The Event is very close now...10 - 9 - 8 - (1 Viewer)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Everyone here is very thirsty.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Thanks, Neeraj. I like that article.
When I found this part I thought,"Ah, another piece of puzzle."

"One of the reasons we may currently be experiencing a peak in solar activity is that on March 20th and September 23rd each year, the Earth and sun line up so that day and night are approximately equal in length. Equinoxes are known to cause cracks in Earth’s magnetic field which stay open for hours."


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I've been feeling the need to rest/meditate more. I've noticed interesting"waves" (not exactly the right word, but it's all I got :) ) of tenseness where I'll notice my major muscles (abdomen, shoulders, etc.) seem tense for no apparent reason. Conscious relaxation and "micro" meditations help a great deal.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Urgent Message: 1st Wave Is Arriving… It’s Almost Here

In a 44 second video, FluerBrun repeatedly stated, “It’s coming”. She appeared distressed over the incoming wave.

“Can you hear me? It’s coming. Don’t be afraid when you see it. I… I need to let you know, it’s going to stop the video. It’s coming. Something is coming. It’s already started. I had to make an emergency video. It’s coming. It will look like a rain…” Video transmission was cut off.

No words as she shakes her head. Video transmission was cut off.

“Please family, just listen to me. It’s coming. It will look like a rainbow. It’s going to frighten a lot of people when you see it. I just have to say this. They’re going to shut it down. Tell your children. Tell your family. If they see something coming, it’ll look like a big cloud of rainbow. It’ll start coming closer. D…” Video transmission was cut off.

FluerBrun looks into the camera. Video transmission was cut off.

She shakes her head and states, “They’re not going to let this video stay on.”

End of video.

The first comment appears to be spot on regarding the incoming wave. It was posted by a user Aluna Ash Clairvoyant- 9D, who stated, “cosmic plasma from galactic center. shift in consciousness… its also a solar flare-gamma rays. this will be the 1st big wave. march 17-18th is the first. Continue thru 31st. then again May. collasping (collapsing) timelines. reset & dismantling 3d false timing grid. the awakening of the collective in full force- the next 2-3 yrs is merging to 4th density. we have been integrating to hold this light. all twinflames are about to go to work… thats why they dont want it out. shes right- dont fear- its a shift in consciousness/vibration to higher dimension. opening 4th density bridge to 5d. the collective will be fully telepathic by 2031. this is a reawakening and cleansing of earth- transmutation of the matrixdont worry about ur kids..children are already holding these templates for this light & anchoring. Anyone who is not ready will have help”.
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
And then one remembers, Indians from India wear pure white garments at funerals.
The colour white is also the one for 'death/funeral/transition' in China. I also find it more adequate than our 'Western' choice/view of it all being black. Not that black in itself is bad/evil or something. But it is a bad signifier for phycial death / transition, as it is associated thus with concepts such as a 'black'-out, eternal darkness, lack of light, etc.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
FluerBrun looks into the camera. Video transmission was cut off.
She shakes her head and states, “They’re not going to let this video stay on.”
End of video.
Seems a lot of attention seeking behaviour to me. There are many youtubers who make these panic and end-of-world videos. She seems in the biz. I'm rather put off by them and their fear mongery. Look at the list of some of her other vids she puts out. Says it all.

Question: Aren't we becoming something like the religious rapturists now? What is the difference between rapture believers and new age "event" believers? Is there 'really' any? And what if nothing groundbreaking happens. Waiting for the next date? Postponing again. Like always?

And even more consider: Waiting, waiting, waiting ... for an event... How does this get along with what most teachings tell us: Live in the Now/Present.

It is a light-filled day with snow here in Germany. I don't see any energy rainbows appearing ... yet. But okay, March 18th is not over yet and let's see what happens. However I admit I had a lack of sleep today (although it felt I did not need it, as I was not tired when getting up). This was said could be due to the geomagnetic storm for today, but it is only strength G1 which happens often.

Of course I could be wrong and something is really brewing. But so far it does not look like it for me. So let's wait and see what comes along.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
FluerBrun looks into the camera. Video transmission was cut off.

She shakes her head and states, “They’re not going to let this video stay on.”
I tend to agree with you Sinera. I waited to see if the video was pulled by Youtube but it is still up there so this "They’re not going to let this video stay on" maybe just added drama to make her message more true.

I am lying in bed, with a very sore throat and a bowl of warm soup. People are fasting, meditating and generally making a huge deal out of it. I am just happy to be able to swallow without too much pain!

I must say though that I have experienced some gears in my inner landscape clicking into place. Good feeling!


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I tend to agree with you Sinera. I waited to see if the video was pulled by Youtube but it is still up there so this "They’re not going to let this video stay on" maybe just added drama to make her message more true.

I am lying in bed, with a very sore throat and a bowl of warm soup. People are fasting, meditating and generally making a huge deal out of it. I am just happy to be able to swallow without too much pain!

I must say though that I have experienced some gears in my inner landscape clicking into place. Good feeling!
Sorry you’re feeling rough Pod, I’m pinching Linda’s idea and sending you some virtual soup, it’s made from love, purely organic of course, so got to do the job. <3


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I'm pretty certain that I was recalling a prior life drowning experience
I had dim memories as well of a drowning in a prior life; believe I was a sailor perhaps.

I saw a tsunami wave of water looming right above my head.
Remember that dreams can be symbolic. Water is associated with feelings and emotions. The dream could just be telling you that soon you'll be hit by a cleansing wave impacting you emotionally and cleansing your feelings -transmutation effect.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
And what if nothing groundbreaking happens. Waiting for the next date? Postponing again. Like always?

And even more consider: Waiting, waiting, waiting ... for an event... How does this get along with what most teachings tell us: Live in the Now/Present.
very good question,but date is not fixed ! so waiting can be long,so we can live here and now and waiting :D


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I have decided to postpone The Event until I am feeling better.....

No seriously, I am not expecting the Big One today, I think we have the electromagnetic wave at the moment and that needs to be processed first.

Interesting to see what Simon Parkes says on his broadcast later today, here is the link for anyone who wants to listen in though I warn you, connect a good 20 minutes earlier, say 6.40pm GMT as it is very, very popular.

Thanks for all the hugs people, can you also send ice cream, preferably chocolate.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Can you not feel the energy shifts> Is your consciousness not changing day by day?
As Lee Carroll (who channels Kryon) has said many times (and I'm paraphrasing here), "I'm as sensitive as a rock!" :))

And yet he is able to channel another being. In his own words, it took him a long time to accept and develop his "gift".

Me? I'm as sensitive as a rock too. My "mystical experiences" (the things that have physically happened to me that I can only attribute to a spiritual/metaphysical cause) are very few and far between.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, perhaps--I've just come to accept it as being for a reason) I don't feel any energy shifts. At least not on a physical or conscious level. Consciousness is definitely changing day by day and I do see "signs" of it everywhere in my world, but all of it remains very "tenuous" to me. Do I see these things and merely interpret them as being signs because I want them to be? Or are they really tangible, actual signs? It's not like I can point to an actual physical experience and say, "AHA!!! YES!! All this metaphysical stuff IS real!!!!"


Others may have actual physical, conscious experiences. I basically have to rely on my own faith.

Now a huge rainbow cloud coming, followed by a wave of bliss and a sudden expansion of consciousness would DEFINITELY be proof for me---especially if others could see and experience it too.

If something wild like that happens, I'd jump for joy!

If something like that doesn't happen today or any other day, I'll just shrug my shoulders and keep on going in my faith that something like that will eventually happen. Just like some can communicate consciously with spirits or other entities and some don't, I feel it's entirely possible that some folks may experience a shift in this way--others may not.

At the end of the day, our experience will be what it is. And whatever it is, I'm quite grateful for it.

And even if "The Shift" doesn't happen like I intend/hope it will, I'm sure it will be amazing in its own way. Life's a lot like that, you know...



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
And even if "The Shift" doesn't happen like I intend/hope it will, I'm sure it will be amazing in its own way. Life's a lot like that, you know...
Well said StarGazer. If it happens great...if not I will still enjoy my life. This is a crucial point;

I do not need The Event to happen in order to be happy. I am already happy.
I do not need The Event to happen to meet my soul, I am my soul.
I do not need The Event to happen to be right about it, it is already perfect.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
watchin' it all happen...
I grew up in San Francisco during the '60s and this song always takes me back. I remember going to Coast Guard Beach near Fort Point (it's an awesome beach that looks up at the Golden Gate Bridge) and there was a concrete seaplane ramp there. When you posted this, PG, a cool scene popped into my was of all of us, sitting on that seaplane ramp, listening to this song and watching a rainbow fog roll in as it bathed us all with unconditional love.

Now how cool is that???



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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I felt two distinct tremors through my prone body last night, and I have had one or two other ones before that. Very momentary. If I wasn't alert or observant I could have missed that.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I felt two distinct tremors through my prone body last night, and I have had one or two other ones before that.
Quite interesting HM! Any other usual body reactions, feelings or emotions you have detected?
(I had a couple of dizzy spells 8-9 hours ago while walking my dog around the creek that I attributed to perhaps low blood pressure or the heat but now you got me thinking...)


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
These were real rumbles, I imagine that a precursor to an earthquake would feel like - but we are not subject to earthquakes (in my lifetime). We in fact live among sand dunes and are called "Sandgropers" by our fellow Australians. Western Australia is such a large state, almost like a country. There have been one or two strong earthquakes inland over the past century. Laron and his family are probably very familiar with ground spikes and tremors, living in the Christchurch area.

I just watch and observe. There's always something going on!


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
According to soviet scientists (reported Feb. 28) we were supposed to have today a very strong magnetic storm impacting the planet. Just checked, and it seems we in fact have some activity according to this chart:

(The K-index, and by extension the Planetary K-index, are used to characterize the magnitude of geomagnetic storms. Kp is an excellent indicator of disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field and is used by to decide whether geomagnetic alerts and warnings need to be issued for users who are affected by these disturbances.

The principal users affected by geomagnetic storms are the electrical power grid, spacecraft operations, users of radio signals that reflect off of or pass through the ionosphere, and observers of the aurora).


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
A friend called a bit ago and told me she'd been to a seminar that was life changing. I'd sum it up as being sort of like a 'Tony Robbins moment' (up on the stage, microphone in hand, breaking through patterns as they are realized and verbalized).

I've got flu like symptoms. Not nearly as exciting:p

Lots of people around me are moving or moving on right about now. I hadn't realized how much until I was at 'Grand Central Station' at my parents' house and put my shoes on 3x to leave just as somebody else arrived.
All really, really good stuff; families, friends and pets coming together, talking + creating intersecting lives because we want to spend time together<3

We are going on vacation:-D

Sometimes I feel like I am both Grand Central Station for certain types of discussions and realizations and off on another tangent from everyone else. All at the same time:eek::oops::D


Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
A friend called a bit ago and told me she'd been to a seminar that was life changing. I'd sum it up as being sort of like a 'Tony Robbins moment' (up on the stage, microphone in hand, breaking through patterns as they are realized and verbalized).

I've got flu like symptoms. Not nearly as exciting:p

Lots of people around me are moving or moving on right about now. I hadn't realized how much until I was at 'Grand Central Station' at my parents' house and put my shoes on 3x to leave just as somebody else arrived.
All really, really good stuff; families, friends and pets coming together, talking + creating intersecting lives because we want to spend time together<3

We are going on vacation:-D

Sometimes I feel like I am both Grand Central Station for certain types of discussions and realizations and off on another tangent from everyone else. All at the same time:eek::oops::D
Your tangent really goes places, Lila!

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