Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (1 Viewer)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Lovely dreams.....sometimes it's good to take time out and see life from a sea full perspective !

Now that the house next door is empty again, all the students having left, I have connected with two seagulls who live on the roof opposite me. I throw old food out and they love it.

Several years ago, I was waiting for a bus and I happened to look at a seagull It looked at me and I saw Source in it's eyes. OK it was God being a seagull. Since then I have had a slight connection with them. I like their feet and the way they walk.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
The second dream was that evening. A bit of backstory - some time ago, I received a message to walk about the neighborhood and energetically stitch it up. I was doing the same in this dream but in other parts of the city. In one place, Lila popped in to help me. I had the sense that part of it was about to slide away, and we were working to strengthen the connection. Reminded me of mending tears in clothes. (BTW, thanks, Lila.)
I do know your area has been on my mind quite a bit recently (especially those amazing rock formations), so perhaps this is a bit of a connection to that; thanks <3 Also, it may be a bit of an explanation why I've needed so much downtime recently? Or it's related to my latest RGH? ...which I've just posted about here:

Stitching the bits together on so many levels!

This is why I love staying in touch here. It helps me stitch my latest piece into the greater whole:-D This one really grabs me.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Lovely dreams.....sometimes it's good to take time out and see life from a sea full perspective !

Now that the house next door is empty again, all the students having left, I have connected with two seagulls who live on the roof opposite me. I throw old food out and they love it.

Several years ago, I was waiting for a bus and I happened to look at a seagull It looked at me and I saw Source in it's eyes. OK it was God being a seagull. Since then I have had a slight connection with them. I like their feet and the way they walk.
I love the way they squawk; just can't ignore 'em:ROFL:


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - June 14

Event -

Last night I wanted to watch something to wind down, and this documentary popped up on Amazon Prime as something I might like to watch. Mystery of the Mountain - Hidden in Plain View. It is about naturally occurring and man-made places that line up perfectly with the Orion constellation. And, yes, it was quite interesting to me as it was used by the Aztecs in their renewal ceremonies. One of the speakers said something that went to my heart.

The stars are always on time. They never fail us.​

Morning Dream

I was at a very nice gathering place - similar to a la-di-da country club. It was huge and new, and we were on the top floor getting ready for a celebration. It was in disarray because a big celebration was supposed to happen not too long ago and all the decorations and food were stacked about. I was looking around and saw that a lot of the food was still Ok. Then one of the people got a phone call that was upsetting her. I took the phone, listened for a bit, determined it was a pathetic attempt at gaslighting. I told them to get lost and broke the connection. Then I looked out the window and saw many cars pulling up and people getting out dressed for a wedding party. I got everyone in gear because I knew our group would be here soon.

My Take

Well, there is the Aztec connection from the earlier dream with the flag of Mexico and my making an ouroboros. Now another Aztec ritual of renewal that just happen to pop up. Do you believe in coincidences? Me, either. Seems like a clear path - Ok, so renewal it is!!

The dream is a classic - getting ready for a celebration. One interesting part was that it was supposed to happen a little while before - but - most everything gathered for that party was still available for this one. Also, we were on the top floor - higher time line - one that we celebrate.

My conclusion is to continue along to the celebration, sail around the gas lighters, and tell them to bugger off, if necessary. Remember the stars never fail us.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Continuation of June 14 message

Just recalled a past life memory in a QHHT session. I was male and a leader of a tribe in what is now Mexico or Central America. The star people visited and wanted me to spend some time with them onboard their ship to learn more about thinking from the heart. I told the tribe that I would be gone for a few days and not to engage in war - just wait a few days. When I returned, the young men had decided to fight and were killed, so I gathered up the rest of the tribe and left that place for new and better life.

So the dreams have personal significance, as well as global.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Well it is Trump's birthday and we delayed celebrating the inauguration because it did not happen. Maybe there is that side to it?


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Inauguration makes sense because it was a party that was supposed to happen earlier, and Mira Lago is a fancy country club, not to mention it is the former winter White House.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Wednesday - June 2

Afternoon Dream

Backstory - After finishing my one-hour zoom boot-camp session, I ate lunch and passed out. At the end of a confusing dream, I was directed to interpret it by referencing the coat of arms of the Mexican Flag.

View attachment 11438

It is an eagle holding a snake in its beak and talon, while standing on a prickly pear cactus, growing from a rock in the middle of water. A laurel branch is below the image. In an ancient prophecy, the Aztecs were given a symbol indicating where their city was to be built. They did see such an image on an island in a marshy area known as Lake Texcoco. Using great ingenuity, they drained the swamp and built their city, which now is Mexico City.

The Dream - I was called out to handle a situation with an old snake that had awakened and was causing trouble for some people. I went to an area that seemed Mediterranean / Spanish in appearance. Buildings were at the street, with stories on the first level and living quarters above.

I was floating above getting my bearings when the snake started leaping towards me with mouth open and fangs ready. I had nothing with me, so I grabbed the lower part of its body, shoved it into the mouth, and it bit itself. I knew it would die, but was surprised at how much it was thrashing about. Finally, it was done.

My Take

The instructions about interpretation narrowed the possibilities; yet, I still am not sure. Looking at it on a global level, people like us are in search of a better home free from the insanity. We are seeing DS players turning on themselves - mostly notably, the Fauci mess - and it does feel as though many people are thrashing about (some literally).

Or, will something happen to clean up the disaster at the border with Mexico. Drugs, including a lot of Fentanyl from China, pour across and kill thousands of people. People are dying trying to get across, and what is going on with all those children coming by themselves.

One more interesting thing - we had a huge stand of prickly pear cactus at the fence, and 90% of it died during snowmageddon. However, that little bit that survived is growing very fast and strong.
Some thoughts (using hindsight - it's a while since your post)

1) President Trump was invited by Abbott of Texas to visit the Wall (I'm sure that's big news on your side of town, as it even percolated over here). The timing seems to be playing a big part. An announcement to be had, I'm sure.

2) Those prickly pear cacti are vigorous and can withstand quite a lot of pruning. If you don't prune them, they become woody. We have the kind of growing conditions that plant loves - semi arid, hot, but enough rain, sandy soils draining away the excess moisture. It is a plant immigrant to this country, but we have to watch it as it can get away from you. My first husband planted it in our garden, and I thought "Do you know what you have done?". Coming from Germany, this plant was alien to him.

3) That snake in the emblem seems to be a rattler. The kind of snake I would have nightmares about. I have met poisonous snakes many times, but we don't have that kind. The rattler uses its rattle to attract you (if you're a critter) before striking. Being prey in the presence of such a threat reminds me of what this Covid year has been all about.

4) Your astral powers amaze: "Here, bite yourself!" Instead of, "Go take a running leap", it's "Go take a running bite".

5) The etheric version of a snake and a dragon are often intermixed. Light body dragons are snakes with vestigal legs. If you're a snake, your whole body is a muscle. Quite a worthy combatant. You would have to be dextrous to have that snake bite itself. Well, toxic people remain toxic. Fauci, you know what to do.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
June 5 - Saturday

Waking Dream

Part 1
I was invited behind the curtains at a boxing match. It was much like one you'd see in an old film - lighted ring in the middle, bleachers around it filled with rowdy people. The donkey is dressed in red-white-blue boxing trunks and parades around the ring - posing and rallying the crowd. The elephant was seated on the stool with trainers trying to hold her back. She was a very large and enraged, much like momma elephants going after anything or anyone that threatens their young. I left before the fight started because I knew how it was going to end. A smart ass donkey will not win against an enraged mother elephant.

Part 2
I came back home after visiting the boxing match. I must have stopped along the way to get something because I had a receipt that I placed on the kitchen counter. When I walked back into the kitchen, I saw the receipt taped to the water faucet. As I was by myself, I figured it must be important and read it carefully. (At this point I was awake but had not opened my eyes.) I see a message printed out at the bottom. Although I cannot quite recall the exact words, they were English, but with more elegant phrasing and classical words. I do clearly recall the point of the message - vacate your place of worry and concern - give no more energy to these thoughts and feelings.

My Take

I do have concerns about the near future, as I see the level of crazy ramping up. While I'm fairly well insulated, the rest of my family is not. I admit it - I'm worried. Also, the previous dream has stayed with me - something is going to happen, and it will not be pleasant in the short-term. Our snowmageddon showed me I do have what is needed to get by and help others - so at least there is that.

The boxing ring was old-school - not a fancy hi-tech arena. I was not in the audience but was given a sneak peak of what was going to happen. I did not focus much on the audience, but generally, they seemed old school, too. The two animals make sense to those of us in the USA. Donkeys are a symbol of the Democratic Party (Bidan et al) and elephants, the Republican Party (Trump et al).

I feel the demeanor of the two animals was the key. The donkey had wrapped itself in the American colors and was prancing and playing to the audience. The elephant was the Indian species and female; however the elephant of the Republican Party is drawn as the African variety. I don't recall the Republican symbol being portrayed as female, either. The Indian elephants also are related to the Hindu God Ganesha, who is portrayed with an elephant head and is known the god of beginnings. In the dream, the elephant was not wearing any colors. The Republican Party has many holdovers of old thinking and corrupt actions, so I see this elephant as something different - a new group of people who are done with the old and ready for a new beginning.

The message was interesting because I did not notice it until it was placed in front of my face - Hey, pay attention to this! Also, the wording and phrasing was important to me because I like the less used words and a well written sentence - it conveys more care and consideration to the message. Now, I can OMG and WTAF, but I do consider the ability to read and convey information very important because we are being dumbed down with reliance on headlines and sound bites.

We might give Ganesha a nod in the coming weeks.
Just one point I noted, as well: Water is life. The message was taped to the water faucet.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
About the donkey in the dream - hybrid donkeys who can no longer breed, produce live births, are called "Asses". This one is an Ass. Can no longer produce anything credible.

I know the elephant you saw in the dream was not adorned - pure energy about to explode in movement, action.
For those who don't know, Ganesha is the female, Ganesh the male. I once had a vision in meditation of Ganesha herself, and she is Potent! The female godhead - procreative, as you say, engendering beginnings, bringing something into being. Being the female, this obviously opposes the sterile Ass in the Ring. Ganesha is inundation, life pouring forth, the creative principle, the fecund womb. Oh yes, Life holds nothing back!

Here are some pics - for those not familiar with Hindu god/goddess figureheads -

This is Ganesh, the male of the principle. Hindu deities are always portrayed with various gadgets and symbols to layer meaning. No need to go into those. I show this image of Ganesh, because the Greens and Purples were the main colours I saw in my Ganesha vision. But she obviously doesn't have the belly fat.

beaded Ganesha.jpg
This highly decorated (beaded) Ganesha shows the very feminine energy. She is in a word, astounding. I saw her with many jewels, but I knew they were lights - adornments made of lights, as in an aura. She is not of this density, so this is just how this density perceives her. Poise, wisdom, beauty, power.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Searching For Food Or Lost? 15 Chinese Elephants Are On A Long March North And No One Knows Why
View attachment 11462

I hope these elephants experience human kindness, in the range of possible responses shown to these animals. Such things carry through lifetimes. Don't forget the magnetic pole is moving about 30 degrees over a period of time and is in progress now. That happens at the time of the Shift of the Ages. It's usually a chunk of 30 degrees until it goes 360 degrees (a complete circle) over many millenia. That is 12 shifts, one for each of the astrological constellations.

I tend to think their magnotometer (if there is such a thing - birds and whales have them) in their head is a bit out of whack with all the natural changes going on. But Shifts of Ages provide Evolution for everything - not just humanity. Meeting humans in a city the size of Kunming has just stretched these animals on their evolutionary journey.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
The female godhead - procreative, as you say, engendering beginnings, bringing something into being. Being the female, this obviously opposes the sterile Ass in the Ring. Ganesha is inundation, life pouring forth, the creative principle, the fecund womb. Oh yes, Life holds nothing back!
That is the perfect explanation of the symbols - thanks!


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Lovely dreams.....sometimes it's good to take time out and see life from a sea full perspective !

Now that the house next door is empty again, all the students having left, I have connected with two seagulls who live on the roof opposite me. I throw old food out and they love it.

Several years ago, I was waiting for a bus and I happened to look at a seagull It looked at me and I saw Source in it's eyes. OK it was God being a seagull. Since then I have had a slight connection with them. I like their feet and the way they walk.
I might like to be God being an oak tree, and then I could live for 500 years.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I might like to be God being an oak tree, and then I could live for 500 years.
How do you know you are not?

I have read that the soul is not just limited to one human life, it is said that a beloved pet can be an aspect of the same soul as the owner.

Perhaps somewhere in the UK you are a beautiful, wise old oak tree Melt! That is a lovely thought.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Sunday - June 20

After Lunch Dream

It is Father's Day here, and we had a wonderful bar-b-que lunch with all the fixings. There was great conversation and bonhomie. After everyone left, I took a nap and dreamed of finding a baby.

I was visiting a friend who lived on the outskirts of London in a nice two-story house with a big kitchen and a walled garden. I was in the garden and heard some odd noises outside the wall and investigated. I found the area to be wild, unkempt, and with evidence of people living rough. I saw a very old rusted car and found a newborn baby inside. There was no one around, but as I picked it up, a cat dashed out of the car. The child was unusual looking and I knew it was mixed-mixed-race - meaning part ET, too. The baby was not moving or making noise, but as I held it, the eyes popped open, and we connected on a soul level. I walked and looked around but found no one. So, I brought the child back to the house.

I did not know what to do, and my friend also was thinking about it. I thought medical help might be necessary, as part of the umbilical cord was attached. The baby was calm in my arms, and I looked around for my passport because I figured it was going to be weird at the hospital, but I still was unsure of what to do. Then I woke up.

My Take

Every aspect of this dream was about contrasting points - nice house with walled garden and wild places outside - old rusted car with newborn baby - soul connection and legal status - Texan in the center of royalty - and so on. The presence of the cat - perhaps a guardian - may be significant, too. As I stood in the kitchen (heart of the house), I was aware that the baby and I were in the middle of many decision points. Also, the summer solstice is tomorrow, as well. Even as I'm writing this now, I feel the swirl of 3-D issues facing me not only in the dream but in life as well. I imagine that many people are feeling like me - what is going on - treading lightly around others - ready to do something, if only we knew what.

One idea that occurs to me now is the expression of torus energy. Could the massive swirling energies around us be waiting for some direction? Perhaps that is what the baby is about - make a new path. I was told awhile back that the ability to establish a toroidal energy gateway was my gift. I've just not known what to do about that. It feels a bit like being in a symphony waiting for your cue to bring out the cymbals.

Lots of variety in the dreams, eh? :-D


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Sunday - June 20

After Lunch Dream

It is Father's Day here, and we had a wonderful bar-b-que lunch with all the fixings. There was great conversation and bonhomie. After everyone left, I took a nap and dreamed of finding a baby.

I was visiting a friend who lived on the outskirts of London in a nice two-story house with a big kitchen and a walled garden. I was in the garden and heard some odd noises outside the wall and investigated. I found the area to be wild, unkempt, and with evidence of people living rough. I saw a very old rusted car and found a newborn baby inside. There was no one around, but as I picked it up, a cat dashed out of the car. The child was unusual looking and I knew it was mixed-mixed-race - meaning part ET, too. The baby was not moving or making noise, but as I held it, the eyes popped open, and we connected on a soul level. I walked and looked around but found no one. So, I brought the child back to the house.

I did not know what to do, and my friend also was thinking about it. I thought medical help might be necessary, as part of the umbilical cord was attached. The baby was calm in my arms, and I looked around for my passport because I figured it was going to be weird at the hospital, but I still was unsure of what to do. Then I woke up.

My Take

Every aspect of this dream was about contrasting points - nice house with walled garden and wild places outside - old rusted car with newborn baby - soul connection and legal status - Texan in the center of royalty - and so on. The presence of the cat - perhaps a guardian - may be significant, too. As I stood in the kitchen (heart of the house), I was aware that the baby and I were in the middle of many decision points. Also, the summer solstice is tomorrow, as well. Even as I'm writing this now, I feel the swirl of 3-D issues facing me not only in the dream but in life as well. I imagine that many people are feeling like me - what is going on - treading lightly around others - ready to do something, if only we knew what.

One idea that occurs to me now is the expression of torus energy. Could the massive swirling energies around us be waiting for some direction? Perhaps that is what the baby is about - make a new path. I was told awhile back that the ability to establish a toroidal energy gateway was my gift. I've just not known what to do about that. It feels a bit like being in a symphony waiting for your cue to bring out the cymbals.

Lots of variety in the dreams, eh? :-D
I love this dream, and your interpretation. After all, Schrodinger has another cat, doesn't he? Our 3D world is like a nice house with a big kitchen and a walled garden. We've made it comfortable - we live here. But the walled garden shows it's a world of limitation. Of course, our energies are a bit roughed up, such as metal oxidising into rust, but the new beginning is right there in the middle of Pandora's box.

The toroidal energy gateway is fabulous - it has managed to reach out and touch me, here on the other side of the planet. To let the energy flow in the pattern it desires is always to allow and then allow yet again.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Did you know that HUGE demos are expected in London today as this was the day that the government promised UK people the lockdown would end and then they reneged (of course)

Melt is right, your interpretation is good. A dream of polarities.

I find it fascinating that the child is ET as well as human! To be born on the Solstice (such a powerful day that Diana was induced to birth William on this day) Baby = new birth of energies.

Massive demos London.jpg


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - June 21


Finished up breakfast and was reading posts and thinking about how things were going in the world, when my heart chakra became very hot. My eyes closed, and I saw a ball shaped object from a distance - looked like the earth. Beautiful, shimmering, pulsing crystalline structures covered the surface. I felt wonder, love, and peace. Then I was "gone" for about an hour.

My Take

In line with the message taped to the water faucet and yesterday's dream - let go of 3D thinking - what is coming is way beyond that, and it will be wonderful.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
dreamy, yes that is the word for the state i am more in it lately

3d competitions, i like equalities more
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Seems like some are called to step up - like the protestors Pod noted. Their actions and voices are for an important issue - freedom. Others of us are called to lift up vibrations wherever we are. Sometimes the two overlap.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Baby = new birth of energies.
Let's introduce some exopolitics here shall we as there was a mixed race alien baby in the dream.

Moved the links to the UFO disclosure thread

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - June 26

A collection of events and dreams that make sense now.

Thursday Events

Getting a different streaming internet tv platform (AT&T) and had to fight for my personal rights. In order to get the special box, I was told they would deliver it but needed to scan my driver's license. I went off and said that is a bunch of BS, etc. The young woman replied it was understandable as it is my info and all she really needed was the last 4 numbers of my license. There is a lot of info on the bar code on our licenses, which I presume is what they were after. However, I assume they were given instructions on how to handle people like me.

Trying to set up a box that was not ready to go was not fun. I used the online chat for help and got into another argument about setting up Google Play, which I refused. I managed to find a work-around but they likely still are tracking. I wrote that I wish to file a formal complaint about having Google Play shoved down our throats, and the tech wrote that she understood.

Sitting outside later that night (full moon) watching stars and clouds, when an enormous cloud shaped like a reptilian came by. I was startled as it continue to form a more detailed image. I went for my protection prayer, and it stopped growing. I continued and it shrank into a shield shape that covered the moon. Then it disappeared - not floating away or dispersing - flat out disappeared, and there were no clouds in the sky.

Saturday Waking Dream

I was with a group of people trying to piece together bits of info with places on maps. There were large tables with big maps on them, and maybe 20 people working on their bits of info. The maps were of the west coast of the USA. The man next to me was focused on decoding something for the Seattle area. I was zeroing in on the San Francisco area but having trouble with the last bit.

Now at this point I was awake - knew I was in bed and could hear the noises of the house - but I also was still in the dream. I was getting frustrated when I got a telepathic phone call from June. She said the answer I was looking for was Gates and Google.

My Take

Apparently June can make telepathic phone calls.

Wondering if Janne has any insight into the full moon / cloud activity.

Wondering if any of you tech people have thoughts about the events and dream.

Are we getting closer to a reveal about the masters of the universe and their roles in this mess? Today, I saw two news articles - FB loses a case about their being responsible for child trafficking sites and Microsoft admits some serious hacking went through their site.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
In an earlier post, we got into a discussion about the symbolism of the snake and ouroboros. Just found this info about the connection with the torus. Ah - the torus comes up again.

Lila Pod Hailstones Melt Bert One65


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Saturday - June 26

A collection of events and dreams that make sense now.

Thursday Events

Getting a different streaming internet tv platform (AT&T) and had to fight for my personal rights. In order to get the special box, I was told they would deliver it but needed to scan my driver's license. I went off and said that is a bunch of BS, etc. The young woman replied it was understandable as it is my info and all she really needed was the last 4 numbers of my license. There is a lot of info on the bar code on our licenses, which I presume is what they were after. However, I assume they were given instructions on how to handle people like me.

Trying to set up a box that was not ready to go was not fun. I used the online chat for help and got into another argument about setting up Google Play, which I refused. I managed to find a work-around but they likely still are tracking. I wrote that I wish to file a formal complaint about having Google Play shoved down our throats, and the tech wrote that she understood.

Sitting outside later that night (full moon) watching stars and clouds, when an enormous cloud shaped like a reptilian came by. I was startled as it continue to form a more detailed image. I went for my protection prayer, and it stopped growing. I continued and it shrank into a shield shape that covered the moon. Then it disappeared - not floating away or dispersing - flat out disappeared, and there were no clouds in the sky.

Saturday Waking Dream

I was with a group of people trying to piece together bits of info with places on maps. There were large tables with big maps on them, and maybe 20 people working on their bits of info. The maps were of the west coast of the USA. The man next to me was focused on decoding something for the Seattle area. I was zeroing in on the San Francisco area but having trouble with the last bit.

Now at this point I was awake - knew I was in bed and could hear the noises of the house - but I also was still in the dream. I was getting frustrated when I got a telepathic phone call from June. She said the answer I was looking for was Gates and Google.

My Take

Apparently June can make telepathic phone calls.

Wondering if Janne has any insight into the full moon / cloud activity.

Wondering if any of you tech people have thoughts about the events and dream.

Are we getting closer to a reveal about the masters of the universe and their roles in this mess? Today, I saw two news articles - FB loses a case about their being responsible for child trafficking sites and Microsoft admits some serious hacking went through their site.
Just a thought. What is it about San Francisco that everyone knows about? A Gate. It's probably Gates, as the bridge has two entries - one either side of the Bay. Yes, that other Gates probably has sticky fingers in every pie. I heard that there was a divorce action going on. Not everything going his way, then. Google, of course, is Googleplex*, which is universal. But not the Universe! Google may be everywhere - but then, not everywhere!

I also had a strange interaction with a government authority this week about having something shoved down my throat. Our energy company came at us about 2-3 years ago to change everybody's electrical meter on the side of their house to AMI infrastructure (Smart Meter)**. Obviously, this is for economic reasons. Why should they hire and pay employees to travel all over a city and its suburbs reading meters each month, when they can get AMI to report back to them while they lounge in their city office block? Well, they need to keep hiring a few employees, because of people like me. I've had a laminated notice stuck onto the meter box since 2017. They've already knocked once and I've informed them not to replace my old meter.

Now, in 2021, I received a nice, polite, bland letter using very untriggering language to inform me that my power would be switched off for a few hours while they changed the meter and sorry for the inconvenience. I thought I would be in for a hell of a fight, but made the time to ring the utility company (something that is not fun to do, because they leave you on hold for over an hour at a call centre until they answer your call). But I stuck with it. When the call was answered, there was no intimidation, I stated I didn't want my meter changed out (as the owner, I have that right), and she agreed nicely, and that was that. Yes, my home had been scheduled for a work team arriving in the next few days, but since I made the effort to make the call in advance of their arrival, I would be fine to keep my old meter.

There is one hitch with this approach - they can just start estimating my electricity usage, instead of someone actually calling around and reading the figures of the meter. There are six to eight digits on that meter - they could be far off in their "guesstimate". They did that to me about a year ago, and the guesstimate was 3 times what I normally use, and the bill was for the higher amount. Of course, I kicked back (after I paid my bill on time, though), and got a refund and a credit. Perhaps they think people can't be bothered to go through all of this (???!!!@@@???)

One other thing: what I had up my sleeve for the anticipated bun-fight on the utility company call, if asked why I rejected having them give me a whole new meter for free, was that such meters mess with psychic abilities, and that my psychic ability matters to me. They didn't actually ask, though, so I didn't get to actually expound that one.

* OK - formally shocked! Wikipedia just informed me that:
"The Googleplex is the corporate headquarters complex of Google and its parent company Alphabet Inc. It is located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway in Mountain View, California, United States." I guess Google does have designs on the Universe!

"A googolplex is an enormous number, but let's start smaller with just a googol. A googol is 10 100 -- a one followed by 100 zeroes. But a googolplex is 10 to the power of googol. So 10 googol is a 1 followed by a googol of zeroes."

A Googol
A googolplex would be a 1 followed by that many zeroes -- as Carl Sagan once pointed out, there are fewer than a googolplex's worth of elementary particles in the observable universe [source: Sagan].

**("Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is an architecture for automated, two-way communication between a smart utility meter with an IP address and a utility company. The goal of an AMI is to provides utility companies with real-time data about power consumption....")
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Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Linda, it will be interesting to hear what Janne has to say about the astrological/northern hemisphere configurations on the date you saw the reptilian-image cloud. I understand your cloud was intimidating, but I happen to like dragons. It is my personal observation that clouds are often there to let us know something, and the message is for us and us alone. Meaning, someone else in the vicinity might not see that cloud-form, or get that kind of cloud-message from it. Again, driving on freeways gives me the chance to look at the broader spectrum of sky (horizon and up) and the other day I saw a distinct black cloud cut-out, it had a hard edge and looked like the bright, white cloud abutting it had actually caused that edge to appear. (It was a rainy day, the black cloud was about to drop a lot of rain). Around another corner - and I saw the same patch of sky again - it had all gone. That made me think - how many other drivers would have looked up at just that moment and seen it, in the short time frame it hung around? Probably just me.

One summer solstice (December 21, 2013) I once saw dragon skin in the clouds, over quite a big patch of sky. Reptilian dragon skin lace. It was right there in full view - for a few seconds. Right over the city of Perth.

On a different summer solstice (the one before, 2012) I saw a perfect Yin/Yang cloud hanging in the sky right above me. I wrote a poem about it at the time (hsien is the Chinese word:

noun, plural hsien. (in popular Chinese religion) one of a group of benevolent spirits promoting good in the world. (in China) a county or district.)


The cloudscape painter of subtle vibration
draws on our imagination.
Timing of minute duration
Casts echoes that will last a lifetime.
We strengthen our dream of creation.

Hsien appears to our sight,
our otherworldly eyes trained to its flight,
confirming our direction through duality is right.
Let it be known the unwritten koan
transforms complacency to delight.

Brilliance has no name
just as change is its game.
The sky returns to the same
dome of blue through which the vision grew.
This precious second leaves my heart aflame.
Chinese rainbow clouds_art.jpgChinese rainbow clouds_art.jpg
Celestial dragon_clouds_mist_1.jpg
Celestial dragon_clouds_2.jpgCelestial dragon_clouds.jpg


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
Saturday - June 26

A collection of events and dreams that make sense now.

Thursday Events

Getting a different streaming internet tv platform (AT&T) and had to fight for my personal rights. In order to get the special box, I was told they would deliver it but needed to scan my driver's license. I went off and said that is a bunch of BS, etc. The young woman replied it was understandable as it is my info and all she really needed was the last 4 numbers of my license. There is a lot of info on the bar code on our licenses, which I presume is what they were after. However, I assume they were given instructions on how to handle people like me.

Trying to set up a box that was not ready to go was not fun. I used the online chat for help and got into another argument about setting up Google Play, which I refused. I managed to find a work-around but they likely still are tracking. I wrote that I wish to file a formal complaint about having Google Play shoved down our throats, and the tech wrote that she understood.

Sitting outside later that night (full moon) watching stars and clouds, when an enormous cloud shaped like a reptilian came by. I was startled as it continue to form a more detailed image. I went for my protection prayer, and it stopped growing. I continued and it shrank into a shield shape that covered the moon. Then it disappeared - not floating away or dispersing - flat out disappeared, and there were no clouds in the sky.

Saturday Waking Dream

I was with a group of people trying to piece together bits of info with places on maps. There were large tables with big maps on them, and maybe 20 people working on their bits of info. The maps were of the west coast of the USA. The man next to me was focused on decoding something for the Seattle area. I was zeroing in on the San Francisco area but having trouble with the last bit.

Now at this point I was awake - knew I was in bed and could hear the noises of the house - but I also was still in the dream. I was getting frustrated when I got a telepathic phone call from June. She said the answer I was looking for was Gates and Google.

My Take

Apparently June can make telepathic phone calls.

Wondering if Janne has any insight into the full moon / cloud activity.

Wondering if any of you tech people have thoughts about the events and dream.

Are we getting closer to a reveal about the masters of the universe and their roles in this mess? Today, I saw two news articles - FB loses a case about their being responsible for child trafficking sites and Microsoft admits some serious hacking went through their site.
yes a bit sad there is hardly no way round those giants who controll all

on friday i had a cloud that a moment looked a bit like an angel looking down pointing down

intriguing combination


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
Staff member
Global Moderator
Board Moderator
Jul 20, 2016
I understand your cloud was intimidating, but I happen to like dragons
I do, too, and have included them in my children's stories. This one had a different feel. The clouds certainly can have personal meanings. After one of our dogs passed on, I saw a cloud that looked just like her moving across the sky.


Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
Saturday - June 26

A collection of events and dreams that make sense now.

Thursday Events

Getting a different streaming internet tv platform (AT&T) and had to fight for my personal rights. In order to get the special box, I was told they would deliver it but needed to scan my driver's license. I went off and said that is a bunch of BS, etc. The young woman replied it was understandable as it is my info and all she really needed was the last 4 numbers of my license. There is a lot of info on the bar code on our licenses, which I presume is what they were after. However, I assume they were given instructions on how to handle people like me.

Trying to set up a box that was not ready to go was not fun. I used the online chat for help and got into another argument about setting up Google Play, which I refused. I managed to find a work-around but they likely still are tracking. I wrote that I wish to file a formal complaint about having Google Play shoved down our throats, and the tech wrote that she understood.

Sitting outside later that night (full moon) watching stars and clouds, when an enormous cloud shaped like a reptilian came by. I was startled as it continue to form a more detailed image. I went for my protection prayer, and it stopped growing. I continued and it shrank into a shield shape that covered the moon. Then it disappeared - not floating away or dispersing - flat out disappeared, and there were no clouds in the sky.

Saturday Waking Dream

I was with a group of people trying to piece together bits of info with places on maps. There were large tables with big maps on them, and maybe 20 people working on their bits of info. The maps were of the west coast of the USA. The man next to me was focused on decoding something for the Seattle area. I was zeroing in on the San Francisco area but having trouble with the last bit.

Now at this point I was awake - knew I was in bed and could hear the noises of the house - but I also was still in the dream. I was getting frustrated when I got a telepathic phone call from June. She said the answer I was looking for was Gates and Google.

My Take

Apparently June can make telepathic phone calls.

Wondering if Janne has any insight into the full moon / cloud activity.

Wondering if any of you tech people have thoughts about the events and dream.

Are we getting closer to a reveal about the masters of the universe and their roles in this mess? Today, I saw two news articles - FB loses a case about their being responsible for child trafficking sites and Microsoft admits some serious hacking went through their site.
Full moons always bring more vivid dreams and insight to the enlightened Linda and also bring spirit close to the earth and us.

I do interpret dreams which takes a bit of time but this is an astral dream for the most part .
The actual cloud formation was obviously about the dark forces , Reptilian in this case that are trying to infiltrate the lives of those who carry the light with them as they are attracted to light but they cannot harm us .

You probably have an acquaintance who is one as they are everywhere as shapeshifters and they are not all bad in fact as some are here in human bodies to evolve or have had lives as reptilians before. But there could be a warning to look out for one near you who may be drawing on your energies.

The dark forces attack us through our personality weaknesses and insecurities .

The dream itself of being with others is the work you are carrying on , on other levels of being as we all seem to be doing at present . You are a lightworker and we are constantly being tested but you will always come out on top if you believe in your higher self and strong spirit.

Those of us who work with the light are connected by a huge network of light around this planet as you know.

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