Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (2 Viewers)

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I had an a amazing dream yesterday morning.....which I really want to share on this page please.

There was a large lottery prize yesterday and I asked My Lord for a dream about the Lottery because I do not want to play it every week. This was the dream:

I was leaving a prolonged training course; not sure how long it had been but as I was packing my bedding I kept saying "I can't believe it is the last day" A man I really like and admire in life walked over to me, grabbed me and kissed me hard. "God you are a beautiful woman" he exclaimed.

Then I was walking though the chaos of a city, I sense it was London. I had to ask for directions to the station I needed As I was walking though an underpass with the traffic thundering above, I saw a small shop to my right. It was all painted bright yellow and I decided to go in and buy a lottery ticket.

There were a few people in the queue so I waited my turn. As I got closer to the kiosk which was protected by a large Perspex screen, I could hear the counter assistant asking every customer if they had been jabbed before she served them. She was a small, mousy woman with permed hair and a non descript countenance.

When it came to my turn she asked me the same question. "My body is none of your business!" I told her. "You are a shop assistant, not a medical professional and you have no right to ask me questions about my medical status"

She was so shocked, I saw her reach behind and press a red switch which I knew was an alarm to the police station. Nevertheless I stood my ground and waited for my lottery ticket. She dithered and faffed, trying to delay so the police had time to get there but eventually she handed me my ticket.

"Am I free to leave or did the panic button bolt the door?" I asked and was told the door was open and I could leave.

When I got outside, I discovered I was carrying a small, folded wheelchair over my left shoulder. I carefully placed it in the walkway against the barricade. Someone who needed it could take it.

My Take: I sense that the "training course" was about healing my inner female. It has taken years and years...and I have wept buckets and gone through hell! The kiss at the end was a seal of recognition.

Clif High and a couple of others have named September 25th to October 17th as a time of great importance. I finished that training just in time.

When I woke up I bounced out of bed and went to make tea. I felt so alive and so powerful.

Later that morning a friend phoned in some distress to tell me that she had been told some gossip about me which could be nasty. I sat with the information for a few minutes and real*eyesed I did not care. I understood the wheelchair.
Thanks for sharing, Pod. Your left shoulder - your right brain has been at work.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Don't recall what dress I got - lol.
I wonder if this is a reality we are creating now Lady Linda and you are able to "see" it.

Clothes are often used in dream interpretation as a sign of the persona but as you do not even recall what dress you ended up with, I feel this is a deeper dream. I know that there are huge numbers of excess clothes on the planet. I am currently embroiled in clothes and donations for refugees and it is amazing how much has been given. All excess. Mostly comfort shopping I suspect. A lot of it new.

So there is certainly enough everywhere to manifest your dream future.

Thank you.

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Linda, the simplicity of life is what stands out most for me, perhaps because I crave a life where just being what I am is enough, without all the red tape, proving you're this or that and not that nor this to meet someone's criteria; it seems this 'need to prove' is rampant and taking up all the time + effort of being involved in any public life so that there's less and less time for being ... in contrast to where I am heading personally, which is more and more reliance on self, intuition, what I can create, etc

I opt for the fulfillment of a peaceful private life creating what I intend.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I wonder if this is a reality we are creating now Lady Linda and you are able to "see" it.

Clothes are often used in dream interpretation as a sign of the persona but as you do not even recall what dress you ended up with, I feel this is a deeper dream. I know that there are huge numbers of excess clothes on the planet. I am currently embroiled in clothes and donations for refugees and it is amazing how much has been given. All excess. Mostly comfort shopping I suspect. A lot of it new.

So there is certainly enough everywhere to manifest your dream future.

Thank you.

(Forgot to press "post reply" button )
Lol, I find myself almost swimming in beautiful clothes for myself and my family; mostly second hand. It's great. I can buy a whole wardrobe for the price of couple of pieces at retail stores and find much better materials, simpler cuts and some fun, more exotic ones for celebrations and such. It still stuns me how easy this has been to do.

Pod, you talk about a completion of a journey recently. I've been having that feeling recently on many levels and feel it's, in many ways, 'wrap up' time for a paradigm. It seems likely that the new paradigm is what our dreams are about; after all, a paradigm is something we all share.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
When I got outside, I discovered I was carrying a small, folded wheelchair over my left shoulder. I carefully placed it in the walkway against the barricade. Someone who needed it could take it.
That seems like the "finishing detail" to me. You no longer needed artificial aid. Well done!
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Going back and reading the comments about this dream, I noticed that they all carried that easy flow I experienced in the dream. I do believe that I'm seeing how it can turn out - dropping the hustle and bustle of our isolated lives for personal interactions. As Pod described in her clothing drive, there is plenty to go around.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I opt for the fulfillment of a peaceful private life creating what I intend.
Lila, what you write here is beautiful. Thank you. It spoke deeply to my heart !
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Had a thought today - two of the main roads around here are named for early settlers. One had a mill where people would bring their grain to be ground, and another, a general store. Feels like that fits into the sense of the dream.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday - September 28

Morning Dream
In the front yard and a scary-looking, unknown thing is moving towards me. It was small and had spikey things all over it. As it got closer, I could see it was a little chihuahua with dead leaves (like mother-in-law's tongue) glued all over. I called out for some help in corralling the dog and figuring out how to help it. I also wondered who would do such a horrible thing to a little dog just to try and scare me.

My Take
I woke up in distress from the fear at what was coming at me, as well as the concern about why it was done. As I considered the dream, I recalled another event a few years ago (think I wrote about here). The doorbell rang; I went to the door and saw a large box on the porch. I figured someone ordered something and went out to see. As I stepped out the door, a little boy jumped out from under it and yelled, BOO. I was so frightened that my back muscles seized up, and it felt as though my heart was not in my body. It was not a cool thing to do to an older person. Making a long story shorter, I caught up with the boys and had a heart-to-heart discussion about the larger picture. It had not occurred to them what it was like on the other side of their joke.

Then I knew that the dream and that event were showing me situations related to people who are perpetrating lockdowns and other mandates as part of their jobs, as well as neighbors who promote the vaccine. They are so asleep that they are not seeing the big picture. When more info comes to light, some will be shocked at what they've actually done and will need our kindness. For the ones who know what they are doing - well....

Hailstones Melt had a similar dream at the same time.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Wow, the timing of the doorbell ringing and a boy who could use a trip to the bigger picture and what you are seeing ... I find that fascinating.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I had a weird experience couple days ago. Returning to my apt after sitting in the foyer of the building for approx ten minutes, I sat with my iPad on my lap and felt I was still in the foyer, I fleetingly wondered what I was doing there with my pad but really knew I was at home.
I raised my head to see my own room then back to iPad, when I was again back in the foyer. I sat there not looking up to see how I felt and yes, I was definitely in the foyer, I could feel' it ,smell it, sense it. I was there, except I wasn’t, I was in my own living room.

I went to lay on the bed because I was feeling wobbly and as I lay looking at the wall I felt I wasn’t quite there, as if Imight slip sideways into somewhere else.
This lasted for some minutes and was a really weird feeling. I wasn’t frightened, more wondering what would happen next.
I forced myself off the bed still wobbly, drank some water and it eventually passed, strange thing is I can’t remember it passing.

I spoke to Linda about it who seems to have had similar experiences, and I feel as she does that we are straddling different dimensions.
I feel it gave me an insight though, helped me to understand how it might feel to slip into another dimension, and that it can actually happen, because if I’m honest I was rather sceptical,. but the experience left me in little doubt that it can.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I spoke to Linda about it who seems to have had similar experiences, and I feel as she does that we are straddling different dimensions.
I've definitely had similar experiences, complete with all kinds of information from my senses + awareness of where I 'really' was the whole time, though I felt I was in two (or more) places at once. I believe I've heard that part of it called 'bilocation' and I'm very intrigued that quantum physics insists on it, having had it experimentally shown now also.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
A friend in the Lighthouse FB described those morning times before we open our eyes as being like intuitive telepathy in a state of meditation.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I've definitely had similar experiences, complete with all kinds of information from my senses + awareness of where I 'really' was the whole time, though I felt I was in two (or more) places at once. I believe I've heard that part of it called 'bilocation' and I'm very intrigued that quantum physics insists on it, having had it experimentally shown now also.
I googled ‘ bilocation ‘ it talks about being in two places at once and interestingly mentions teleporting, which I find quite exciting, it’s something I think would be wonderful to do. We have talked about it on here in the past, about how we could all meet up together from all over the planet, just turn up plop plop plop. No jet lag, no carbon footprint, and ………….wouldn’t cost a penny Yesssssssss!!!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I have just remembered that during a certain period in my life, when everyone knew where I was, I "seen" at a couple of functions, one time floating in the air cross legged!
I can imagine you doing that, just the sort of thing you would do.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I can see people are getting upgrades. Congratulations! You did all the hard work, it was all you, I'm happy for you! And cheers to more upgrades in the future.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - October 6

Morning Dream - one of those "you will sleep now" versions
I was in my house (the one I live in now) and heard rumbling noises out front. There was two-lane highway full of smoke and haze, with people and vehicles moving in one direction. It was not real smoke because it stayed on the highway. Also, the people and vehicles appeared hazy, too. I knew to stay away from the road and went back inside. Heard people talking out back, but as I went out there was a new room - more like a garage - that I had to go through. I was very surprised about that but went on to see what was happening. There were a couple of utility crews working on the water and electric lines. I was surprised about the water, and the crew chief said they were bringing in water from a different source outside the city. However, another crew was supposed to come later to do the hook-up. It seemed ok to me because we lost water for several days during Snowmageddon. They finished up, but some of the crew wanted to stay behind and visit with me. They came into the new room and we talked about this and that. As they left, I noticed that I could see my good friend's place nearby and went for a visit. She was tending to a large garden. Then I woke up feeling discombobulated.

My Take
The hazy road and people seem obvious to me - people without inner light. My instincts told me to stay away, but I also had no fear or worry about them because they would not even know I was there. It was as if we were invisible to them. The next part was interesting - the new room that was attached to the house. In my life, a garage is the place for tools, supplies, and such - more so than for a car - lol. The people were coming into a place that was under the same roof as my home but separate at the same time. It makes sense on an energetic basis. When I meet new people, I'm friendly and open but not too open, until I get a sense of where they are in their understandings.

Edit - the hazy people are those who've made a choice to either stay asleep or to actively work for the less-lighted causes. Over the past few months, we've had several tradespeople at the house fixing this and that. I (and my dog) get along great with them. While they may or may not believe the same things as I do, we connect on a soul level - good-hearted people.

Seeing my friend was interesting because she and her family moved from the city to some land southwest of me. We laughed about the drive I make and agreed that it would be different in the future. In the dream we could visit even though we did not actually live next door to each other. The part about the utilities also was interesting - electricity is important to our daily living and water is essential. Although a better source of water was nearby, it was not directly connected to the house. I'm thinking I (and perhaps many of us) have a bit more work to do to make that direct connection to the source. It was just three feet away - we can do it.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - October 6

More thoughts - still feeling discombobulated but in a peaceful way

Watched the Quantas goodbye video for the umpteenth time. It really moves me. Will countries and companies relent? If so, will it be like an abusive relationship where the partner showers you with positive words and gifts and promises to change, but of course they do not.

Is the nearby water source that is not quite to the house (in above dream) along the same line? Are we near the time of separation?

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Have I mentioned how much I look forward to the missives from Lindaland?
They are not always encouraging and can be interpreted different ways (though you clearly have the knack for interpretation down). I still love every one of them and am glad you've found a place for them.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thank you Lila. I've had an idea to go through the dreams and events because it feels as though some are before, during, and after an event. You are right that the before and during ones are less encouraging because they don't bode well for some. However, the after ones feel hopeful because we've found our groups with whom we work and live in community. Thanks again for your kind words.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I had an interesting one the other morning (just prior to waking so I had more memory of it as well as more input). I wonder how it may play into the recent dreams of others, so I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes to post it here.

I saw a knife, sharp and pointing at me. Whoah! I didn't like that at all. Up went my heart rate. I don't like knives pointing at me anyplace, including in my dreams. However, I've learned to 'feel into' what appears in my dreams, so I did that. To my surprise this knife felt not just 'benign'. It felt downright 'good', 'positive' or whatever word you'd like to use here. I decided to watch what it did and trust that it was here to do something I'd appreciate. It did.

I noticed, as the dagger came toward me, that it was jeweled and really beautiful, clearly well cared for. I managed not to flinch (much) as it hovered over me, sort of glowing with concentration, choosing the exact angle as a surgeon might choose an incision point. Then it plunged rapidly in, nicked the covering of my heart and sat back to watch as pus poured out. There was a lot of it. It just poured + poured. It didn't gross me out at all. Instead, I found myself incredulous with gratitude that an old wound had been found, opened like an abscess and taken care of so that it can heal, just like a tooth abscess which will not get better no matter what you throw at it until the pus is able to drain out. It's not the kind of job one can easily do for one's self, especially if the wound is not apparent (I didn't seem to know about this one) so the dagger's help was crucial and so appreciated.

Once I'd sorted that out, I noticed that the dagger had gone off to the side and stopped glowing. It looked far more ordinary than when it was activated earlier by need. I asked if this was a new tool or skill set for me. The answer was kind of fun. The analogy was that, like the sword of Gryffindor, it would appear in a time of great need.

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I think it great when we share our dreams because each one is so full of meaning not only for the dreamer but for others as well. I'm not sure how I might react to a dagger floating in front of me, but you've given me some insight. We all carry some mighty wounds from this and other lives, and a little help would be wonderful.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
The overwhelming note of my dagger dream was a turnaround, in that it represented the 'surgical precision' aspect of a knife being used to heal.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Wednesday - October 6

More thoughts - still feeling discombobulated but in a peaceful way

Watched the Quantas goodbye video for the umpteenth time. It really moves me. Will countries and companies relent? If so, will it be like an abusive relationship where the partner showers you with positive words and gifts and promises to change, but of course they do not.

Is the nearby water source that is not quite to the house (in above dream) along the same line? Are we near the time of separation?

Thank you for sharing this. I hadn't seen it. Although of course I knew our "friendly" airline was going to mandate it - soon. Those are all brave people. Other things will come their way, though the time of parting strains the creases on their foreheads. To have stood up to medical apartheid makes them a special kind of crew, the ground crew, the cabin crew, and the flight deck crew.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
The overwhelming note of my dagger dream was a turnaround, in that it represented the 'surgical precision' aspect of a knife being used to heal.
Awesome dream Lila.....congratulations.

I once had my head drilled in a waking dream. Circular saw cut me from crown to above my right ear. Not sure why!
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - October 8

Morning Dream
A friend and I were walking around something like a swap-meet or farmers' market. However, items or food were not for sale. People were seated at tables and offering info about things at which they were good. It was not an organized event - seemed more like it just came together - grew organically. My friend stopped at a table with a guy who made movies because he'd always had an interest. They started chatting and the movie guy said he had problems with the accounting side of it, and my friend said he was good at that. At that point, I walked on because they were going to be talking for hours. As I looked at all the people, I was amazed and enthusiastic about it all was working perfectly. The people just seemed to find each other. Also, I was amused because I'd never known that my friend had that interest - not even sure he was aware of it.

My Take
I think this another of the "after" dreams. If the chains and structures we experience now were removed, how would we work together? How could we get what we need in a fulfilling way? It was so easy for people to come together and find each other. It also reminds me of the dream about the guy selling clothes, as well as Cloud City QHHT session - what you needed was available.
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