Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (4 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday - July 20

Dream (nightmare)
Black smoke was creeping around, looking for someone to infect. I felt it try to take over and change me to an angry robot kind of person. I could sense the purpose, fought against it, and asked AA Michael for help. It receded and left me alone.

My take
I was not sure of the meaning - for me personally, for the world in general, or showing me what it is like. As the morning unfolded, I began to get some clarity. There are questions about a potential maxine component of graphene, which may become magnetized after some time at body temperature. The second thing that came up was that Team Dark finances both sides. As the truth bombs are dropping, people who knew they were right all along may become intolerant of those who perpetrated the frauds out of ignorance - like friends and neighbors. Also, people who were duped may become inconsolable about the outcome of their choices (especially parents).

I'm taking this dream to mean a reminder to be mindful of my self-talk, to encourage forgiveness among those who are likely to go ballistic, and act with compassion with those who were duped. That black smoke is crafty, looking for any avenue. It has no place here.

As I sat out on the deck, putting my thoughts together, twin fawns cruised along the fence line by themselves. They were very young (still had spots), but were just fine with me being nearby. They munched around in the woods together, feeling safe. I'm sure mom was nearby.

My Take
We will be just fine here.
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Aug 29, 2017
The other day I was discussing with a friend that fact that the premonition i had June last year of something huge happening, a global shock that would knock our socks off,, hadn’t happened and I was feeling despondent womdering if it was ever going to happen.
I felt a energy buildup and I connected with something wonderful, felt like pure love.
The connection somehow assured me that it will happen and it is close ( close to the other side of course is not necessary that close to our way of thinking, but we have to take what we can get and definitely not attempt to put times to it ).

This brought me round to remembering that Big Ben was due to be turned back on again this year, August I think., having been silent for four years ostensibly for renovation work.
When it was being shut down in August 2017 I felt there was more to it than renovations, then one day I heard a telepathic message saying. ‘ There is a message coming to you from the centre of the universe ‘. A few seconds later I get. ‘ Time as you know it will never be the same again ‘

I didn’t know what to make of that it was a strange thing to receive. Never the less, I still felt that the turning off of this iconic clock for four years was symbolic in some way

Fast forward to this year when it was due to be turned on again we find it has been delayed until next year because of all the shut downs etc. Mmm! Makes one wonder if there is anything symbolic in that.
the lion total solar exclipse was august 2017 if i remember right, when a similar strong total solar exclipse can happen?
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I'm taking this dream to mean a reminder to be mindful of my self-talk, to encourage forgiveness among those who are likely to go ballistic, and act with compassion with those who were duped. That black smoke is crafty, looking for any avenue. It has no place here.
Things maybe simmering somewhere....I know in the UK people are utterly sick of it all. In Australia, people are being told not to talk to their neighbours!

For me personally, I discovered today that my new neighbours in the house next door will be NHS students. Seriously!!!! Student nurses or doctors? I do not know.

Source is having a laugh!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
the lion total solar exclipse was august 2017 if i remember right, when a similar strong total solar exclipse can happen?
I do not know Alain. Maybe Janne knows. Though I feel all the eclipses are powerful now.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Update - twin fawns still there and mom has joined them.

Seriously!!!! Student nurses or doctors?
Maybe you are there for a reason. What if they found out everything they thought they knew was wrong? What would they do? In the mean time, well, it does seem Source is having a laugh.

the lion total solar exclipse was august 2017 if i remember right, when a similar strong total solar exclipse can happen?
There was a total solar eclipse August 21, 2017. The Lion's Gate portal is considered to be at it's max on the 8th, and some say the portal is open from the end of July to mid-August. It would seem logical to me that with solar system movements, the actual date would vary. Disclaimer - I am no expert on dates, but I do know this particular time often has a big effect on me.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
What if they found out everything they thought they knew was wrong? What would they do?
Yes that occurred to me too. But the first thought was a fearful one.....I do not want to be shopped. I am not on any NHS database so am left in peace. I would not put it past a jab zealot to alert the NHS to my presence and unjabbed status in the belief they are doing me a favour !


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I would not put it past a jab zealot to alert the NHS to my presence and unjabbed status in the belief they are doing me a favour !
you might start thinking of yourself as invisible around them.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Things maybe simmering somewhere....I know in the UK people are utterly sick of it all. In Australia, people are being told not to talk to their neighbours!

For me personally, I discovered today that my new neighbours in the house next door will be NHS students. Seriously!!!! Student nurses or doctors? I do not know.

Source is having a laugh!
Pod darling, people pursue the old because it's all they know. They cannot know their choices are antiquated and out of touch.

But there are people who know more than they are saying. They are not likely to let on that they know, due to fear of retaliation.

By synchronicity, I finally picked up the Handmaid's Tale today (Margaret Atwood). And my goodness, it is a tale of what happens after a line was drawn in the sand and everything changed. I have been saving the book on my bookshelf for just the right time to read, for maybe decades?


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
We share a back yard and I have access past their kitchen window. Not so easy. Ah well, we shall see what happens.
I was thinking more along the energetic lines of "these are not the droids you are looking for" - Obi Wan Kenobi. "I am not the max target you are looking for".


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - July 21

Waking Dream
I volunteered to prepare a meal for a group of people, who were in need. Not sure why, but they required sustenance. I looked up, the group was much larger, and I got anxious about handling it. Then Pucksterguy arrived and said he would help. He looked at the group and what I had and came up with a different food option. We were busy getting it ready when we looked up and the crowd was larger. We looked at each other and had the same idea - soup.

My Take
As people are waking up, they are needing some help. This help will not come from the places we (as a population) have come to rely on - TV, radio, news, internet, etc. It is going to come from individuals or small groups of people who have the capacity to calm and heal. I had this experience during snowmageddon, when the families at our end of the street worked together to care for each other.

This theme of groups of people searching for something and ending up in a place with helpful folks is prominent in my dreams. The CATs posted about Buckling Up, and Praying Medic described a similar dream. That is a lot of synchronicity.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
For some time now my dreams (waking and non) have had prominent themes of clearing up, healing or taking care of myself and my family in various ways and then watching the effect ripple out. It's a way of doing what's badly needed and then letting it spread like wildfire just by having found a solution that works. It's so prominent that I almost expect it now every time I have a healing dream.
Another prominent aspect of it is that small groups of people gather together to help heal each other so often the healing groups come together like small soap bubbles becoming bigger bubbles.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I seem to live by polarity at the moment! We have not had "Freedom Day" in Scotland, we have to wait until next month.

I spent a day at the beach with a friend and when we left, crisp and very hot, she drive us to a small town I had never visited before.

I really wanted an ice cold coke. A real coke, none of this zero shit.

We parked up and my friend wanted to go in a couple of shops. I spied a lovely blue painted hotel with chairs outside so I said I would seek my coke cola whilst she went exploring.

I sat down at one of the tables and a young woman came to me, masked with an ipad and took my order. "Can I have your contact details for Track and Trace?" she asked, poised and looking very official......waiting to log them in to her ipad. "No thanks" I replied. "I am sitting outside and they are not required" "Well we require them wherever you are sitting" she announced so I stood up, informed her she would not be getting my custom, said "thank you" and walked out. I could feel her utter shock as she stood behind me. It was as if the air around her froze in disbelief.

This has happened before, people are often dumbfounded when I refuse to comply.

Met up with my friend and we went round the corner. Another pub, people outside at picnic tables in the sunshine and a lovely young woman with multi coloured dreadlocks and a bright aura.

Turned out the pub was closed for renovations but they were having a drink anyway. "I have some "proper coke" in my cellar said the lovely young thing who, it turned out, owned the pub. Off she toddled and came back with three cans. Cold. Gifted.

I stayed for about half an hour discussing all sorts with them. It was bloody wonderful. Hugs and love when we left.

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - July 22

More Info
This theme of groups of people searching for something and ending up in a place with helpful folks is prominent in my dreams.
Here is a dream and interpretation from Praying Medic, who is an interesting and grounded person, as far as I can tell. I think it sums up what many of us are sensing. His description of the young woman is similar to the people who appeared in my dreams - they are very confused and not particularly able to care for themselves.

In the second dream, I guided a young woman through a building similar to a shopping mall. She walked from one section of the building to another through adjacent hallways. I knew the young woman had some type of vulnerability that made her susceptible to injury. She seemed to have poor vision and coordination and miscalculated turns, causing her to bump into objects. Occasionally, she would make a clumsy attempt to pass through a doorway. Each of these near-misses caused me alarm, but they did not injure her.
The woman walked down a hallway that ended abruptly at a precipice. She stepped carelessly off the edge, but then, in a controlled descent, she was lowered to the floor below without being injured. The distance from the ledge to the floor below was about 100 feet. The fall would have been fatal were it not for an invisible force that protected her. At the end of the dream, I met the young woman’s mother in a private setting. She took my hand and held it for a considerable length of time as she expressed gratitude for watching over her daughter.
The second dream shows, symbolically, the long-term effect “woke” ideology will have on our nation (and perhaps the world). The young woman represents the citizens of the United States, (and possibly, the world). We are, at present, navigating through a dangerous stretch of time. Our ability to see the future is limited, and we are vulnerable. But certain people have been positioned to help guide us through this time period. My appearance is representative of a host of others who are guiding us on this journey. The fall from the precipice suggests that an event is coming that would normally prove devastating. The fact that the young woman was protected from harm suggests that divine providence will protect us from perishing, as long as we follow God’s leading to the best of our ability. At the end of the second dream, I received thanks from the mother of the young woman. This suggests that those who help guide their fellow countrymen will be successful, and they will be recognized, even if only privately.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
A couple days ago I saw images of people standing holding baggage. Nnormally folk leave their bags on the ground until it’s time to move off, so it was particularly noticeable that they were holding their bags as if what they were waiting for had arrived. There was no mode of transport apparent.

My interpretation ……I don’t get the sense that it’s travel a such as there was no mode of transport showing.
They were waiting for something and the bags being in their hands suggested whatever they were waiting for had arrived, and I feel that was time. The time they have been waiting for has arrived. Maybe there is a timeline for them to jump on. No more waiting


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - July 31

Just checking in - still here - how about you all? :-D

I did wake up a couple of mornings ago hearing these words - Deploy the Linda unit.

Maybe something to help me or maybe some kind of "go" message.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - July 31

Several years ago, I awoke to smoke coming up from the woods and filling our backyard. Immediately, I called the fire department and got an explanation. There was a very large fire about 50 miles away that had been burning for hours, and the smoke was traveling along the river that goes through the city and up the creeks. That was a long, long way for smoke to travel.

My Take
I'm inundated with personal messages, as well as those from others - something is afoot. Ok, I feel that, but what is this one lady supposed to do. Well, I can write, but I don't have a big audience. This is where the lesson of the smoke comes in. I know I'm an energy weaver, and I'm quite sure many of you all are, as well. We can weave with intent through meditation, as well as in the produce section of the grocery store (seriously). Our intentions, holding place for best possible outcome, love of our family and friends all travel far and wide - far more than we can imagine. Now more than ever is the time to go all out from our hearts or 7000 RPM (hat tip Carrol Shelby).
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I have awoken to 1st August. Yay!

And have a trip to the supermarket scheduled for later today. So I'll take your advice while I'm there.
Also, on a side note, about 10-15 years ago, I used to think of myself as a dream weaver. This was before I knew that we all do weave dreams.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
we are in the magical time where becoming fully aware of all our talents can make the biggest differences possible, not said instantly but at the perfect divine timing
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
we are in the magical time where becoming fully aware of all our talents can make the biggest differences possible,

Oh Alain that is brilliant. Just what Magenta Pixie said!



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
This is where the lesson of the smoke comes in. I know I'm an energy weaver, and I'm quite sure many of you all are, as well. We can weave with intent through meditation, as well as in the produce section of the grocery store (seriously). Our intentions, holding place for best possible outcome, love of our family and friends all travel far and wide - far more than we can imagine. Now more than ever is the time to go all out from our hearts or 7000 RPM (hat tip Carrol Shelby).
This is so true! It's when you (or someone next to you) do/es or say/s something that seems innocuous, not earth-shattering at all and then it comes back to you as a story that saved someone from committing suicide or making a decision that they would pay for for years or something similar that this really hits home. I can't think of an example just at the moment though I know I've lived it + seen it happen many times.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday - August 3

Morning Dream
I was being given a list of things to do. There was a tap at the window, I woke up but did not see anyone, and recalled the last two items - Raise the alkaline levels in my body and Happiness Quotient.

My Take
Yesterday, I read many posts about serious prepping and wished that I could talk to my Dad. He was very smart and knew how to do lots of things. I learned my repair skills from him and have many of his tools. He passed on many years ago but pops in from time to time to tell me something important I need to know.

Not only is the reduction of acidic foods helpful for our overall physical health, but some suggest is plays an important part in our spiritual health, as well through increased calmness and receptivity to guidance. This makes sense to me as much of the highly acidic foods in our lives come from processed foods, meat, and dairy (parmesan cheese is particularly acidic - sooo sad).

When I heard Happiness Quotient, I immediately thought of a post Pod made some time ago about Bhutan and the country's emphasis on Gross National Happiness. I've been thinking and reading about this idea all morning. Like so many other things, the happiness quotient starts with each person. The western world is entrenched in consumerism, the number of "likes" you receive, and buckets full of lies from just about every main stream source. So, the question is what would I like to do.

You know, once again I'm drawn to my thread about 7000 RPM and that point where everything else fades away.

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Lovely wise words Lady Linda.

Happiness quotient. Hmmm, I sense that happiness is something I only really experience when I am out of 3D now. Yesterday I felt profoundly happy and serene, it was such a beautiful feeling and stayed with me all day.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
and so i had the contrary today, not saying different things surely does also its part

birds start migrating, ALREADY O.o:D
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Lovely wise words Lady Linda.

Happiness quotient. Hmmm, I sense that happiness is something I only really experience when I am out of 3D now. Yesterday I felt profoundly happy and serene, it was such a beautiful feeling and stayed with me all day.
I want to double-dip on this post and give you a juicy hug icon, as well as a heart icon.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
i cannot say, little ones and dark, smaller than doves
probably sparrows. they are black smaller and fly in large flocs.

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