The Event is very close now...10 - 9 - 8 - (2 Viewers)

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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
August 7th, 2018

I reach out now from a point of pure love to a point of pure love. I have questions from readers. This query is for One.

I am here Sophia. It is I. It is One.

Here is the question, separated into several parts

"In the May newsletter, ONE stated: "None of this was meant to be easy. You agreed to this when you signed up."

1. "Not meant to be easy."

WHY NOT?!? Why would LOVE hurt? Why is this existence so painful, so hurtful? This is not a LOVE creation. This matrix is user unfriendly, mean, contradictory, full of pain and hurt. Why? Is it all of 3D? When we get to 5D, 6D etc, will they be the same? When and where do we finally find LOVE? How can we become LOVE and get ahead when we are in so much pain? I personally find it very difficult to concentrate on LOVE when I am in pain. It is all encompassing. Pain and fear are programmed into us. They did it to us through analog TV. Then when computers and cell phones came along, they found out they could control us even better through digital. So, in 2007, they mandated everyone buy a digital TV. Now there is cable, cell towers, smart meters, CERN, HAARP and ELF. How can we become LOVE we are constantly bombarded by all this? All these things are why it's taking so long to wake up."

The truth of your existence is that it was chosen. Chosen by you in a moment of non-existence, non-physical sentience, non-human form. In this state, clarity is your biggest asset. There are no outliers, hanging there and blocking your vision. You are, in this state, pure love.

From this state you "see" the necessary elements, those as yet un-comprehended. You may think of them as missing pieces to the puzzle that, when put together, makes you.

What is the name of this puzzle, you may wonder from your human perspective, from your physical point of view? For, most certainly, you would correctly deduce you are pure love (in that state), what could be missing?

The name of this puzzle is a term you often use to specify the being or force responsible for it all - Creator or Source.

You see, this lifetime is about filling gaps in awareness that can only be filled by actualizing the sentiment. It is a bit like empathy. It arises in you most acutely when you witness someone experiencing the exact same condition that you have already experienced. You do not, at that moment, know exactly what their reaction will be, yet you know precisely what they are feeling physically and emotionally.

This life is chosen now, and by now is meant this specific life on earth in this timeline and moment, to accelerate learning. Unfortunately, this learning comes with a good deal of pain. The pain has, as its root cause, other systems and/or beings who are, as well, rounding out their life experience.

To move from "third" to another, faster frequency is not so much of a move as it is a shift. The term "assumption" is appropriate here. For, while you remain focused now on this pain and this heartache you see, you are accompanied by other versions of life occupying the same space who are not focused on these things and therefore vibrate differently.

As your frequency shifts things look different to you. This sort of learning, as an actual, physical adjustment, is the most powerful sort of learning. It has staying power and is remembered both physically and spiritually.

For, in truth, you have already, YOU ARE ALREADY experiencing other assumptions/dimensions. You came "back" to this "time" to re-experience emergence into them, which is a delight.

This is the secret that those controlling you now on this planet never want you to realize.

You are correct, you've been manipulated at every turn to give up. And yet here you are, struggling still, not giving up on what it is you know that you are - LOVE.

"2. "You agreed to this."

Then why don't we REMEMBER? I feel this loss of memory is really domination and control.

A. How can I do clearings to heal myself if I don't remember? How do I know if I'm clearing the correct things or if I'm doing it properly?

B. How can I become enlightened and know LOVE if I can't remember who I AM? Loss of memory is loss of knowledge of who I AM and loss of knowledge of LOVE. Everyone keeps saying "we are LOVE." But if we don't remember we are LOVE, how can we BE LOVE? "

A beautiful question you've posed. It illustrates the game perfectly. At the point now that you've asked it, you've woken up. No longer do you accept that love or even life, hurts. You question your reality. This is the beginning of awareness; the start of your enlightenment.

Not remembering is part of the game. It was the only way to viscerally "get" each facet of life.

You wanted to get every possibility for life's expression in order to attain wisdom and then, create.

Self-healing and clearing happens with self-awareness and trust. There is no one way, no "right" way to do these things. There is your way. This is a path to self-discovery and you are fast and far along on it.

It is the ego who rails "I don't know who I am". It is self that knows. The one beneath the question, the self who knows she is unexpressed completely, and yearns for her full coming out.

Know this, the strength and power and intensity of your cries are indicative of the strength, intensity and power of your light. A brilliant being of light is who you are and your light shines through every utterance, even those steeped in frustration.

You have not been abandoned. You have correctly identified the one thing you cannot find. Sit quiet or walk alone for a moment and seek her. She is right now waiting to be recognized. Once seen, she will fill your tears with joy and it is that joy that will be a salve to what now brings discomfort and trauma. She is who you have hidden but not forgotten. She is the one who knows. She is the source, your source, for this love you seek yet cannot find. She is not found in any other. She is found within. Love is found when felt for self.

"3. Dear ONE: No person has ever given a definitive answer/reason as to why are we going through all this. What is this existence, all these reincarnations, supposed to prove? When will the pain end? When will we know and become LOVE and stop hurting ourselves and each other?
Thank you so much for any answers. Love and Light."

Dear, dear human.

All of what you are going through was allowed by creation as an experiment. You were willing participants. The conclusion, once reached, would inform life itself of just how much a single aspect who imagined itself alone would or could endure to reach for the light, to seek the truth of its very nature.

The experiment has come to its natural conclusion. The human has chosen, rather than an outside force ending it, and "inside job". This becomes then the only way to guarantee as many of you "join the party" of enlightenment as is possible. This takes time and again, is how you chose it to go.

This is a reference to the "collective you" and is how all time frames and events are determined.

Know that all of this will ultimately be the highest and best outcome for your entire spectrum of selves, and that yes, there is an incredibly vast expanse of love encasing all of it.

That is all.

Due to the lengthy question and answer, that is it for questions in this edition. It's a powerful one and speaks to and for all of us. Such love was felt throughout, such tenderness, specifically at the end. Thank you.

Next, I have a beautiful story that was sent to me by a reader. It validates the changes in frequency we are experiencing. Enjoy...

"Yesterday morning I was walking with my dogs, and there is this big old tree that I usually stop at to pray and reflect at and feed the birds with food that I always bring for them, some weeks ago a male pheasant starting showing up for the food so I christened him Jack and he now shows up most mornings, and for the last two weeks he has a lady friend with him which I naturally christened Jill, well yesterday morning as I arrived at the tree I saw Jack lying on the ground and thought oh shit the fox has killed him, but no to my surprise he was fast asleep and to his right there was Jill also fast asleep, they both woke up not a bit phased by my presence and just walked a few meters away as they always do as they are wild birds, I was absolutely stunned to witness this because they are quit nervous especially around humans and dogs, they seem to have no fear of me whatsoever,

I returned home after my walk and as I walked up the drive the two resident collard doves were feeding on the ground and the dogs just walked past them and the doves stayed feeding wow! They say that the animals are the first to witness change in the environment and that certainly seems to be the case. "

Thanks everyone! Please continue to send in your questions and stories!
Much love and light,

This is a complimentary publication so please share!

With appreciation,​



Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Sep 27, 2016
South Africa
About a year ago I encountered mirror writing, actually watching someone mirror write by hand. I found it extremely challenging to read along, as the writing was in progress. Yesterday I encountered this again, and was quite surprised to find I could read along quite easily, as the writing was in progress. It appears that something has changed “upstairs” :-D ( It's still easier for me to read mirrored typing, than mirrored hand writing).


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Hey Gunther,

Thanks for an interesting post. Glad you have been "Upgraded" I did some reading and discovered that Lewis Carroll and Leonardo da Vinci were prolific mirror writers.



Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Sep 27, 2016
South Africa
Bloody hell Gunther, I am struggling to read my own writing!
Haha thanks Pod, I did check out my upstairs connection again, and it's still working :ROFL: Did some reading about it on line, quite interesting, seems in many cases it's inherited, but a few other reasons for this phenomenon, are given too. Well done, I won't even try :)
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I found this quite interesting in today's news: Astronaut reveals spotting ‘alien-like, organic object’ floating near him on space shuttle mission

Full article here:
This sort of stuff is old news now days surely, so many pilots and astronauts have reported seeing UFOs,
It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if one flew beside the plane I was flying in, in fact, I would send a telepathic Hi. And probably ask if I could be beamed aboard for a nose round. Lol

I would love to see what the inside of one is like, and have a chat with the crew

I’m amazed that people are still so in the dark about them


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
‘alien-like, organic object’ floating near him on space shuttle mission
i believe him, I think there are lots of critters living in space, Thanks for that one Carl.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016

Risonanza Schumann 8 Avgust Italia over 100hz

I am feeling thw consequences today actually. Yesterday was the Lionsgate Stargate alignment. Sirius, Earth, Sun I believe.

Thanks Lotos. Good Confirmation. In two days solar eclipse in Leo. All these bloody lion energies. Grrrrrr


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Hey Gunther,

Thanks for an interesting post. Glad you have been "Upgraded" I did some reading and discovered that Lewis Carroll and Leonardo da Vinci were prolific mirror writers.
Interestingly enough, Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland and "mirror" references show up rather frequently in the "QAnon" material. I'm not sure how that connects to what y'all are experiencing here, but I've no doubt that it IS connected somehow. As "Q" often asks, "Do you believe in coincidences?" Here's one of my fairly recent memes...related, as you can see...



And another "mirror" referenced meme I developed. Just putting these out there! :D



Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Today at Schrödinger's Öther Cat they posted a new article with the title “"R" is for...” Full link here:

I made a comment under Anonymous that was posted and a reply was given as well. All below for your consideration:

“Anonymous August 10, 2018 at 3:45 PM

When you say: "We bring this up as we saw The Event happening *in the midst of revolution* (though the revolution we saw was mild as revolutions go)." Some would argue that we are already in a revolution as part of the population is in different stages of an "open revolt" against the other part. In addition, revolutions are transformative at different levels, and it would be difficult to deny that it is where we are. If so, The Event could happen anytime.

Anonymous August 10, 2018 at 5:06 PM

True. We just saw said revolution... well... with more *action* taking place by the non-cabal side. Serious action. But you're right, we're very close to it.

-CAT Editors”
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Found this at today at Diane Canfield's site. Believe some of you may relate to symptoms mentioned below. I do, specially the one about the strong desire for others to awaken, then the one about relationships and finally the crazy dreams. Article below:

How To Advance With Ascension Symptoms This Gateway Brings | New Moon/ Last Eclipse of the Eclipse Corridor

August 10, 2018

by Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloveds,

We are/have been entering the energy of the last Eclipse in the Eclipse Corridor/Gateway. August 11th Partial Eclipse / New Moon. The first Eclipse did not provide much in the way of energy but the second one we had made up for that. Already a few days before this eclipse event we are feeling the energies coming in providing Ascension Symptoms/raising consciousness.


Not sleeping well/ interrupted sleep. This manifests as even though being dead tired we cannot sleep. When we do sleep we may be up awake after 3 hours and up for a few hours before going back to sleep again.

Crazy/Bad Dreams. Dreams have been crazy the last few nights seeming surreal and bizarre. Its a pleasure to wake up from these crazy dreams of action packed chaos.

Feeling not fully in this world. A feeling of not being fully connected to this world and needing grounding. A feeling of not belonging in this world. I advise to start grounding more for this eclipse/new moon and being sure you are fully grounded for the next week.

Relationship Issues. Relationship issues have been an ongoing theme for the entire Eclipse Corridor. You may now start to see hidden aspects of your partner you did not see before. There have been many break ups during this time. I advise to wait until after this corridor is done, after a week or so and then revisit the relationship and see how you feel. Energy is heightened and this supplies us with hidden aspects of our partner, yet when things calm down we may not feel the same way. Relationship issues will continue as more awaken to the Truth.

A Strong Desire for Others to Awaken. You may be feeling a SUPER strong desire for all others to awaken. This will only grow more intense as more light comes into your being. The best thing to do is to make sure your own conditioning, programming and illusions are all being dealt with on a continuing basis.

As we hold more light during these times of increased energy, more awaken and the more that awaken the more have access to the ONE TRUTH. The ONE TRUTH is that of the Divine Creator. The Creator is neither male nor female but a combination of BOTH and all that exists. This is why you can find the Creator in everything. This comes from the singularity of “One with all that is”. As a psychic I know this one truth and have known it since childhood yet there are many still in the dark to what this is. The one truth is not based on perception. It exists as to what is REAL in Realities beyond this one and the Akashic Records. There are many that know the One Truth and as more awaken, more will join us.

As more INSIGHTS/ new ways of being come in during these increased energy times be sure and make the most of them. I advise writing them down so you don’t forget. I write everything down that I am feeling and new ideas/ ways of beings that come to me in the moment of NOW.

As the energies and light get stronger, it is harder not to SEE the TRUTH. It will become harder for everyone to live in illusion. As almost 2 decades of living OUT OF illusion it is a pleasure to see this happening now to so many.

More to come on how to handle new psychic abilities that are and will be coming online for everyone. I have more and more ask me about their NEW abilities everyday now.

Work to spend time in the moment of Now and stay completely present. This is where all psychic information comes from. We must stay in the moment of NOW to access it.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Just saw this at Simon Parks website, wondering too if there is some validity to the report considering all the false starts we had in the past from different sources. I guess we have to be patient and wait from confirmation by Simon or from other sources:
Reports Of Preliminary Arrests
Saturday, August 11, 2018

I'm hearing reports of preliminary arrests taking place in the US as some of the individuals on President Trump’s list are spoken to.

Although it's true to say that in a recent radio show I said these arrests could start as early as August I favoured September/October.

For this reason I'm just monitoring this and seeing if others report similar Intel before I declare them true.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Just saw this at Simon Parks website
Jeez Carl, you are one step ahead of me. Just saw it too.

Simon Parkes is very careful in what he posts. He would never post something unless he had some sense of it. Let's keep it monitored.

Thanks Carl.
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Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
thanks again for the informations

i knew it was more than the heat that stumped me down
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Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
Just saw this at Simon Parks website, wondering too if there is some validity to the report considering all the false starts we had in the past from different sources. I guess we have to be patient and wait from confirmation by Simon or from other sources:
Reports Of Preliminary Arrests
Saturday, August 11, 2018

I'm hearing reports of preliminary arrests taking place in the US as some of the individuals on President Trump’s list are spoken to.

Although it's true to say that in a recent radio show I said these arrests could start as early as August I favoured September/October.

For this reason I'm just monitoring this and seeing if others report similar Intel before I declare them true.

that can become a nice information trail over time
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
that can become a nice information trail over time
Agree Alain. I have been looking around a bit but have not seen any confirmation yet, however, I did run into something curious at a site than made me think a bit if what they report is actually true (too many assumptions though); it would be too fast to initiate any arrest as well but lets see if any of you thinks it could be related to what Simon mentions:
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Schrödinger's Öther Cat just got this:
Breathe breathe breathe.
The energies began this morning around 5:15 am PDT and the only way to handle them was to BREATHE through them; with each inhalation, think: "SOURCE... <exhale, inhale>... SOURCE...." Otherwise, you'll probably wind in the emergency room. The energies are just too intense. Several of the CATs thought that The (main) Event was starting this morning at 7:00 am... we definitely felt lighter. It's close.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
it would be too fast to initiate any arrest as well but lets see if any of you thinks it could be related to what Simon mentions:
I saw that Carl, very interesting BUT, the Clintons are about as deep "deep state" as you can get and somehow I do not believe yet, that they have lost enough power to allow this removal of information that would ultimately convict hundreds of deep state operatives.

UNLESS the Deep State has decided to offer them up as a sacrificial lamb.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
While the Clinton's certainly aren't "the head of the snake", they're quite high up from the general public's view. I do feel they will be one of the first public "examples", if you will. Once the very public and "high-risk" Deep State operators (Clintons, Bushes, Obama, McCain, etc.) are taken into custody, things will have to move very, VERY quickly. I'm pretty sure that once they're taken in, there will be a MASSIVE roll-out of details in the case--as well as a very thorough disclosure of all the Deep State shenanigans. Quite possibly for EVERYTHING--high profile murders, suppressed cancer cures, suppressed "free energy" tech; maybe (and probably) even fake wars, chemtrails, vaccines, and false flag tactics. It's ALL Deep State.

The shock of all of it will very likely take the wind out of the sails of any so-called, "Left" opposition. I truly think that will be the point where we'll see many, MANY suicides. Anyone celebrity who's likely to face backlash for their Satanic or pedophilic practices will almost certainly either try to flee (unsuccessfully, may I add) or avoid a trial and prison sentence by any means necessary.

I have the VERY STRONG feeling that many of us who have dared speak out about these things and were ridiculed will be completely vindicated.

I'm pretty sure that will be the point that MANY of us will be needed to help keep things balanced...and perhaps its the very reason that the "Q" movement was launched.

It's gonna be an interesting few months, no doubt about it.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Sunday I had another day of feeling fractured - like the cubist painting of a woman walking on the staircase. It was as if I was here and there and back to here - for several hours - whew. Finally, it was over and I was "there", which feels kind of similar but different, too. I finally got it together this afternoon.

A funny thing happened this morning, as I was walking by the front door (it is glass with a glass sidelight). There was a rock squirrel all the way on the porch right at the door. They are shy and usually stay close to their homes in the rocky area behind our house. These are the weirdest animals - hefty for a squirrel, front half is sleek, black fur and back half is bushy, grey fur. They really look like two squirrels glued together in the middle. I thought it was a nice metaphor for these times. lol


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
UNLESS the Deep State has decided to offer them up as a sacrificial lamb.
Come to think about, I would doubt that since first, the Clintons, Bush, etc. have the "goodies" in a good number of people as insurance policy; second, SG said:
I do feel they will be one of the first public "examples", if you will.
; but to that I would say they would first try to cut any deal possible in order to save their own skins. There will many suicides obviously but others may be "suicide" too -karma effect here.
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