why so many dates for the event and "nothing" happens ? what is the point? just clicks for page visit or false source?
I stopped taking notice of dates a,long time ago, all they do is get your hopes up, only to smash those hopes,on the rocks, time and time again. Thereby lowering ones vibrations, which of course is just what the, TPTW,, want.
So why play into their hands. Personally, I think it’s best to go with our gut feeling.
Anything we personally experience. Something we see, hear, intuit, one of those knowings, that nobody but nobody, could ever make us doubt.
I don’t believe there is going to be a flash of something from the sky that zaps 7.6 billion folk, because becoming aware, raising ones consciousness, has to be gradual.
Ingest a little bit, digest, then one is ready for more, otherwise, as I keep saying, it would blow folks wiring.
A brain/mind, can only take so much. If there is such a thing as (The Event ) I think it’s already happened, that we are already going through it.
The Mayan calendar ended in 2012, that has to be significant.
So many things have happened in the world, and still are. So much is already changing.
I think it’s best not to put faith in anyone else, listen, see what others have to say, then trust our own gut feeling.
The world is in total chaos, it has to be doesn’t it, for change of this magnitude to take place.
As Pod says, while we wait for dates, have expectations, we don’t give ourself fully to our life.
I know this to be true, because I’ve done that in the past and it really isn’t a good idea.
I think I have actually held myself up from progressing, no more, now I trust in myself, a little bit of doubt sometimes? Yes...a little, but that is only natural.
It’s all happening imv, but naturally, we are fed up with things as they are, we want to be zapped and step into paradise overnight, much as I would love that, I don’t believe it’s the way,it happens.
Just my view of course, I could be completely wrong.