As for Fukushima, i read in the news that Japan was going to release many gallons (1000s) of radioactive water into the pacific ocean. This would contaminate fisheries all the way to California, which it had done already with the initial explosion of the reactor. Now this post makes me think there is a leak letting loose all this radioactive water that Japan cannot stop, and the manmade release story is a coverup.
As for the coronavirus, it affects Asians much worse because Asians have an ACE2 protein in their lungs, which others do not have, or do not have to much extent. And the coronavirus attacks the ACE2 protein. Search for dr ken berry on youtube, he addresses this ACE2 protein.
Relating to coronavirus, here's a study done to statistically look into the supposed correlation between ACE2 inhibitors in racial groups. The group created a computer model of the virus itself, studied its structure to look into supposed ACE2 issues, and then correlated that into the current infection-death population data available.
Its a PDF research paper.
Their conclusion? There are none.
The main correlation is smokers. China (most of Asia actually) is notorious for chain smokers, especially among the migrants, factory workers, and the lower/less-educated class. Smokers have higher ACE2 gene expression.
So, hold onto your horses before concluding this only affects Asians. We do not have big enough statistical samples (non-Asian) from other countries yet to make such a conclusion.
This is similar to concluding you can hit HEADS 100% of the time after flipping your quarter 5 times and hitting HEADS all 5 times.
Besides, as I have mentioned in the coronavirus thread, bioweapons do not discriminate. It would be bone-head stupid for China to build a bioweapon that specifically targets Asians!
UPDATE: 20 minutes after I finished this post, I checked zerohedge, and sure enough, someone did a complete assessment of the latest research available, and came to the same conclusion.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
You will see the end of an empire finally come to pass. None will long mourn it, for the pain will shift from imaginary to acknowledged, and many will demand retribution. Then, you will hear of war, but the conflict will end before it begins.
I believe the "empire" marker refers to Communist China, which was "this" close to implementing all the elements to dominate Eurasia for decades (1 Belt 1 Road, manufacturing powerhouse, "loan shark" type foreign debts, hi-tech powerhouse through IP theft) before the nCov-19 completely derailed it.
Anarchy will follow closely, violence, and chaos.
Which leads to this marker. China is currently in complete anarchy. Provincial governments are not even listening to the federal government anymore, its Mad Max there as everyone is stealing supply line convoys of medical masks, equipment, food, etc.
The bold quote 100% characterizes the Communist Party China now. Almost every country in the world hates their parasitic and one-sided deals, not to mention IP theft. Demanding retribution is clearly on the way since every country (led by the US) is trying to find out if this virus was a research-created bioweapon (everyone knows already from their own DNA sequence identification of the virus's molecular structure, but they want evidence; hence, the CCP has militarized the BSL-4 research facility in Wuhan to.... what else... destroy evidence!)
As far as the "war", I'm on the sideline as to whether it refers to Middle East (Turkey-Syria-Iran-Lebanon-Russia, etc.) or the Asia-Pacific (China vs everyone else due to nCov-19). It could mean both.
Japan, unfortunately, in their never-ending chase for money to pay for Tokyo Olympics, impossibly large BOJ debt, and the money-pit Fukushima disaster, tried to cover their eyes and let in the mainland Chinese tourists freely through the Chinese New Years holiday week. Well, they are now paying for it in multiple ways - nCov-19 popping up like groundhogs all over the country, lack of preparation with test kits to diagnose, complete inventory wipeout of protective mask inventories in time for their annual flower blooming spring season, and the cruise ship "scandal" since they were ill-equipped to handle it and trusted the WHO completely (even though the US warned them). Even now, there are still daily flights from China to Japan except in the Wuhan-Hebei region, even though China has already locked down 600M (literally half the country now). So things may go parabolic in Japan soon once test protocols catch up.
The one who would be king will not be fit to take the throne.
I think this refers to Charles more than Harry. Harry was never fit anyway - he just made it official by getting out.
Charles has too many skeletons in his closet, and a lot of people hate him for deserting Diana. I think the Queen is pivoting to throw him
out and declare William heir to the throne.
That would actually assuage a lot of people, since William's personality bears close resemblance to the ever-popular Diana.
- You will hear of war, but the conflict will end before it begins.
- Soldiers on the field of battle hear something, then put their weapons down and walk away.
- There will arise a kind of echo around the world which will trigger armies to defect their war
I think this may be related to Antarctica and the US Space Force. As mentioned through many years on transients and other anecdotes:
1 Laron's breakaway civilization articles,
2 Kelly Johnson's and many other Black Research participants attest - the US has technology in Area 51, Cheyenne Mountain, Los Alamos, etc. 50-200 years ahead of current levels (some may be 1000s of years ahead like intergalactic travel),
3 Area 51 plus other sites across the world indicate a world similar to "Stargate SG-1" and "MIB Men in Black" in which Earth has been in contact with multiple planets/ETs/worlds and building ultra-advanced technologies with ETs for decades, and hopefully building towards a Star-Trek type universe instead of Star Wars.
I believe there will be declaration of war, and then either "US Space Force" SG-1 style or ETs will show up in their Asgard ship,
at which point current soldiers will just look up, jaws dropping, let go of their weapons and walk away.
The "echo" would be, IMO, social media IG, FB, Twitter snaps of the ship by soldiers on the field being sent across the world. Of course, everyone drops their weapons and walk away shaking their heads, LOL.
The church refers to the Vatican's downfall precipitated by the child abuse scandals opening tons of other dark issues, which has been referred in many different prophecies (Edgar Cayce, Baba Vanga(very controversial), versions of Nostradamus quatrains, etc.)
Well, that's my take.