The Event is Upon Us! (1 Viewer)

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I was in a very emotional state yesterday. A circumstance triggered it in me, but the volume of tears and outpouring was greater. A male friend of my daughter who I don't know very well at all is up for sentencing today for GBH (grievous bodily harm) to another young male, after king hitting him (a single punch to the head) which caused that person to become a paraplegic. The young man concerned has also had his mind ravaged by drugs and criminal activities. He is a young man who never handled the death of his father, when young. This young man is probably up for 7-10 years jail time. My daughter chose to spend his last day of freedom with him. I realised that this plus the influx of energies since 13th made me feel powerful grief. I realised that when the event comes, we will all be where we are meant to be. Perhaps cooling his heels between now and 2024 is exactly what he will need to be his full potential. I see that potential in that young man, and that's why I cried.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
A very timely message from Magenta Pixie and her “collective”. Magenta speaks of the need for discernment as many of those from “The Cabal” begin “flipping” sides. She advises that there will be three basic “streams” of information:

1) Psychics, channels, and others with natural abilities (many of whom we already discuss here);
2) Whistleblowers (including “white hats”, Patriots, and those formerly of the Dark who have decided to switch sides); and,
3) Emergency broadcast systems OUTSIDE the Internet (dedicated governmental systems such as the US Emergency Broadcast System recently tested by President Trump (which is I believe the one she is referring to).

She also mentions that UFO and Antarctica issues will become relevant in the near future.

I especially thought her suggestion that we assist others with forgiveness and compassion was timely. Many will become suddenly awakened and we can be quite helpful in their understanding of a very complex situation.

For those drawn to this video, I hope you’ll enjoy.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
i follow Magenta Pixie and her “collective” till 2012, and then was enough (soon,very soon, near future etc.) useless info

how can ppl so easy forget all these wrong/false predictions ?
how can i trust these ppl anymore?
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
i follow Magenta Pixie and her “collective” till 2012, and then was enough (soon,very soon, near future etc.) useless info

how can ppl so easy forget all these wrong/false predictions ?
how can i trust these ppl anymore?
Each of us is at a different stage of awareness, time isn’t exactly what we think it is, and each of us resonates with different sources of information. Just because something doesn’t resonate with one person doesn’t mean that it isn’t helpful or valid to someone else.

I think it’s important to remember that we’re being told by many sources that this is a “collective” experience and we don’t have any power to change the collective experience. I don’t necessarily believe that is true. We are multi-dimensional beings and there are infinite possibilities. This means that each one of us may direct his or her own experience (via navigating various timelines).

Therefore, all these sources of info are being shown to us at just the right time for each of us to learn and choose (when the student is ready, the teacher will come). You experienced that source in the past, and now it may be time for others to experience it. Your experience may be different than someone else’s. And again, I feel all are valid, as are all choices.

And circumstances change. Consider the Mandela Effect as an indicator of that.

I try not to get too hung up on time. If information resonates, then I accept it and move on. If not, I let it go and move on.Either way, things are extremely fluid and I try to just “go with the flow”. :)


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
A very timely message from Magenta Pixie and her “collective”..
It's resonates with my and I have confirmation in last and current energies flowing through my consciousness. For example I was in False Artifcial 5D few months ago but it was guided to be there for me. It was not my "mistake" to be in "hell". For me it was "hell" because of my in-side compassion and my response for how False Articial 5D is constructed. I have all power that it gave me and I rejected it because it was not resonating with me. Then, I was guided to True Organic 5D to reclaim my power-within and now I'm confronted with my past, possible futures and I have forigiveness in me for that, without those expiriences I was unaware of many issues. Now I'm aware and in power-within to be just forgiveness and ... gratitute because all of this are just expresion of One Source on adventure of polarity and seperation to know One Source from those perspective and with that awareness create new Golden Galaxy. Currently I'm in alligment with Temple of Golden Don that is in cooperation with AAMichael Light Legions because this is my lienage to traverse now, to reclaim back with forgiveness, gratititude, love and peace to rebirth all past & future timelines of this collective and with this collective.

Now I'm expiriencing my self as vertical (through dimensions) and horizontal (through forms) consciousness via witch are transfered energies and my role is to react to it with my heart based intelligence, ofcourse sometimes I'm catched on habit and I'm just acknowleding that and release - it maybe will come again to react free next time or maybe it will be not necessary beacuse of large amount of Divine Dispensation thats now is flooding us.

I'm just focusing on Now and expiriencing what is, keeping my intention, connection to Gaia to be strongly grounded and be aware of my response to all whats happening. And I feel very good with that. Sometimes ofcouse not because I'm just perfect inperfection and I'm learning to accept that :)

We are The Event!



Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
time isn’t exactly what we think it is,
we have a calendar and clocks here on earth! being from higher dimension must know that

I think it’s important to remember that we’re being told by many sources that this is a “collective” experience and we don’t have any power to change the collective experience.
ha, and now what? waiting? for "others" maybe is this the answer ? get the job and more living in now! no time left for mental masturbation:)
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
we have a calendar and clocks here on earth! being from higher dimension must know that

ha, and now what? waiting? for "others" maybe is this the answer ? get the job and more living in now! no time left for mental masturbation:)
It all boils down to each person’s perspective and what is “true” for each of us. If that’s your choice and intention, just go for it! :)


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Two or three weeks ago I received a message from the Pleiadians, so thought I would throw it into the mix, to join all the other messages.
I’m in contact with them a lot, and mostly receive personal stuff, but this came quite unexpectedly while musing about the shift, event, transhumanism, and so forth.
I suddenly received, ( This phase too shall pass.) so I grabbed a pen, and here is the message.

Them...This phase too shall pass
Me.......So what is all this about 5d and us accending to it.
Them...Humans will carry on evolving.
Me.......For how long, what is the outcome for the human race.
Them...They will evolve until they reach the point of evolving off the planet, then 5d awaits, should they still wish to go there.
By the way...the Earth hasn’t risen into 5d, there has always been an aspect of it there.
Me.......How long will that take.
Them...As long as it takes, phases will come and phases will go, but we will be revealing ourselves much more, eyes are opening and will see, and slowly accept.
Our existence cannot and will not be not be kept hidden by anyone, it is the natural law, but everything in its own time.
Patience is necessary, and for those wide awake, waiting can prove difficult.
We say.....Do not wait......Live and Grow......and enjoy every small leap in your ever expanding consciousness, then suddenly....wallah!! there we are.
Be joyful, for you are on the brink of a wonderful new phase, while also remembering that every phase passes, until there are no more, then, when there are no more, humans will have evolved to their full potential, and will no longer need to drop into a human body, and live in 3d.


I have written it here exactly as it came to me, so, sorry to anyone who doesn’t agree, don’t shoot the messenger.


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
Two or three weeks ago I received a message from the Pleiadians, so thought I would throw it into the mix, to join all the other messages.
I’m in contact with them a lot, and mostly receive personal stuff, but this came quite unexpectedly while musing about the shift, event, transhumanism, and so forth.
I suddenly received, ( This phase too shall pass.) so I grabbed a pen, and here is the message.

Them...This phase too shall pass
Me.......So what is all this about 5d and us accending to it.
Them...Humans will carry on evolving.
Me.......For how long, what is the outcome for the human race.
Them...They will evolve until they reach the point of evolving off the planet, then 5d awaits, should they still wish to go there.
By the way...the Earth hasn’t risen into 5d, there has always been an aspect of it there.
Me.......How long will that take.
Them...As long as it takes, phases will come and phases will go, but we will be revealing ourselves much more, eyes are opening and will see, and slowly accept.
Our existence cannot and will not be not be kept hidden by anyone, it is the natural law, but everything in its own time.
Patience is necessary, and for those wide awake, waiting can prove difficult.
We say.....Do not wait......Live and Grow......and enjoy every small leap in your ever expanding consciousness, then suddenly....wallah!! there we are.
Be joyful, for you are on the brink of a wonderful new phase, while also remembering that every phase passes, until there are no more, then, when there are no more, humans will have evolved to their full potential, and will no longer need to drop into a human body, and live in 3d.


I have written it here exactly as it came to me, so, sorry to anyone who doesn’t agree, don’t shoot the messenger.

this one gave me a thing to think on, step by step the limiting thoughts are eliminated with every bite of information
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
We say.....Do not wait......Live and Grow......and enjoy every small leap in your ever expanding consciousness, then suddenly....wallah!! there we are.
Makes sense from my life experiences. The minute I give up trying to get something to happen - then more than I anticipated drops into my lap. So, yes, I've gotten a lot better at going with the flow.

Also, some time ago, I was directed to a passage in the Bible that talked about people stopping their lives because they believed that Jesus would return soon. They did not till their fields or even marry and have children. They just stopped and waited. Then either Paul or Peter wrote to them and said - and I'm seriously paraphrasing here - get up and move on with your lives because that is where you find love / source.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Patience is necessary, and for those wide awake, waiting can prove difficult.
We say.....Do not wait......Live and Grow......and enjoy every small leap in your ever expanding consciousness, then suddenly....wallah!! there we are.
Shhhuhhh...YEAH!!! The waiting HAS been difficult. But the next line is very sound advice. I've just decided to do whatever I can to help other selves along their own paths--and it's amazing how much that has actually helped me along my own! :D


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I've been quite busy the last few days but when I had a few minutes free I tried to connect to Schrodinger's Other Cat (SOC) and for some reason I have not been able to access their web site. It may be me, since I had internet problems as well, but decided to check here just-in-case. Any of you tried to visit their site in the last couple of days and had problems doing so? Please let me know.
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
where we were shown the 16th and 17th as Lisa Gawlas saw it, as basically the separation between 3D and 4D. We were awake when we saw it, and then (AGAIN!) heard the tail-end phrase of “Marrakesh Express” by Crosby Still & Nash, specifically the last four words: “All aboard the train.” (Except, we only heard the four-word phrase and the tune, but finding the specific song was driving us nuts… and holding up this post… till we figured it out.)
So… is The Event this Tuesday or Wednesday?? If not, it’s a significant milestone.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Patience is necessary, and for those wide awake, waiting can prove difficult.
We say.....Do not wait......Live and Grow......and enjoy every small leap in your ever expanding consciousness, then suddenly....wallah!! there we are.
haa,simply as that
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I believe Lisa Gawlas mentions an energy black-out for October 16-17, and the moment to make an election between service to self versus service to others.
So it is happening right now? More or less?


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
where we were shown the 16th and 17th as Lisa Gawlas saw it, as basically the separation between 3D and 4D. We were awake when we saw it, and then (AGAIN!) heard the tail-end phrase of “Marrakesh Express” by Crosby Still & Nash, specifically the last four words: “All aboard the train.” (Except, we only heard the four-word phrase and the tune, but finding the specific song was driving us nuts… and holding up this post… till we figured it out.)
So… is The Event this Tuesday or Wednesday?? If not, it’s a significant milestone.

ah that took a bit of time to research from which country the tgv from soc is and is spain and 380km/h fast, i can only say wow

i don t know if it s work i get more and more fast tired or if the energies are beginning rocking again quite hard but i am only but tired half of the day

tired easy go sleeping and no not at work but now :)


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
So… is The Event this Tuesday or Wednesday??
I was at a big picnic on a day when something was supposed to happen according to some in the fringe religious community. Some people were talking about it. I said I was pretty sure I was not going to hell, so if they could see me, then everything was Ok. One of the guys said to another - maybe we should just follow her around.

All I can say is that I've definitely seen some people coming over to the service to others side in past few days.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I believe Lisa Gawlas mentions an energy black-out for October 16-17, and the moment to make an election between service to self versus service to others.
Or perhaps even “Service to ALL” (in which we recognize that ALL are a part of self—and vice versa)?

I actually see this as my preferred path. Self-care is just as important as care for others and it requires a certain BALANCE. If we’re to attain a higher level of consciousness and spiritual maturity, I feel all these “sacrifice” and “savior” programs must be understood and transcended.

There can be perfect fulfillment and joy for EVERYONE if we can only conceive and intend to experience it.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
So it is happening right now? More or less?
I'm observing/sensing. There has been something at the personal level that I had to face, accept and hopefully will make me grow. The people at SOC are observing as well. Haven't noticed anything yet at a broader level in the news -at least what is reported there. Unfortunately I live in the country side and haven't much contact with people (which hopefully will change soon when I relocate -unless something strange takes place in the mean time). Will check a bit more tomorrow hopefully.
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buddy love

Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Oct 1, 2018

this is a great post, explaining the "conjoining of two systems"

first paragraph of post.

"Here we are, pulling in energies from two separate systems, the new moon and the full moon as we all get ready to hit the blackout/void area of the 16th and 17th. From what I am seeing and understanding from the readings, this 48 hour wedge of energy in our fields, serve to conjoin or make one, the two different systems. Keeping in mind that the new moon is pulling in all the blueprints from the last quarter of 2018 and the new moon, the higher frequency energies and blueprints from the first quarter of 2019. I was able to peek the two coming together like a brand new super diagram."
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
October 20, 2018

Hey everyone. This is a surprise edition. These have been coming since September 2017 and this is the 31st conversation, which averages out to roughly 2 -3 each month. It's been just days since they reached out and last night I was woken up 4 times! I did not respond well and said I would reach out in the light of the following day. I was surprised at their insistent wake-ups because the group I usually speak to knows that if I don't "answer" their call, I'll reach out to them the next day. This group did not. Here's how today's conversation went.

"I was woken up several times last night and did not connect. Are the beings who did so available now?"

We are here Sophia, yes.

Hello. Thank you for becoming available once again to connect.

You are welcome. We would like to begin.

Please, go ahead.

Our information regarding your planet and its journey has changed. No longer are you proceeding on a slow meandering path towards Ascension and a major shift - but a rapid one.

This is the reason for the disruption of sleep. We are feeling a sense of urgency and wanted that to be included in the words.

There are typically days in between our messages and when it is shared.(Ouch!) We feel it needs to be put out now.

You are the Pleiadians? From the Pipeline?

Yes, although this is a slightly different voice.

Yes, I feel that. I would describe your voice as slightly more masculine and/or scientific.

Why yes. It is from this area of observation and knowledge that newer intel is received and shared. The timeline has shifted.

For everyone?


I felt 2 days ago that it had done so personally.

It has done so globally.

Sophia, you are a messenger and your message is spreading to more than you know.

Today you are asked to share this message. People need time to see it and prepare.

Become serious about this message and the urgency of its timing. It will help if it is seen. It will help if it is shared.

So, yes, of course it will be shared. Please specify precisely what you want to be known.

Things have sped up. This new timeline asks you to take action right away in all areas that require preparation - spiritual, personal, emotional and physical. Be sure that you are synchronized in your relationships and also where you are.

I am not clear what that last sentence means.

It means that if you feel, after deep and humble introspection that changes are needed, don't wait to make them. Those who need to heed this message will know and respond appropriately.

We have such great love for humanity and aim now to afford the majority of awakened and un-awakened ones every opportunity to choose their most favored path in the process. When the shift (meaning here the recent timeline shift) occurred, we wanted to relay our interpretation of what it means for you.

We do not wish to cause alarm. Only a reinforcement, if you will, of encouragement and insight. We can only be of assistance to you in this way - with sharing what is seen. We see things rapidly approach.

We are pleased you sense the urgency of our contact and of this message.

Are there any specifics you can offer to us?

Not at this time. That is not our purpose. Yet, overall, as a process, "sooner" rather than "later" would be accurate.

Okay. The urgency is felt. I'll share this today. Please reach out again if you sense more changes.

We are pleased. It is an honor to participate. This is a joyous message! We hope that it is received that way and felt with only love and admiration.

Thank you. Goodbye now.

Goodbye Sophia and company.

Note - as a visual there were 3 beings there, all of them male. This was not the usual smiling and waving exit, but a quiet and gentle goodbye with a sort of serious demeanor; the "and company" is not a phrase I've heard before. This explains why I was woken up. I've not spoken before to this group. Sophia


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
things get messier where dark elements reigned in my environment so good for sure it accelerates (home, friends, work)
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Are there any specifics you can offer to us?
Not at this time.
Quite frankly, the bottom line of that message was another "very soon." Nothing specific, no tangible signs, or 3d manifestations to look for, etc. Either is something that will hit us by surprise (but if so, why the urgent messages just to tell us that things are accelerating and to prepare?), or it was another false message. Since I've been there before, when similar "urgent messages" were received from different sources using mediums/clairvoyants, etc. and then nothing happened, or it was later pitifully argued that whatever was predicted it did happened but in another timeline -yeah, right, no proof or way to prove it either- things are starting to look a bit familiar, like not a good sign. I'm starting to notice as well the initial stages of confusion, impatience, wavering at SOC regarding the whole affair -thankfully not backtracking yet though. If something equivalent to "The Event" is going to take place it better manifests within 2018 or another load of people is going stop believing and abandoning the spiritual development path in no time after all the build up and then nothing, as it happened before.
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