The Event is Upon Us part 3 (6 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Came across this video from Lori Ladd that explains what many of us are feeling fairly well. Janne and I had a discussion about the latest astrological influences which you can read here . I had the sensation that a door had closed (in a good way), yet the absence of the door was a bit unsettling because it was different. Lori has a good description of the same thing - ticking along on the uphill part of a roller coaster. Hope you enjoy her insights.

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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
again the rollercoaster, funny i compared life with it for a certain time already, 2022 can be even more intensif as a few things pointed it also as an important year, so important surely in astrological sensepotential
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
Had an interesting dream this morning. I was observing a ship. It was British. The top of the ship was just below the water. There were people in British cars on the deck of the ship; the cars were half submerged but were not covered completely. I had the sense that the cars and people would not go under the water; they would be okay. The ship was being pulled by someone/something else, and I was not allowed to see who it was. The ship WAS moving forwards, but not under its own steam.

Brexit energetics perhaps?


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
The ship was being pulled by someone/something else, and I was not allowed to see who it was. The ship WAS moving forwards, but not under its own steam.
Reminds me of something David Topi said about energetic work. It may seem slow and that we are not accomplishing much, but we are on an unseen level.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
The ship WAS moving forwards, but not under its own steam.
The whole bloody colonial energy was started by The British and the negative vortex for patriarchy is in London.

Interesting you say British which includes Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland.

Why would you be interested in something British? Are you British?


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
what was in my head when i woke up to go to toilet was something like hotel rooms, check out or in, random things, i have the impression i have to move with my brother to another country perhaps at a moment in the future, if that is the case there is a tricky procedure behind a thing that gives me more a headache
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
what was in my head when i woke up to go to toilet was something like hotel rooms, check out or in, random things, i have the impression i have to move with my brother to another country perhaps at a moment in the future, if that is the case there is a tricky procedure behind a thing that gives me more a headache
Don't worry, Alain. You've been doing the work, and the way will open up before you. Just don't get on any spaceships.
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Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
The whole bloody colonial energy was started by The British and the negative vortex for patriarchy is in London.

Interesting you say British which includes Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland.

Why would you be interested in something British? Are you British?
Im on board with the Notion of those energies still being shaken of - still it’s like I don’t understand any ties to nationality - talk about Grand scale manipulation - however of course a sense of belonging to a certain geographical energy or balanced feel. I Always Think the attachment to nationality is such a hinderence - like who cares where we are from - i Care where we are going. Then i wake up ( Fall out of bed) to my surrounding reality...And i realize that to my country men ( praying It is not the same to those with their feminine energized) national identity is everything - they are so attached to Their language customs and history. What fiction. But, We all have acces to fiction - and we Can start making our own ( her) story and why waste this oppertunity on division and linear excluding chronology. Why - When there is much power in shedding illusions of superiority ( colonialism and royalty and materialisme) and don’t even get me started on borders - like as if that is a prefixed understanding - what about the Woods they would stretch and reach over the free ways and through Windows and animals go by smell, food, water.
Belonging is just more accurate than a border and you Can put belonging in your pocket. No branding needid. No flags. You just get on that boat, cross that dessert - decide to stay on that mountain and always, always carry belonging with you reflected in everyones right to belong.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I Always Think the attachment to nationality is such a hinderence - like who cares where ee are from - i Care where we are going.
Funny you mentioned that Tania. I have been feeling lately that it doesn't matter where you were born because in the end we are not even earthlings, we are citizens of the universe.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
September 16, 2020
2:00 AM

It is I, Sophia.
It is One.

Thank you for coming forward.

What you are facing now is the eye of the storm. It is the fiercest moment in a battle. This time, fought more for a show of strength than for any real hope of winning. For the result has been written and known always. It has been written by Source and co-written by humanity. The result will be one that was earned, instead of handed to you. It is your choice that this be so.

A noble choice this is, and, typical of one that would be chosen by the race. For in your most critical moments, man rises to the occasion. It is your way. This time is one of those moments. You have declared yourselves free, and discovered the inner drive to realize that freedom. It surpasses all others and will see you through this moment.

What I’d like to talk about are methods of participation and ways that will enrich and support you in the coming days. For you will feel mightily challenged and even surrounded in what is not supportive. This will be illusory, and knowing where to focus will assist you in seeing what is real.

You have with you and behind you a legion of angels. They support you. They whisper ideas that result in positive, collaborative, constructive choices and ideas of all sizes. These may be prayers, phone calls, posts, articles, speeches, or participation. There are no small forward movements – each takes you closer to love. For ultimately your residence is there.

It will be challenging in the coming time to find and amplify these moments and actions of love – but not impossible. You will find such joy in the contrast of them to the destructive force unleashed now and promoted in your media. Even a few moments reprieve from that constant stream will push peace forward many times more so.

This greater impact is due to the contrast. It is, what may be called, their fatal flaw. In the push for control now ongoing, what is utilized is a single tactic. This tactic has been known to be successful here on earth and in fact worked for many years. This tactic is fear.

It does not take into account hope or unification or love or community, which are the more powerful human motivators. It is these you will promote and suggest as antidote, and it is these that will win the day.

You engage now in a war of frequency. The tools are perhaps new to your thinking as tools, yet they are not new to your nature or purpose. It is these that give your lives purpose and purity of intent. They are the sorts of things that make life “worth living” and they are being stripped from your everyday.

By hanging on to them in thought and conversation, by promoting them in posts and with action, you’ll see their power to unify you. The drive to connect and unite, to gather and build community, to reinforce and support, is so much more powerful than the force of destruction.

Now this is not to say that violence and destruction are not powerful. You are witnessing quite the opposite. Yet notice what you are not witnessing, because it is not obvious and not being shown to you. It occurs as an energetic force and lives and expands in the current frequency.

It is a positive frequency of love and growth. It is your hidden power and one unrecognized by those attempting control by fear. As was said, this is their fatal flaw.

Do all that you can think of to promote love and freedom and healing and reform. For reform is necessary and what this moment concerns. You “re-form” now your society and system of governance. You come to this moment with intention and are not ill-equipped for the job.

Would you be more specific?


What is needed now is calm reason that is non-polarized yet focused. This, my dear humans, those star seeds and light workers and warriors who feel themselves activated now, is your special sauce.

You came for this and the moment has arrived for you to utilize this particular skill. The one of resistance to polarization, with laser-focus on unity. It’s what convinced you to join this particular party. The idea that you’d get an opportunity to utilize your skill and live it in physical life. Such a feeling it is for the contrast to be realized and felt viscerally. The joy is exponential.

For you know and came knowing the truth – that destruction is a finite expression as a physical being; that fear constricts and that violence creates only fear. *

While in contrast and yielding** unending power is love and connection and promotion. All of these lead to growth and expansion.

You have before you now the opportunity to physically manifest a healing. It will be unlike any other previously experienced, due to its scope. It is the healing of your world.

These words are said as reminders to retain hope always and to consistently keep you “eyes on the prize”, regardless of how dim and blurry things become. It is a world built on love and from the ground up, and will be like nothing you’ve ever seen. This is because you are building it together.

Promote love always and there you’ll find the freedom you seek. Love asks you to accept all participants and welcome especially those tentative ones, newly arrived and unsure.*** They will not look or sound like you. You will recognize them by their frequency. The power of Unity is unmatched.

Your new world will be built with this power as its primary energy source. Hang on to all evidence of it. Primarily now you are to trust yourselves. Your intuition will tell you which direction to move. You will see, dear human, you will see.
It is always darkest before the dawn. The dawn comes next and once it begins – light will be all that you see.

That is all.

Thank you.

Thank you, my chosen one.

*A reference to the purpose of life itself, and the contrast of destruction – which hits a brick wall and stops, to love – which expands and grows and is exponentially more powerful as a result. It is love that is life’s purpose.

**Not being sure of this word as it came through, the definition is given here for “yielding” – an adjective; productive, which is defined as having the quality or power of producing, especially in abundance.

***Millennials, young people.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
‘A galactic collective wish to speak with you regarding some upcoming upgrades to the collective DNA templating. We are a collective of Arcturian starbeings, part of the Galactic Federation of Light, in service to the transition of life forms on the planet to higher dimensional frequencies. We are appreciative of the opportunity to speak with you and request for you to relay this transmission to those with whom this message will resonate.

'In 3 weeks (around mid October), there will be a cosmic event occurring that humanity must prepare for. Transition into 4th dimensional density is occurring and this will directly affect the stability of the planet. The {human} consciousness must be prepared to experience certain phenomenon that will seem unusual, particularly in the sky.

'You must stay out of fear.

'It has become necessary for a (galactic) intervention to help humanity and planet Gaia keep pace with the acceleration of other ascension related phenomena occurring throughout the cosmos. The ascension shift occurring on your planet is going to move into hyper speed or overdrive. The time is collapsing much faster towards the point of cosmic neutrality and the human beings must drastically address their alignment to integrate these frequencies.

'We come to give you notice/warning of preparation. For what is to come will shake to the core life as you know it.

‘There are cosmic phenomena affecting the magnetics of the planet. The earth has moved into a different vibrational & dimension space (4th density). She is transitioning through a zone where other ‘native’ celestial bodies/forms in their orbit pose a potential danger along her course.’

‘Many messages are being targeted to distort frequency and facts. Mixed message designed to lead the masses astray and divert focus from what is truly IMPORTANT AT THIS TIME. Many distractions abound on your planet to keep humanity in a state of unpreparedness for the real challenges that are presenting. It is IMPERATIVE that humanity begins to accept that which they are seeing and knowing deep within, to be true.

'1000s of our ships and beings have come from far and wide to assist in this transition. It is in the great interest of Gaia and all-star nations seeded upon her, incarnated through her, the great portal stargate that she is, that we have all come forth to facilitate the shifts that fast approach.

'PREPARE YOUR PHYSICAL BODIES. The best way to do this is to fast. Begin intermittent fasting as soon as possible because this is going to enable a frequency shift very fast. It will allow energy currently being utilized for digestive & metabolic processes to be redirect towards the upgrading of the neurological systems.

'At this time, fasting for at least 16 hours a day is required to assist us with a planned intervention to perform necessary upgrades to the nervous system templates allowing frequency alignment to occur as Gaia moves through this transitional field of altering magnetics, heighted radiation and photonic activity. Upgrades are being done in holographic form working with the soul group templates. Star beings are assisting through our (healing) chambers to radically bring humanity up to speed with these vibrational shifts. Your systems are undergoing a manual upgrade.

'We are having to intervene in the organic processes, which have run out of time for the human collective to reach the optimal levels of DNA activations required to safely integrate an acceleration of frequency. We have been given special permission and clearance to directly intervene in humanity’s awakening and to assist with reconnecting the templates because the organic (ascension/evolutionary) process is being negatively interfered with beyond humanity’s ability to achieve an ascended state on its own. Therefore our assistance is required to bring forth the alignments that will allow the flow and integration of intense light frequencies and shifting affecting your planet in the weeks and months ahead.

'Also, there are areas on the earth’s body plane that are still in a compromised state. If Gaia is unable to integrate these higher frequencies (due to density and trauma blockages), cataclysmic events will result. We speak on a bio-physical level. The body of the mother earth is in great need of assistance to allow these frequencies to move through her, with ease. We are assisting at an accelerated capacity to support the integrity of the body of Gaia as she moves through this 4D transitional zone.

'This is not the disclosure of ETs in the way you have come to understand it. It is an intervention of the alliance to massively assist in this critical moment. However, there will be certain phenomena in the skies. They [mainstream media, fallen ones] are looking to create as you call them ‘false flags’ to distract. Much of humanity is only looking down, down, down here on the earth & while you’re focusing [on dramatic constructs] you cannot be aware of what is truly occurring all around the cosmos and within you.


'It is of great importance to exercise discernment in these times. All manner of manipulations are abounding. Assessing information through ones’ own vibrational resonance is critical at this time.
Prepare yourselves. You will know the moment of which we speak. Your personal focus has been more often on the skies recently, has it not? The sun appears to be setting in a different place or the sky and sun are sometimes a strange hue. It is US who nudges your attention up towards the celestial space, keep your eye on the sky!

'The signs will come.

'Be in the heart space, & assist us in assisting you (humanity) to realign your neurological & energy circuit systems. For most people, this upgrading process must be done during sleep time, in an unconscious state, because the re-alignments often occur with symptoms such as involuntary physical movements, twitches & vibrating, or hot and cold sensations in the body. It can feel an intense or ‘unnerving’ experience. For some the physical activations will already be felt while reading this message. We encourage you to relax into the visceral process and allow it to be completed without resistance. Let the downloads flow.

'This message is encoded with light frequencies. We are asking you to put forth the physical form of these words into the human collective consciousness field. It is the manifestation of (and vector for) this vibrational transmission. Where you send this message, who sees it, who heeds it... you do not have control over. Though we are asking for and relying on humanity’s co-creative participation in this process.'

We thank you.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
'In 3 weeks (around mid October), there will be a cosmic event occurring that humanity must prepare for. Transition into 4th dimensional density is occurring and this will directly affect the stability of the planet. The {human} consciousness must be prepared to experience certain phenomenon that will seem unusual, particularly in the sky.
this is a bit after the 10 10 portal then


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
PREPARE YOUR PHYSICAL BODIES. The best way to do this is to fast. Begin intermittent fasting as soon as possible because this is going to enable a frequency shift very fast. It will allow energy currently being utilized for digestive & metabolic processes to be redirect towards the upgrading of the neurological systems.
ok i think here can be a challange for me, i even have the impression the foreffects are beginning

seems things get really serious now

on the other side david topis articles arrive also closer and closer to freedom of unwanted programmation coincidence?
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
It's fascinating to me that a number of people around me are doing intermittent fasting. Some of them people I'd never have expected to do so.
I'm also finding myself naturally re- falling into this pattern (which I recognize as one I'd done for many years as it was convenient). It feels good. My body is responding beautifully.
This is getting curioser and curioser...

Okay, then, heads up! Here we go:-D


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
I’m getting a lot of downloads in the space of the remote healing group on transient - so I encourage any of you to participate. The information I am getting is a lot more directed at me than it used to be - obviously it could be my own capacity to understand that like the information is accelerating. What I find fascinating is how a lot of the same words and subjects and values circulate. I think a lot about language - how we have to offer up and create new language for empowering the changes in humans and planet. I am building a method of re-form to break the algorithm by activation of autonomy, building new language, dissolving chronology and multi narrate from the “now”. The download specifics are coming in faster than I can almost get it down. It comes in a flexible grid you see - and to deliver it has to retain it’s source which is love as in expansion. It is the expansion of ones own Safe zone, by autonomous decision making so your actions can not be predetermined by anyone, cause all is possible. So trust and experimentation from the point of where ever Exactly you are. To do so we have to play - literally be playful. Joyful as a starting point of opportunity. We have to build a friendship with self and eventually in love “I” will transcend into “we” form.
I’m building a space, board game with tasks, navigational maps, and all rolled into a work of art.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I’m getting a lot of downloads in the space of the remote healing group on transient - so I encourage any of you to participate. The information I am getting is a lot more directed at me than it used to be - obviously it could be my own capacity to understand that like the information is accelerating. What I find fascinating is how a lot of the same words and subjects and values circulate. I think a lot about language - how we have to offer up and create new language for empowering the changes in humans and planet. I am building a method of re-form to break the algorithm by activation of autonomy, building new language, dissolving chronology and multi narrate from the “now”. The download specifics are coming in faster than I can almost get it down. It comes in a flexible grid you see - and to deliver it has to retain it’s source which is love as in expansion. It is the expansion of ones own Safe zone, by autonomous decision making so your actions can not be predetermined by anyone, cause all is possible. So trust and experimentation from the point of where ever Exactly you are. To do so we have to play - literally be playful. Joyful as a starting point of opportunity. We have to build a friendship with self and eventually in love “I” will transcend into “we” form.
I’m building a space, board game with tasks, navigational maps, and all rolled into a work of art.
I agree with you that we need to be playful, it brings joy to ourselves and others, Joy raises the vibrations and up we go.
I like the sound of your board game.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
It's fascinating to me that a number of people around me are doing intermittent fasting.

There's definitely something going on are spot on. I have had issues with food, when I am in the high heart space (with My Lord energy) I do not eat. Lose all interest in food.

And lately, I am not eating much at all. I have been making a huge vegetable curry in the slow cooker and a portion of that is my supper.


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
I agree with you that we need to be playful, it brings joy to ourselves and others, Joy raises the vibrations and up we go.
I like the sound of your board game.
So the “ art piece” aids in finding out what that joy is. Exactly for vibrational purposes as you say June. So it starts with a game because that makes everyone open to testing out stuff in play, but in a sense it is a task based individual tool or collective tool to practice how to and where to find joy and what it feels like. It has to be facilitated and that’s the need for building method cause the idea is that when participants have been through the 4 elemental energies, then they become facilitators of others in building autonomy and we form. Girl, it is so detailed and all encompassing that apart from the last 7/8 years I have researched and collaged this information there is still a bit to go. I am just so thankful to be here for these time so and feel connected and alive, useful on a greater scale / part of the transitioning even more so is the ultimate.


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
Oh and I also just started eating very light - I have done serious fasting 3 or 4 times but with a family both during pregnancy and for the kids to establish a healthy relationship with food I have not wanted to get back into it before now


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
There's definitely something going on are spot on. I have had issues with food, when I am in the high heart space (with My Lord energy) I do not eat. Lose all interest in food.

And lately, I am not eating much at all. I have been making a huge vegetable curry in the slow cooker and a portion of that is my supper.
for me it is to became more aware when i eat out of habit without need of it, is a time ongoing it seems as i lost a bit of weight over the last mounth, the 4th time in so 20 or so years, everytime another reason behind
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Love asks you to accept all participants and welcome especially those tentative ones, newly arrived and unsure.*** They will not look or sound like you. You will recognize them by their frequency.
I completely understand this line. I don't know why I understand it, I just do. These newcomers must be intersecting with my path soon, I think.

I know some young people like this, now in high school, in their teens. They have been amazing kids since their youngest years. They go beyond anything I ever expected. Their parents are quite nice too. They don't just talk about it, they live it. They face bullies, help people, and are caring kids.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Interesting. It surprises me that something like this would occur under the sign of Libra (even though it could mean a tipping of the balance in the scales). I would rather have expected such event to take place under the sign of Scorpio (death/transformation). We will see then.
By-the-way, I would not be surprised if a message is received mentioning a delay since Mercury will go retrograde in about 3 weeks also. Obviously the above comments is using Astrology as a medium, assuming that it still applies for such event.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
According to astrologer Osher, Libra is the Divine Judge, the hidden karma.

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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
Pod: thank you for putting the two timely messages here. It improves my trust in my own abilities and intuition.

These last weeks I have noticed my heart chakra to be much more open and tobe the source of my power and energy at this point.
I already sensed that we are evolving to be another phase where humanity will get more aware of the power of love and togetherness. (which they try to take away with the corona measures)

I also wake up in the morning with a feeling of having worked all night long and needing another nights sleep .
also blokkages seem to get worse during the night. I need a lot of sleep lately and never seem to be rested and have to do a lot of energy work to get all the muck off me. I also get a lot of visuals of unplugging connectors on my back (matrix like :) ).
I figured things were moving faster at this point with me disconnecting from the old and getting in my own heart space.

Also the last days I have the urge again not to eat in the morning (or only some fruit or vegetables).
I have done some intermittant fasting before but at this point I sensed it was just time to enable my body to adjust.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
thank you for putting the two timely messages here. It improves my trust in my own abilities and intuition.

Ah bless you Bert ! So glad to have helped.

I too am really moving into my heart space, I too feel as if I work my arse off all night and when I wake in the morning the first thing I do is weep. For a couple of minutes, the detritus of the night's work.

Sleepy too as are many people.

Keep calm and carry on Loveling !


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
I have had several lucid dreams over the last 24 hours of butterflies and even large/beautiful moths. In all cases the emphasis is on the wings. I also had a dream and sensation just as I was falling asleep of being on the back of a butterfly as it was flying. I could feel the rhythm and strength of the wings flapping.

The wind has been blowing hard for several days where I am. It doesn't feel just like air moving though. It feels like turbulence in the collective. And a feeling of "the winds of change".
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