Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (8 Viewers)

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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Seems trees act sometimes as shields, the trees with fruits were broken from the tornado at that time but nothing really bad happened near them so sadness is a normal act for hurt of beloved ones


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Sunday - February 5, 2023

Opportunities abound - people are crossing your path - pay attention.

I was outside cutting and stacking branches along the curb. A young man comes walking up the street, and I say - Hey, you should be walking around with a chain saw- and we laughed. Turns out he was a sales rep for roofing, windows, and solar power. Yeah, they always come out after storms. He could see we had new windows and the roof was Ok, so he launched into solar panels. Oh, woe to him. I countered with questions - do you know where the materials come from - what happens after they break down - etc. He said he did not know, and of course I proceeded to tell him and said - You should know - in my kind/stern grandmotherly manner, of course. (You can get away with so much when you are older - lol). By this point, he just wanted to get away and said - I'm just doing my job - to which I replied - So am I.

BTW - I was wearing my Ghost Army cap - most people don't know what it means - and probably think it is a bit like the punisher, and I love it!
We are the ghosts in the machine.

Ghost Army Cap.png


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Sunday - February 5, 2023

Opportunities abound - people are crossing your path - pay attention.

I was outside cutting and stacking branches along the curb. A young man comes walking up the street, and I say - Hey, you should be walking around with a chain saw- and we laughed. Turns out he was a sales rep for roofing, windows, and solar power. Yeah, they always come out after storms. He could see we had new windows and the roof was Ok, so he launched into solar panels. Oh, woe to him. I countered with questions - do you know where the materials come from - what happens after they break down - etc. He said he did not know, and of course I proceeded to tell him and said - You should know - in my kind/stern grandmotherly manner, of course. (You can get away with so much when you are older - lol). By this point, he just wanted to get away and said - I'm just doing my job - to which I replied - So am I.

BTW - I was wearing my Ghost Army cap - most people don't know what it means - and probably think it is a bit like the punisher, and I love it!
We are the ghosts in the machine.

View attachment 13961
Never mess with grandmothers and Linda’s
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
This does sound almost like a prep... from which real lessons came. And I'm so glad you're on the other side of it now.

Glad to know what worked for you and what didn't, as well as the process required to get to the other side :tsgn :tsgn
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Sunday - February 5, 2023

Opportunities abound - people are crossing your path - pay attention.

I was outside cutting and stacking branches along the curb. A young man comes walking up the street, and I say - Hey, you should be walking around with a chain saw- and we laughed. Turns out he was a sales rep for roofing, windows, and solar power. Yeah, they always come out after storms. He could see we had new windows and the roof was Ok, so he launched into solar panels. Oh, woe to him. I countered with questions - do you know where the materials come from - what happens after they break down - etc. He said he did not know, and of course I proceeded to tell him and said - You should know - in my kind/stern grandmotherly manner, of course. (You can get away with so much when you are older - lol). By this point, he just wanted to get away and said - I'm just doing my job - to which I replied - So am I.

BTW - I was wearing my Ghost Army cap - most people don't know what it means - and probably think it is a bit like the punisher, and I love it!
We are the ghosts in the machine.

View attachment 13961
I know this is not solar panels - but it is worth watching!



Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Yup a big rift valley is there. Massive, The continent has been splitting forever. Two plates have been sliding and pulling apart. It will eventually split Africa there. Just a matter of time before it happens. Now? Or many years from now.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
March 3, 2023

Like most everyone - I have the sense of wandering around that is punctuated by episodes of quickly taking care of day-to-day necessities - apparently people and dogs still want to eat. :-D

One evening, I was sitting quietly and a flood of memories flowed through - all on the same topic - times I've been in a dicey situation and managed to find a way through. I'll only mention one - walked around a group of cedar trees/shrubs and came face to face with a brahma bull. Fortunately, he decided it would be ok for me to slowly back away.

The main point for me in each of these circumstances is that I knew exactly what to do - not from experience but from an inner place. I believe that this ability is going to be even more handy now. Also, I suspect that most of you have the same ability, so let it guide you. And watch out for those bulls.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
March 12, 2023

Thinking about what I'm doing with communications in different areas and wondering how it will go in the near future. So, I asked the Sabian Oracle and got this message - strengthen my body.

That is a surprise - going to need some more physical strength - perhaps endurance.

Well, there you go .....


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
March 13, 2023

Early this morning a memory from a long time ago flashed into my mind. Our local grocery store was at one end of a small shopping center, and the company bought the rest of the shopping center to expand the original store. Amazingly, the company kept the store open during construction, which went on 24/7. The parts that were being rebuilt were walled off with tarps, and the rest of the store was reorganized but open for business. Employees were stationed around the aisles to help people find things. As construction proceeded, the configuration of the store altered, and open and closed areas would change as the two sides were being linked up (ac, plumbing, etc.). Finally construction was finished, and we had a very nice, new store. The things I recall the most were all the employees who were there to point us to what we needed, and how calm the shoppers were - even helping each other out.

So, that seems like an analogy for current times, right? Then a friend shared a dream that Praying Medic posted today.

I saw a group of people who were accomplishing things together.
There was a plan. The group seemed to know the plan existed, but they did not know its details.
I did not see the details of the plan in the dream, but I understood that the group was on track, or even a little ahead of schedule in accomplishing what they needed to do. And I knew their actions were in support of the plan.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
March 27, 2023

Waking from morning dream -maybe 40% here and 60% there.

Heard in my head - you need a new communication system. Then saw groups of letters/symbols scrolling down a page in lines of maybe 4-6 symbols. There were many types, and I recall three vividly - steam punk design letters/symbols - red white and blue letters/symbols - emoji like trees and plants letters/symbols.

I'm fond of the steam punk designs - find them elegant. To me, red, white, and blue are symbols of the honest and true people of this country. Tree-like symbols reflect my great love of nature and especially trees. Somehow these elements and others I don't recall are wrapped together in who I am.

I was disoriented but got up and did a few things around the house, but could not stay vertical and went back to sleep. I saw another symbol at the top right of the page. It was like a coin - round, raised edges and symbols in brilliant gold and a darker background. The symbols were a crescent moon at the right side with stars in the middle and to the left. Don't recall how many stars. I awoke with a start because somewhere I know what this symbol means, and it is important.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
Several years ago I had a shape of a crescent moon appear on my torso for no apparent reason. No injury or reason for bruising. I didn't think much about it until I saw a picture of someone else with the same mark on a different metaphysical blog. He said it came after awakening.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
April 6, 2023

Woke up with a start from this morning's dream.

Someone very powerful but not public died. I was designated as the executor. However, I sense that I was looking through someone else's eyes - so not me directly. There was a small person - sort of AI type - in a wheelchair buzzing around saying that they were in charge, but they were not and were removed. I was walking around, not understanding all that I was seeing. There was a man with me - military looking - who called out - "come here, you've got to see this", and of course I woke up.

Overall, it could be the death of a person or perhaps an organization, and all the hidden aspects were going public.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Thanks, this is a particularly interesting view of things with lots of possibilities.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
First days of sunshine so busy in my plot but I am feeling into this dram and I think that someone realluy powerful probably did die.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
as the times have a lot of changes the person can be seen more like a symbol, so if we take the control system which is only partial human and is not in most parts public it could mean that this is finally breaking totally appart and the hidden comes out

on an other note ai is making big progress i wonder if it can be stopped at where it is now
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
April 10, 2023

Tree guys back to cut the high branches (damaged in ice storm). I stood out there watching the aerial guy. Probably 5 feet tall and scampering around at 75 feet up - switching his tie-off ropes - using a chain saw with one hand and holding on with the other. I was talking to the crew chief (only one who spoke english), saying I was so impressed. He told me this was a short tree for that guy - that he's used to working in the really ones.

I knew there was a message there - that we each have surprising skills if we chose to use them.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Yep - just a couple of minutes of reading about this company is bone chilling.
And of course your dreams are also prophecy so may not have happened in our time frame.......excellent post and spot on Lady Linda!
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
April 21, 2023

Big dreams this morning - woke up from one and felt a hand push me back to sleep because "I did not get the whole message".

My message from the dreams is to watch out for counterfeits - in official seals or maybe money, and in people around the world. One of the things to observe in a person is the hair because, as I heard - "they never get the hair right". This can occur in many countries on the world stage.

What do we do - well, an experience from a couple of weeks ago provides guidance. I almost was sucked into a scam that was so clever with just the right amount details. However, at the last minute, I pulled back because my inner guidance said NO. When I shared what happened with others, they were astounded because of the details. Later, I figured how the scam worked, and yes, they were clever.

So, now more than ever, listen to your guidance. I'm not sure about others around us, but I take some solace in what a couple of neighbors said to me recently - "I thought I'd ask you because you seem to always know things".
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
April 21, 2023

Big dreams this morning - woke up from one and felt a hand push me back to sleep because "I did not get the whole message".

My message from the dreams is to watch out for counterfeits - in official seals or maybe money, and in people around the world. One of the things to observe in a person is the hair because, as I heard - "they never get the hair right". This can occur in many countries on the world stage.

What do we do - well, an experience from a couple of weeks ago provides guidance. I almost was sucked into a scam that was so clever with just the right amount details. However, at the last minute, I pulled back because my inner guidance said NO. When I shared what happened with others, they were astounded because of the details. Later, I figured how the scam worked, and yes, they were clever.

So, now more than ever, listen to your guidance. I'm not sure about others around us, but I take some solace in what a couple of neighbors said to me recently - "I thought I'd ask you because you seem to always know things".
Talking about hair, I was looking at a picture of D Trump some time ago and thinking his hair wasn’t right. He has a particular hairstyle and this was different, cleverly done but not clever enough.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
May 9, 2023

Dream time the last few weeks has been intense and exhausting. I'm finding people and talking to them - not about government etc., but things going on in their lives. It occurred to me just now that I'm helping them over their personal "tipping points". Speaking directly about DS etc. has limited results, but something in their personal lives - like where are the blueberry preserves and why does this last jar cost $10 - is a good place to start.

Ok, the blueberry preserves are my personal issue, but when I talk about it, people are shocked. Funny thing - I've mentioned this and a few other items to friends and neighbors, and I can see a lightbulb go off. They are aware of items missing - but never took that extra step and wondered why.

That leads me on to musings about people who can ask "why" and those who do not. One aspect is education, which now only produces automatons. Another is how close people are to nature. Those growing up on farms and ranches understand how nature works - and maybe those who are one generation do, as well. I think about my time giving tours on the farm - the large majority of kids, teachers, and parents had little to no idea where there food comes from or what it takes to grow it.

And....... continuing on my musing road ...... If we (the world) get to a tipping point where our money (and the lifestyle it supports) goes away, people will be working together to produce and barter for food. Probably the same for schools and medical help. After a few months of this, people might see the light.

And this concludes the trip through Lindaland.:):)
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
June 2, 2023


Been quiet for awhile - death in the family that lead to the revealing of family secrets that were like an emotional gut punch. What I learned from this episode was an up close view of generational issues/curses. I've read about this idea and find it reasonable, but there is nothing like it landing in your lap to get your attention.

Thinking back to the interactions I've had with neighbors and strangers, I've come to understand that kind words and a listening ear can go a long way to helping someone alter their path. It does not have to be much - just enough to veer off from the generational road. I now can see how others have helped me along the way throughout my life and hope I've "paid it forward" for others.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
June 5, 2023

A hawk just flew to the deck and perched on the rail a few feet from me. Looked around, including at me, and flew off. Gotta say even though I'm accustomed to them flying around or even perched in the trees, being that close is startling. You are immediately aware of strength, keen vision, focus, and precision physical tools - beaks and talons. I felt sort of smacked energetically - not in a bad way but more of a refocus on what is important.

Writing this 30 minutes later and still feeling it.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
June 5, 2023

Interesting that this image popped up, right?
The hawk lives in "flow".

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
June 6, 2023

Another hawk visitor.
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