Are they trying for a mind meld? LolI noticed the other day that young children sometimes put their foreheads against mine.
Is that technologie talked there by chance the 9g thst is said trump has in his handa?Teenage dramas seem to be ramping up and blowing across my experience screen. Perhaps I've given birth to a drama addict? I can't remember my teens being so "dramatic" although I did storm out of my house one day when I was nearly 17 and never came back there to live with my parents again. I remember having one or two good friends, but none of us had the idiot device in our hands all day long, and none of us were constantly comparing one with the other, constantly judging by nasty little asides and comments on whatever the digital device recommends you use these days. We had jobs, we had love lives, we had friend groups, things coelesced together then broke up again, time and time over, but life went on...... People did do deceptive things, nasty, hidden things that would have hurt like hell if they had been out in the open. Some of those things stayed hidden and we never knew. Other things came out as they inevitably will through a third party speaking their mind, or whatever.
I seriously had my heart lifted when I read Jon Helios's latest journal blog, about a telepathic experience he recently had with "The Scientists", energetic ET beings that are actually a part of his Higher Self, and he is a human part of their Higher Self. It's how we as a human race might be able to transcend the unattractive AI-entrained path we have been heading down with our digital devices so far, by having a better device introduced that leads to connection with Source, not disconnection. Looking forward to the day when people have so far out-grown their baby steps, that they are "plugged in" all the time!
Me too bro, I just can't get into following politics and world events anymore. I do keep one eye out tho but even at that my interest is failing. Now if only I could do that following the Leafs...And 8chan is supposedly coming back up as "chan" Japanese? for "child" and "kun" is Japanese? for "young adult". Interesting. I have not been able to get onto 8kun yet. It seems to time out for me. Or maybe the rumor is false.
I watch and observe but do not partake of the polarity.
Knowing there are Others watching gives a lot more support to the idea that "we are all one".Dolores Cannon Compilation Concerning “The Event”
Jonathan Carty
Dolores has published 19 books and sadly left the physical plane in 2014, but she left one hell of a dent on the control structure of this planet and I believe her information will become very popular in the near future.
Based on what I’ve read from just this book alone, The Event is going to be one of the biggest things to ever happen in the history of this Universe. The behind-the-scenes activities by various civilizations is enormous and incredibly diverse. The entire Universe is watching what is happening here on Earth right now.
Dolores Cannon Compilation Concerning "The Event" | Shift Frequency
The Event is going to be one of the biggest things to happen in the history of this Universe. The entire Universe is watching what is happening here on
Bling on your birthday!Oddity of the day: Out running errands, after one stop in a store, come out to the parking lot and see two "Happy Birthday" round metallic balloons floating in front of the car. I waited about 5 minutes in case someone accidently dropped them, no takers. Took them with me.
Source wishing me happy birthday and some stupendous super lucky event coming?![]()
I have been feeling that. I check the papers un the morning and am surprised that nothing major has happened.For about 2 weeks, I've been having dreams of big things happening
So the earth changes are Gaia "stretching" and getting ready for change, so that indicates a good thing. The sun as at it's minimum of solar flares right now and some people consider that a mini ice age is on the way (Maunder minimum) like what happened from 1650-1700.They agreed to come in and help where there are great disasters. Because each great disaster brings the Earth closer to that shift.
I just did the same thing and got a BIG confirmation! When I was so sick for 3.5 weeks in October, I asked "Is this a side effect of the new earth energy?" I also got a BIG confirmation! When I get a confirmation I get energy running up my spine which gives me the shivers, and just now the shivers kept going for 30 seconds, like someone ways saying to me YESYESYESYESYES. That doesn't happen very often.I asked - New Earth energy? Got a YES.
My birthday. I shall be 65 years old in this body!Someone else (I think on this site) mentioned Jan 12, 2010 being a big change point, or point of interes