The Event is very close now...10 - 9 - 8 - (2 Viewers)

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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Imagine if I was a dark-souled, mean-spirited, vindictive person, where that second energy would take me.
Some of the people that had provided information to Allison Coe, plus others, mentioned the negative consequences for that type of personalities shortly after the energy wave hits. It has made me think several times about them in the last few weeks. My inner eye had them some in shock, others running around in shame trying to hide, or running away in an attempt, if that were possible, to distance themselves from their own personalities. Some may pass away according to some input received, but I still worry (believe it or not I feel sorry for them) that some souls are so dark that even with new loving energy to hit us they may not be able to see the truth/feel remorse. I guess, and it is just that, a guess, that the input received may be right and they somehow go to other place in alignment with their current dark souls.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Some of the people that had provided information to Allison Coe, plus others, mentioned the negative consequences for that type of personalities shortly after the energy wave hits. It has made me think several times about them in the last few weeks. My inner eye had them some in shock, others running around in shame trying to hide, or running away in an attempt, if that were possible, to distance themselves from their own personalities. Some may pass away according to some input received, but I still worry (believe it or not I feel sorry for them) that some souls are so dark that even with new loving energy to hit us they may not be able to see the truth/feel remorse. I guess, and it is just that, a guess, that the input received may be right and they somehow go to other place in alignment with their current dark souls.
I guess that the key to all this is that we can't solve all the world's problems, but by participating in as loving a way as possible, we are part of a swelling, buoyant human collective. I recently heard (which was a reminder for me as I've heard it before) that some of the dark souls or shadow players are great masters returned to hold the space in the polarity game, to act out a life (as we all do) but to take their stance at the opposite ball post. I know someone like that. His oversoul or HS is golden, but some of his now moments are black. I have chosen to love the potential his HS has shown me - a decision misunderstood by those around me. We really have each, individually, chosen to play a part in life, the one we signed up for, for our own evolution and unfoldment, which happens in stages, phases and great blips of fast forward action.

Part of the journey, in my opinion, is to focus on our own growth and own our own responsibility, while allowing others to wander the miasmic path as they must, in the full knowledge that right action and enlightenment will unfold not only for every being, but for every particle, in this existence, at the right time and the right place. Perhaps in the no-time, no-space reality, that unfoldment is already achieved!


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Something that I feel is very important, especially when we are about to receive a cosmic "helping hand", is that life goes on. These helping hands come about once every 13,000 years, meaning at the end of the precession of the equinoxes, and once in the middle of the precession (i.e. at approximately 13,000 years and then again after the total 25,920 years has completed its cycle). Another way to look at it is that it is computed into the celestial cycle. It's going to happen, anyway. That's why there's no fear. It's happened before, and it will again.

There's no way you can miss the boat.

While it's wonderful, spiritual evolution that is being handed to us on a plate, we just take one day at a time, one step at a time, one vibration at a time. Some are going to be deaf, dumb and blind to it all, only to have it wash over them when it is cosmically right for them.



Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Perhaps in the no-time, no-space reality, that unfoldment is already achieved!
We have to keep in mind that the higher self is not perfect either -otherwise we wouldn't be here in my humble opinion- and it develops as well with the contributions we make in each of our incarnations. Yes, perhaps as you say, in the no-time, no-space reality, that unfoldment has been achieved, but in this slice of time, from the perspective of this 3d reality our HS is still a work in progress too.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Well, I had "the conversation" with my wife and son (again, actually--the first was a couple of years ago when I first learned about all this). I'm sure there were a few eye rolls shared behind my back, but it's all good. I think I lost them a bit when I mentioned that people might be more telepathic, etc., but I couldn't stand the thought of NOT sharing information about how things might happen. I felt it was important to at least give them the abbreviated version of things in order to alleviate any fears they might have if I wasn't with them or nearby when it happened.

When I mentioned how people might experience unexplained symptoms like dizziness, stirrings in the body, strange emotions, etc., I was surprised when my wife disclosed that she had actually already had something strange like that happen a few days ago! She said she felt an unusual sensation she'd never felt before and felt almost as if she was going to "pass out", but knew she wouldn't. Her experience actually added some credence to my thoughts--and helped us all to be more open to the possibility that things might actually occur as we'd all been discussing!

So, happen or not, we were able to have a good discussion that at least halfway prepared them for a potential life-changing event. They might still think I'm a nut, but if things go down like I feel they will, I might one day prove to be the sanest one around!

:) :D :))


Roaming Contributor
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Jul 28, 2016
Well, I had "the conversation" with my wife and son (again, actually--the first was a couple of years ago when I first learned about all this). I'm sure there were a few eye rolls shared behind my back, but it's all good. I think I lost them a bit when I mentioned that people might be more telepathic, etc., but I couldn't stand the thought of NOT sharing information about how things might happen. I felt it was important to at least give them the abbreviated version of things in order to alleviate any fears they might have if I wasn't with them or nearby when it happened.

When I mentioned how people might experience unexplained symptoms like dizziness, stirrings in the body, strange emotions, etc., I was surprised when my wife disclosed that she had actually already had something strange like that happen a few days ago! She said she felt an unusual sensation she'd never felt before and felt almost as if she was going to "pass out", but knew she wouldn't. Her experience actually added some credence to my thoughts--and helped us all to be more open to the possibility that things might actually occur as we'd all been discussing!

So, happen or not, we were able to have a good discussion that at least halfway prepared them for a potential life-changing event. They might still think I'm a nut, but if things go down like I feel they will, I might one day prove to be the sanest one around!

:) :D :))
I gave a quick run down to my husband as well who is fairly skeptical. He hasn't experienced anything, (except for some mood changes here and there) but I also just wanted to give him the info so he doesn't freak out if something happens. Heh. He takes it well, probably just thinking, "okay, Angela. Sure." But he listens politely and trusts me. So I'll take it. Hehe


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
We have to keep in mind that the higher self is not perfect either -otherwise we wouldn't be here
why not ? maybe he just need 3d experience

I am referring to the physical body that is inhabited by the narrowly focused personality created by the higher self for this lifetime. In many instances the lower ego comes with concrete etheric or energetic barriers that envelop the tendrils or spiritual connections from the 3D body to the higher self or the all-soul of your Spirit. The reason for the lower ego is to enable you to feel and experience the physicality of this life without undue influence on that which you wished to experience.

And this lower ego at times can be so overwhelming that it becomes a war with the wishes of the higher-self. It thinks very differently than the higher-self. It is the raw emotion, the primal urge, the selfish preserver of the body. Neither good nor bad, it is a function of the 3D.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Interesting! Several members have already mentioned activity in the heart chakra. I haven't had that experience but my third eye has been active now several days. I was wondering though if somebody here is felling something in the crown chakra?
yes third eye,crown chakra with intesive pain (i have a headaches only few days before stronger solar activity)
and occasionally heart chakra activity ,truly very intense week


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Yes, I suppose going over and beating her horn flat with a sledge hammer might work. But it certainly isn't "the spiritually advanced" thing to do.
It wouldn't even help, at least not in the long run. She'll make you pay for a bigger and louder one instead. Instant karma in action.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
detailed info about THE EVENT !
Interesting! Basically consistent with the messages already received from other channels regarding The Event's effects in humanity right after and beyond. What was a little bit troubling was the timing, even though the explanation about the difficulty to pin-point with accuracy the manifestation time is/felt correct in my humble opinion, still reminded me very much to what is normally called 'kicking the can down the line' -we experience it almost daily not just in the business world but specially in politics when the people in charge start talking about 'how complex/difficult' things are and the promises made will still take place but sometime in the future (curiously beyond their terms in power). In other words Sananda's message kicked the can from Q1 to Q2 or Q3. What raised my troubling feeling flag was that I saw/experienced the same back in 2012 when as the date approached either the proponents/messages/etc. started now talking about the effects being delayed months/years (remember some saying 5 years in the future), or simply they packed their bags and disappeared from the radar. The hit taken in the spiritual community was great; I find at other forums that many people that were starting to believe in the spiritual path were so disappointed and turned away becoming downright skeptical/cynic that any spiritual idea/insight, or even talk about The Event is now mocked and laugh about and they refer it as just being 2012 being recycled again. Lets hope, and more than just hope, keep working so this time we have a successful manifestation as soon as possible. At least we have signs this time that something indeed is taking place already.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Love is the beginning and the end. It becomes the ground on which you stand and the heavens you reach for as you grow. It is not an option any longer. Love is the only choice. It is the thing you will all be doing.

It is the thing being figured out inside your hearts, your friendships, your marriages, your families. It is what is being figured out in all relationships you have - those to each other, to your god, your laws, your societal rules and behaviors.

Love becomes then, the constant.

This reminded me of the tattoo I had inked on to my right leg after the "My Lord is coming and nothing else matters" experience. The smiley face was first; the Love tattoo, which I wrote, came later. Somehow I always knew what it was all about.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
2012: the world did NOT end! The Mayan calendar ended and a new cycle began.

Although some were disappointed, I think 2012 was a transformative year for many. More people got interested in alternative health, alternative ways of living, esoterics, expanding consciousness, etc. Look how far we have come collectively since this year! I always was considered the health nut by my peers back then, but now these same people are doing what I do—& some teaching me.

Transformation may be how we live our lives and think, and may not be an extreme Holy Moment for all to experience, yet we can view such lifestyle changes as such and feel that divine presence.
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I saw/experienced the same back in 2012 when as the date approached either the proponents/messages/etc. started now talking about the effects being delayed months/years (remember some saying 5 years in the future), or simply they packed their bags and disappeared from the radar. The hit taken in the spiritual community was great; I find at other forums that many people that were starting to believe in the spiritual path were so disappointed and turned away becoming downright skeptical/cynic that any spiritual idea/insight, or even talk about The Event is now mocked and laugh about and they refer it as just being 2012 being recycled again.
Other forums? Well, you got one right here already now with me.

Yes, I do explicitly NOT believe in "The Event". I think it won't happen. Sorry, friends.

But I already have an inkling of what happens again in April and later when nothing extraordinary has happened in March.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Whether this "event" is widely perceptible or not, I have no doubt whatsoever that there WILL be a wave of positive energy flowing through All That Is--and that we and our experience will be much the better for it.

While 2012 may have come and gone without the catastrophes or sudden transformations so many expected, it was nonetheless a game-changer for me. I can also see how it turned out to be one for our collective, since none of the massive doom-and-gloom scenarios happened. In fact, I firmly believe that we were able to AVOID much of the expected turmoil because of the mass awakening that occurred. I'm quite convinced that we were able to shift to a much more gradual timeline and I feel we're finally starting to see the leading edge of this change manifesting now.

I still have every expectation that "The Event" will be something quite amazing and wonderful, but if it turns out to be something less I won't be too disappointed. No matter what transpires, it will be to our ultimate benefit.

Like the weary mountain climber who measures his progress boulder by boulder, I have no doubt that we'll look back one day and understand how important this time was. We'll stand at the top of the mountain, exhausted but elated, and know that every boulder contributed to the amazing vista we will then be enjoying!


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
hat raised my troubling feeling flag was that I saw/experienced the same back in 2012 when as the date approached either the proponents/messages/etc. started now talking about the effects being delayed months/years (remember some saying 5 years in the future), or simply they packed their bags and disappeared from the radar. The hit taken in the spiritual community was great; I find at other forums that many people that were starting to believe in the spiritual path were so disappointed and turned away becoming downright skeptical/cynic that any spiritual idea/insight, or even talk about The Event is now mocked and laugh about and they refer it as just being 2012 being recycled again. Lets hope, and more than just hope, keep working so this time we have a successful manifestation as soon as possible. At least we have signs this time that something indeed is taking place already.
hehe,me to i simply packed bags and disappeared from the radar.
I send a lot messages ,emails,infos about 2012 i have a really big circle of friends,but after "nothing happen" so i simply disappeared from the radar,i couldnt trust inner self anymore,i got it one more date after 2012,but nothing happen again so i become downright skeptical/cynic that any spiritual idea/insigh till now because i can also feel it on body big waves of energy and activity after very long time
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Like the weary mountain climber who measures his progress boulder by boulder, I have no doubt that we'll look back one day and understand how important this time was. We'll stand at the top of the mountain, exhausted but elated, and know that every boulder contributed to the amazing vista we will then be enjoying!
I particularly like this analogy, as I have envisioned things in just this way a number of times now.
It's always coming through to me as 'getting to the top of the mountain', enjoying the company of other travelers there together and an amazing view that is so expansive that I'd almost call it otherworldly (typically with otherworldly colours too), while we 'play' with out new abilities, accompanied by 'others' from 'elsewhere' who are teaching us while some of us 'go down the mountain' to teach + heal those who are still below and then (as another event, that is a continuation of the same event thread) some ship/portal/something takes us elsewhere.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
A post by Michele Walling today describing the shift as she saw it in a dream. No dates but an interesting account of events...
The following suggestion resonates PROFOUNDLY with everything I've been feeling about this process:

"I suggest that the moment you see the wave or even when you start to feel the tingle of the wave, focus on calming your body and figure out how you can ground. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down and steady your breathing and heartbeat. It is going to come no matter where you are and everything will be automatically adjusted to your energy and needs, as it is the most intelligent conscious living light from Source."

I've very strongly expressed my intention to experience whatever happens to the absolute fullest, since I feel as if we've all been working toward this for tens of thousands of years, if not longer. I definitely don't want to be asleep when it happens!

In fact, the scene I keep playing over and over in my head is similar to the one when Woody Harrelson's character is witnessing the destruction of Yellowstone Park in the movie 2012 (albeit in a much gentler way). He's standing on a mountaintop watching a giant wave of destruction coming at him and he's shouting with joy at the beauty of it all! For those who haven't seen it, the movie clip is here: .

My version of it though is to watch the colorful "fog" come in and feel it wash gently over me like a cleansing breath of fresh air--like when you step out of a hot, muggy building and into a fresh, cool breeze. I clearly see it as something that will rejuvenate and expand the consciousness of a great majority of us. There will most certainly be those who may experience the death of their physical body, but it is only a death of their 3D physical body--not that of their full or true soul essence. I'm sure they will continue to be able to experience reincarnating in another 3D environment in order to continue their own spiritual/soul development.

"Don’t try to plan where you will be during the wave because we do not know when it will occur...Use common sense and don’t give up but at the same time we may be able to draw the wave to us faster with focus and intention.."
This too resonates. I've expressed my intention to be awake and near my family at the time, so that we can all experience it together, but I'm certain that whatever happens will be for the highest benefit of all--so I'm perfectly OK with whatever is presented. I do recall a very vivid dream I once had where my wife and son and I were very excited and flying upward together toward a common destination (flying with just our bodies--no technology involved). I'm becoming more and more convinced that this was a precognitive dream, perhaps of this very event.

In any case, I'm "on pins and needles", as they say! Should definitely be interesting!

To quote Woody, "I HAVE GOOSEBUMPS, people...BRING IT ON!"

PS: And if we do become highly telepathic, I'll make it a point to "check in" with all of you!

See you on the other side!

:D :)) :)


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
There will most certainly be those who may experience the death of their physical body,
So that I understand this clearly from your own words: You expect now (in March?) indeed a world-wide physical calamity/apocalypse to happen and many people to die of it? Seriously?
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I've expressed my intention to be awake and near my family at the time, so that we can all experience it together, but I'm certain that whatever happens will be for the highest benefit of all--so I'm perfectly OK with whatever is presented.
If it is of any used to you SG, when I analyzed Allison Coe's videos, based on what her clients said, one of the things that I tried to isolate was the potential hour for The Event if it does take place. From my notes: "1- 6 PM Pacific Time (in the afternoon) –working hours most likely.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
You expect now (in March?) indeed a world-wide physical calamity/apocalypse to happen and many people to die of it? Seriously?
Don't believe that is what SG meant. Yes, potentially some people may perhaps leave this plane but their numbers would be very, very low I feel. If that happens could be the very dark souls without no redeeming qualities whatsoever that can't stand the light/energy and would fight it to their last breath refusing to change and/or hang on to this 3d reality. It is said too that everybody has a redeeming spark of light deep within our souls.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
So that I understand this clearly from your own words: You expect now (in March?) indeed a world-wide physical calamity/apocalypse to happen and many people to die of it? Seriously?
No, I definitely think you've misunderstood. As I've said quite a few times in other posts, I feel we've AVOIDED the world-wide physical calamity and shifted instead into a timeline of EASE and GRACE instead. I was merely using Woody's reaction to the Yellowstone calamity as an example of how I feel about this "shift" or "event". I'm very EXCITED for it and feel it will be BEAUTIFUL!

That said, as these much higher vibratory energies come in, I have no doubt there will be many who can't function well or who can't handle them in their current physical bodies. I think we're already seeing examples of this in the numbers of people who seem to be "acting out" with increasing disorientation, confusion, or even violence. If and when a much higher and stronger wave of this energy comes in, I do think it's entirely possible that folks like this (and some who may be extremely ill) may not be able to manage it. I have no idea how that may actually manifest, but their physical bodies may indeed die. I'm just making a wild-assed guess here, but I don't feel this would happen to more than 10% of the population.

While my sincerest hope/intention would be for ALL to survive the energies, I really do suspect that some extremely "dark" or "negative" beings may not be ready (or even WANT) to "ascend" to higher states of being. They've played a "dark" role here for our learning and they understand that this physical "life" is merely a temporary role-playing exercise for the soul, so they may actually choose to "take themselves out" so to speak. In either case, it's a soul decision--and my feeling is that each being has the free will to choose their experience through this event.

As far as any "apocalypse" goes, I think we're actually seeing that now...and it's not necessarily the physical calamity (earthquakes, volcanoes, atom bombs/WW III) scenario that everyone thinks of when they hear the word. My understanding of the word "apocalypse" is that it simply means a "revealing". An exposure of truth. When I look at the world around me nowadays, I see many, MANY cases where misdeeds, conspiracies, and long-held secrets are being brought out into the light for all to see. We're seeing it in many of our institutions--and karma does seem to be quickening on MASSIVE scale. I feel this is all a result of these increasing energies.

As a result, all these institutions and the many secrets and lies that have propped them up are crumbling. We're entering a time when Truth prevails--and, I believe, once "The Event" happens, people will understand that we are all one. They will no longer be able to harm one another or our world.

I hope that clears up any misunderstandings--and would love to hear anyone else's thoughts on this.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
If it is of any used to you SG, when I analyzed Allison Coe's videos, based on what her clients said, one of the things that I tried to isolate was the potential hour for The Event if it does take place. From my notes: "1- 6 PM Pacific Time (in the afternoon) –working hours most likely.
Yes, I understood it the same way...BUT, again, I think things are extremely "fluid" and some may experience this differently than others. So I'm "open" to whatever...just so long as it actually happens in some form or other! :)


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
hehe,me to i simply packed bags and disappeared from the radar.
I send a lot messages ,emails,infos about 2012 i have a really big circle of friends,but after "nothing happen" so i simply disappeared from the radar,i couldnt trust inner self anymore,i got it one more date after 2012,but nothing happen again so i become downright skeptical/cynic that any spiritual idea/insigh till now because i can also feel it on body big waves of energy and activity after very long time
Rather than go with belief, just open up to mystical experience. Direct experience is the best. Here is a small example: listening to NDE reports, I have heard more than once it said that the transition or in-between place visited was pure white with nothing right up to the horizon. When my girl was little (under 10) she reported her in-between place before being born as being pure white. And then one remembers, Indians from India wear pure white garments at funerals.

Same with 2012, for me. The actual date, 21-12-2012 was full of mystical experience. Something I can never erase from my consciousness, nor would I want to. I was open with a desire to experience, and it happened for me. I should say I had no concept of what it would be, and was chuffed to find out on the day it was atmospherics, mainly.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
A reminder that today Simon Parkes should be giving his Connecting Consciousness talk (being the 2nd Sunday after the last one - March 4). Hopefully he will elaborate on that CERN story from earlier in this thread.

Last night, in dream space, I saw a tsunami wave of water looming right above my head. I was in a house near a river in the back room (a wintergarden type room with glass walls) with my twin brother and my father, and right then and there we experienced a smaller first wave washing up the river banks and right up the glass walls. I could see the foam of the water as it rinsed up and off again.

I looked up then and saw this immense wave cresting and about to crash down along the same watercourse.

What did I and my family do? Panicked. Ran back through the house to get at least 2 doors shut between us and it.

So much for being steady, calm, and grounded.

It's not the first time I have dreamed of tsunami waves. I have dreamed of those many times when I was a young child and an adolescent. But whereas I have seen these fearful waves in dreams being quite far off, this one was literally about to crash down.

Anyhow, it was just a moment of overwhelm. I am sure, as it is truly a wave of light and not water, it will wash over and leave us feeling very clean, perhaps a bit abrased as it is a powerful detoxifier.

It goes to show, no matter how spiritual we may believe we are, fear is a core element of being human.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
So much for being steady, calm, and grounded.
:ROFL: :-D :D

I think it's called "being human"! :D

It's not the first time I have dreamed of tsunami waves. I have dreamed of those many times when I was a young child and an adolescent. But whereas I have seen these fearful waves in dreams being quite far off, this one was literally about to crash down.
I had quite a few of those too. I'm pretty certain that I was recalling a prior life drowning experience, because I was a bit too young (4-5 or so) to really understand what drowning would feel like--and my dreams were VERY vivid and realistic. Some say that MANY of us recall giant waves from previous lives--especially those who may have lived in Lumeria or Atlantis, since those populations probably experienced large-scale flooding/wave type events that resulted in the deaths of many. This idea makes quite a bit of sense to me--and I believe it.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
:ROFL: :-D :D

I think it's called "being human"! :D

I had quite a few of those too. I'm pretty certain that I was recalling a prior life drowning experience, because I was a bit too young (4-5 or so) to really understand what drowning would feel like--and my dreams were VERY vivid and realistic. Some say that MANY of us recall giant waves from previous lives--especially those who may have lived in Lumeria or Atlantis, since those populations probably experienced large-scale flooding/wave type events that resulted in the deaths of many. This idea makes quite a bit of sense to me--and I believe it.
True. I hadn't thought of that. I once had a dream where I and a young man (partner) went down from our cliff-top residence on an island of Atlantis, and went to the beach, held hands, and faced the wave together.

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