Article Markers: Are We There Yet? (3 Viewers)

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Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
azlynn First, welcome, second, fantastic first post!! and what a great share. I've copy-pasted your response, and a couple of others' insights, to the original article on Nine's Path, as I noted I'd do in the text, hope you don't mind but if you do, please let me know. I don't want to share too much from here, just some bare-bones insights, with a gentle redirect for interested parties to join the forum if they like.

Didn't know that tidbit about the protein, but that fits into what I'm picking up about this phenom. Did anyone happen to catch this body-language reading of a Chinese official being interviewed about the virus? Bombards channel is full of great insights, happened to catch this one today:



Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
this is also the reason for the massive project which tries to freeze the water under the powerplant. But they can't make it work apparently...
The freezing water project was doomed from the start, there are a ridiculous number of known and unknown variables which they cannot control. Besides, any contaminated liquid water would eventually find its way around the ice dam over time. A good engineer knows this but management makes the final decision on what to do.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Fyi, apparently i am a bit sensitive to energy and i have had at least 3 dizzy spells this week that i cannot attribute to something else, like spinny rides (i am on vacation right now). My sensitivity has increased this week. I went into a woo woo shop and passed my hands over some amazonite and amethyst and BAM, immediately felt a hum coming off the stones.

Then we went to a vegan store called The Jungle, which called to me, and as soon as i walked in a felt this strong positive energy coming from this girl. I went around a corner and just started crying it was so nice.

I think this is what we should expect in the future, little patches of higher vibrations here and there which slowly expand and draw the right people to them. And IMO that is how the new society of peace gets built while the old society, and individuals in it, fade away. While one source puts the beginning of the Golden Age starting in 2325, I think 100 years from now we will see a big difference.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
azlynn First, welcome, second, fantastic first post!! and what a great share. I've copy-pasted your response, and a couple of others' insights, to the original article on Nine's Path, as I noted I'd do in the text, hope you don't mind but if you do, please let me know. I don't want to share too much from here, just some bare-bones insights, with a gentle redirect for interested parties to join the forum if they like.

Didn't know that tidbit about the protein, but that fits into what I'm picking up about this phenom. Did anyone happen to catch this body-language reading of a Chinese official being interviewed about the virus? Bombards channel is full of great insights, happened to catch this one today:

I watched it, he was definitely uncomfortable. Very convenient it breaking out in China isn’t it, where we can’t get any real info from. I haven’t seen any pics but I understand they are showing folk dying in the streets including masses of kids.
I dont really know enough to comment but something doesn’t feel right about it all, just a gut feeling.

I seem to remember with the Zars and bird flue we were getting reports of people dying, and the so called experts were saying what would happen, When, not If, it became a pandemic.
Everything is so hyped up to scare the bejeezers out of the population.

I’m convinced all these new viruses are manufactured in the laboratory and released on the public, then they can make a vaccine that will earn them millions.

It needs to be brought to an end pretty damn quick.


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Everything is so hyped up to scare the bejeezers out of the population.
I agree, June . The only danger I really see in this is the "crying wolf" syndrome, where we've become so inured to the calls for vigilance that we underestimate a truly lethal threat. I'm not saying that's what this is, just seeing a potential hole in the road.

Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
As for Fukushima, i read in the news that Japan was going to release many gallons (1000s) of radioactive water into the pacific ocean. This would contaminate fisheries all the way to California, which it had done already with the initial explosion of the reactor. Now this post makes me think there is a leak letting loose all this radioactive water that Japan cannot stop, and the manmade release story is a coverup.

As for the coronavirus, it affects Asians much worse because Asians have an ACE2 protein in their lungs, which others do not have, or do not have to much extent. And the coronavirus attacks the ACE2 protein. Search for dr ken berry on youtube, he addresses this ACE2 protein.
Relating to coronavirus, here's a study done to statistically look into the supposed correlation between ACE2 inhibitors in racial groups. The group created a computer model of the virus itself, studied its structure to look into supposed ACE2 issues, and then correlated that into the current infection-death population data available.

Its a PDF research paper.
Their conclusion? There are none.
The main correlation is smokers. China (most of Asia actually) is notorious for chain smokers, especially among the migrants, factory workers, and the lower/less-educated class. Smokers have higher ACE2 gene expression.

So, hold onto your horses before concluding this only affects Asians. We do not have big enough statistical samples (non-Asian) from other countries yet to make such a conclusion.
This is similar to concluding you can hit HEADS 100% of the time after flipping your quarter 5 times and hitting HEADS all 5 times.
Besides, as I have mentioned in the coronavirus thread, bioweapons do not discriminate. It would be bone-head stupid for China to build a bioweapon that specifically targets Asians!

UPDATE: 20 minutes after I finished this post, I checked zerohedge, and sure enough, someone did a complete assessment of the latest research available, and came to the same conclusion.

You will see the end of an empire finally come to pass. None will long mourn it, for the pain will shift from imaginary to acknowledged, and many will demand retribution. Then, you will hear of war, but the conflict will end before it begins.
I believe the "empire" marker refers to Communist China, which was "this" close to implementing all the elements to dominate Eurasia for decades (1 Belt 1 Road, manufacturing powerhouse, "loan shark" type foreign debts, hi-tech powerhouse through IP theft) before the nCov-19 completely derailed it.
Anarchy will follow closely, violence, and chaos.
Which leads to this marker. China is currently in complete anarchy. Provincial governments are not even listening to the federal government anymore, its Mad Max there as everyone is stealing supply line convoys of medical masks, equipment, food, etc.

The bold quote 100% characterizes the Communist Party China now. Almost every country in the world hates their parasitic and one-sided deals, not to mention IP theft. Demanding retribution is clearly on the way since every country (led by the US) is trying to find out if this virus was a research-created bioweapon (everyone knows already from their own DNA sequence identification of the virus's molecular structure, but they want evidence; hence, the CCP has militarized the BSL-4 research facility in Wuhan to.... what else... destroy evidence!)
As far as the "war", I'm on the sideline as to whether it refers to Middle East (Turkey-Syria-Iran-Lebanon-Russia, etc.) or the Asia-Pacific (China vs everyone else due to nCov-19). It could mean both.

Japan, unfortunately, in their never-ending chase for money to pay for Tokyo Olympics, impossibly large BOJ debt, and the money-pit Fukushima disaster, tried to cover their eyes and let in the mainland Chinese tourists freely through the Chinese New Years holiday week. Well, they are now paying for it in multiple ways - nCov-19 popping up like groundhogs all over the country, lack of preparation with test kits to diagnose, complete inventory wipeout of protective mask inventories in time for their annual flower blooming spring season, and the cruise ship "scandal" since they were ill-equipped to handle it and trusted the WHO completely (even though the US warned them). Even now, there are still daily flights from China to Japan except in the Wuhan-Hebei region, even though China has already locked down 600M (literally half the country now). So things may go parabolic in Japan soon once test protocols catch up.

The one who would be king will not be fit to take the throne.
I think this refers to Charles more than Harry. Harry was never fit anyway - he just made it official by getting out.
Charles has too many skeletons in his closet, and a lot of people hate him for deserting Diana. I think the Queen is pivoting to throw him
out and declare William heir to the throne.
That would actually assuage a lot of people, since William's personality bears close resemblance to the ever-popular Diana.

  • You will hear of war, but the conflict will end before it begins.
  • Soldiers on the field of battle hear something, then put their weapons down and walk away.
  • There will arise a kind of echo around the world which will trigger armies to defect their war
I think this may be related to Antarctica and the US Space Force. As mentioned through many years on transients and other anecdotes:
1 Laron's breakaway civilization articles,
2 Kelly Johnson's and many other Black Research participants attest - the US has technology in Area 51, Cheyenne Mountain, Los Alamos, etc. 50-200 years ahead of current levels (some may be 1000s of years ahead like intergalactic travel),
3 Area 51 plus other sites across the world indicate a world similar to "Stargate SG-1" and "MIB Men in Black" in which Earth has been in contact with multiple planets/ETs/worlds and building ultra-advanced technologies with ETs for decades, and hopefully building towards a Star-Trek type universe instead of Star Wars.

I believe there will be declaration of war, and then either "US Space Force" SG-1 style or ETs will show up in their Asgard ship,
at which point current soldiers will just look up, jaws dropping, let go of their weapons and walk away.

The "echo" would be, IMO, social media IG, FB, Twitter snaps of the ship by soldiers on the field being sent across the world. Of course, everyone drops their weapons and walk away shaking their heads, LOL.

The church refers to the Vatican's downfall precipitated by the child abuse scandals opening tons of other dark issues, which has been referred in many different prophecies (Edgar Cayce, Baba Vanga(very controversial), versions of Nostradamus quatrains, etc.)

Well, that's my take. :-D
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Some interesting info there, Kevin, thank you.
I agree that The one who would be king. is likely Charles. He’s getting on a bit in years now and might not want to take up the throne at such a late stage in life, but apart from that we know he’s not popular, the people love William and Katherine, she can do no wrong it seems.

Anyone any ideas on the clock pointer. ‘.You will see the turning of a great clock from clear to imminent.’
I did wonder if it has anything to do with Big Ben which was turned off in 2017 for refurbishment, I understood it was to take three years but checking up yesterday I saw 2021 mentioned.

I remember feeling at the time that turning it off was significant in some way and I had a clear message come into my head. ‘Time as you know it will never be the same again.’. I don’t know if its something or nothing, just putting it out there incase it means something to someone.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I also saw the turning off of Big Ben as deeply symbolic June.
Interesting, Pod. I’m wondering what the words, The turning of a great clock from clear to imminent. could actually mean when, let’s say, it’s turned back on.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I am wary of any ship that would appear and "save" humans since that was the DS plan from the beginning: manufacture a problem then include a solution which include controlling key assets like food, water, power, utilities, etc. and herd people into smart cities to give them free food, water, and/or jobs but which would require vaccinations and an optional oath to the new overlords.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Kevin C - wow, you've assembled some great info and analysis. Thanks!


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
I think the clock refereed to above is the doomsday clock...


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Interesting, Pod. I’m wondering what the words, The turning of a great clock from clear to imminent. could actually mean when, let’s say, it’s turned back on.
The words "clear to imminent rings a bell so I searched it and found this.....

For many, many years the Code of Ethics stated that confidentiality was to be broken if there was “clear and imminent danger.” The 2005 code now states in Section B.2.a. that confidentiality is broken when there is “serious and foreseeable harm.” Could you tell ACA members why the task force changed the wording from “clear and imminent danger” to “serious and foreseeable harm”?

This is from Counselling today.
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Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
jan18 note.jpg
So, hold onto your horses before concluding this only affects Asians.
I have to concur. I've only just heard of this protein irt susceptibility, and in looking at Ken Berry's video as suggested, I see he says the same thing. It's not impossible to bioengineer a vector to target a specific population, but it doesn't seem that ACE2 is not the thing in this case. Thanks for the link clarifying that, and the info you gathered

Anyone any ideas on the clock pointer. ‘.You will see the turning of a great clock from clear to imminent.’
Yes, Pucksterguy is right on that. Pod very interesting too! The Doomsday Clock was moved to the closest point to doom in its history, 100 seconds to midnight:
That happened just a couple of days after this message was transmitted. The original was Jan. 18, and the clock was turned on Jan. 23. Here's a photo of that original writing (with some private info covered up).

I am wary of any ship that would appear and "save" humans since that was the DS plan from the beginning
It's true there is something of a decoy plan, but there is also some truth to the thing. As with so many things, disinfo and truth mingle to confuse the people. You can guess that's only one reason the League of Light is always prodding us to strip away everything that interferes with our innate navigational system. A clear inner antenna will tell you exactly what's fake and what's real. As far as ships showing up, they will, I feel and I am told. However, that doesn't preclude shenanigans. Keep all 3 eyes clear and wide open.

There's a Russian prophet I saw a video about, a boy, I think it was one of Sylvie Ivanova's videos (now sadly offline, but maybe I can find the info), who warned against getting any kind of injection, that it would be attempted. If I recall correctly, he saw a kind of huge festival atmosphere, that the shot would be offered in that kind of scenario. Gosh it was interesting… I'll go look in a bit.


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
The boy prophet is Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, and there's info online but I can't put it all together at the moment… perhaps someone is interested in finding out more? Otherwise, I can find some links. Catch up with y'all soon!
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
warned against getting any kind of injection, that it would be attempted. If I recall correctly, he saw a kind of huge festival atmosphere, that the shot would be offered in that kind of scenario
Here is what I do when asked about flu shots, etc. Just in case anyone finds themselves in that situation. It has worked perfectly so far.

Smile and say "Got it taken care of".

I have not lied, and I have not set myself apart as "one of those".


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
The boy prophet is Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, and there's info online but I can't put it all together at the moment… perhaps someone is interested in finding out more? Otherwise, I can find some links. Catch up with y'all soon!
We have storms in Scotland and Sunday looks like a day in bed with the blanket on "fry" so will have a look for him Maryann.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I think the clock refereed to above is the doomsday clock...
Ahh!! Hadn’t thought about the Doomsday clock, that sounds more like ii Puck,
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I entered Sylvia’s name and quite a bit came up, a video where she’s talking about the Corona virus.
New Earth and how our true history has been kept from us.

I found Vyaxheslav Krasheninnikov but so far not much info. I’m sure Pod has a better idea how to search, I look forward to hearing the result.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
View attachment 9219
I have to concur. I've only just heard of this protein irt susceptibility, and in looking at Ken Berry's video as suggested, I see he says the same thing. It's not impossible to bioengineer a vector to target a specific population, but it doesn't seem that ACE2 is not the thing in this case. Thanks for the link clarifying that, and the info you gathered

Yes, Pucksterguy is right on that. Pod very interesting too! The Doomsday Clock was moved to the closest point to doom in its history, 100 seconds to midnight:
That happened just a couple of days after this message was transmitted. The original was Jan. 18, and the clock was turned on Jan. 23. Here's a photo of that original writing (with some private info covered up).

It's true there is something of a decoy plan, but there is also some truth to the thing. As with so many things, disinfo and truth mingle to confuse the people. You can guess that's only one reason the League of Light is always prodding us to strip away everything that interferes with our innate navigational system. A clear inner antenna will tell you exactly what's fake and what's real. As far as ships showing up, they will, I feel and I am told. However, that doesn't preclude shenanigans. Keep all 3 eyes clear and wide open.

There's a Russian prophet I saw a video about, a boy, I think it was one of Sylvie Ivanova's videos (now sadly offline, but maybe I can find the info), who warned against getting any kind of injection, that it would be attempted. If I recall correctly, he saw a kind of huge festival atmosphere, that the shot would be offered in that kind of scenario. Gosh it was interesting… I'll go look in a bit.
Talking about a festival atmosphere for getting shots it seems to be already happening on a small scale. I know of some families who get together and go en masse for their annual flue shot, possibly popping off for coffee afterwards, they seem to make quite an event of it. So it wouldnt surprise me to see a big move to get everybody involved, with some inducements no doubt. Fun, fun, fun all the way type of thing. Also making those who won’t join in feel like outcasts,

Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
Engineering a virus to target specific race groups has been done for decades, possibly since WWII, in the lab, but they always run into the age old nemesis: Nature.
It never works as intended. See Lyme disease.

As an example, recently in California, the government worked with a company to engineer a GM mosquito to wipe out the existing virulent mosquitoes by desterilizing them. They thought these GM, self-destructive mosquitoes would wipe the mosquito population out.
Well, guess what - nature did its job - the natural mosquitoes began to "learn" to avoid these engineered mosquitoes, and some that didn't ended up resistant to the insterility and became super-productive as they blended the GM genes into the population. So now, in some areas of California, there are these groups of chimeric mosquitoes that are hardened and multiply at a higher rate.
Not to mention harder to kill. Sigh....

Another example in CA as well, corn and other crops tended to get wiped out by wild weeds, so they GM'd a type of corn that was resistant to the weed. The problem? The GM corn was so productive that it wiped out the existing corn crops, and the weeds also adapted, became stronger and resistant to pesticides. This meant only one solution: wipe out the entire corn field by burning it, then spending a couple months re-building the soil to rid of all seeds, both weed and corn, in order to avoid any residual growth. Basically, completely start over.
However, some agricultural fields in central CA are so big (sq miles) that this is impossible, as the winds would have carried the seeds all over the place. So these GM seeds and adapted weeds have spread.
Of course, the company and government, after much initial fanfare and promotion, shut down the program and "clammed up" (to avoid lawsuits).

So yes, in the lab, race targeting vectors theoretically work. In nature, it never works as intended, so it is impossible (unless you are creating a 1-dose poison to target one person - well, there are easier and less dangerous ways to poison people........)

Not to mention extremely dangerous to handle human-based virus vectors, as nCovid-19 is demonstrating in real-time.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Engineering a virus to target specific race groups has been done for decades, possibly since WWII, in the lab, but they always run into the age old nemesis: Nature.
It never works as intended. See Lyme disease.

As an example, recently in California, the government worked with a company to engineer a GM mosquito to wipe out the existing virulent mosquitoes by desterilizing them. They thought these GM, self-destructive mosquitoes would wipe the mosquito population out.
Well, guess what - nature did its job - the natural mosquitoes began to "learn" to avoid these engineered mosquitoes, and some that didn't ended up resistant to the insterility and became super-productive as they blended the GM genes into the population. So now, in some areas of California, there are these groups of chimeric mosquitoes that are hardened and multiply at a higher rate.
Not to mention harder to kill. Sigh....

Another example in CA as well, corn and other crops tended to get wiped out by wild weeds, so they GM'd a type of corn that was resistant to the weed. The problem? The GM corn was so productive that it wiped out the existing corn crops, and the weeds also adapted, became stronger and resistant to pesticides. This meant only one solution: wipe out the entire corn field by burning it, then spending a couple months re-building the soil to rid of all seeds, both weed and corn, in order to avoid any residual growth. Basically, completely start over.
However, some agricultural fields in central CA are so big (sq miles) that this is impossible, as the winds would have carried the seeds all over the place. So these GM seeds and adapted weeds have spread.
Of course, the company and government, after much initial fanfare and promotion, shut down the program and "clammed up" (to avoid lawsuits).

So yes, in the lab, race targeting vectors theoretically work. In nature, it never works as intended, so it is impossible (unless you are creating a 1-dose poison to target one person - well, there are easier and less dangerous ways to poison people........)

Not to mention extremely dangerous to handle human-based virus vectors, as nCovid-19 is demonstrating in real-time.
Hubris, Nemesis, Nature... old friends, I'd guess.
I wonder what's coming next?


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Talking about a festival atmosphere for getting shots
Looking into what I'm seeing online, he spoke of a small card, like a credit card, and a subcutaneous chip or laser imprint, which would be the mark of the beast. Universal passports, only people with the mark would be able to do any commerce, money phased out. Stuff like that. Hard to find any info now that Sylvie's video is down, as most of it's in Russian.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Looking into what I'm seeing online, he spoke of a small card, like a credit card, and a subcutaneous chip or laser imprint, which would be the mark of the beast. Universal passports, only people with the mark would be able to do any commerce, money phased out. Stuff like that. Hard to find any info now that Sylvie's video is down, as most of it's in Russian.
I recall hearing about that a number of years ago. Not since. I wonder if it's still a going possibility?
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I think the clock refereed to above is the doomsday clock...
It could easily be the Doomsday Clock, but I've got another idea. The precessional clock. The clock of the Ages. We know the Age of Pisces has already wound down right to zero, because there is an overlap at either end of the Age, but it all started out possibly in the 1960's, or at least by 1987 (The Harmonic Convergence); and the full-stop of the age was supposed to be 21st December 2012 which it was, but there has been an 8-year overlap to 2020 and I've heard that the Age of Aquarius is finally kicking off in this year of 2020 without the overlay and impact of the Age of Pisces still flavouring it.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Yesterday I was pondering these markers above, the 'Galantine's Day' meme that seems to have popped up quickly as well as the far greater variety of strong female figures my daughters have in books, songs and other popular culture than I recall in my youth; or rather, in my youth the most successful of such characters were successful because they were very adept at figuring out the hidden barriers and negotiating them. Many of these seem to take up visibly less of my daughter's horizons (sigh of relief). What came out of my mouth, rather surprisingly, esp as I choose my words with care, esp around children, was a heartfelt "I'm so glad you girls don't have to deal with all the s**** my generation did, all that really nasty, stuff that 'put us in our place' by force. This comment, too, felt right in the moment. It's very rare that I swear.

I went on to contemplate the heroine Eowyn in LorR (she who famously declared 'I am no man' before she slew the head Nazgul, thus dramatically completing the prophecy that this old king could not be slain by any man either in life nor death). There is a scene before this where she describes to Aragorn her fear of her life becoming a gilded cage like so many royal women before her, which gives him a chance to prophetically reply "I do not believe that will be your fate".

As I pondered this, I distinctly heard (in my 'mind's eye' the sound of a sword being drawn against its sheath. I wondered, did this mean that during my daughter's time, women will draw their metaphorical swords more easily or more often to defend themselves? I asked my cards. The answer was 'no'.
Much has led me to believe that our future steps will involve other, more effective, responses than swords and battle, so I asked if that was actually the sound of a blade being sheathed (rather than drawn) allowing another response to occur? That got a 'yes' and a distinct visual of a warrior going down on a knee to bow before someone in respect; It felt like the person being bowed to was someone unarmed with a blade, yet even more powerful in completely different ways, ways that led to such unanticipated respect.

That led me to ponder if the series of markers above could be linked events, something like this:
"A little girl gives her life for the sake of world peace." being linked to the sound of a blade being sheathed + the visual of the armed, respectful kneeling figure representing:
"Soldiers on the field of battle hear something, then put their weapons down and walk away. " which, when multiplied by thousands of individuals leads to:
"There will arise a kind of echo around the world which will trigger armies to defect their war. " with an overall result of:
"You will hear of war, but the conflict will end before it begins."

Something about this felt like it fit together like puzzle pieces.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Much has led me to believe that our future steps will involve other, more effective, responses than swords and battle, so I asked if that was actually the sound of a blade being sheathed (rather than drawn) allowing another response to occur? That got a 'yes' and a distinct visual of a warrior going down on a knee to bow before someone in respect; It felt like the person being bowed to was someone unarmed with a blade, yet even more powerful in completely different ways, ways that led to such unanticipated respect.
I never really bought into the second coming of Christ in the way portrayed, I thought it would be an internal revelation that awakened the Christ conciousness in all of us. However your narrative above invoked that thought in me of him coming in a blaze of glory in the clouds.


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
in a blaze of glory in the clouds
Always sounded like a spaceship to me. But as a function of the Age of Aquarius, it is exactly that, the consciousness, even more the actuality, of Christ from within, alive. Something humbling enough to drop every conscious being to a knee. What we recognize within, we will greet with our eyes.


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