The Incoming Energies Thread (6 Viewers)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Yes this is happening to me too One65. I can be gardening or washing up and suddenly a memory will come, perhaps a garden from childhood or something. It is very clear, very vivid then it is gone.I am trying to recall what the last one was as it was only this morniing but it is gone.

Great topic and great post One65. Thank you.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I had a waking dream about this concept. So glad you brought it up, One65.

Mine was in the form of flying alongside a butterfly (for me; the epitome of transformation from a caterpillar) as I viewed a series of scenes below me. They were far below so I had a sense of seeing them from above with some distance. As we passed each one we dipped our proboscis into each scene and drank in what was there to nourish and left the rest behind. I realized, as this was happening, that I, too, had become a butterfly. We must have passed tens of thousands of scenes at least, just so very many I couldn't even keep track of the order of magnitude anymore.

Then, as we were at the end of something I burst into a bright fire of white light and, I guess, transformed.
When I woke (in my dream) I was being given a ride back home and very gently, lovingly cared for as I slept for days and weeks and lifetimes, it seemed. I had so much to absorb. It was very much like the preceding part where I'd been a caterpillar, happily munching my weight in leaves daily and then cocooning for quite a while until I drew out of the cocoon, finding myself winged and able to fly.

I realize now that I don't yet know the ending to the story; what did I turn into? What does a butterfly (agent of transformation) become once transformed again?

Again, I find myself so very grateful to have this place to share these findings!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Sounds like it may be time to go over and see what Ben Davidson has to say at Suspicious Observers.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
I have noticed that a lot of the people I personally know who have "passed over to the other side" during the last few years are ones who weren't in a high-vibe state. Most of them die unexpectedly or suddenly. Reflecting on this I can't help but wonder if their Higher Selves have taken them "out" at this important time so that they aren't lowering the vibration of the collective. If that really is the case, what a beautiful gift to humanity.

Just a thought.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I have noticed that a lot of the people I personally know who have "passed over to the other side" during the last few years are ones who weren't in a high-vibe state. Most of them die unexpectedly or suddenly. Reflecting on this I can't help but wonder if their Higher Selves have taken them "out" at this important time so that they aren't lowering the vibration of the collective. If that really is the case, what a beautiful gift to humanity.

Just a thought.
Interesting perspective but I doubt it. They get taken out because it is a waste of energy to keep them here.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
my father passed on just before all the pandemic started, that surely was in more than one sense no coincidence at all, however i wonder how long my mother will master the surf if this is indeed right the thought One65
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I know 3 people, and they all had family that died recently from "CONVID". I can confirm 1 was vaxxed. He got vaxxed on Friday and was dead on Sunday. If you survive 2 weeks after the vax it is more likely you will be ok, but you just don't know.

If a person holds the lower vibration I do believe it will make things harder for the physical body.

My big question doesn't seem to have a firm answer. Will this dirty earth be the one eventually owned by people of high vibration? Or will the people of higher vibration physically die here and go to another peaceful planet to continue their growth? "The meek will inherit the earth."

So I look at different answers to this and look for how much fear the answer is trying to spread. The answers trying to spread the most fear are the ones that say the good (higher vibration) people will be taken (sometimes physically) to another place.

The answers that are not spreading fear all say the higher vibe people will stay here, but that means we will have to clean up all the pollution. We will have help with that, but only if the planet as a whole reaches a certain state of spiritual maturity.

My supporting data:
  1. The sun will have a high frequency "energy burst" which will get rid of people not ready for higher vibrations. Their nervous system (including their heart), and their closed minds, are not ready for it. The propaganda says the sun will scorch the earth and kill everything on it. But this is fear-based so I do not think it is true.
  2. Gaia (this earth) is well behind the other planets in ascension. Gaia is trying to ascend and needs our help. People with the more positive frequencies will go with her.
  3. There are many good spirits that try to give us direction but they cannot do the inner work for us, each individual must do that themselves.
  4. True ascension cannot be given, it must be earned by doing this inner work, releasing the negative energies, and CHOOSING to embrace the positive. This is why I no longer get emotionally entangled in politics, I observe, and no more.
  5. "The meek will inherit the earth."
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
1 for a nova event that cannot be predicted in a short amount of time
2 by what i read gaia is the most curragous of the planets from david topi if i remember right
3 seems like this by free will
4 natural vs artifical ascension a think to think of what one wants
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
I know 3 people, and they all had family that died recently from "CONVID". I can confirm 1 was vaxxed. He got vaxxed on Friday and was dead on Sunday. If you survive 2 weeks after the vax it is more likely you will be ok, but you just don't know.

If a person holds the lower vibration I do believe it will make things harder for the physical body.

My big question doesn't seem to have a firm answer. Will this dirty earth be the one eventually owned by people of high vibration? Or will the people of higher vibration physically die here and go to another peaceful planet to continue their growth? "The meek will inherit the earth."

So I look at different answers to this and look for how much fear the answer is trying to spread. The answers trying to spread the most fear are the ones that say the good (higher vibration) people will be taken (sometimes physically) to another place.

The answers that are not spreading fear all say the higher vibe people will stay here, but that means we will have to clean up all the pollution. We will have help with that, but only if the planet as a whole reaches a certain state of spiritual maturity.

My supporting data:
  1. The sun will have a high frequency "energy burst" which will get rid of people not ready for higher vibrations. Their nervous system (including their heart), and their closed minds, are not ready for it. The propaganda says the sun will scorch the earth and kill everything on it. But this is fear-based so I do not think it is true.
  2. Gaia (this earth) is well behind the other planets in ascension. Gaia is trying to ascend and needs our help. People with the more positive frequencies will go with her.
  3. There are many good spirits that try to give us direction but they cannot do the inner work for us, each individual must do that themselves.
  4. True ascension cannot be given, it must be earned by doing this inner work, releasing the negative energies, and CHOOSING to embrace the positive. This is why I no longer get emotionally entangled in politics, I observe, and no more.
  5. "The meek will inherit the earth."
I think you have to ask yourself what ascention is. how do you define something like that because it entails a step towards something that we can't imagine at this moment. It is the same as getting an insight. It changes everything but before you got this insight you only saw the problem without a solution.
So all is speculation at this point although discussing about it is really interesting .:cool:

Personally I feel a wall where I can't look behind concerning the ascention. I don't know how the spiritual changes will materialize in our world. But if a large part of the population will go away it will always be a strange event (because people will die) even if it is over several years.
the staying here and cleaning up is maybe not that big of an issue as we will probably have different tools then now to solve the polution. working more on frequency and transmutation.

as for your data:
  1. you have energy burst in a lot of chapes and sizes. a very big one will scorch half the planet. but who knows what a lot of smaller ones will do. having a carington event which closes down our electricity will be really nasty but can also be a catalyst to put out novel technology. sometimes a door first has to be closed before another can open.
  2. I don't think you have to compare. Same as comparing yourself to others mostly gives hardship. Everyone needs to follow their own path. these are easy to write words but are difficult to follow in real life
  3. Yes, everyone has a lot of helpers but this doesn't mean the ride gets milder ;-). sometimes the helpers help you to face things but this is generally hard and difficult as you have to go trough the issue.
  4. I see it more as described in if your frequency matches the frequency of the reality you can exist. if by the frequency increase of the earth you shift out of it then you move on. as such ascention a made up by a lot of small steps and not a big one.
  5. I hope the people who are really connected to the earth and each other inherit the earth. this is a nice future to envision.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 21, 2018
OK, Try this one for size. I've had a large red semi-circle appear in the last couple of weeks in the middle of my chest. The position is where the thymus gland would be, ie. the so called high heart chakra position.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
OK, Try this one for size. I've had a large red semi-circle appear in the last couple of weeks in the middle of my chest. The position is where the thymus gland would be, ie. the so called high heart chakra position.
I had that several years ago just before awakening. I didn't think much of it because I was doing a lot of physical labor. I thought it was a bruise. After awakening I came across a blog that had a picture of one. He said it came to him after he awakened. His matched mine exactly.

We have been marked.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I think you have to ask yourself what ascention is. how do you define something like that because it entails a step towards something that we can't imagine at this moment. It is the same as getting an insight. It changes everything but before you got this insight you only saw the problem without a solution.
So all is speculation at this point although discussing about it is really interesting .:cool:

Personally I feel a wall where I can't look behind concerning the ascention. I don't know how the spiritual changes will materialize in our world. But if a large part of the population will go away it will always be a strange event (because people will die) even if it is over several years.
the staying here and cleaning up is maybe not that big of an issue as we will probably have different tools then now to solve the polution. working more on frequency and transmutation.

as for your data:
  1. you have energy burst in a lot of chapes and sizes. a very big one will scorch half the planet. but who knows what a lot of smaller ones will do. having a carington event which closes down our electricity will be really nasty but can also be a catalyst to put out novel technology. sometimes a door first has to be closed before another can open.
  2. I don't think you have to compare. Same as comparing yourself to others mostly gives hardship. Everyone needs to follow their own path. these are easy to write words but are difficult to follow in real life
  3. Yes, everyone has a lot of helpers but this doesn't mean the ride gets milder ;-). sometimes the helpers help you to face things but this is generally hard and difficult as you have to go trough the issue.
  4. I see it more as described in if your frequency matches the frequency of the reality you can exist. if by the frequency increase of the earth you shift out of it then you move on. as such ascention a made up by a lot of small steps and not a big one.
  5. I hope the people who are really connected to the earth and each other inherit the earth. this is a nice future to envision.
I like your thinking, Bert. I also think people in general have a lot of difficulty (due to linear thinking) of thinking about overlays.The planet is not going anywhere, but an overlaid frequency will exist within and without it.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 21, 2018
We have been marked.
Yes, but who by?

A question - does anybody here remember, as a child, waking up in bed upside down, head under covers at the bottom of the bed, feet on the pillow. It never happened before or ever again after. Alternatively waking up with pyjamas / nightclothes on but inside out.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
Yes, but who by?

A question - does anybody here remember, as a child, waking up in bed upside down, head under covers at the bottom of the bed, feet on the pillow. It never happened before or ever again after. Alternatively waking up with pyjamas / nightclothes on but inside out.
One can only speculate. :)

I definately woke up with my feet on the pillow. Not sure about inside-out pajamas.

How about this one - did you ever wake in the night feeling like you were really, really big - then suddenly feel like you were really, really small?
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I had that several years ago just before awakening. I didn't think much of it because I was doing a lot of physical labor. I thought it was a bruise. After awakening I came across a blog that had a picture of one. He said it came to him after he awakened. His matched mine exactly.

We have been marked.
A number of years ago I woke up to find two vertical scratches side by side on my belly, they were very pink with little specks of blood showing.
I had slept well and there was absolutely nothing in bed with me that could have caused it.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
OK, Try this one for size. I've had a large red semi-circle appear in the last couple of weeks in the middle of my chest. The position is where the thymus gland would be, ie. the so called high heart chakra position.
Was this maybe preceded by months or years where you had lots of positive energy coming to you and you just were blissing out on random days? Every Sunday morning in August I was getting lots of energy, I felt very happy and charged up. I asked my guides about this and all I got was "upgrades".


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I like your thinking, Bert. I also think people in general have a lot of difficulty (due to linear thinking) of thinking about overlays.The planet is not going anywhere, but an overlaid frequency will exist within and without it.
This is what I keep hearing in various ways.

What I've heard: Part of that division will be: 1) The sheeple will live in cities, the people will own nothing, and the people themselves will be owned by corporations (2012 US Supreme Court decision, PDF). 2) the ascended ones will eventually be left to live alone, possibly on farms, where they can continue their spiritual growth.

I have no idea if one group would see the other or not. I'm very curious about that part. I just can't wait to get away from the toxic sheeple.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 21, 2018
A number of years ago I woke up to find two vertical scratches side by side on my belly, they were very pink with little specks of blood showing.
I had slept well and there was absolutely nothing in bed with me that could have caused it.
I get strange scratches and bruises appearing overnight as well. A scratch appeared on my left leg just a couple of days ago.
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Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
I believe it when this happens, we have to learn latest then telepathy to replace the misding part
Telepathic communication seems to indeed be the future truth-seekers and truth-seers are being propelled toward.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I believe it when this happens, we have to learn latest then telepathy to replace the misding part
I am a big one for telepathy, Alain! But sadly we are not yet evolved enough - too many liars. People will lie about anything, if they perceive gain in it for themselves.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
This is what I keep hearing in various ways.

What I've heard: Part of that division will be: 1) The sheeple will live in cities, the people will own nothing, and the people themselves will be owned by corporations (2012 US Supreme Court decision, PDF). 2) the ascended ones will eventually be left to live alone, possibly on farms, where they can continue their spiritual growth.

I have no idea if one group would see the other or not. I'm very curious about that part. I just can't wait to get away from the toxic sheeple.
I will stick with the toxic sheeple if needed, to help bring them into some sort of alignment.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
I will stick with the toxic sheeple if needed, to help bring them into some sort of alignment.
I feel it is a very high probability that everyone on this forum is already doing that Hailstones Melt. The "separation" is well underway. Have you noticed how many spiritual/metaphysical sites and guides have gone away in the last year or so? Are you noticing a lot of people in your life drifting away? I sure am.

I recall a video by Amanda Lawrence that mentioned a lot of us who are still left have "gotten off the train" and are staying in this frequency band to assist those who are lagging. It really felt right to me.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Are you noticing a lot of people in your life drifting away? I sure am.
There are a few friends that I check in with, and the emails always start with - are you still here - and we mean it sincerely.
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