What I saw during our rgh session last weekend looked like a very bright golden web/grid;Tuesday - May 3, 2022
Morning Dream
People were finding groups of stones, standing on them, and plugging in on a energetic level. It was happening around the world.
My Take
I am aware that an alternative energy grid has been constructed, and the dream shows that people with complimentary energetic signatures are able to plug in and activate it on a larger scale. The existing ley lines have been compromised through centuries of misuse by the less lighted ones. The new grid is fresh and will work for the new earth.
weavers of light who looked like golden people of some sort (different bodies that I wasn't focused on so didn't get a good look at) who were weaving their own lightweb around our world which looked like a reflection of our own web of light
There are many quotes about nature finding a way. We can observe it in trees and plants growing in what seems like an unlikely place; yet, they found a way to grow and thrive.What I saw during our rgh session last weekend looked like a very bright golden web/grid;
Absolutely, couldn’t agree more.There are many quotes about nature finding a way. We can observe it in trees and plants growing in what seems like an unlikely place; yet, they found a way to grow and thrive.
My personal favorite is "Mother Nature bats last". If you are unfamiliar with baseball, let me explain. The last, or clean-up batter, brings all the runners on the three bases home. This batter is strong and reliable.
That is how I see all of us - strong and reliable and able to thrive where we are planted. Thank the heavens we have each other, right?
So far,for 'filon' I'm getting:Awake dream this morning .
There was a guy lecturing in a huge hall about the Filon principle, he was saying something about it being ancient and needed to be taught now.
This is a bit vague because I had some difficulty remembering, I’m not 100% sure it was ‘principle ‘ .but I think so.
A friend found something on google headed. ‘ A Simple. ‘ Filon - Trapeziodal ‘ Rule.
It mentions weights but is far over my head.
Maybe it will mean something to someone , any comments welcome
I can go along with patterns in chaos, seems feasible to me, but I must admit to being stumped as to what it is all about.filon + mathematics came up with some topics - there was a Philon from 280 BC
Louis Napoleon George Filon, FRS (22 November 1875 – 29 December 1937)[1] was an English applied mathematician, famous for his research on classical mechanics and particularly the theory of elasticity and the mechanics of continuous media.[2][3] He also developed a method for the numerical quadrature of oscillatory integrals, now known as Filon quadrature.[4] He was Vice Chancellor of the University of London from 1933 to 1935.
Louis Napoleon George Filon - Wikipedia
The message I received was about this person, I think
Abraham de Moivre (French pronunciation: [abʁaam də mwavʁ]; 26 May 1667 – 27 November 1754) was a French mathematician known for de Moivre's formula, a formula that links complex numbers and trigonometry, and for his work on the normal distribution and probability theory.
Abraham de Moivre - Wikipedia
still going through, but one part of the big picture may be about patterns in chaos - meaning chaos is not quite as we think
I enjoyed this choral work - it's always great when humans work together in harmonies, giving their uniqueness but creating one melody.Thursday - May 12, 2022
Yesterday afternoon I felt like a big energy burst walloped me. Physically I was down and out. Today, the physical effects have abated, but the emotional/spiritual elements have jumped to center stage. Sadness, grief, concern, anxiety - all weaving around me. Some of it is mine, but a great deal of the turbulence is of the world. Fortunately, my faithful companion stays close and convinces me to sit outside from time to time.
My Take
It is evident to most of us reading this is that we, as a world, are in a time of great turmoil. While changes are happening, we are well aware that even more are in the wings. (Ha - just noticed the stage/movie lingo.) Lately people, who I know, that have not believed a great upheaval is arriving now do.
What is our role right now? A few days ago, I commented on Kevin's post about the Russia/Ukraine situation. At the time, I had a vision of the situation, but today, I'm feeling it as global situation. Some people are bopping along in their regular lives, but others of us are feeling the undercurrents.
I tuned into this part of the world and saw intense churning of muddy waters going through rapids that take out anything in its path.
The second part of the vision was the phrase - balm of Gilead. Growing up in the Methodist Church, I knew this hymn and its meaning about spiritual healing. The interesting aspect of this hymn is that it is a spiritual that southern slaves created as a means of expressing their feelings and hopes for healing.
I propose this idea - see ourselves surfing along the tops of the waves and seeding the balm of Gilead in the turbulent waters.
Same here - had to hold on to a tree so I would not fall down. I know you've had quite a bit of info come to you, and I believe with all my heart that it is true.I’ve had a taster or two and boy it can bring you to your knees.
So frustrating isn’t it, they are so fast asleep you want to shake them, looks like it will have to be some big shake up, something so big they will not be able to ignore it, otherwise as you say.We've just had a Federal Election, and it's incredible how I view this as if I'm in a movie theatre watching it all play out. People take themselves way too seriously. The leader of the party that won (scraped in) had stories about rags to riches, etc in the media.... but it's not about him, is it? I took part in the sense of impartial rendering of service to those who were isolating/kept at home by COVID, by taking their phone calls. However, when it came to my own vote, I made an informal one - why? Because anyone who looks back at the last two-and-a-half years can see that we have been manipulated, lied to, been blocked, had our sanity questioned, and been strong-armed. Why are people still voting for a level of power that allowed all this to occur? I don't tell people my reasons, no-one seems to want to discuss any of it in any case. I do keep printouts of articles I can use to illustrate any points, should anyone want to discuss it. At least in our country, it is still really a 2-party system. All the other smaller parties give their preferential votes to one of those, so you're actually voting for one of the 2 major parties, regardless. And the Greens polled from 1% something on the last election to over 12% this election - but people don't realize the manipulation over climate agendas; just making it easier for them to play into it.
Talk about people mastering their wings quickly! Come on, masses - your chance to fly will soon be taken away if you don't do some rapid navel-gazing RIGHT NOW.
Had these thoughts yesterday and the idea of opening a gate and letting the ideas, concerns, feelings that do not wish to occupy my bandwidth a place to exit.to master the own thoughts without manipulation
Wowee Linda, you experienced The Wave in that dream didn’t you how amazing .Monday - May 23, 2022
As I was writing the date, I wanted to write the year 1970 - I had to force my fingers to type 2022.
Something happened that affected everyone all at once. Some were screaming and running in the streets, and others (me) were not so affected. I saw that it was best for me to retreat to the interior of my house, hunker down with my dog, and ride it out - just like a big storm.
My Take
End of May 1970 - I was graduating from high school and accepted at The University of Texas. It was a time of momentous celebrations for many of us but not all. (Some people were not going to college and started work, and some were going to fight in Viet Nam.) It was a time of the ending of our childhoods where we had few responsibilities and little awareness of the world. It was a time that we stepped into new stages of our lives.
We've heard the phrase - a storm is coming - and many of us have a sense of something approaching. In an earlier dream, I saw the energy wave from above. In this one, I was at ground level. I was physically aware of the wave, but in many ways it was like the winds at the beach. They are strong and unrelenting but also refreshing. For others, the wave seemed to be physically and emotionally painful. They just could not take it, and the safest place for me was away from them.
That’s interesting Melt, you speak of a flash that lit up the room, it didn’t have any affect on you but reached your daughter.In my sleep-time on the same night as Linda's dream, I had a dream that woke me up gasping and trembling. I thought it was personal because it only involved me and my daughter, but maybe it had a higher message. There was a single gas stove jet on the bench, which was lit. I was doing something with a white substance, which was like pancake flour, but perfectly white. Looked like a whole heap of baking soda or something. I needed to pour just a little out. Being on the clumsy side, when I poured it all fell out on the bench, and some of it came in contact with the gas flame. There was a high contact flash, but I felt no heat. It lighted up the room briefly. I turned around, and about 3-4 metres away my daughter was standing there, obviously the flash had reached her and she was hugging herself, her clothes were electrical/static-y. The clothes were sticking to her. She was fully covered, in a long sleeved jumpsuit, but you could see that the flash had gone onto her.
I immediately woke up, while I was still thinking about how I could help her.
I didn't realize in the dream that I was standing between her and the bench, but I wasn't affected, and had no heat effect or burn. My immediate reaction was that I had been responsible for hurting my daughter. Probably due to events that I know have happened in her life.
Any ideas?