the classical fake alien invasion would be our type of crafts classified top secret and hologramms which nearly functioned at 9/11, i am happy to watch the video tomorrow 
Sounds as if something is about to go down with the media, a lot of people are not happy with them, a crowd have already tried to break into the tv studios in London.Sunday - August 29
2 Morning Dreams
1st Dream - It was late evening, reading in the bedroom, heard a commotion in the street, and went out to see what was going on. A few neighbors were there in distress because their cell phones were out, cars did not work, no internet, and some people had vanished. I was trying to sort out what everyone was saying. Electrical power was still was on, and I had not noticed anything amiss. Two parents were concerned because their daughter was at a sleepover at a friends house, and they had no way to be sure she was Ok. Mom was ready to start walking even though it was a distance, but Dad thought they would be Ok until morning. (We don't have street lights here.) I did a little "slip" to see if I could get a sense about the daughter and saw that she and two friends were trying to walk to her house. They were distressed because the parents at that home were missing, and no phones worked. They were about to make a wrong turn, and I nudged them in the right direction. Then I encouraged the parents to start walking, while I stayed at their house. I did not determine how they knew people were missing, but getting the daughter back home was most important. Then I woke up.
2nd Dream - I was at a distance and being shown an event. There were many people about - some outdoors and others at desks and chairs, as if they were in an invisible office. Some of the people were not very nice - trash talking, and I sensed the ones in the invisible building were with mainstream news. Red balloons appeared over some of them, and they started to floated away. Everyone else could see they were floating away but they were unaware. Then they vanished.
My Take
A bit of a rough morning after these dreams.
The first one seems like a blackout event of which people have spoken. There has been discussion about the extent of the disruption. In this dream, basic services like electricity and water were operational, but phone service was not. Not sure how cars not working came about, but it definitely was part of the event. Did not understand the missing people until the next dream.
I was an observer in the second one - maybe an answer to why some people went missing in the first one. Red balloons usually represent something happy in dreams, but it was not the case here. The people I saw floating away were not nice at all - seeing the news people reminded me that although some people can put on a pleasant front, they can be anything but on the inside. Also, I thought it was significant that those people were unaware that they were leaving and vanishing. I had no sense of where they went. Perhaps this dream was an illustration of the splitting of worlds that we and others have discussed.
My dreams have been about things right before an event and right after. These may be the first ones showing what it is like.
Every morning since Saturday, I have felt so in love with the energy I call "My Lord" that I have to periodically stop and say it with my eyes closed in bliss.We each are awesome and many will be counting on us. I have a strong sense that what we need to remember will come to us. Insert yourself into the photo - you are the way to awesomeness.
Lovely thoughts to see todayMonday - September 13
I live in the far northwest part of the city and had to travel to a place in the southeast area. It takes three highways with the most convoluted interchanges. Although I used to travel that way quite a bit a long time ago, it has been years since I've driven there. So, I set out and lo and behold, memories popped in when needed. As I was nearing home, I thought - Dang, that was amazing - not one wrong turn or missed lane.
My Take
As I pulled into our driveway, I realized that the trip was a perfect metaphor for what is going on now. Chaos is rising. We sense many government and social structures are crumbling. We have legitimate concerns about daily needs, such as water and food.
What came to me is that we are equipped with all we need to thrive and help others as well. These gifts are well-known to us but maybe not on a conscious level. We can trust that we will remember what we need to know when we need to know it.
To top it off, a friend sent this photo from the farm where we both worked. She said her phone will pop up older photos from time to time, and this one came up today.
We each are awesome and many will be counting on us. I have a strong sense that what we need to remember will come to us. Insert yourself into the photo - you are the way to awesomeness.
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we are indeed close to something. don't have the blissfull feeling though ;-)Every morning since Saturday, I have felt so in love with the energy I call "My Lord" that I have to periodically stop and say it with my eyes closed in bliss.
Luckily it wears off by the afternoon and I can do "normal" things.
We are so close to "something"
Fascinating. You remind me that last night amongst my dreams was one of a swath of energies around me which I was letting go and sending on their way. It featured a boat going somewhere far away.we are indeed close to something. don't have the blissfull feeling though ;-)
I had the feeling of the water walls closing in on me (related to the vision of splitting the seas of "covid" to have a pass outside of the madness).
then I got a vision of me in a boat on top of the ocean and a wonderfull feeling of space. I only had to decide which way to go
thus a kind reminder that if things change, solutions will present themselves and they will be for the better.
Thank you, I have to be careful because of the job I'm in to stay more or less "by the book", but today I helped an older lady in a dire circumstance to stand in her power and take the first step (hopefully of many) of taking her power back. Her old mental talk about "I don't do [accounts / tax returns / money / finances] but my ex-husband is keeping me in the dark about this information" kept cropping up at first, but I got her to actually see that right now she needs to be the one to visit the accountant. Visit him with the ex or daughter in attendance, or just visit him alone, but visit him!Wednesday - September 8
Got a phone call from a friend who said she was listening to a video, and the speaker was describing his take on possible future events. Then she realized that they were just like the dream I shared a few days ago. She wanted to get together and talk about things.
My Take
In the olden days when I was a special-ed teacher, I learned that many parents had to hear the info about their children three times before they finally understood. So, it was just as important to be the first or second person to speak to them. Nothing in their lives had prepared them for parenting a child with special needs, and lots of unhelpful info flowed from friends and family.
We are in a similar situation as those parents. Because of our "captured" education, medical/health, and government agencies, many people don't have the ability to think critically, but events are reaching such extreme levels that more people are lifting their heads and wondering if what they thought they knew was right. So, take your opportunities to say what you think - don't have to get into a long discussion - you'll know when the time is right to say something.
Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams
the classical fake alien invasion would be our type of crafts classified top secret and hologramms which nearly functioned at 9/11, i am happy to watch the video tomorrow :)
Raising the frequencies, one poop at a time.Junie said I had to put this on Transients so here goes ~
Having spent the morning gardening at Castle Dykes Park, I was cycling home when I passed a man with a large white standard poodle. As I rode by the dog squatted and appeared to poo. I stopped my bike and watched to see if the poo would be collected but nothing happened.
So I shouted across to the owner "Aren't you going to pick it up?" Seriously bemused he asked "How?" so explained with a small, plastic bag. "It is a girl dog, she squatted for a wee" he shouted back.
I laughed at him "Yeah right" and rode off cackling at his stupidity. I could hear hum shouting at me "You bloody bitch!" and other choice epithets.
Seconds later I reached the traffic lights and stopped at the red. I knew I had made an awful mistake and had been grossly unfair to the man. "Go back and apologise" said a very strong voice in my head. "I don't want to" said my ego.
But of course I did. He was on the other side of the park standing there with a small black bag of recently collected doggy poop!
"I am so very sorry" I said. "I am on dog shit red alert having cleaned up two lots this morning AND someone dropped a black bag on the pavement just outside the police station. But it is not fair to take it out on you and I totally accept I was wrong"
He was very kind. "I know you Pod and I am so glad that you turned round and came back in time to see the evidence" and he held up his bag of poo. He understood my frustrations completely, and we were laughing by the time I left.
What did I learn? Apologizing is a very beautiful experience. Mine was full of love energy as it turned out he knew me anyway because he often walked his dog with my friend Mo.
I sense this anger and frustration is being cleared out by the love energy I am experiencing.
Thanks Melt, lovely to see you on here.Raising the frequencies, one poop at a time.
Any time we speak from the heart, it paves the way for others to do so with greater ease. Well done.He was very kind. "I know you Pod and I am so glad that you turned round and came back in time to see the evidence" and he held up his bag of poo. He understood my frustrations completely, and we were laughing by the time I left.
We have each other here - and sometimes I quietly post to a person that I'm having a tough time and WTAF is going on. Then I'm OK. Now suppose you don't have a group like this one and are on your own and lo and behold you walk into a nice lady's house who apparently has similar views. I can imagine what a relief that must be - finding someone else that has come to the same conclusions.generally speaking i am also cautious if i don t know the person at first except those where it goes from the first second
seems that take can become more and more important, be aware
6 months of paper goods! I was concerned I had gone too far with 2 surplus packets over and above my stocked cupboard!Friday - September 17
Event (yesterday)
A repair person came to the house, and he initiated a conversation after seeing 3 things - framed poster of an Elvis concert, 6 months of paper goods stacked in the laundry room, and a framed poster of a John Wayne movie. He's concerned about the same things we are, referred to the virus as "the thing", and was the age of our children. I'm a friendly person, and my dog was friendly to him, so I assume that helped. I remarked that we could talk for hours about these things, and he smiled.
My Take
Just as some people are losing their minds and lashing out, others are being thoughtful and reaching out. They can sense who is a good person to talk with. Granted I was cautious at first because I did not know him at all, but we settled into an easy conversation. As I think about this, I see a connection line, much like a tree root that extends farther than you could imagine. Soooo - Be that person when the situation is right - you will know.
It's also an inflation hedge6 months of paper goods! I was concerned I had gone too far with 2 surplus packets over and above my stocked cupboard!
From your dream, I flash on the word "replenish". Things get replenished, and it doesn't cost much.Wednesday - September 22
Morning Dream
I was in the front yard, everything so peaceful and calm, and some neighbors called out that there was truck with clothes for sale. We walked a few blocks to where it was parked. It was an older truck with a covered trailer. Ropes with clothes hanging and bins with folded items were all around. People were calmly and happily looking through. I thought - hmmm, have not had a new dress in a while, so I'll take a look. Everyone had cash money and prices were low (compared to now).
It was an easy but not unusual happening. No one was tearing through bins looking for deals. It reminded me of farmers setting up around the neighborhood now with their produce, honey, handmade soaps, etc. No one cares where they are parked - we all go by and get what we need.
When I awoke, I was smiling with the dream - it was so simple and easy. If I had to guess, I imagine some of the clothes came from places like Macys, although some were handmade. Nothing cost very much, and that was quite normal. The other thing is that the trucks were older.
My Take
There are several dream interpretations one could consider, but my morning dreams tend to be prophetic, so I'll go with that. Thinking it over, it seems that big stores, malls, Amazon delivery were not in operation.This was the way to get new clothes. Money was not an issue - we all had some kind of funds but not electronic. There was no fuss or sense of "gotta grab what I can", so it must have been easy enough to get clothes. I wonder if newer computer controlled vehicles no longer operated (as in a previous dream), as none of us was driving and the seller had an old truck.
Don't recall what dress I got - lol.