Can you not feel the energy shifts> Is your consciousness not changing day by day?
As Lee Carroll (who channels Kryon) has said many times (and I'm paraphrasing here), "I'm as sensitive as a rock!"
And yet he is able to channel another being. In his own words, it took him a long time to accept and develop his "gift".
Me? I'm as sensitive as a rock too. My "mystical experiences" (the things that have physically happened to me that I can only attribute to a spiritual/metaphysical cause) are
very few and far between.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, perhaps--I've just come to accept it as being for a reason) I don't feel any energy shifts. At least not on a physical or conscious level. Consciousness is
definitely changing day by day and I do see "signs" of it everywhere in my world, but all of it remains very "tenuous" to me. Do I see these things and merely interpret them as being signs because I want them to be? Or are they really tangible, actual signs? It's not like I can point to an actual physical experience and say,
"AHA!!! YES!! All this metaphysical stuff IS real!!!!"
Others may have actual physical, conscious experiences. I basically have to rely on my own faith.
Now a huge rainbow cloud coming, followed by a wave of bliss and a sudden expansion of consciousness would DEFINITELY be proof for me---especially if others could see and experience it too.
If something wild like that happens, I'd jump for joy!
If something like that doesn't happen today or any other day, I'll just shrug my shoulders and keep on going in my faith that something like that will
eventually happen. Just like some can communicate consciously with spirits or other entities and some don't, I feel it's entirely possible that some folks may experience a shift in this way--others may not.
At the end of the day, our experience will be what it is. And whatever it is, I'm quite grateful for it.
And even if "The Shift" doesn't happen like I intend/hope it will, I'm sure it will be amazing in its own way. Life's a lot like that, you know...