A post by Michele Walling today describing the shift as she saw it in a dream. No dates but an interesting account of events...
The following suggestion resonates PROFOUNDLY with everything I've been feeling about this process:
"I suggest that the moment you see the wave or even when you start to feel the tingle of the wave, focus on calming your body and figure out how you can ground. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down and steady your breathing and heartbeat. It is going to come no matter where you are and everything will be automatically adjusted to your energy and needs, as it is the most intelligent conscious living light from Source."
I've very strongly expressed my intention to experience whatever happens to the
absolute fullest, since I feel as if we've all been working toward this for tens of thousands of years, if not longer.
I definitely don't want to be asleep when it happens!
In fact, the scene I keep playing over and over in my head is similar to the one when Woody Harrelson's character is witnessing the destruction of Yellowstone Park in the movie 2012 (albeit in a
much gentler way). He's standing on a mountaintop watching a giant wave of destruction coming at him and he's shouting with joy at the beauty of it all! For those who haven't seen it, the movie clip is here:
My version of it though is to watch the colorful "fog" come in and feel it wash gently over me like a cleansing breath of fresh air--like when you step out of a hot, muggy building and into a fresh, cool breeze. I clearly see it as something that will rejuvenate and expand the consciousness of a great majority of us. There will most certainly be those who may experience the death of their physical body, but it is only a death of their 3D physical body--not that of their full or true soul essence. I'm sure they will continue to be able to experience reincarnating in another 3D environment in order to continue their own spiritual/soul development.
"Don’t try to plan where you will be during the wave because we do not know when it will occur...Use common sense and don’t give up but at the same time we may be able to draw the wave to us faster with focus and intention.."
This too resonates. I've expressed my intention to be awake and near my family at the time, so that we can all experience it together, but I'm certain that whatever happens will be for the highest benefit of all--so I'm perfectly OK with whatever is presented. I do recall a very vivid dream I once had where my wife and son and I were very excited and flying upward together toward a common destination (flying with just our bodies--no technology involved). I'm becoming more and more convinced that this was a precognitive dream, perhaps of this very event.
In any case, I'm "on pins and needles", as they say! Should
definitely be interesting!
To quote Woody, "I HAVE GOOSEBUMPS, people...BRING IT ON!"
PS: And if we do become highly telepathic, I'll make it a point to "check in" with all of you!
See you on the other side!