I had a waking dream about this concept. So glad you brought it up,
Mine was in the form of flying alongside a butterfly (for me; the epitome of transformation from a caterpillar) as I viewed a series of scenes below me. They were far below so I had a sense of seeing them from above with some distance. As we passed each one we dipped our proboscis into each scene and drank in what was there to nourish and left the rest behind. I realized, as this was happening, that I, too, had become a butterfly. We must have passed tens of thousands of scenes at least, just so very many I couldn't even keep track of the order of magnitude anymore.
Then, as we were at the end of something I burst into a bright fire of white light and, I guess, transformed.
When I woke (in my dream) I was being given a ride back home and very gently, lovingly cared for as I slept for days and weeks and lifetimes, it seemed. I had so much to absorb. It was very much like the preceding part where I'd been a caterpillar, happily munching my weight in leaves daily and then cocooning for quite a while until I drew out of the cocoon, finding myself winged and able to fly.
I realize now that I don't yet know the ending to the story; what did I turn into? What does a butterfly (agent of transformation) become once transformed again?
Again, I find myself so very grateful to have this place to share these findings!