Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (13 Viewers)

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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I've come to understand that kind words and a listening ear can go a long way to helping someone alter their path.
I've been told by several psychics that this is how I heal others. Looking at my history, it made sense. Those in pain in need of a listening ear would simply show up wherever I was. There were others who didn't have the courage to talk to me, I knew they needed something but they started to approach me or backed off at the last minute.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
June 19, 2023

I pulled a muscle in my back and could not walk one foot in front of the other. However, I happened upon a solution - I could walk sideways with no problems. Of course, me being me, I figured there was a message there.

Going head on often does not work because people need some time to internalize information and come to a conclusion. For many people I know, it also brings on an immediate NO.

When you turn sideways, you project a smaller target - so there's that aspect, too. :-D:-D:-D


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I'm picturing you walking sideways... like a crab... and yes, having a narrower profile as a result.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
June 21, 2023

My Dad was a friendly person and polite to strangers. When the usual greeting of "How are you doing" - "Just fine, thanks" was exchanged, he would add "And how 'bout yourself?". I've found myself saying this often and in the same way he did. Yesterday, when I had one of those exchanges and added his phrase, I could feel him with me.

Today's Morning Dream
My Dad showed me how to make Manna - slice of bread in a casserole dish, some water, a blessing, and voila - a golden pudding.

My Dad passed on many years ago, and for a few years after that, he would drop into my dreams and tell me things I needed to know, but this has not happened in a long time. I was not sure if this was a personal spiritual message or something literal.

Then a good friend had a knowing about the Maori word - mana, which means the presence or power that people, animals, and things possess (like an aura) and that it can be inherited, taken, or transferred. As soon as I read that message, I knew it pertained to my dream. My Dad passed along very useful skills and knowledge in both life and death. Perhaps this is a signal about another. I guess I'll figure it out soon enough.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
So simple, to reciprocate the question about how one is doing and open up a possible conversation with this, rather than just a bland exchange.

And your recipe for manna is great too. I may do something like it to celebrate the solstice, or just a beautiful day, or whatever I like. I'm thinking I'll add a bit of what I like on top, bless it and then eat it so that I can have my blessing and eat it too

Maybe that will strengthen my mana while I'm at it. It will certainly make me happy and that will probably strengthen the best parts of me
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - June 22, 2023

Recent round of storms brought in some hail, which damaged our cars. We figured it might have affected our roof, too. Our roofing guy came out this afternoon for a look. (Yep, damage.) There is a heat dome sitting over us - hot, humid, no wind. We stood in the shade to discuss the roof, and a bit of breeze picked up. As he left, I said - May the breeze follow you this afternoon. He cocked his head to one side and smiled. I said - How is that for a summer blessing? and he said - Great. I can tell when my words come from my head or my heart, and the blessing was from my heart.

I often get the head cocked to one side as a response to something I say or do. This afternoon I had the knowing that it is because the person is hearing with their hearts - may not even realize it - but the blessing is received. Believe me, right now a breeze is quite a blessing!
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I can picture that 'head cocked' position and almost hear how that sounds inside the cocked head <3
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - June 26, 2023

Two might ago, I had an overwhelming sense of Christmas - even wrote Merry Christmas to a few friends. Heard the song "Walking in a Winter Wonderland".

All kinds of possibilities - nod to dreams that took place around Christmas, reference to other calendars, Christmas in July (traditional marketing ploy here), or ..... It was startling enough that I took notice.

Also, witnessed something unusual early this morning - one of the hawks was perched near the neighbor's hummingbird feeder, and a hummingbird was giving it "what for" - buzzing the hawk's head. Finally, the hawk flew off. There are several stories about the determination of the hummingbird.

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
August 28, 2023

Hello there - it's been awhile - like many of you, I'm working on several projects, but I think of all my friends here every day.

black horse.jpg
Had a memory pop up from the olden days when my daughter was riding. At the stables was a cantankerous thoroughbred stallion. Wow, what a beautiful horse, but he enjoyed biting people who walked too close to his stall. The owner put a muzzle on him, so he moved on to smacking people with his head.

One day there was a discussion about what to do, and someone asked me what I thought. I said - Well, I just walk around his stall so he cannot reach me. The silence was deafening, and all their faces had that "Whut" expression. Yep, the idea of managing our own behavior had not crossed their minds.

When memories pop in, I know they are a teachable moment for me and others. Right now, I'm working on a big local project, and too often it is "smacking me". So, I'm being more conscious of walking around it for some personal relief.

I find the same situation arising from so much news of our country and the world breaking apart. Again, I must find that fine line of observing from the edge and not going in too deep or close for much of it.

Summing it up - I'm no use to myself or anyone around me if I have not taken care of myself. You know the old story - put your oxygen mask on first.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016

I'm thinking... perhaps we can have some fun while doing this?
Wise and playful seems an excellent combination :-D
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Wise words and a timely reminder for me.

Thanks Linda. There are a lot of those horses around at the moment.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - September 7, 2023
Morning Vision

In that space between awaking and opening my eyes, I saw a small woman at the foot of the bed petting my dog. She had short hair and was wearing a denim shirt and a stylish hat. As she became aware of me noticing her, she glided away.

I'm pretty sure it was our beloved June. She adored my dog and wanted to meet him. The hat makes sense because she always has been stylish. It was a Breton hat popular in the 1960s.

What we know.

August 13
Pod and I received voice messages on telegram from June saying she knew she had a stroke, but doctors were useless and said they did not think so.

August 22
Some of us received a message via telegram from June's granddaughter, saying she'd had a stroke and was in hospital. There have been no further communications from the family.

September 5-6
Pod and I sent emails to the manager of the place that June lived, and Pod left phone messages, as well. There have been no replies.

Just now - September 7
Telegram message from June's granddaughter saying she still was in hospital, and they were with her.

I was about to post this message with Sept 5-6 as the ending, but my computer kept freezing, and I could not post. I moved closer to the modem, rebooted, etc. Finally, it was working and messages from the granddaughter popped up. Interesting, right?

Breton hat.jpg


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - September 9, 2023

Sitting on the deck, contemplating the enormity of my local project. Not depressed but more of a gird my loins feeling. While it can be helpful, it is a survival feeling, and there is a toll. Suddenly a lime green grasshopper appeared - such a brilliant color - and I heard this word - SKIP. Yep, just like we did as kids. So, you know what? I got up and skipped but where no one would see me because I did not know if I still could. My dog's expression said it all - head tilt, ears up, and a smile. YEA! I still can skip, and I felt uplifted!

Skipping girl.png.

Why now? My experience is that our work often is a few months ahead of what is going on around us. We are planting seeds of what will be needed. (Yes, I know time is not linear, but I don't have words for that.) We've been passing on awareness in many areas to those around us, and a few more are opening their eyes. It is overwhelming to many - the idea that most everything we think we know is false.

In the midst of the horrors, uncertainties, and dispair, we need the ability to also see and feel what is hopeful in our lives - dogs, friends, family, nature. All a part of the enduring love in and around us.

Try some music. Dire Straits' Walk of Life is quite good for skipping.

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Rambling Companion
Jun 30, 2023
I ALSO saw a bright green grasshopper -- we hardly ever get them where i am -- just yesterday. And a flock of pine siskins on the roof this morning, watched by a dove.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Saturday - September 9, 2023

Sitting on the deck, contemplating the enormity of my local project. Not depressed but more of a gird my loins feeling. While it can be helpful, it is a survival feeling, and there is a toll. Suddenly a lime green grasshopper appeared - such a brilliant color - and I heard this word - SKIP. Yep, just like we did as kids. So, you know what? I got up and skipped but where no one would see me because I did not know if I still could. My dog's expression said it all - head tilt, ears up, and a smile. YEA! I still can skip, and I felt uplifted!

View attachment 14255.

Why now? My experience is that our work often is a few months ahead of what is going on around us. We are planting seeds of what will be needed. (Yes, I know time is not linear, but I don't have words for that.) We've been passing on awareness in many areas to those around us, and a few more are opening their eyes. It is overwhelming to many - the idea that most everything we think we know is false.

In the midst of the horrors, uncertainties, and dispair, we need the ability to also see and feel what is hopeful in our lives - dogs, friends, family, nature. All a part of the enduring love in and around us.

Try some music. Dire Straits' Walk of Life is quite good for skipping.

That got me up and dancing! Whoo hoo!
Creaky floorboards and all. What a feeling :-D
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday - September 19, 2023

Our beloved June passed on this morning. Let's remember her words.

rule of love.jpeg


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday - September 19, 2023

June and I had many conversations on telegram - some serious and quite a few humorous. As I cruised through our conversations today, I found one where I showed her how to post GIFs. The first thing she did was send me a farting squirrel. I replied - Ah, my work here is done, and she replied - Another Triumph. Oh, I will miss our laughs.

Awhile back, she asked that I share some of her profound experiences after she passed. She did not want to get into conversations about them, but she did want people to know. I hope you like a good horse story. Imagine a glorious Palomino running in the surf.


Something rather wonderful happened yesterday, I was in my special place on the back of the Palomino I told you about This is my space, the space I use to get me through this these times. Although I can fly, teleport and much more, this is all I need for now.

I lie along his neck with my arms around him as far as they’ll go while walks through the surf lapping the shore and I’m at total peace. There is so much love around this horse, and he and the place have become very real but yesterday, just for an instant, I physically felt him under my hands and I was actually on his back. It was like a blink but it registered with me. I wonder if I imagined it, yet I know I didn’t.


Meant to tell you, a few weeks ago while in my special place with Max the Palomino, he suddenly came in followed by flying things and critters, and I realised there had only been us all that time.

I saw Rosie the Yorkie but sensed there should be another dog , then it appeared and it was Jackson, or so I thought, looked exactly the same but was female, and I named her Sophie. My idea was to bring in scruffy looking dog with a droopy ear but it never worked. I love it when something comes unexpected.

(Jackson is the yellow lab in her meme.)


You remember the Palomino horse that turned up in the special place I created several years ago, I don’t know if I told you but he came with the name Max, not a name I would choose.

Since hurting my spine, I’ve spent a lot of time on his back. He slowly walks through the surf on the beach, and I heal in body and mind. My back injury flared up two/three weeks ago, and I’ve been feeling quite unwell. Over Christmas one day, I became aware of a presence and saw a light while saying Max? Then i saw an outline of a horse straddling my legs on my recliner, and there was no doubt who it was. I could feel him.

This answered a long-standing question, who/what is he. Because I’ve had passed loved ones drop by in this way, I realised Max and I had been together in a previous life, and going by the incredible love that flows between us we must have had a very special bond. This is me, who knows nothing about horses, wouldn’t have a clue what to do with one, although I’ve always loved them at a distance.

So Max has now come from my special place right into my home. I know this is significant, as does my friend who is just realising her intuitive potential. Couple days ago I got one of those smells, first in ages. This one was unlike any other, and my first thought was Sweet Oak and slightly musty. I also saw green fields, so thought it must be Max, as I’d been thinking about him. Google says a horse smell is sweet, slightly musty, and similar to warm hay. This is so incredible. Whoever would believe such a thing could happen, certainly not me.

I know all this means my journey is nearly over, as does my friend. It came to me quite clearly that Max is on standby. Just yesterday my friend said "He’s on standby…oh why did I say that?". She’s blurted out a couple times that he will escort me over when my time comes..

The way I’m feeling is yes it is time but also I think it might be event time, because I seem to have been hanging on for something. With all that’s going on around us, it seems likely. Don’t know why I wanted to share all this, probably because you’ve known about this horse from the beginning, so apologies for the ramble, just felt like getting it all recorded.


Farewell fellow Earth traveler. Perhaps I will hear a soft "Ney" and know you all dropped by. Will see you on that beach.
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Thessa Thijs

Involved Wayfarer
May 28, 2019
Tuesday - September 19, 2023

June and I had many conversations on telegram - some serious and quite a few humorous. As I cruised through our conversations today, I found one where I showed her how to post GIFs. The first thing she did was send me a farting squirrel. I replied - Ah, my work here is done, and she replied - Another Triumph. Oh, I will miss our laughs.

Awhile back, she asked that I share some of her profound experiences after she passed. She did not want to get into conversations about them, but she did want people to know. I hope you like a good horse story. Imagine a glorious Palomino running in the surf.

View attachment 14260

Something rather wonderful happened yesterday, I was in my special place on the back of the Palomino I told you about This is my space, the space I use to get me through this these times. Although I can fly, teleport and much more, this is all I need for now.

I lie along his neck with my arms around him as far as they’ll go while walks through the surf lapping the shore and I’m at total peace. There is so much love around this horse, and he and the place have become very real but yesterday, just for an instant, I physically felt him under my hands and I was actually on his back. It was like a blink but it registered with me. I wonder if I imagined it, yet I know I didn’t.


Meant to tell you, a few weeks ago while in my special place with Max the Palomino, he suddenly came in followed by flying things and critters, and I realised there had only been us all that time.

I saw Rosie the Yorkie but sensed there should be another dog , then it appeared and it was Jackson, or so I thought, looked exactly the same but was female, and I named her Sophie. My idea was to bring in scruffy looking dog with a droopy ear but it never worked. I love it when something comes unexpected.

(Jackson is the yellow lab in her meme.)


You remember the Palomino horse that turned up in the special place I created several years ago, I don’t know if I told you but he came with the name Max, not a name I would choose.

Since hurting my spine, I’ve spent a lot of time on his back. He slowly walks through the surf on the beach, and I heal in body and mind. My back injury flared up two/three weeks ago, and I’ve been feeling quite unwell. Over Christmas one day, I became aware of a presence and saw a light while saying Max? Then i saw an outline of a horse straddling my legs on my recliner, and there was no doubt who it was. I could feel him.

This answered a long-standing question, who/what is he. Because I’ve had passed loved ones drop by in this way, I realised Max and I had been together in a previous life, and going by the incredible love that flows between us we must have had a very special bond. This is me, who knows nothing about horses, wouldn’t have a clue what to do with one, although I’ve always loved them at a distance.

So Max has now come from my special place right into my home. I know this is significant, as does my friend who is just realising her intuitive potential. Couple days ago I got one of those smells, first in ages. This one was unlike any other, and my first thought was Sweet Oak and slightly musty. I also saw green fields, so thought it must be Max, as I’d been think about him. Google says a horse smell is sweet, slightly musty, and similar to warm hay. This is so incredible. Whoever would believe such a thing could happen, certainly not me.

I know all this means my journey is nearly over, as does my friend. It came to me quite clearly that Max is on standby. Just yesterday my friend said "He’s on standby…oh why did I say that?". She’s blurted out a couple times that he will escort me over when my time comes..

The way I’m feeling is yes it is time but also I think it might be event time, because I seem to have been hanging on for something. With all that’s going on around us, it seems likely. Don’t know why I wanted to share all this, probably because you’ve known about this horse from the beginning, so apologies for the ramble, just felt like getting it all recorded.


Farewell fellow Earth traveler. Perhaps I will hear a soft "Ney" and know you all dropped by. Will see you on that beach.
O how I will miss her. She will be around though because she loves us all. I thank June for all the love she gave me and I thank her for how she recieved my love for her. What a beautiful lady she wass. I will never forget her. My dear friend June.



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016

The UK government proudly announced that all people in the UK, aged 75 and over had been fully vaccinated.

We knew it was not true. June. aged 86 remained unmasked, untested unjabbed and unbowed.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
When I tuned in to June she was laughing and waving happily down at us as she spun through the air. Looking great and full of love, as always.

I plan to post an RGH session honoring June soon; look out for it if you'd like to visit.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
When I tuned in to June she was laughing and waving happily down at us as she spun through the air. Looking great and full of love, as always.

I plan to post an RGH session honoring June soon; look out for it if you'd like to visit.
I've had the same sense - quite ready to get the show on the road
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
When I tuned in to June she was laughing and waving happily down at us as she spun through the air. Looking great and full of love, as always.

I plan to post an RGH session honoring June soon; look out for it if you'd like to visit.
I also sense this. A happy and exited energy. Lovely to hear she had comfort in knowing the time was there to go and having the reassurance of the presence of her spirit friends.

Her name reminds me of my mother as she passed away on June 23th of this year.
She is also happy now in the spirit world.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
October 20, 2023

Life seems to roll faster and faster some days. Dealing with a local issue and asked a question of the Sabian Oracle. The answer was startling and encouraging, and I sensed it applies to many of us. Stand up and fly your flags!


This Symbol shows speaking about your ideals and passions and spreading the message far and wide. You can have powerful messages of serious ideals, sometimes political, sometimes not. One can see a “Flag” and salute it – or not. It usually depends on what the flag signifies. Your ideas, ideals, gifts, talents, inventions, realizations are all your “Flag”. To release these into the environment is the “Turning Into an Eagle”; taking off and flying allows the energy to be released. You may find that you are no longer just projecting an image, but true power. You could feel like you’ve been reborn – having had some amazing realization or insight.

Turning away from having to prove oneself. Rising above the commonplace. Ascension. Rebirth. Shouting joy from the treetops. Sharing with others. High flight. Visions. Flags.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday, November 16, 2023

Hey there. I imagine most of us are in similar places - odd energies, missing minutes, and so on. We get up every day and see what happens.

This evening, a new prayer came to me as I was laying down with Donovan (my dog).

The White Light of God's Love and Healing surrounds us, removing all impediments to our health, healing our bodies, nourishing our souls, and easing our minds.

Said it 3 times, and each of us was a little more perky.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
That is Lovely Lady Linda!

We have a procession of Lights of Hope this evening in Dumfries.


I contacted Mark Jardine to ask what role he played in the upcoming Christmas Lights which will be turned on Friday, November 17th.

"When DPAG approached me to ask if I would help to sponsor the Christmas lights as they had a serious shortfall, I said I would, but I would double the amount if we kept the non Christmas lights on in January for mental health.

We always take down the lights at the darkest, coldest time of the year, when people have no money in their pockets and no light in their hearts. This is a recipe for mental health problems.

There will be 3 kilometres of white lights left on in January in some of the lesser streets and this is essentially leaving a light on for mental health. .......The Lights of Hope"

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