some of these (esp pics 6,7,8; with pic#7 being a 3D representation and the others 2D) really reminds me of pictures of the last stage of cell division ('mitosis'). That last stage of mitosis is called 'anaphase'.

A picture of the last phase of mitosis when the one cell is about to become two cells:

Something else I find intriguing when I consider how much talk there is of the current 'separation of realities' (3D separating from other dimensions):
Anaphase is characterized by two distinct motions. The first of these, Anaphase A, moves chromosomes to either pole of a dividing cell. Anaphase B involves the separation of these poles from each other
This description anaphase sounds a lot like the descriptions of 'separation of realities' that are written about in blogs.
Last edited:


Light body field, merkaba, torus, aura...all one and the same. Part of sacred geometry. Known as torus because it is a torodial sphere of energy. The earth has one, and everything on earth has it's own...trees, humans... the etheric body.

There are seven bodies and each are represented by a chakra

  • The Physical Body and The Muladhar Chakra. ...
  • The Etheric Body and The Swadhisthan Chakra. ...
  • The Astral Body and The Manipur Chakra. ...
  • The Mental Body and The Anahat Chakra. ...
  • The Spiritual Body and The Vishuddhi Chakra. ...
  • The Cosmic Body and The Agya Chakra. ...
  • The Nirvanic Body and The Sahasrar Chakra

Your Etheric body is the toroidal energy field.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
These are often considered 'subtle' so I guess I wasn't surprised when I recently read a perspective that equated electricity as masculine and magnetism as feminine. Together they are the electromagnetic spectrum.
is something about your body different right now
And there it is - the piece that lets all the others click into place. A month ago I had an experience with a circle being completed A couple of weeks ago, I could see the left side of my body in armor like a knight wore long, long ago. The right side was a Lady of the Lake (Avalon). It was interesting integrating those two. Then I have the torus vision with the words "This is your gift". I was inside a very large torus, which I take to be that of the earth. So, I think pieces are coming together for a new adventure, and the message box was about the new direction.

Thanks you all - it takes a village.....


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
The Light of Revelation

There is quite a magical Christmas season on tap this year for those on the mastery that brings with it a new level of light that will serve to reveal the central, or physical ascension experience for those prepared.

As we approach the December solstice and the yearly Galactic Alignment (of the Sun, Earth & Galactic Core), the window of 12/12 -12/25 is shown to me as the specific time frame for ushering in the "new light (codes) of revelation", making way for 2019...a universal 12/3 year of completion/manifestation based on the sacred principles of triangulation.

This means that in the coming year we will have tremendous universal support to complete the merge of our personal life force with THE Force of Life Create As LOVE thru the art of BEingship... by BEing LOVE in action. This where our personal divine blueprint meets THE divine blueprint for ALL of Creation, at the physical level of life...what we have been working tirelessly to make a reality all these years.

To Create as LOVE is to BE the essence of life...a unified, integrated expression/extension of Source. This is the organic pathway of revelation that births the complete trinity...where the Holy Child aspect (sacred 3d entity) can know itSelf in form, experience itSelf in the world of "other".

The doorway to manifesting (3) our new Self & life based on the completeness (12) of our illuminated Truth officially opens to us in 2019, what has the potential to be a very creatively productive year...yet how we participate with this energy determines our level of success in triality. We spent this behemoth year cleansing & creating the container for this new level of light to enter...ALL that personal preparation afforded us the ability to now apply the feminine principles of Creation to the world around us.
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 21, 2018
Light body field, merkaba, torus, aura...all one and the same. Part of sacred geometry. Known as torus because it is a torodial sphere of energy. The earth has one, and everything on earth has it's own...trees, humans... the etheric body.

There are seven bodies and each are represented by a chakra

  • The Physical Body and The Muladhar Chakra. ...
  • The Etheric Body and The Swadhisthan Chakra. ...
  • The Astral Body and The Manipur Chakra. ...
  • The Mental Body and The Anahat Chakra. ...
  • The Spiritual Body and The Vishuddhi Chakra. ...
  • The Cosmic Body and The Agya Chakra. ...
  • The Nirvanic Body and The Sahasrar Chakra

Your Etheric body is the toroidal energy field.
Plus the chakras below and above the spinal column, and the many minor chakras which make up our whole selves.

A chakra is the vertex of a horn torus, each with its own zero dimensional (0D) singularity at the centre. Movement around each torus is what is reflected in the spinning of the chakra (too slow or too fast, then we have problems). Each chakra is represented at multiple dimensional levels with different colours at each level.

Now the heart chakra is normally shown as being green, but the highheart chakra is shown as pink (the highheart chakra is either between the heart and throat chakras, or hidden within the heart chakra itself, I've seen references to both). The highheart chakra is our connection to the conscious universe.

Just a few more idle thoughts.


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Nov 1, 2018
A couple of weeks ago, I could see the left side of my body in armor like a knight wore long, long ago. The right side was a Lady of the Lake (Avalon).
That sounds like the archetypal masculine and feminine being integrated into one whole. There are more archetypes for masculine vs feminine, this would be one IMO. There are many other types of archetypes too: good vs evil, light vs dark, they illustrate the duality of this universe or at least the 3rd frequency. (When I say "universe" I mean the universe of our current, third, frequency. IMO each frequency has it's own universe, and all frequencies combined I call a "super-verse". That's just my limited understanding.)

This thread has taken so many interesting turns and I'm learning something new all the time! O.o:D


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Nov 1, 2018
a universal 12/3 year of completion/manifestation based on the sacred principles of triangulation.
Can you explain that? I don't know what that 12/3 cycle is.
to Create As LOVE thru the art of BEingship... by BEing LOVE in action
I have been getting some messages for about 2 years about this, that I need to show love in action, by being the change I want to see. That means being kind to people who can be very... abrasive. That is a big challenge.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Your Etheric body is the toroidal energy field.
That's helpful. Thanks thesmileyone.

As for the chakras, many of us are dissolving them now. I used to work a lot on chakras when I did etheric healing, cutting cords, repairing torn or damaged chakras. But the last few etheric healings I have done I notice the whole chakra landscape has altered. Feet chakras remain important but root and sacral and power have gone into one energy centre in the belly, probably the tan tien. High heart chakra and crown. That is all I am seeing. Hey, I am being controversial.


Yes, this is controversial so I will say all this is "my opinion and not fact";

During the inner work that took place for me I realised there are two factors to inner work, represented as polarities, yin/yang, 1/0, + and -.

And that is that you have to develop the mind and you have to develop the body. I was already self realized (the mind) and working on my ego. So I started doing internal alchemy to develop the body. I dissolved the chakras (however I still believe that the Nirvana chakra, which is above the head, and not inside the body, stays) into my lower dantien, and then I reached the stage of Inner Thunder, which I experienced and was confirmed to me by someone who can see energy, and then I merged all 3 dantiens into one dantien, and then expanded that into my light body.

This stuff is very Eastern Asian tell someone that and all you receive is laughter, so I generally don't.

Every day I do a breathing sequence that generates energy in my solo dantien and then radiates it around the body (MCO) and then outwards into the light body.

You have to be celibate to do it. I don't know how it works in women but in men it uses semen as fuel.

There's another path too which is known as kundalini and has more popularity in the West. This also uses semen as fuel but for some people it just occurs without any will.

Again to avoid arguements this is all my opinion. I deleted all my old posts as they are more factual and people don't like that.

Take care.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
During the inner work that took place for me I realised there are two factors to inner work, represented as polarities, yin/yang, 1/0, + and -.
Did you manage to balance your polarities thesmileyone?

That is what I have found so difficult to do, especially the victim/tyrant polarity which we all seem to have to experience and come to full understanding of. Sometimes that is triggered for me when I least expect it and it can be a while before I become conscious of it and like "Oh boy, here we go again"


Still working on it. Been a while now, I tend to go from one extreme to the other now, full on egoic reaction or self absorbtion, or full clarity and stillness, with very little in in between. I have also found it easier sometimes to let the ego run wild, and then fix it afterwards, ie running loose on Reddit then deleting all the posts / the account. Sometimes no amount of trying to control / dampen it works, and this can cause you to get angry with yourself, which causes stale energy in the body.

Working out helps a ton. I do kettlebell swings when I feel ego-ey.

Body wise I just keep converting Qi into Jing into Shen, which I am pretty sure is the same as light energy.

It's said it takes 5 years once you have merged the dantians for the system to "mature" so there's no rush.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
The earth's magnetic field is also shaped like a torus. Wikipedia. The magnetic field of a ring magnet is also a torus.
And also our human hearts. The Gamble guy (can't recall his name or their site) did a great video on the torroidal energy. I saw it several years ago and it was extremely helpful to my awakening.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
That sounds like the archetypal masculine and feminine being integrated into one whole. There are more archetypes for masculine vs feminine, this would be one IMO. There are many other types of archetypes too: good vs evil, light vs dark, they illustrate the duality of this universe or at least the 3rd frequency. (When I say "universe" I mean the universe of our current, third, frequency. IMO each frequency has it's own universe, and all frequencies combined I call a "super-verse". That's just my limited understanding.)

This thread has taken so many interesting turns and I'm learning something new all the time! O.o:D
A psychic medium just saw a gold and a white dragon both standing behind me. I think that's my masculine and feminine polarities - hopefully ready for the merge. Let's think - gold and white will make white-gold.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
That's helpful. Thanks thesmileyone.

As for the chakras, many of us are dissolving them now. I used to work a lot on chakras when I did etheric healing, cutting cords, repairing torn or damaged chakras. But the last few etheric healings I have done I notice the whole chakra landscape has altered. Feet chakras remain important but root and sacral and power have gone into one energy centre in the belly, probably the tan tien. High heart chakra and crown. That is all I am seeing. Hey, I am being controversial.
No, you're being wise.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Yes, this is controversial so I will say all this is "my opinion and not fact";

During the inner work that took place for me I realised there are two factors to inner work, represented as polarities, yin/yang, 1/0, + and -.

And that is that you have to develop the mind and you have to develop the body. I was already self realized (the mind) and working on my ego. So I started doing internal alchemy to develop the body. I dissolved the chakras (however I still believe that the Nirvana chakra, which is above the head, and not inside the body, stays) into my lower dantien, and then I reached the stage of Inner Thunder, which I experienced and was confirmed to me by someone who can see energy, and then I merged all 3 dantiens into one dantien, and then expanded that into my light body.

This stuff is very Eastern Asian tell someone that and all you receive is laughter, so I generally don't.

Every day I do a breathing sequence that generates energy in my solo dantien and then radiates it around the body (MCO) and then outwards into the light body.

You have to be celibate to do it. I don't know how it works in women but in men it uses semen as fuel.

There's another path too which is known as kundalini and has more popularity in the West. This also uses semen as fuel but for some people it just occurs without any will.

Again to avoid arguements this is all my opinion. I deleted all my old posts as they are more factual and people don't like that.

Take care.
I am very in touch with Taoism and was married to a Qi Gong master, so what you explain above is very understandable, and also helpful. Thank you.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Still working on it. Been a while now, I tend to go from one extreme to the other now, full on egoic reaction or self absorbtion, or full clarity and stillness, with very little in in between. I have also found it easier sometimes to let the ego run wild, and then fix it afterwards, ie running loose on Reddit then deleting all the posts / the account. Sometimes no amount of trying to control / dampen it works, and this can cause you to get angry with yourself, which causes stale energy in the body.

Working out helps a ton. I do kettlebell swings when I feel ego-ey.

Body wise I just keep converting Qi into Jing into Shen, which I am pretty sure is the same as light energy.

It's said it takes 5 years once you have merged the dantians for the system to "mature" so there's no rush.
Jing is the sperm essence, as far as I know. In eastern mysticism it is withheld, probably for the purpose as you say to transmute it to Shen.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
A psychic medium just saw a gold and a white dragon both standing behind me. I think that's my masculine and feminine polarities - hopefully ready for the merge.
I had the Celtic version of a knight and Lady from Avalon. I find it interesting that we had similar experiences from different cultures (not quite the right word but something along that line). Is anyone else having an awareness of similar polarities?
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Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I had the Celtic version of a knight and Lady from Avalon. I find it interesting that we had similar experiences from different cultures (not quite the right word but something along that line). Is anyone else having an awareness of similar polarities?
Rather than using the word cultures for this, I prefer the word The Mysteries.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018

This Passageway effects every human being upon Gaia, to varying degree, dependent on their own path, stage and current over residing energetic frequency. The following will be understood by some as occurring to them, where they are part way through this defining period of energetic shift within. Please just discard if this doesn’t resonate:

The Forerunners are being encouraged (by Higher Self which is them), to increase the spin of their Merkaba. They do so by going into the ‘Now’ moment, then into their heart space, then into Light Body Mode. From the Heart Space, their energetic portal and seat of Love, and from their CONSCIOUS Will, they are able to physically feel the spin of their Merkaba, and thus INTERACT to increase the spin speed, spinning it CLOCKWISE. This expands their energetic field out, and increases their energy field and awareness.

For people at this stage, the current passage way 11-22 Dec, is akin to being in a Light Tunnel. Where the light is so strong and so bright in front of you, that you can not see what lies ahead. So magnetic is the energy within this Passageway that to turn around and look behind, even slightly, to observe or interact with lower frequency energetics, is not only difficult, it can be energetically nearly impossible. And this is the perfection of where we are NOW. For there is only Now, at this particular stage, in this particular Tunnel/Passageway we are in the midst of. For to engage in any energetics within, or without, than that of your highest available frequency feels to the human as frustration, and brings an energy a human will label as ‘agitation’. It is not actually ‘frustration/agitation’ which are humanised words to describe energy. It is an energetic RESISTANCE to dip your energy frequency at this time. Your RESISTANCE is to enter lower energetic frequency fields you have already been, and done, and come out from. It is your current ENERGY field that is not allowing you to go backwards, dip into lower energetic frequency fields… from where you have already risen from. Your energetic journey and path JUST IS. Yet the human tries to describe it. Peace is found in just allowing YOU to BE YOU, allowing your energy to FLOW and increase ever HIGHER. Allowing others their own journey. The Resistance comes from our HUMAN version that may try to turn around and watch, witness, engage in the illusion. Yet energetically, it can’t Now.

So right NOW, at this sector, we are being encouraged to go within, be present, and work on our OWN energetic FIELD. Increase and expand our own energetic field. Increase the spin of our own Merkaba, through our very conscious will and ability to do so. It is these people, that at the time of the MAIN WAVE, will all have a natural KNOWING…to switch mode, into their LIGHT BODY MODE at the time of the MIAN WAVE. For in that state of ‘Light Body’, they are able to absorb the highest degree of energy possible, via their Light Body. Far more energy potency, than their human physical body could withstand. And so at the time of the Main Wave, those that are able to access their Light Body, and be in that mode, will naturally KNOW to become that Light Body State, at the time of the Main Wave. In order to absorb the incoming energy through the Light Body, anchoring it naturally down into Gaia ( wont have to try), and across the energetic field of collective consciousness, thus bringing in the highest degree of energy possible for the Whole.

It is this short and basic explanation of how the mechanics of energy and light body work, that is behind the phrase ‘Pillars of Light’. And there will be those that become in complete conscious waking awareness, as their human Will, the Pillars of Light, that light up the planet, that light up the grid we have already been creating. The Main Wave, the Light Body’s via their human form and Will, effectively switch on the new grid to full power.

It is not about who is awake and who is asleep. It is not about who knows this and who knows that intellectually. It is not about what human and non human experiences any one of us have had, and will continue to have. It is not about tools on the outside within our illusion. It is not about gifts we have within or don’t appear to have just yet (everyone has them). It is about who chooses to reside in their heart space and BE…GIVE OUT unconditionally from that heart space…for the heart is our ‘own’ energetic GATEWAY and PORTAL to all that is, and holds also individualised key to everything. It is human choice, to reside in our ‘own’ energetic heart space, from where we are able to serve the WHOLE from a higher embodied state of Being, a higher consciousness and higher awareness. For in truth, we don’t have separated hearts, we have just undergone an experience of separated, individualised hearts. In truth, it is one heart shared out, via our heart portal, shared openly, willingly, unconditionally (for no personalised benefit), in a knowing that the heart accesses the infinite, never ending Love that always just IS present.

One Love,
Amanda Lorence
16 December 2018


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
It is not about who is awake and who is asleep. It is not about who knows this and who knows that intellectually. It is not about what human and non human experiences any one of us have had, and will continue to have. It is not about tools on the outside within our illusion. It is not about gifts we have within or don’t appear to have just yet (everyone has them). It is about who chooses to reside in their heart space and BE…GIVE OUT unconditionally from that heart space…for the heart is our ‘own’ energetic GATEWAY and PORTAL to all that is, and holds also individualised key to everything
Love this. Bottom line. The experiences are fun and interesting, watching our Selves become, is fun (as it should be) but the this is the truth. The lovely truth.

Thanks for posting Lotos.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
I had the Celtic version of a knight and Lady from Avalon. I find it interesting that we had similar experiences from different cultures (not quite the right word but something along that line). Is anyone else having an awareness of similar polarities?
that quote gave me an image of the "Celtic knot" the swirling shape could also be a representation of a torus. BTW my daughter has a tat of one...



Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Please just discard if this doesn’t resonate:
Yikes. There’s a LOT of labels and instructions there, but the above quote is wise. I’m reading a book called, “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” by Manly P. Hall. It’s a massive book that covers many of the beliefs of the Pagans, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and many others.

The bottom line? For me, they’re all basically the same. We’re on a journey of separation, experience, and rediscovery of who and what we really are.

One thing that’s becoming more and more clear to me is that all these labels, rituals, instructions, and “boxes” of belief just aren’t working for me anymore.

The further along I journey, the more I feel these things confuse, separate, and “mask” us from our True Self.

I’m starting to understand more and more the value of “just being”.



Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
That's helpful. Thanks thesmileyone.

As for the chakras, many of us are dissolving them now. I used to work a lot on chakras when I did etheric healing, cutting cords, repairing torn or damaged chakras. But the last few etheric healings I have done I notice the whole chakra landscape has altered. Feet chakras remain important but root and sacral and power have gone into one energy centre in the belly, probably the tan tien. High heart chakra and crown. That is all I am seeing. Hey, I am being controversial.
Yikes. There’s a LOT of labels and instructions there, but the above quote is wise. I’m reading a book called, “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” by Manly P. Hall. It’s a massive book that covers many of the beliefs of the Pagans, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and many others.

The bottom line? For me, they’re all basically the same. We’re on a journey of separation, experience, and rediscovery of who and what we really are.

One thing that’s becoming more and more clear to me is that all these labels, rituals, instructions, and “boxes” of belief just aren’t working for me anymore.

The further along I journey, the more I feel these things confuse, separate, and “mask” us from our True Self.

I’m starting to understand more and more the value of “just being”.

Aaahhh.........By George he’s got George he’s got it.. ‘ JUST BEING ‘. Yessssssssss!!!!
I go along with everything you have said , SG, it’s what I’ve tried to put across from time to time, but I reckon you have made a much better job of it. You’re a star. :tswg


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
I just listened to this talk today by Kryon. This is his take on the ascension, not what most think. It'll be a slower more gradual change. mostly starting with the new crop of kids coming aboard...
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I just listened to this talk today by Kryon. This is his take on the ascension, not what most think. It'll be a slower more gradual change. mostly starting with the new crop of kids coming aboard...
I’m sure this will impress some folk, to me he sounds just like an evangelist.
I’ve been hearing stuff like this for many, many years, it’s just being served up in a different dish, but it still has religion written all over it, and I really get uncomfortable when some of these guys use the words “ dear ones “
This is just my feelings, of course, but I go by my intuition, and I felt uncomfortable listening to it.

Be interesting to see how others feel


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016

This Passageway effects every human being upon Gaia, to varying degree, dependent on their own path, stage and current over residing energetic frequency. The following will be understood by some as occurring to them, where they are part way through this defining period of energetic shift within. Please just discard if this doesn’t resonate:

The Forerunners are being encouraged (by Higher Self which is them), to increase the spin of their Merkaba. They do so by going into the ‘Now’ moment, then into their heart space, then into Light Body Mode. From the Heart Space, their energetic portal and seat of Love, and from their CONSCIOUS Will, they are able to physically feel the spin of their Merkaba, and thus INTERACT to increase the spin speed, spinning it CLOCKWISE. This expands their energetic field out, and increases their energy field and awareness.

For people at this stage, the current passage way 11-22 Dec, is akin to being in a Light Tunnel. Where the light is so strong and so bright in front of you, that you can not see what lies ahead. So magnetic is the energy within this Passageway that to turn around and look behind, even slightly, to observe or interact with lower frequency energetics, is not only difficult, it can be energetically nearly impossible. And this is the perfection of where we are NOW. For there is only Now, at this particular stage, in this particular Tunnel/Passageway we are in the midst of. For to engage in any energetics within, or without, than that of your highest available frequency feels to the human as frustration, and brings an energy a human will label as ‘agitation’. It is not actually ‘frustration/agitation’ which are humanised words to describe energy. It is an energetic RESISTANCE to dip your energy frequency at this time. Your RESISTANCE is to enter lower energetic frequency fields you have already been, and done, and come out from. It is your current ENERGY field that is not allowing you to go backwards, dip into lower energetic frequency fields… from where you have already risen from. Your energetic journey and path JUST IS. Yet the human tries to describe it. Peace is found in just allowing YOU to BE YOU, allowing your energy to FLOW and increase ever HIGHER. Allowing others their own journey. The Resistance comes from our HUMAN version that may try to turn around and watch, witness, engage in the illusion. Yet energetically, it can’t Now.

So right NOW, at this sector, we are being encouraged to go within, be present, and work on our OWN energetic FIELD. Increase and expand our own energetic field. Increase the spin of our own Merkaba, through our very conscious will and ability to do so. It is these people, that at the time of the MAIN WAVE, will all have a natural KNOWING…to switch mode, into their LIGHT BODY MODE at the time of the MIAN WAVE. For in that state of ‘Light Body’, they are able to absorb the highest degree of energy possible, via their Light Body. Far more energy potency, than their human physical body could withstand. And so at the time of the Main Wave, those that are able to access their Light Body, and be in that mode, will naturally KNOW to become that Light Body State, at the time of the Main Wave. In order to absorb the incoming energy through the Light Body, anchoring it naturally down into Gaia ( wont have to try), and across the energetic field of collective consciousness, thus bringing in the highest degree of energy possible for the Whole.

It is this short and basic explanation of how the mechanics of energy and light body work, that is behind the phrase ‘Pillars of Light’. And there will be those that become in complete conscious waking awareness, as their human Will, the Pillars of Light, that light up the planet, that light up the grid we have already been creating. The Main Wave, the Light Body’s via their human form and Will, effectively switch on the new grid to full power.

It is not about who is awake and who is asleep. It is not about who knows this and who knows that intellectually. It is not about what human and non human experiences any one of us have had, and will continue to have. It is not about tools on the outside within our illusion. It is not about gifts we have within or don’t appear to have just yet (everyone has them). It is about who chooses to reside in their heart space and BE…GIVE OUT unconditionally from that heart space…for the heart is our ‘own’ energetic GATEWAY and PORTAL to all that is, and holds also individualised key to everything. It is human choice, to reside in our ‘own’ energetic heart space, from where we are able to serve the WHOLE from a higher embodied state of Being, a higher consciousness and higher awareness. For in truth, we don’t have separated hearts, we have just undergone an experience of separated, individualised hearts. In truth, it is one heart shared out, via our heart portal, shared openly, willingly, unconditionally (for no personalised benefit), in a knowing that the heart accesses the infinite, never ending Love that always just IS present.

One Love,
Amanda Lorence
16 December 2018
Ooh, this reminds me so much of what was there during this week's Remote Group Healing session this weekend:

People who choose to do so lighting the central crystal's light ('effectively switch on the new grid to full power' is how this is stated above)
then themselves being lit up (appearing like 'pillars of light' and 'having activated light bodies and anchoring the light', is how this is stated above), then spreading that light outward ('anchoring it naturally down into Gaia ( wont have to try), and across the energetic field of collective consciousness, thus bringing in the highest degree of energy possible for the Whole' is how this is stated above).

Amazing times, indeed<3
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