Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (1 Viewer)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Mare and foal - thinking that sometimes a mother knows better than strangers - maybe feminine energies

Tiger - hey I had a tiger dream recently, too.

Waking Dream​
I was awake but had not opened my eyes. I saw a tiger walking in the woods along the back fence.​
My Take​
I've had several visions like this one - awake but seeing as though through my eyelids. There have been animals walking the fence line, and several times a white horse has appeared. Tigers are not an animal I'm familiar with so I looked for more info. This passage felt very true to me.​
Additionally in terms of spiritual growth Tiger offers you incredible strength. Sometimes the Universe uses tests as learning tools. These can weary the spirit of the traveler but Tiger stands ready to lend a powerful paw that keeps you going. Tigers are known for their amazing bursts of energy in the wild, and you can tap that for any challenge you face.

Perhaps the two animal messengers were bringing their particular form of strength to you. I will say that each of us having tiger dreams so close together is very interesting.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
June I thought of a wild horse when you wrote that your mare was so fiercely protective; so wild aliveness and freedom with some new foal energy is what comes to mind there.

Tigers are sensual, strong and so eye-catching w their stripes and somehow it doesn't surprise me that you'd feel perfectly comfortable w that ;)

The white tiger, though, that's gotta be really special. I'm reminded of stories of other white animals (Buddha's white elephant, the white bison of the NAmerica plains tribes, etc) and they are always spiritual elements which transcend our daily lives; very rare and special! I wonder precisely how this will show up in your life and I can only imagine that it'll be amazing. Would love to hear any glints you get of this if they come up at some point.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Mare and foal - thinking that sometimes a mother knows better than strangers - maybe feminine energies

Tiger - hey I had a tiger dream recently, too.

Waking Dream​
I was awake but had not opened my eyes. I saw a tiger walking in the woods along the back fence.​
My Take​
I've had several visions like this one - awake but seeing as though through my eyelids. There have been animals walking the fence line, and several times a white horse has appeared. Tigers are not an animal I'm familiar with so I looked for more info. This passage felt very true to me.​
Additionally in terms of spiritual growth Tiger offers you incredible strength. Sometimes the Universe uses tests as learning tools. These can weary the spirit of the traveler but Tiger stands ready to lend a powerful paw that keeps you going. Tigers are known for their amazing bursts of energy in the wild, and you can tap that for any challenge you face.

Perhaps the two animal messengers were bringing their particular form of strength to you. I will say that each of us having tiger dreams so close together is very interesting.
Yes it is interesting both havingTiger dream close together, not the first time we’ve had things in tandem.

Im needing some strength to lean on and a Tiger fits the bill well, one for physical strength and the lovely white one for my spiritual well. being . I love the idea of having a white Tiger as my spirit animal.

Maybe we both need Tiger strength around us at this time , q


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
June I thought of a wild horse when you wrote that your mare was so fiercely protective; so wild aliveness and freedom with some new foal energy is what comes to mind there.

Tigers are sensual, strong and so eye-catching w their stripes and somehow it doesn't surprise me that you'd feel perfectly comfortable w that ;)

The white tiger, though, that's gotta be really special. I'm reminded of stories of other white animals (Buddha's white elephant, the white bison of the NAmerica plains tribes, etc) and they are always spiritual elements which transcend our daily lives; very rare and special! I wonder precisely how this will show up in your life and I can only imagine that it'll be amazing. Would love to hear any glints you get of this if they come up at some point.
I looked up the meaning of horses in a dream, among other things it mentions freedom. to me that’s exactly what they represent.
I have a very special horse that Linda is aware of, he came unbidden into a waking dream several years ago. He’s always in the special place I created and the love that pours out of him is incredible .

I know nothing about horses, put me on one and I’m sure I’d slither off the other side, but in my special place I ride bare back, arms in the air, jumping over obstacles, fly over forests and mountains and swim in the ocean together.
I don’t know why he turned up, I only know he’s real and special, my constant companion when I’m in that special place.

To dream about two more horses, one a baby, speaks to me even more of freedom. The baby for me spells the beginning of a life, the fact that the mother was looking after that new life and wouldn’t allow any interference from humans tells me to rely on the spiritual side, trust in the guidance given and not allow any human interference, especially from those who upset my equilibriam.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
True, there is one here now.
Or being pointed sough; to be determined, I believe, or at least understood whenever things fall into place.
Or think, "over the southern horizon"; because we in the southern hemisphere may be the first interface with energies coming in from that direction. Yes, we are a spinning globe, but incoming energies have to interact with one of the hemispheres first!!
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Saturday - July 23, 2022

Had a must sleep now event after breakfast and had this dream. In it, I had 2 outward appearances, although I was "me". One was as woman with long, wavy, brunette hair and dressed in a gown as we see in Ancient Greek or Egyptian images. The other was a man with red hair and dressed in a cape with a caplet, deerstalker hat, and leggings - all in an orange/pink color.

The dream began with me in my house planting some micro greens. I did something else and came back a few minutes later, and they had sprouted a few inches, and a nearby jade plant apparently decided to move to the container. I was surprised and heard and felt a deep rumbling, and thought - Uh-oh, it is starting.

Then I was moving around the world giving small brown paper bags (like tea bags) to people I know, and telling them they will need this. I know I visited many, many people all around the world, and as I was coming back to consciousness, I kept my eyes closed and was conscious of where I was. I must have started going west and then far away, coming back through Europe, UK, and ended up in the eastern part of North America. I recall several people at the end. June was in a place with many people in distress and wanting to get to a church. She was sitting in a chair with an amused expression, smiled at me, and took the bag. Abby was another stop, again with distressed people around her, but sitting peacefully. Pucksterguy opened his door, smiled, and said "Yup". The last stop was Bill, who said the same.

My Take
When I opened my eyes, my dog was looking at me with a knowing expression - as if he was saying Yep, which is Texan for Yes, that's crazy/weird. Then I had to eat chocolate. Ok, I'm too tired to write more now, but if you are reading this, then I likely stopped by.

PS - I was gifted a micro-green set and plan to plant them today - just saying.....
Distressed is just the phase people go through before they are uplifted, and knowing in your heart of hearts does the uplifting.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I looked up the meaning of horses in a dream, among other things it mentions freedom. to me that’s exactly what they represent.
I have a very special horse that Linda is aware of, he came unbidden into a waking dream several years ago. He’s always in the special place I created and the love that pours out of him is incredible .

I know nothing about horses, put me on one and I’m sure I’d slither off the other side, but in my special place I ride bare back, arms in the air, jumping over obstacles, fly over forests and mountains and swim in the ocean together.
I don’t know why he turned up, I only know he’s real and special, my constant companion when I’m in that special place.

To dream about two more horses, one a baby, speaks to me even more of freedom. The baby for me spells the beginning of a life, the fact that the mother was looking after that new life and wouldn’t allow any interference from humans tells me to rely on the spiritual side, trust in the guidance given and not allow any human interference, especially from those who upset my equilibriam.
I love your analysis, June (who said you can't interpret dreams?). Maybe you also have a unique connection with unicorns, they are horse energy personified.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Waking dream this morning, someone I couldn’t see was saying ‘ we will plant seeds’,‘ my ears pricked up and I asked what the seeds were for and got, ‘ fruit, food ‘. Then I saw acres of land with small plants pushing through the soil laid out in squares, with narrow pathways around each square enabling easy access to tend the plants..

Interesting that seeds are in the mix again.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Sunday, July 31, 2022

I started this collection of dreams and events in January 2021 with the encouragement of friends. I felt this particular dream about voting was very important, and so it was my first post. Yet, there was no vote that spring or the next. While local and primary elections may be held in the spring, the main federal elections are in November. This election in my dream was important enough to be highlighted as an election of the people. With what we learned in the past few months, we can see the evidence that the last presidential election was highly manipulated and not even close to a "vote of the people".

Monday, January 18th, 2021
Woke up with one of those freeze-frame visions. People were crossing a street in a large group, walking with purpose. A title appeared over the image - An Election of People. The walkers were wearing long sleeves but not coats. The trees were budding out.
My take - in early spring there will be an election.

Praying Medic shared this post on his telegram channel.

He also shared a dream with a similar message from another friend.

More information about the massive voter fraud discovered in the November 2020 elections (US) is scheduled for presentation in August from the group that gave us the 2000 Mules movie. Gregg Phillips and Catherine Englebrecht, who spearheaded the research, have indicated that the news will be startling to such a degree that 2,000 counties have been identified as needing interventions from their Sheriffs. If enough Sheriffs act on this information, then I can see that there could be chaos.

So, once again, we will see what happens. Should these events play out as described in the dreams, then a little personal planning and preparation might be a good idea.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - August 3, 2022

Running errands in the morning and stopping to chat with strangers. Arrive home and hear faint noises, as does my trusty sidekick. Then hear a bit of a different cellphone ring from the spare bedroom, but no one else is here. Sit down because my ankles are hurting and my head feels like a balloon. Start to read stuff on internet, and it goes out. Start the reboot process, which involves selecting our network. In doing that, the neighbors' networks are visible; however, there is one I've never seen before - "Psalm 101, Verse 3". I refreshed the network list, and it disappeared.

My Take
I often make conversation with strangers - something funny and pleasant - and most of the time I get some kind of reply. Today, I noticed the eyes of the people I spoke with - glazed over. They were nice but I felt no connection.

Our neighborhood is quiet, as is our house, so hearing the noises was odd. My dog registered them, too. Maybe it is like two bubbles that stick together - in one small area there is a connection - perhaps two different dimensions bumping together. That has happened several times here.

Thought about ankles, too - flexibility, allowing you to change direction and move quickly. So if mine hurt, then perhaps I'm having issues with moving quickly and/or changing directions.

The internet was out over a large area for a couple of hours, and I realized how much I depend on it.

Figured Psalm 101 might be a message because - well, how weird was that, right?

1 I will sing of mercy and justice;
To You, O Lord, I will sing praises.
2 I will behave wisely in a perfect way.
Oh, when will You come to me?
I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.
3 I will set nothing wicked before my eyes;
I hate the work of those who fall away;
It shall not cling to me.

So, the Psalm wraps it up nicely. Pay attention to my inner and outer environments - letting that which does not reflect my knowing and beliefs fall away. Also, the ankle issues suggests some kind of quick movement might be on the horizon.

As I write this about two hours later, I feel such a sense of distance from everything that went on.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - August 3, 2022

An Ask
Keeping this website going still costs money, and we really could use an assist with the basic expense. There is a message at the top of the main page with the details. This fundraiser has two more days, and there still is time to make the goal.

I certainly understand about being careful with expenses, so if you are able to share any amount as support for what I hope are helpful messages, it is much appreciated.

Thank you and Blessings to you and your homes.



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - August 10, 2022
Some musings...

It was 1971, and I was a college freshman when Bye Bye American Pie came out. It was different from the grittier rock-n-roll songs of the era - maybe a poignant remembering or a fond farewell to hopes and dreams of a generation. I did not get those meanings at the time, but I do now.

We grew up riding bikes, climbing trees, going to football games, and performing in the drill-team squad. The music was great and not so fettered as now. We also lived with school drills in case of nuclear attack, Cuban Missile Crises, assassinations, riots (in other cities), and protests against the Viet Nam war. When the war ended, nothing changed, and we went on to jobs and raising families. Even in my mainstream life, I still retained my rebel status. I managed Ok because I was smart and people needed me, plus I could always make people laugh.

Last night I watched a program about how this song was made, and even 50 years later, it continues to be a world-wide favorite. As clips of the song played, I found myself enveloped in a melancholy over events of the past few years. It was as if we are saying goodbye again - this time to decent education, healing medicine versus pills and surgery, honest leaders, free and fair elections - well, the list goes on. Tulsi Gabbard summed it up well in this comment in an interview with Jessie Watters last night. Gabbard on Fox News

I think we are seeing some of the outrage coming from people across the country, regardless of their political persuasion and I hope that those who aren't paying attention do take notice because if you think this is just about Trump, you're wrong. This is about every single one of us as Americans, and this precedent that's being set of an abuse of power that's not even being hidden anymore. I think it maybe was happening behind the curtains or maybe denying it was happening. It is out in the open in broad daylight, blatant abuse of power, targeting political opponents, targeting those who dare to dissent, and attacking our most fundamental constitutional rights and freedom.

So, don't think this is about somebody else. Don't think this is about just people of one, you know, political persuasion. This is about every one of us as Americans and protecting our rights and freedoms.

While I've seen this coming for awhile, I think the melancholy was more than just my own feelings, but perhaps that of a larger group of people. So much info clearly identifying the insanity of our federal government and hidden supporters has been floating around, but yesterday's raid on Trump's home was in everyone's face. The events of the past two years feel as though they are coming to a bottleneck, and it is too much to ignore. In a way, it is like the day the music died - something we counted on now is gone.

What now? For the people who continue discovering info and sharing it, I give you my greatest thanks and admiration - truly a job being well done. For others, I share that irrepressible sense of hope and knowing true north. Listen to the song and think that while we may be saying goodbye to old beliefs and ideas, we also are able to say hello to new ones.

For myself, I'm still smart and can make you laugh. Right now my trusty companion says it is time for some of the important things in life like a treat and big stretches.

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - August 12, 2022

Song still playing in my head.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - August 15, 2022
Morning Dream

I was going through some sort of transfer station with my family and all our dogs (including some that have passed over). It was crowded with lots of log jams. As I entered, a man reached for my purse, and I said "Hey now, what are you doing?", and he replied that he needed to check my purse, and I said "No". Then he said - "Ok" - and passed me on. There were a couple of other checkpoints with questions that I refused, but they passed me on. However, most people (not my family) were complying. Finally we are through to the place where we make the transfer and place our dogs in carriers where they can sleep during the process. I knew that this was Ok and would be best for them.

I woke up thinking about my Dad, how he could have been a twin to James Arness (Marshall Dillon on Gunsmoke), and that I wished I could talk to him now. I smiled thinking about growing up as Marshall Dillon's daughter, and had an epiphany - because of the way my Dad raised me, I AM Marshall Dillon's daughter.

My Take
I had some thoughts about this dream that crystalized when I watched this video about a man coming back into Canada and refused all attempts to engage about the vax. He politely said "No" (link at end).

My Dad taught me to look out for myself and to help those who needed it. He also taught me to stand tall and not back down, among many other valuable lessons. While I yearned to speak with him for a bit of support and guidance, it came to me - I AM his daughter with all that entails. So, step up and speak out - say No when necessary, as well as being willing to say Yes.

The other very interesting part was the transfer station - a lot of people caught up in the drama were not getting through. We did not have to do anything more than say no to the governmental types, and we moved on.

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
What a fab dream Lady Linda. Your father was so good looking !
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Wednesday - August 10, 2022
Some musings...

It was 1971, and I was a college freshman when Bye Bye American Pie came out. It was different from the grittier rock-n-roll songs of the era - maybe a poignant remembering or a fond farewell to hopes and dreams of a generation. I did not get those meanings at the time, but I do now.

We grew up riding bikes, climbing trees, going to football games, and performing in the drill-team squad. The music was great and not so fettered as now. We also lived with school drills in case of nuclear attack, Cuban Missile Crises, assassinations, riots (in other cities), and protests against the Viet Nam war. When the war ended, nothing changed, and we went on to jobs and raising families. Even in my mainstream life, I still retained my rebel status. I managed Ok because I was smart and people needed me, plus I could always make people laugh.

Last night I watched a program about how this song was made, and even 50 years later, it continues to be a world-wide favorite. As clips of the song played, I found myself enveloped in a melancholy over events of the past few years. It was as if we are saying goodbye again - this time to decent education, healing medicine versus pills and surgery, honest leaders, free and fair elections - well, the list goes on. Tulsi Gabbard summed it up well in this comment in an interview with Jessie Watters last night. Gabbard on Fox News

I think we are seeing some of the outrage coming from people across the country, regardless of their political persuasion and I hope that those who aren't paying attention do take notice because if you think this is just about Trump, you're wrong. This is about every single one of us as Americans, and this precedent that's being set of an abuse of power that's not even being hidden anymore. I think it maybe was happening behind the curtains or maybe denying it was happening. It is out in the open in broad daylight, blatant abuse of power, targeting political opponents, targeting those who dare to dissent, and attacking our most fundamental constitutional rights and freedom.

So, don't think this is about somebody else. Don't think this is about just people of one, you know, political persuasion. This is about every one of us as Americans and protecting our rights and freedoms.

While I've seen this coming for awhile, I think the melancholy was more than just my own feelings, but perhaps that of a larger group of people. So much info clearly identifying the insanity of our federal government and hidden supporters has been floating around, but yesterday's raid on Trump's home was in everyone's face. The events of the past two years feel as though they are coming to a bottleneck, and it is too much to ignore. In a way, it is like the day the music died - something we counted on now is gone.

What now? For the people who continue discovering info and sharing it, I give you my greatest thanks and admiration - truly a job being well done. For others, I share that irrepressible sense of hope and knowing true north. Listen to the song and think that while we may be saying goodbye to old beliefs and ideas, we also are able to say hello to new ones.

For myself, I'm still smart and can make you laugh. Right now my trusty companion says it is time for some of the important things in life like a treat and big stretches.

Don the amazing Magician of Song is wearing a shirt with Sun, Stars and Moon for this reprise in 1999 (Austin, TX). A fitting accoutrement for a man who doesn't need his wand to weave the magic!
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - August 18, 2022

Late afternoon a storm front blew through with cooler winds and a bit of rain. When the rain stopped, a flock of robins covered the front yard and seemed to rejoice with us in the cooler temperatures. Of course, there was the extra bonus of fresh bugs for them. A neighbor commented on the robins and that in all her years here she's never seen them flock in the late summer, but we all agreed that it was a wonderful and happy sight.

My Take
I remembered the same thing happening about 18 months ago. The robins flocked in the backyard at an unexpected time of the year. The backyard is a special and personal space for us, and the front yard is peaceful but a public space. I found the previous post and know those conclusions still apply. I think the difference was that then my senses about war and outcomes were just my own, but now they are held by more people. There is no need to look for clues - the evidence is right smack in our faces - in the public eye just like the front yard.

The Blackfoot tribe believed if a flock of robins visited, then the campsite would be safe. I felt uplifted and protected last night and still now into the following day.

Monday - January 25, 2021
I slept soundly - had no waking visions or recalled dreams - so I thought I had no message for today. But noooo - Mother Nature came in with a bang. As I walked outside early this morning, a flock of robins were all over the yard and in the trees - lots and lots of robins.
Since I get many messages from nature and especially birds, I knew this was one because it was startling to see so many birds. What is the symbolism of robins - renewal, joy, good fortune, and protection. The Blackfoot tribe believed if a flock of robins visited, then the campsite would be safe.
My Take - I was tired last night - not so much physically, but rather mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I have my own inner concerns, as well as those of people I am around. I know we are in a war, and the outcome is unknown. I look for some clues but have grown weary. To see so many of the robins in my yard was uplifting and a reminder to set my sights high and live in joy. Apparently, I've got a lot of protection, too.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - August 19, 2022

Out on deck after the rain - leaves in the woods are glistening with rain drops in the morning sunlight. One spot starts flashing at me (no wind) almost like morse code. I look around to see if it is happening anywhere else - nope. I'm smiling at the thought of getting morse code from a leaf when the light forms a multi-color four-point star. I figure that is significant. Then everything goes back to normal.

Walked out on deck a little while ago and see a pen under a chair - out of the blue. I'm observant and have not noticed the pen before. I pick it up - not grimy as if it had been there for awhile. Look at the name - Pentel R.S.V.P. - you know like from an invitation.

My Take
Did I get an invitation to write???


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Friday - August 19, 2022

Out on deck after the rain - leaves in the woods are glistening with rain drops in the morning sunlight. One spot starts flashing at me (no wind) almost like morse code. I look around to see if it is happening anywhere else - nope. I'm smiling at the thought of getting morse code from a leaf when the light forms a multi-color four-point star. I figure that is significant. Then everything goes back to normal.

Walked out on deck a little while ago and see a pen under a chair - out of the blue. I'm observant and have not noticed the pen before. I pick it up - not grimy as if it had been there for awhile. Look at the name - Pentel R.S.V.P. - you know like from an invitation.

My Take
Did I get an invitation to write???
What I love about spiritual perception is that you just can't make it up - and also, you certainly can't explain it to anyone who doesn't perceive and take note of surroundings in that way. You know you saw a certain spot in a myriad of leaves glinting in a more intense and focused way - and saw it coalesce into something you internally could recognise - a multi-coloured star of light. This knowing can hardly be communicated (and yet, you've done a good job trying, here). I go with such perceptions, accepting them, and just know that that way of seeing is opening up more and more for people, than ever before. And if they DO perceive such things, then their own personal experiences make them accept what is occurring all around them within the hearts and minds of other people.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Love what you have written there Melt. Try this for size:

On Tuesday night, I officially became a Loreburn Community Councillor. Of course we went to the Robert the Bruce pub afterwards.

But not for long.

I walked home and as I came through my front door, I became aware of a stickman energy Being standing some distance away in my energy field. He was kind of yellow and brown with a very round head. He did not want to talk or communicate with me but I did not feel a threat.

However, I decided to stay awake and alert and set up my Wii machine for golf and tennis.

As I played, stick man came closer and closer. By the time I came to bed, the body of stickman had disappeared and the head was beginning to engulf mine.

I was not in anyway frightened, just curious. This is my faith in The Magic of LIfe and in Isis. I have had a lot of weird things happen to me and for the last weeks I have resumed training with Isis which has focussed a lot on my head and upper chest area.

By the time I went to sleep, I could see "hair" in the shape of bamboo tubes, hanging down the sides of my face.

I woke up about 5am and just lay there absorbing it. My head felt huge and obliterated by the roundness of stickman. The "inside" of my head was a sort of bluey grey.

I began to get a sense that stickman was an Ancient Earth energy (I now believe in is a NEW Earth energy) The back of my head was hanging with a curtain of wicker, wood and bamboo tubes.

A friend phoned about 9.30. She is a sensitive and immediately asked "Are you OK Pod, you sound stoned!"

During the day I "observed" the process as the top of my head grew straw, golden light straw. I thought it would fill my head but it did not.

My head is now back to it's normal shape. I have a row of gold on top of my head from ear to ear. The straw has now melded together though there are still spikes.

Underneath that is a white layer of mist and then beneath that a blue layer. That reaches to the bridge of my nose and then there is just my face which is brown Earth,

Of course, I am reading this energy. My brain translates energy into pictures that I can understand.

Nothing else seems to be affected. Nobody has noticed except my friend on the phone. The only thing I know is that I cannot have alcohol.

Now, Saturday morning.......the energy is slowly being absorbed by my body, like a layered dress. It took till yesterday afternoon to reach just below my shoulders and this morning one layer has grown to my upper thighs and another layer is at my shoulders.

I am pretty much staying alone, all training with Isis has been suspended. I still have the layer of gold, the white mist and the blue in my head area which makes it look like a sunny day.

You know when this sort of thing happens, I feel it is happening for lots of people, they just do not see it as clearly as I do.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Love what you have written there Melt. Try this for size:

On Tuesday night, I officially became a Loreburn Community Councillor. Of course we went to the Robert the Bruce pub afterwards.

But not for long.

I walked home and as I came through my front door, I became aware of a stickman energy Being standing some distance away in my energy field. He was kind of yellow and brown with a very round head. He did not want to talk or communicate with me but I did not feel a threat.

However, I decided to stay awake and alert and set up my Wii machine for golf and tennis.

As I played, stick man came closer and closer. By the time I came to bed, the body of stickman had disappeared and the head was beginning to engulf mine.

I was not in anyway frightened, just curious. This is my faith in The Magic of LIfe and in Isis. I have had a lot of weird things happen to me and for the last weeks I have resumed training with Isis which has focussed a lot on my head and upper chest area.

By the time I went to sleep, I could see "hair" in the shape of bamboo tubes, hanging down the sides of my face.

I woke up about 5am and just lay there absorbing it. My head felt huge and obliterated by the roundness of stickman. The "inside" of my head was a sort of bluey grey.

I began to get a sense that stickman was an Ancient Earth energy (I now believe in is a NEW Earth energy) The back of my head was hanging with a curtain of wicker, wood and bamboo tubes.

A friend phoned about 9.30. She is a sensitive and immediately asked "Are you OK Pod, you sound stoned!"

During the day I "observed" the process as the top of my head grew straw, golden light straw. I thought it would fill my head but it did not.

My head is now back to it's normal shape. I have a row of gold on top of my head from ear to ear. The straw has now melded together though there are still spikes.

Underneath that is a white layer of mist and then beneath that a blue layer. That reaches to the bridge of my nose and then there is just my face which is brown Earth,

Of course, I am reading this energy. My brain translates energy into pictures that I can understand.

Nothing else seems to be affected. Nobody has noticed except my friend on the phone. The only thing I know is that I cannot have alcohol.

Now, Saturday morning.......the energy is slowly being absorved by my body, like a layeres dress. It too till yesterday afternoon to reach just below my shoulders and this morning one layer has grown to my uooer thighs and another layer is at my shoulders.

I am pretty much staying alone, all training with Isis has been suspended. I still have the layer of gold, the white mist and the blue in my head area which makes it look like a sunny day.

You know when this sort of thing happens, I feel it is happening for ots of people, they just do not see it as clearly as me.


Sounds as if you’re integrating some pretty powerful energy, white gold and blue are very spiritual colours in my book.
I‘m intrigued by the wooden tubes of hair, sounds like ringlets.
As above so below, you have a face of brown earth, wooden hair,you feel it’s the new earth. Then you have the spiritual colours in your head, could be refining you for life on new earth which will be in spiritual frequency.


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
Thursday - August 18, 2021

Late afternoon a storm front blew through with cooler winds and a bit of rain. When the rain stopped, a flock of robins covered the front yard and seemed to rejoice with us in the cooler temperatures. Of course, there was the extra bonus of fresh bugs for them. A neighbor commented on the robins and that in all her years here she's never seen them flock in the late summer, but we all agreed that it was a wonderful and happy sight.

My Take
I remembered the same thing happening about 18 months ago. The robins flocked in the backyard at an unexpected time of the year. The backyard is a special and personal space for us, and the front yard is peaceful but a public space. I found the previous post and know those conclusions still apply. I think the difference was that then my senses about war and outcomes were just my own, but now they are held by more people. There is no need to look for clues - the evidence is right smack in our faces - in the public eye just like the front yard.

The Blackfoot tribe believed if a flock of robins visited, then the campsite would be safe. I felt uplifted and protected last night and still now into the following day.

Monday - January 25, 2021
I slept soundly - had no waking visions or recalled dreams - so I thought I had no message for today. But noooo - Mother Nature came in with a bang. As I walked outside early this morning, a flock of robins were all over the yard and in the trees - lots and lots of robins.
Since I get many messages from nature and especially birds, I knew this was one because it was startling to see so many birds. What is the symbolism of robins - renewal, joy, good fortune, and protection. The Blackfoot tribe believed if a flock of robins visited, then the campsite would be safe.
My Take - I was tired last night - not so much physically, but rather mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I have my own inner concerns, as well as those of people I am around. I know we are in a war, and the outcome is unknown. I look for some clues but have grown weary. To see so many of the robins in my yard was uplifting and a reminder to set my sights high and live in joy. Apparently, I've got a lot of protection, too.
a few days back i was outside doing my walk in the sun as wondering how long the forest will stand still (years) against the temporal climate change as the sapins are halfway down

i normally see only birds at one of my neighbors who like Pucksterguy feeded them and could so see the joy of them and see the birds

so during my walk i usually see only a few but this day was a sort of gathering i suppose, seems my energyfield or the vibration of my walking what they sensed but they flew off all together like 100 of them, that gave me the joy i needed for the rest of the day


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
Love what you have written there Melt. Try this for size:

On Tuesday night, I officially became a Loreburn Community Councillor. Of course we went to the Robert the Bruce pub afterwards.

But not for long.

I walked home and as I came through my front door, I became aware of a stickman energy Being standing some distance away in my energy field. He was kind of yellow and brown with a very round head. He did not want to talk or communicate with me but I did not feel a threat.

However, I decided to stay awake and alert and set up my Wii machine for golf and tennis.

As I played, stick man came closer and closer. By the time I came to bed, the body of stickman had disappeared and the head was beginning to engulf mine.

I was not in anyway frightened, just curious. This is my faith in The Magic of LIfe and in Isis. I have had a lot of weird things happen to me and for the last weeks I have resumed training with Isis which has focussed a lot on my head and upper chest area.

By the time I went to sleep, I could see "hair" in the shape of bamboo tubes, hanging down the sides of my face.

I woke up about 5am and just lay there absorbing it. My head felt huge and obliterated by the roundness of stickman. The "inside" of my head was a sort of bluey grey.

I began to get a sense that stickman was an Ancient Earth energy (I now believe in is a NEW Earth energy) The back of my head was hanging with a curtain of wicker, wood and bamboo tubes.

A friend phoned about 9.30. She is a sensitive and immediately asked "Are you OK Pod, you sound stoned!"

During the day I "observed" the process as the top of my head grew straw, golden light straw. I thought it would fill my head but it did not.

My head is now back to it's normal shape. I have a row of gold on top of my head from ear to ear. The straw has now melded together though there are still spikes.

Underneath that is a white layer of mist and then beneath that a blue layer. That reaches to the bridge of my nose and then there is just my face which is brown Earth,

Of course, I am reading this energy. My brain translates energy into pictures that I can understand.

Nothing else seems to be affected. Nobody has noticed except my friend on the phone. The only thing I know is that I cannot have alcohol.

Now, Saturday morning.......the energy is slowly being absorbed by my body, like a layered dress. It took till yesterday afternoon to reach just below my shoulders and this morning one layer has grown to my upper thighs and another layer is at my shoulders.

I am pretty much staying alone, all training with Isis has been suspended. I still have the layer of gold, the white mist and the blue in my head area which makes it look like a sunny day.

You know when this sort of thing happens, I feel it is happening for lots of people, they just do not see it as clearly as I do.
i am not of the type to see energy or write is so pretty it receives motion, but i am enough aware of what i am most of the time to have sensed not all i sensed was a thing to say you are ill or whatever, i realised those temporal things must be in liation with updates which i give a hard time to integrate
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
i am not of the type to see energy or write is so pretty it receives motion, but i am enough aware of what i am most of the time to have sensed not all i sensed was a thing to say you are ill or whatever, i realised those temporal things must be in liation with updates which i give a hard time to integrate

Thanks for that Alain!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Wednesday - August 10, 2022
Some musings...

It was 1971, and I was a college freshman when Bye Bye American Pie came out. It was different from the grittier rock-n-roll songs of the era - maybe a poignant remembering or a fond farewell to hopes and dreams of a generation. I did not get those meanings at the time, but I do now.

We grew up riding bikes, climbing trees, going to football games, and performing in the drill-team squad. The music was great and not so fettered as now. We also lived with school drills in case of nuclear attack, Cuban Missile Crises, assassinations, riots (in other cities), and protests against the Viet Nam war. When the war ended, nothing changed, and we went on to jobs and raising families. Even in my mainstream life, I still retained my rebel status. I managed Ok because I was smart and people needed me, plus I could always make people laugh.

Last night I watched a program about how this song was made, and even 50 years later, it continues to be a world-wide favorite. As clips of the song played, I found myself enveloped in a melancholy over events of the past few years. It was as if we are saying goodbye again - this time to decent education, healing medicine versus pills and surgery, honest leaders, free and fair elections - well, the list goes on. Tulsi Gabbard summed it up well in this comment in an interview with Jessie Watters last night. Gabbard on Fox News

I think we are seeing some of the outrage coming from people across the country, regardless of their political persuasion and I hope that those who aren't paying attention do take notice because if you think this is just about Trump, you're wrong. This is about every single one of us as Americans, and this precedent that's being set of an abuse of power that's not even being hidden anymore. I think it maybe was happening behind the curtains or maybe denying it was happening. It is out in the open in broad daylight, blatant abuse of power, targeting political opponents, targeting those who dare to dissent, and attacking our most fundamental constitutional rights and freedom.

So, don't think this is about somebody else. Don't think this is about just people of one, you know, political persuasion. This is about every one of us as Americans and protecting our rights and freedoms.

While I've seen this coming for awhile, I think the melancholy was more than just my own feelings, but perhaps that of a larger group of people. So much info clearly identifying the insanity of our federal government and hidden supporters has been floating around, but yesterday's raid on Trump's home was in everyone's face. The events of the past two years feel as though they are coming to a bottleneck, and it is too much to ignore. In a way, it is like the day the music died - something we counted on now is gone.

What now? For the people who continue discovering info and sharing it, I give you my greatest thanks and admiration - truly a job being well done. For others, I share that irrepressible sense of hope and knowing true north. Listen to the song and think that while we may be saying goodbye to old beliefs and ideas, we also are able to say hello to new ones.

For myself, I'm still smart and can make you laugh. Right now my trusty companion says it is time for some of the important things in life like a treat and big stretches.

One of my favorite songs ever!
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Linda mentioning our tiger dreams recently brought back the memory of mine with two Tigers one red, one white, the white one coming to stand beside me., maybe it was this that brought on yesterday awake dream.

Sitting in the garden facing the sun with my eyes closed I saw a white Tiger approaching, he came right up to me, turned round and sat beside my chair, then leaned against it like a dog often does. I scratched his neck and then he dropped down onto his tummy, keeping his head well up and alert, we sat like this for a while it was so calm and relaxing, then something caused me to open my eyes and I was surprised and disappointed to see the space beside me empty, for a moment I did a sort of a ….Oh!!!….in surprise, I’d been in another place and it was very lovely.

My understanding is that a white Tiger is for protection so maybe that‘s why he’s with me.


Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Love what you have written there Melt. Try this for size:

On Tuesday night, I officially became a Loreburn Community Councillor. Of course we went to the Robert the Bruce pub afterwards.

But not for long.

I walked home and as I came through my front door, I became aware of a stickman energy Being standing some distance away in my energy field. He was kind of yellow and brown with a very round head. He did not want to talk or communicate with me but I did not feel a threat.

However, I decided to stay awake and alert and set up my Wii machine for golf and tennis.

As I played, stick man came closer and closer. By the time I came to bed, the body of stickman had disappeared and the head was beginning to engulf mine.

I was not in anyway frightened, just curious. This is my faith in The Magic of LIfe and in Isis. I have had a lot of weird things happen to me and for the last weeks I have resumed training with Isis which has focussed a lot on my head and upper chest area.

By the time I went to sleep, I could see "hair" in the shape of bamboo tubes, hanging down the sides of my face.

I woke up about 5am and just lay there absorbing it. My head felt huge and obliterated by the roundness of stickman. The "inside" of my head was a sort of bluey grey.

I began to get a sense that stickman was an Ancient Earth energy (I now believe in is a NEW Earth energy) The back of my head was hanging with a curtain of wicker, wood and bamboo tubes.

A friend phoned about 9.30. She is a sensitive and immediately asked "Are you OK Pod, you sound stoned!"

During the day I "observed" the process as the top of my head grew straw, golden light straw. I thought it would fill my head but it did not.

My head is now back to it's normal shape. I have a row of gold on top of my head from ear to ear. The straw has now melded together though there are still spikes.

Underneath that is a white layer of mist and then beneath that a blue layer. That reaches to the bridge of my nose and then there is just my face which is brown Earth,

Of course, I am reading this energy. My brain translates energy into pictures that I can understand.

Nothing else seems to be affected. Nobody has noticed except my friend on the phone. The only thing I know is that I cannot have alcohol.

Now, Saturday morning.......the energy is slowly being absorbed by my body, like a layered dress. It took till yesterday afternoon to reach just below my shoulders and this morning one layer has grown to my upper thighs and another layer is at my shoulders.

I am pretty much staying alone, all training with Isis has been suspended. I still have the layer of gold, the white mist and the blue in my head area which makes it look like a sunny day.

You know when this sort of thing happens, I feel it is happening for lots of people, they just do not see it as clearly as I do.
Sorry, Pod, I've just seen your post after nearly a week. I wonder how the energies have settled now? You are indeed lucky to be able to perceive things as they happen to you and with you.

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