Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (5 Viewers)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
At the very least I'd imagine it's brought this idea to the forefront of people's minds within the context of needing resiliency + redundancy within the system.
That's the thing about resiliency; you don't need it until you do... and then you're really glad when you have it and really sad/mad/whatever if you don't.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
The weather event could have broken people, but I saw just the opposite. People reached out over and over to help others - an explosion of service to others. My sense is that leaders in this state will never be caught in this situation again. Other energy sources are known, and perhaps this is the tipping point to bring them forth. Whatever it is, something is going to change.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
well, quite a few others are taking it seriously (it is a joke - at least for now)

tx passport.jpg


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday March 2

General observations

Dreams and visions have been personal and not messages for everyone. Went through a survival type of event and had people I love move away. In some ways, I'm floating through life now - not sure of the next piece of the puzzle. I said to a younger friend - It seems as though the world is insane, or is it just me being an older lady. Her reply was immediate - No, the world is insane.

Just wanted to check in and encourage everyone to move slowly and with purpose - your own purpose, which may be changing. Look for those little messages from the universe.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday March 3


For several years, lost dogs have found their way to me, and I've always gotten them back home. Lately, people have brought dogs to me, and I've helped in getting them back home. (I love dogs, and they know it.) Today was something a bit different. My finger clicked the link to the neighborhood website without my thinking about it. The first thing I see is a post about a missing dog. A couple of posts down there was one about a found dog, which obviously was the same one. Now for some reason they could not see each other's posts (weird). I linked them together so they could see each other, and the dog got home.

My Take
I took some time to think about this because of the unusual way it all came together. What if this is how we expand our influence and knowledge - branching out on something we already do - linking people together for reasons outside of ourselves. I happened to be at the right place to say "go this way".

We may see more of these times now - be ready and take the time to respond.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Wednesday March 3


For several years, lost dogs have found their way to me, and I've always gotten them back home. Lately, people have brought dogs to me, and I've helped in getting them back home. (I love dogs, and they know it.) Today was something a bit different. My finger clicked the link to the neighborhood website without my thinking about it. The first thing I see is a post about a missing dog. A couple of posts down there was one about a found dog, which obviously was the same one. Now for some reason they could not see each other's posts (weird). I linked them together so they could see each other, and the dog got home.

My Take
I took some time to think about this because of the unusual way it all came together. What if this is how we expand our influence and knowledge - branching out on something we already do - linking people together for reasons outside of ourselves. I happened to be at the right place to say "go this way".

We may see more of these times now - be ready and take the time to respond.
Yes, Linda, making your own tracks in the snow, but because you blaze a trail with tracks the size of snow shoes, others can follow.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday March 6

Big Dream - the kind where you wake up, stagger to the kitchen, lean against the counter, and say WTH.

I was working at a ranch as the educational person, showing people what a ranch is like. It was a bit like a dude ranch because there were guest cabins, but it was a real working ranch. It was evening and pretty cool, so maybe late fall because I had on my barn jacket with fleece lining. People started showing up, asking for a place to stay. We could not send them away because it was late, and they arrived on foot (?). I was scrambling to find people a place to sleep. One group that was sitting around a campfire stopped me. A woman asked (very sincerely) if we really were this nice, or was it just part of our job. I knelt down beside them and said well, I have ups and downs just like everyone, but mostly I'm a nice person. They nodded, thinking about my answer. I was surprised at the question. Then another woman with several kids asked me if there was a place for them. She explained that she hoped her husband would come, but that he might not. Then he appeared and was a bit of a tough customer, but I knew it was a show for his wife and kids.

I found the ranch manager (who I know well in this life), and she had a clipboard with many pages of people who'd signed in. As I flipped through, I saw a few names of people I know. The manager and I were wondering where all the people came from and why all of a sudden. As we looked out, we saw more walking across a big field with flashlights, and others coming up the road in cars (a lot like the end of the movie, Field of Dreams). She went off to get the tents set up so we could accommodate more people.

My Take

I was doing work I love, much as I did before everything shut down - what it is like to live and work with the natural world. Many of the people were not from around here, and all were dazed and confused. I'm not even sure they knew how they got there. Once again, I'm reminded of the QHHT session where people were arriving to NE. The big thing to remember is that all they wanted was kindness and a safe place to stay. Everything else can wait.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday March 9


Found a prayer card that blew into the front yard - Archangel Michael

This angel has played a prominent role in my life, even though I was raised in the Methodist Church. The prayer is for protection from those of little to no light.

My Take

Seems pretty obvious - in addition to grounding, centering, holding love, perhaps a bit of protection might be a good idea.

PS - this is pretty much how things go in my life - things just show up.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday March 10

Continuation from yesterday

You'd probably laugh if I explained how all this came to pass, but through a series of events I came to this commercial with the Budweiser clydesdales for the 2014 Super Bowl - can't stand the beer but love the horses.

Clearly I was lead to this video as an amplification of the AAM prayer card. Everyday we each may have opportunities to ask for help, to jump fences to help, or to support others in giving help. Each day opportunities may arise. This message came so strongly - let's all pay attention.



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday March 12

Waking dream

There is an event - not sure if man-made or not. When it happens, it affects many people (but not all) on an energy level. It seems that a current is pulsing through and from their bodies. I did not sense it was dangerous or harmful to the people but more like something switched on. I woke up before I could see what the larger effect was.

My Take

Not sure since I did not see the larger picture - could be physical or spiritual or maybe both. Now I'm wondering if it was like a torus energy field.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
It seems that a current is pulsing through and from their bodies.
I recall Sophia saying something long these lines.....

"Once revelations begin, you will notice an inner recognition, an “alarm” if you will, to alert you. This “alarm” is a reminder. You will not audibly hear it; you’ll feel it internally."
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
II think many of us are feeling something, an alarm, an urgency, I feel it around constantly.

One evening a couple weeks ago I was sitting in my nightclothes when I suddenly felt alarmed, although I didn’t know why.
I felt vulnerable in my nightclothes, as if I should be dressed and ready.
My feelings are it’s nothing to do with what, where or how we’re dressed. It’s a divine call, a call to our inner core, to be ready,


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Clearly I was lead to this video as an amplification of the AAM prayer card. Everyday we each may have opportunities to ask for help, to jump fences to help, or to support others in giving help. Each day opportunities may arise. This message came so strongly - let's all pay attention.
I cannot stress this enough. Be aware - keep yourself grounded and on track - stand ready to help others who may be swayed by other influences.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday March 16

Waking Dream

In the living room with a friend who noticed that people were walking through the yard, going out the back gate and turning either east or west. I said it is Ok, they are using the gate to get to where they need to be. It won't go on forever.

My Take

Looking back over the posts, I see them being about a change. In this dream, I knew this decision point was short-term - would not go on much longer. I also see two aspects in the dream. The first is to be aware of the guidance to assist you on selecting a path. The second is equally important, as it suggests being at peace with the decisions that others around you make.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Interesting. East is sunrise, beginning of a new day, West is sunset, end of the day.

Very symbolic. Thanks Lady Linda.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Shared this dream with a friend who wrote that she was given a similar vision a few days ago. She made this meme to describe it.

north and south.png
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
if what i get while giving my intend during meditation and take it in words that can also picture a flowing storryline or total random messages

where is this send telepatic message option
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
where is this send telepatic message option
In this case with my friend, I believe it is a energy flow type of experience. We know we've had many lives together, and we often have the same sense or ideas at similar times. I'd describe it as our energies finding the same pathways.

The idea of flow is an interesting one. I just had that experience a few minutes ago. I was standing in front of our house, thinking about replacing all the dead plants (from snowmageddon). I figured I was on my own because all the landscapers are very busy. A neighbor walked up, asked what I was doing, and when I told her, she said I have just the person for you.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
March 19 - Friday

Dreams and visitors

The morning dreams this week have been hard to describe, other than to say I've been building something. This morning was different though. People were bringing food and coming over for a meal and a visit. I was surprised but happy.

Edit - just recalled that we all were a bit disheveled, as if we'd been through something.

I was sitting outside and contemplating the dream work when a visitor perched nearby. (I do love my avian visitors.) Although Carolina Chickadees are common here, I'd not seen any perching so close until a few weeks ago. They sit in the tree and sing all morning.

My Take

I've been busy laying groundwork for something and got to the point where others finally noticed. The bird visitors have an interesting place in Native American legend - they are associated with success, truth, and knowledge. Cherokee lore says the chickadee was given the gift of foreknowledge. When they perch nearby and sing to you, it means someone is coming. Well, that ties in nicely. So, who is coming to dinner?
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Sunday March 21

Waking Dream and Event

Dream - Traveling to somewhere (?) with a group of people - family and friends, as well as strangers. Either I don't recall the destination or I did not know/care. Many of us had our dogs with us, and everyone was happy. Then I awoke (still in the dream) but did not recall going to sleep. I was walking around with my dog trying to figure out what happened and where we were. Seemed like a nice place. Then 2 of our dogs, who crossed the rainbow bridge some time ago, showed up. The 3 dogs were immediately best friends. I saw a few other people who looked like they just woke up, too. Then a lady with a clipboard approached me to see how I was. I asked where we were, and she said more people needed to wake up before she explained. I felt quite irritated because I wanted an answer right then, but she walked on. One of my friends came to, and we started talking about what was going on. Then I woke up from the dream.

Event - Discovered a wren was building a nest in a potted plant near the back door. I removed the nest materials and put a terra-cotta bird in the spot. The wren returned, was displeased, and let me know. I explained that I had a bigger picture - would need to water the plant but most importantly, I knew that the door was going to be replaced in a few weeks, I'd have to move the plants, and there would be a lot of noise.
And .............. it only took a minute before I linked the event to the dream. Oh yeah, I might not know the larger picture. It's ok to laugh because I was laughing at myself.

My Take

This dream reminded me of the one from March 6 - except I was on the other side - I was a person arriving. I felt the mix of emotions from liking the place to irritation at why I was there. I thought it was interesting that I did not think it was extremely weird to be with my dogs that I knew had passed on. I was just so happy that I did not care how it came about. The situation with the wren capped it off. The little bird scouted several locations and determined that spot was a great one. However, it was unaware of upcoming events that would make the location a disaster.

There are two ways to look at this - maybe even both apply - a reminder about how others who are just starting to figure things out might feel - and - a reminder that events that I know nothing of are on the horizon. Actually, I'm leaning toward both together being a message.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Saturday I was so deep in the Earth that I could barely move. But in the evening, I summoned the will to have a steam and a cold shower and gird my loins for a trip to the shops. Just a walk in the dark really.

On the way back, I was counting the "For Sale" signs on the empty shops and buildings when I got to the end of the pavement. Not realised there was an extra couple of inches to go, I fell flat on my face, well actually, I landed on my breasts and my bum bag.

I sat up and felt my body, checked my hands, nothing badly damaged. Knee was throbbing. "I wonder if my phone survived?" I thought and in that exact moment, it rang. I explained to my friend that I was sitting on the ground and why.

Once I got round the corner to my flat, I quickly smothered my knee in DMSO, made a cup of tea and sat thinking about what had happened.

Doesn't take much does it. "Look where you are bloody going!!!"
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
i must be good to skip those signs but it is a real problem the moment in the world

talking about look where you go, i had a part of a dream i became a bit aware and it was more in blocks, moving, getting lost? and at the end a thing that can mean something to me or not

from my day, not at all grounded, forgot it with all ongoing
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
When you become accustomed to seeing and hearing the messages, life gets a little easier to navigate - not saying there will not be difficulties, but rather, we can be better prepared.

There was a time when I was at a stop light and heard "he will run the light". I did not move when the light turned green and sure enough a big work truck came barreling through the intersection. The thing is - I've been aware of the subtle suggestions so when I heard actual words in my head, I did not freak out - but said "thank you".

I appreciate the comments from everyone having similar experiences.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I think I’ve mentioned it before. I heard the words ‘ Be careful ‘. spoken very urgently as I was approaching a junction. I slammed my foot on the brake and missed colliding with a car who had taken the turn too wide ending up on the wrong side of the road.
Like Linda, I’m accustomed to getting messages so actually hearing words doesn’t bother me, especially when it’s to save me from an accident.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Last night I dreamed that Trump was at his home in London on INGRAM PLACE and I was staying with him !

I went shopping and could not find my way back (I have a terrible sense of direction in life, not my planet I guess) but I was walking in the right direction. I strolled through a park and one of the buildings was a "Trump Palace" with fairy lights and gold. It just sparkled! I entered through a thick heavy black wooden door. There were a couple of people sitting at tables (also black wood) so I sat down and in a spirit of celebration, ordered beers all round! Chatted with people but never said anything about staying with Trump although everyone knew where he lived and spoke well of him. (In the dream, I resolved only to take a small sip of beer as I have sworn off alcohol so that places the dream in the present timeframe)

In the dream, I also spent time in the house with Trump's housekeeper and I recalled going shopping with Trump and Melania as I was trying to remember the way home.

The whole dream was very symbolic and I sense it means that the energy of truth, of hope is in London now. I found this in Daily Telegraph today. First MSM article questioning the lockdown and the government's actions.


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