
  1. Laron

    Mystery illness killing members of Malaysia's last indigenous nomadic tribe

    I cam't across this story today over on the Guardian: "It was in May that the mysterious illness first took hold. In their isolated rainforest home in the Malaysian state of Kelantan, members of the Batek tribe, the country’s last indigenous nomadic community, began experiencing a fever and...
  2. therium

    Synchronicities? Weird things happening? Add them here.

    Several times my wife has been talking to me about something and then a few minutes or a day later, we see something on Youtube about the exact same topic. Sometimes it's a Youtube commercial. But this has been happening more and more. We watch a lot of Youtube, and no network TV at all. Also...
  3. therium

    How do we get to the new earth?

    This is just my opinion on what things will help us get to the new earth. There have been concepts such as separation, separation from materialism, from the old earth, and from old assumptions, but how do we separate and get to the new earth? Or do we simply make the new earth ourselves? Why...
  4. L

    12 Stages Of Light Body Ascension

    According to Ariel, the Lightbody is gradually created through the transmutation of our current physical body as it mutates and absorbs more Light. Again this is interconnected with the realignment of our energy fields to higher frequencies and higher octaves of Light and the following...
  5. Pod

    The Event is Upon Us!

    From here......
  6. Stargazer

    Ascension Pioneers

    Here's the latest video from Polona Aurea Dawn, from 3/15/2018. In this video, she provides a great deal of balanced perspective on the ascension process. She talks about: Discernment Ascension experiences vs. "symptoms"; "Event" timing (she equates it to a childbirth, where a "due date" is...
  7. Pod

    Did "The Eye" affect you?

    Here is a link to the information about The Eye So, if I recall correctly, it will return today and only affect those who are awake. Have you been affected at all? My life is spiritually haywire at the moment, partly because I am dealing...
  8. Henda

    Multidimensional Healing & Levels of the Soul

    Henda submitted a new article. Multidimensional Healing & Levels of the Soul Introduction I was guided to edit a short text about my healing modalities and the way I have been guided to define myself as a "Multidimensional Healer and Teacher". This time I felt the need to may be talk...
  9. Pod

    Hands up if you feel you are really shifting!

    It has been a helluva week Godlings.........Schrödinger's Other Cat has listed a series of energy readings which mean nothing to my head but everything to my heart <3<3O.o:D I have known since Wednesday that something profound had shifted in me but could not put my finger on it till this...
  10. Stargazer

    Las Vegas False Flag Event and "The Shift"

    I know there have been other discussions that have touched on recent events in Las Vegas and thought it might be helpful to embrace the topic in its own thread. There are many places I could have started the discussion, but I felt the most important issue here is how this and other events are...
  11. Pod

    Interesting interview with Robert Stanley. Is everyone here a soul?

    What exactly is the matrix simulation we are currently experiencing? Is everyone here a soul, or are some people projections of the matrix program? Join us tonight Live with Robert Stanley If we are a soul experiencing a simulation... how did we get here and how do...
  12. K

    Harmonizing The Collective Energies Of Earth During Times Of Distress

    KarlaSM submitted a new article. Harmonizing The Collective Energies Of Earth During Times Of Distress A very long time ago, before we reached the point in the collective evolution of Cosmos where we stand, we were born of the basic elements, both in physical form and in spiritual form. For...
  13. transients

    The New Earth & Trump’s Role in The Ascension | QHHT Session Info By Marilyn Dyke submitted a new article. The New Earth & Trump’s Role in the Ascension | QHHT Session Info By Marilyn Dyke By Marilyn Dyke via Body Soul Apothecary (August 3, 2017) I was very much looking forward to this client’s session, she had made it quite clear that she does not like...
  14. K

    Discoveries, theories and balancing events related to the Shift

    Hello my friends, For a while I have been thinking about creating an informative thread to discuss interesting recent discoveries in different fields that give us clues about our future both on Earth and the Cosmic neighborhoods, theories that can be proved (perhaps) with recent events and...
  15. Sinera

    The Puncture (my astral vision for Humanity from Nov 2011)

    [Thread promoted to the front page): — Laron] Since there is again a lot of talk about the incoming energies for a 'shift' of humanity, I felt again reminded of my own "Vision for Humanity" I was given in the year 2011 during an astral...
  16. Stargazer

    Daniel Scranton: A Shift In Humanity Is Occurring

    I thought this brief, but uplifting channeling was well worth sharing. It further supports the idea that we are the ones creating this change--and we're the ones we've been waiting for...
  17. IAMRAvortex Fortitude

    The Fallen Melchizedek and The Fallen Ascended Masters

    Greetings family. There are some groups who were trusted with caring for Humanity and the Earth, but they failed and joined the Annunaki seed. What are your opinions with this? There are entities pretending to be Saint-Germain, also Thoth is fallen and as well as Metatron, because they're...
  18. K

    The Inner And Outer Balance Between Aspects In Our Current Time Of Global Transition...Part 2

    KarlaSM submitted a new article. The Inner And Outer Balance Between Aspects In Our Current Time Of Global Transition...Part 2 In increasing numbers, awakened people in our world work consciously with aspects of themselves residing in other realms. The goal of such interaction is to bring about...
  19. Stargazer

    Magenta Pixie: "Angels on Earth, Your Time Has Come! (Illuminati's Last Stand)"

    I just listened to Magenta's latest recording, called "Angels On Earth, Your Time Has Come! (Illumintati's Last Stand" and felt I should share it here in case anyone else was interested. The recording focuses on the March Equinox, 2017 (Monday, March 20) and was quite encouraging and...
  20. K

    The inner and outer balance between aspects in our current time of global transition...Part 1

    KarlaSM submitted a new article. The Inner And Outer Balance Between Aspects In Our Current Time Of Global Transition...Part 1 Sometimes it is hard to see or to even imagine how globally the human collective will reach a peaceful balance in which everyone can live harmoniously...