
  1. K

    The Event in the Hall of Decision

    Hello my dear friends, Since we have been talking about the ambiguous concept of The Event, today I have some ideas in mind that might help us all navigate these times with a little bit more enthusiasm. Many years ago I made a long trip to Europe and there were some challenges faced that had...
  2. Maryann

    In the Interest of Time: A Message from the League of Light

    Maryann submitted a new article. In the Interest of Time: A Message from the League of Light Via Luminous Dimensions, 20th of February 2017 The time has come for a global revolution. While this is not news to many of you, we ask that you listen to what we have to say, as our...
  3. K

    The Neptune-Saturn-Pluto dance in our subconsciousness

    KarlaSM submitted a new article. The Neptune-Saturn-Pluto dance in our subconsciousness This article is an extension or a complement for the long essay "Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind" which contains additional notes from a simple astrological/archetypal perspective (See...
  4. Pod

    Current Energies and Symptoms for the different Ascension Waves

    Current Energies and Symptoms for the different Ascension Waves by Vera | Jan 12, 2017 | Awakening, intuition I bookmarked this article a couple of weeks ago to share on The Round Table because it...
  5. Stargazer

    New Earth Topics and The Great Reveal of 2017

    I just finished listening to a FANTASTIC interview (more of a discussion, really) of Magenta Pixie by Alexandra Meadors of Galactic Connection. It's the perfect kind of interview to listen to while puttering around the house or curled up under a blanket watching the rain fall outside your...
  6. K

    Expanding The View of Starseed Origins And Evolution Of Cosmos

    KarlaSM submitted a new article. Expanding The View of Starseed Origins And Evolution Of Cosmos Via Bedtime Stories of the Dark Matter A starseed network Cosmic energies bathing Earth and the entire solar system allows for the integration of our soul experiences to be...
  7. K

    A feeling...

    How do you assimilate the Cosmic energies these days? I feel this incredible amount of pressure flowing from the Source of everything towards the entire solar system, it feels so huge that it cleanses my soul from suppressed tears that accumulated over lifetimes. Lifetimes in multitudes of star...
  8. K

    The Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Part 4

    KarlaSM submitted a new article. The Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Part 4 Disappointment. Distraction. These two factors could block us from progressing further in our path towards finding ourselves, not just as precious jewels of Creation embodied in a human body, but...
  9. K

    The Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Part 3

    KarlaSM submitted a new article. The Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Part 3 In the previous part of this essay, the first key and the nature of dreams were expounded. As I explore the gifts of my subconscious, I share with you the next keys. What exactly do we need to let...
  10. K

    The Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Part 2

    KarlaSM submitted a new article. The Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Part 2 A whole year has passed since that strange experience of feeling the nature of my own individual soul vibration, and the soul of some of my loved ones. My mind continued generating dreams, desires...
  11. K

    The Divine Dreams Of The Timeless Mind Part I

    KarlaSM submitted a new article. The Divine Dreams Of The Timeless Mind Part I For those who seek peace in times of unprecedented destruction and transformation. Exactly one year ago, by the end of 2015, I decided to let go and let God. When the apparent decisions of the...
  12. Laron

    Donald Trump As President-elect & The Science Of Ascension | QHHT Session Info By Suzanne Spooner

    laron submitted a new article. Donald Trump As President-elect & The Science Of Ascension | QHHT Session Info By Suzanne Spooner Past life regression practitioner, Suzanne Spooner, recently released a video based on a QHHT session she conducted, which covered two main topics...
  13. Stargazer

    Ascension: Embracing The Transformation

    I just finished reading Vidya Frazier's new book, "Ascension: Embracing The Transformation" (published November 2015), and I'm still basking in its afterglow. Like several other books I've read lately, this one seemed to resonate on many different levels--all at the same time! While I had read...
  14. K

    Disastrous Channeling and Responsible Information Management

    KarlaSM submitted a new article. Disastrous Channeling and Responsible Information Management Oftentimes we marvel at the diverse forms in which we have access to information during dream state, deep meditation, visualization, deep realizations or it just happens at any...
  15. Stargazer

    Dreams: Integrating Aspects of Self?

    I had a very interesting series of dreams last night. Like similar series I've had before on rare occasions, I awakened with the sense that these were somehow very important. In each dream, I'd have a particular experience...many of which involved either violent or contentious relationships...
  16. K

    The Connection To Earth & Consciousness: Our Roles As Caretakers For A New Paradigm

    KarlaSM submitted a new article. The Connection To Earth & Consciousness: Our Roles As Caretakers For A New Paradigm During the last decades many people have been understanding more in depth their spiritual connection to Earth and all her/his inhabitants, but even so, there...
  17. Kristy

    Info The Top 8 New Age Crystals

    Top Eight New Age Crystals I work with crystals a lot and over the years I have been able to connect with them faster than I used to. I do have my favorites like everyone else, but I also try to give all of my crystals a bit of love and attention. One thing I have noticed lately that there...
  18. Laron

    The Shift And The Different Levels of Consciousness | The Cosmic Journey of Lai Part 4

    Laron submitted a new article. Continue to the full article here.
  19. Laron

    Lorna on Ascension, Source, Love and More: A QHHT session by Tai

    laron submitted a new article. Lorna on Ascension, Source, Love and More: A QHHT session by Tai This is my favourite past life regression session from Tai with her client Lorna, which took place back in October, 2012. Lorna, also a QHHT practitioner, has been regressed by...
  20. Laron

    The Stretching of Time and the Imminent Shift

    laron submitted a new article. The Stretching of Time and the Imminent Shift Back in 2014 I found some information that formed a pattern, indicating that somehow time was being manipulated because of so many reliable psychics getting things wrong, but also based on my own...