I will transcribe 4 minutes of Andrew Bartzis's compliation YT vid streamed on 13th December 2017 (Galactic Historian). He is having an interview, the interviewer is not named. Video is 1.49.35 long, can be found here:
From 1:16:26 to 1:20:10 -
ANDREW: The Event represents us going into a rapidly ascending, going into a spot of less than space, and the Earth control grid quite literally won't be able to catch up with the rapid change of energy. Our sacred geometry grid planet will rapidly energise, which will give us more unified dream time. Last week I described how the global dreamtime society evolves and how we're herded into cities for 6800 separate local realities. All of these local realities will be severed from the main control system because the main control system is not in full control and the Event will unfold multi-dimensionally between the 6800 separate dream time societies, and each one will experience local dreamtime realities in unified dreamtime reality, like having a dream inside a dream, and this will last for several days. People will wake up in the dream, while other people are still living in the dream in multiple realities, and then when the Event ends, everybody is going to be like, What the Hell? That's the mechanics behind it. The local reality's propaganda is what's trying to influence the way the outcome of the Event is. This is again all about propaganda and use of the technology to enforce propaganda so that when we go through our awakening in global dreamtime, we have a theme that they can enforce and predict.
INT: OK, so they're trying to turn it into a fear event, like 3 days of darkness?
INT: How would it actually play out do you think as far as, in that period of time, I presume everything technologically will be still functioning, as we see it in terms of the media, and our technology by which we live, you know the energy delivery systems, the grid. Are they all going to stay online, or are we actually going to have... go ahead.
ANDREW: They'll all stay online. Again, this is going to be a dreamtime event, you know. If you're in a dream is the technology really working in a dream if you're driving a car?
INT: Mmm - No.
ANDREW: OK, you're projecting it's you, and many of the asleep people will still project the technology to work because they're creating their local reality, and we live in sacred geometry cities that have very strong programming to enforce local reality. You know, they were created that way, knowing that the Event time would come when we went through this part of space and we're you know, the back end of Earth that's on the lowest part of the consciousness is suddenly going to come to a much higher energy, less dense part of space and naturally the grid of Earth is going to rapidly increase energy and it's going to raise from the 3rd dimensional to a 4th dimensional energetic planet, and that means forces of domination and control are going to have a very, very hard time existing here because their vibration is going to be so different. It's like going to be having, you know, them being bombarded by sound waves that are very painful to them. Therefore, they need technology that can rapidly lower the vibration of Earth while it's going through this space of less dense and high energy.
Example: CERN's secondary effect is to do that, it's to create a shield around Earth so that as it travels through this less dense part of space they can keep the energy of the Earth grid low.
INT: Sounds like we're basically going to go through a pocket of space that's particularly light.
ANDREW: It's quite large though. It's really a large space. Like we were in a very dense part of space for the last 28,000 years and this next part of space that we're going to go through is like 68,000 years.
INT: OK. So it's really a very big pocket, and it's a permanent effect you're talking about, not just...
ANDREW: Correct.
INT: So we're actually in the gradated piece of space between these 2 regions.
ANDREW: Yes, quite literally.
The interview continues on until 1:33:50, and goes into very deep detail about the Event, and other aspects such as the agenda of the forces of domination and control. It's pretty deep and meaningful.