The Event is Upon Us part 3 (5 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
For the last week I have found that if I don't keep myself as high vibrationally as *possible* - everything around me goes completely "off the rails".

Anyone else going through this?
I'm going to pay attention because there have been a few things that have gone sideways.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
For the last week I have found that if I don't keep myself as high vibrationally as *possible* - everything around me goes completely "off the rails".

Anyone else going through this?
I don't know if it's related, but the sense of going "off the rails" if not in tune with what is going on around us resonates and reminds me of something. The flip side of this was very encouraging and uplifting.

I felt a 'wind of change' recently that gave a choice of being disassembled by its awesome strength or going with it to fly as high and as far as one would like, accepting and being filled with its strength. I posted more about it here:

True to its character, this wind 'grabbed' my attention in the midst of a busy day to let me know what it had to say.
How appropriate:rolleyes:<3
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
And sometimes I get an odd little breeze that just touches me, usually just the once when I'm indoors. No known source of breeze apparent.
And I sometimes get the feeling a drop of water landed somewhere on my bare skin, even if I'm inside the house no where near water. This has happened dozens of times to me over my life so I don't pay much attention to it.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
As the temps rise higher here, I've become aware of a cool breeze that I sometimes feel in the backyard - just for a minute and then it is gone.
I get the water drop thing, too.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
For the last week I have found that if I don't keep myself as high vibrationally as *possible* - everything around me goes completely "off the rails".

Anyone else going through this?
YES. In fact, the last few days I’ve awakened from some strange dreams with various aches, pains, etc. It’s required a lot of focus throughout the day, but I keep telling my body “I love you and appreciate you” and it’s been responding well. It really feels like a “testing” process where I’m being tested on how well I can trust in all aspects of self...or something.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
YES. It really feels like a “testing” process where I’m being tested on how well I can trust in all aspects of self...or something.
Indeed. I have that same feeling. And it seems to defy definition. I have the mental picture of cows being squeezed into a narrower fence so they are going in one direction (again). Something is up.

As I wrote that the word TIMELINES came into my awareness. Loud and clear.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
I had the opportunity to go see Kiefer Sutherland and his band on the weekend. I tend to avoid large public events; I find the energy of groups to be overwhelming and puts my vibration in a tailspin. I was told I was going however, so I decided to make the best of it and set the intention to be as bright a light as possible, and also to be able to read the energy of those around me. I was pleasantly surprised at the vibe of the crowd; most were "shiny happy people". The ones who weren't were quite obvious in their contrast. What I found most interesting was that Kiefer himself was quite high-vibe. He had quite a "clean" energy surrounding him. I got the feeling he was doing something he really loved to do, and it was really flowing through his energy field.

That night I had a strong dream. I dreamt of making a journey to go see Kiefer. I was bringing a baby to show him, and give him a message. The baby was very bright in contrast to everything I passed along the way.When I got to the building where he was and opened the door, there were several people blocking me from getting to him. Some were his family members. They were very 3D in their nature, and prevented me from showing him the baby. They firmly placed themselves between me and him and were saying very low-vibrational things. I had to leave without showing him. However, I did leave with the knowing that he will be able to find whatever message I was to bring him ON HIS OWN.

My take on the whole thing: Kiefer is either awake or well on his way to being so.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
This resonates with me:

"I asked this one if I could come at this time to be with you because of this time that you are in now, this time that you are approaching.

You spoke of The Event earlier in your discussion and what The Event is, and what would happen after, and what has kept it from happening up to this point. But the truth is, my friends, that The Event is already in process of happening. True, it has not developed completely as you would be expecting it, but it is in process. It is the same as your ascension is in process. You have been working toward this culmination of all things coming together at once.

All the many events that have been spoken of are in process. All of the waves of energy that have been coming in are bringing you to the point where you will be able to fully withstand the great energy that will come from the universal central sun, from Source itself. And that energy is coming to the planet now. How long it takes depends on consciousness of man, the collective consciousness of man"



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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
2 things happened in the last 24 hours, which, at the very least, indicate to me that my third eye is active. One was being woken by a silent "something" in the dark room at approx. 3:33 (didn't check the clock at the exact moment but it was just after that when I did check) and I saw a short, hooded figure (shadow) walk through my bedroom (heading south to north) on the other side of my bed. You know when it's your third eye, because it happens so fast you don't get to replay it again, and you blink and it's gone. My dog came to be at my side (I guess for reassurance) so I was not imagining this. Normally she doesn't come to me in the night. I sat with her for a few moments, and everything was profoundly silent... so it was not an outside noise that woke us, and she didn't whimper - she just wanted my calm hand on her. I don't get shocked or excited now when I see these things, so it is easier to remember clearly.

Moving on to morning, as I was driving (west to east) I saw a pillar of light. It was vertical, quite a far distance away (meaning in another suburb entirely), but my road aligned with it, and it was directly in front of me. It was bright, luminescent, white light coming down directly from a hole in the clouds (and there was a tinge of bright white around the hole, which would make sense if above the clouds it was present everywhere. The width of the beam was equal all the way from top to bottom. Although the sun rises in this direction (and it was morning) if it had been a stray ray of sunlight, I don't think it would have been so very vertical - normally they are slanted as they find holes to come through in the clouds (just thought of the word "locher" which is German for holes). As I pulled up to the red light to make my right hand turn, the beam was directly aligned behind a light pole, which shut it out from my view. I kept craning my neck to see around the pole and I could see it was fading out fast. By the time I made my turn it was very faded. Therefore, the vision lasted approximately 5 minutes from the first moment I saw it.

Analysing this afterwards, while driving, I thought: "Well, we are in the eclipse corridor, so it makes sense I saw something like cosmic emanations. I have seen things in clouds before". On the other hand, it could just have been that my third eye was wide open in that period since the night before, and therefore I was able to perceive something that maybe others didn't.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Wow Magic Melt. The real magic for me is how logically you watched the beam of light and ascertained what it was instead of getting utterly blown away. That to me, indicates excellent melding of left and right hemispheres of brain.

I am having some magic moments with animals, mainly dogs!

This lunchtime I could hear a dog barking and barking on the other side of the river from where I was gardening. Eventually, making my way home, I walked that way. It was still barking and had been for at least an hour but someone said it's owner was there and it was OK.

When I arrived I found a springer spaniel on the bank by the river, barking at an injured sea gull chick. She would not come to her owner and he did not want to have to climb down the wall to lift her up.

I called her by name, quite commandingly and told her game over. She hesitated for a minute and I pulled her with my energy and she came straight to me, up the steps. The owner clipped the leash on and looked at me strangely. "Right, that's sorted then" he said.

Dogs are making a special effort to come to me, even pulling on the leashes when owners pass me by.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I'm glad the dog could feel your presence and came to heel, even though the owner was standing by issuing instructions which she was ignoring. Tonight I saw a news report that says seagull droppings have been found to contain antibiotic-resistant Superbugs. Thank the humans for this, because the gulls take the easy way out to find food such as raiding garbage dumps, rather than making the harder call to catch their meal at sea. It really is an example of what goes around, comes around. I live near the sea, and in a few places where I park, seagulls spatter the exteriors of cars - why not, do they even look where they do it?
I'll have to be careful to clean these off straight away, and never to touch any of it. This seagull droppings menace is apparently a global phenomenon.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Wow Magic Melt. The real magic for me is how logically you watched the beam of light and ascertained what it was instead of getting utterly blown away. That to me, indicates excellent melding of left and right hemispheres of brain.

I am having some magic moments with animals, mainly dogs!

This lunchtime I could hear a dog barking and barking on the other side of the river from where I was gardening. Eventually, making my way home, I walked that way. It was still barking and had been for at least an hour but someone said it's owner was there and it was OK.

When I arrived I found a springer spaniel on the bank by the river, barking at an injured sea gull chick. She would not come to her owner and he did not want to have to climb down the wall to lift her up.

I called her by name, quite commandingly and told her game over. She hesitated for a minute and I pulled her with my energy and she came straight to me, up the steps. The owner clipped the leash on and looked at me strangely. "Right, that's sorted then" he said.

Dogs are making a special effort to come to me, even pulling on the leashes when owners pass me by.
That’s great, Pod, nice of the owner to say, Thankyou, he was probably peed off because his dog obeyed a stranger.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I'm glad the dog could feel your presence and came to heel,
I am Capricorn Sun with a Cancer ascendant and the upcoming eclipse is all about inner authority! At least that is what I gleaned from Janne's article. Just spreading it about a bit!
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Unfortunately I couldn't take a picture of the light, as I was driving (I never have the phone out of my bag when I'm driving). But here are some similar beams of light (sky down) that I found, to give you an idea of how strong and pure this was, and how straight!

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It had the quality like that on the Mayan pyramid. It was not angled at all, like the image above, but did come out of a hole in the clouds. There was more cloud cover than what you see in that city landscape, so while the beam was straight up and down like that, the sun itself was not visible as it was above the clouds.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Unfortunately I couldn't take a picture of the light, as I was driving (I never have the phone out of my bag when I'm driving). But here are some similar beams of light (sky down) that I found, to give you an idea of how strong and pure this was, and how straight!

View attachment 7493View attachment 7494

View attachment 7495

It had the quality like that on the Mayan pyramid. It was not angled at all, like the image above, but did come out of a hole in the clouds. There was more cloud cover than what you see in that city landscape, so while the beam was straight up and down like that, the sun itself was not visible as it was above the clouds.
I wonder what it would’ve been like to stand directly under that beam, or at least seen where it touched the ground. Intriguing.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
2 things happened in the last 24 hours, which, at the very least, indicate to me that my third eye is active. One was being woken by a silent "something" in the dark room at approx. 3:33 (didn't check the clock at the exact moment but it was just after that when I did check) and I saw a short, hooded figure (shadow) walk through my bedroom (heading south to north) on the other side of my bed. You know when it's your third eye, because it happens so fast you don't get to replay it again, and you blink and it's gone. My dog came to be at my side (I guess for reassurance) so I was not imagining this. Normally she doesn't come to me in the night. I sat with her for a few moments, and everything was profoundly silent... so it was not an outside noise that woke us, and she didn't whimper - she just wanted my calm hand on her. I don't get shocked or excited now when I see these things, so it is easier to remember clearly.

Moving on to morning, as I was driving (west to east) I saw a pillar of light. It was vertical, quite a far distance away (meaning in another suburb entirely), but my road aligned with it, and it was directly in front of me. It was bright, luminescent, white light coming down directly from a hole in the clouds (and there was a tinge of bright white around the hole, which would make sense if above the clouds it was present everywhere. The width of the beam was equal all the way from top to bottom. Although the sun rises in this direction (and it was morning) if it had been a stray ray of sunlight, I don't think it would have been so very vertical - normally they are slanted as they find holes to come through in the clouds (just thought of the word "locher" which is German for holes). As I pulled up to the red light to make my right hand turn, the beam was directly aligned behind a light pole, which shut it out from my view. I kept craning my neck to see around the pole and I could see it was fading out fast. By the time I made my turn it was very faded. Therefore, the vision lasted approximately 5 minutes from the first moment I saw it.

Analysing this afterwards, while driving, I thought: "Well, we are in the eclipse corridor, so it makes sense I saw something like cosmic emanations. I have seen things in clouds before". On the other hand, it could just have been that my third eye was wide open in that period since the night before, and therefore I was able to perceive something that maybe others didn't.
Oh so magical!
Other than the obvious joy of it all and how amazingly intriguing these moments you describe are, one thing that catches my eye immediately is that one of your visuals was moving N/S and the other E/W; it seems very balanced, particularly if they were close in time.

Another thought that comes to mind is that the beam of light looks, to my eyes, just as I imagine 'energy centers' to look. These are, as I understand them, almost like elevators taking energies up/down, R/L, in/out, etc wherever they 'belong'. So an energy center place above a place would 'sort' the energies where they 'needed' to be so that they could be in a more 'harmonious' relationship with each other and with their surroundings.
I use a lot of 'quotes' writing this since I am trying to convey feelings that I associate with these concepts and I find them sometimes difficult to pinpoint as they are quite different from what I am used to talking or even thinking about. Having said that, energy centers and I are 'old friends' having been around each other for some years now. I feel that there is a lot to them and that I have a lot to learn about them. I have never seen one. Lucky you!
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Oh so magical!
Other than the obvious joy of it all and how amazingly intriguing these moments you describe are, one thing that catches my eye immediately is that one of your visuals was moving N/S and the other E/W; it seems very balanced, particularly if they were close in time.

Another thought that comes to mind is that the beam of light looks, to my eyes, just as I imagine 'energy centers' to look. These are, as I understand them, almost like elevators taking energies up/down, R/L, in/out, etc wherever they 'belong'. So an energy center place above a place would 'sort' the energies where they 'needed' to be so that they could be in a more 'harmonious' relationship with each other and with their surroundings.
I use a lot of 'quotes' writing this since I am trying to convey feelings that I associate with these concepts and I find them sometimes difficult to pinpoint as they are quite different from what I am used to talking or even thinking about. Having said that, energy centers and I are 'old friends' having been around each other for some years now. I feel that there is a lot to them and that I have a lot to learn about them. I have never seen one. Lucky you!
There weren't too many other cars near me - no-one right beside me. I will never know if anyone else saw this.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Another weird thing, although for me, weird is the new normal - lol

Walking up to my car, I see a bottle cap on the back dash - a Bud Light cap (US beer). We are not beer drinkers, the car has not been out of my control since I got it, and I don't leave the windows down when I'm not around. Yep, it definitely is odd. Did the person who detailed it before I took it home decide to take a break and pop a cold one and I never noticed it - or - is this a bleed-over from another time line where I drink beer and toss the caps in the back? Today, I considered that it is joke - a reminder to have some fun. A few years ago, I was looking at the night sky and said hey, I was born in Roswell, can't I at least get a fly by. The very next day, I was walking in the woods and noticed a spec of blue (not unlike the bottle cap), dug it out, and saw that I found an old toy spaceship. That is exactly the kind of joke I would play.

So, my sense of the whole thing is take some time to chill, put our feet up, and pop a cold one.

bud light.JPG


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
A while back in a dream I was sitting in a roller coaster car. I looked backwards and could see that the tracks had been relatively flat. But the next part of the ride was a very, VERY long slope going down with a few rises in it. Almost pure vertical. But - the further down it went I could see it was greener and lusher in the distance (which was waaaaayyyy down). I was asked "are you ready?". I said "YES!" The last thing I heard was "ENJOY THE RIDE".

Success is guaranteed. We all know how it ends. Let's enjoy the ride!


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Another weird thing, although for me, weird is the new normal - lol

Walking up to my car, I see a bottle cap on the back dash - a Bud Light cap (US beer). We are not beer drinkers, the car has not been out of my control since I got it, and I don't leave the windows down when I'm not around. Yep, it definitely is odd. Did the person who detailed it before I took it home decide to take a break and pop a cold one and I never noticed it - or - is this a bleed-over from another time line where I drink beer and toss the caps in the back? Today, I considered that it is joke - a reminder to have some fun. A few years ago, I was looking at the night sky and said hey, I was born in Roswell, can't I at least get a fly by. The very next day, I was walking in the woods and noticed a spec of blue (not unlike the bottle cap), dug it out, and saw that I found an old toy spaceship. That is exactly the kind of joke I would play.

So, my sense of the whole thing is take some time to chill, put our feet up, and pop a cold one.

View attachment 7501
Yeah, light. Keep it bud light.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
The beam was over an outer suburb of Perth - not entangled with any cityscape - and may have even been over bushland.
Update: today, driving the same route, at the same time of day, but this time with no clouds, the sun was present exactly where the beam of light had been. Therefore, it was definitely a sun ray. Just unusual that it was vertical, not slanting.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Parts of New York City had a blackout this weekend - 42 years to the day of the last one. Yeah, lots of theories about that.

However, what I saw through tweets was regular people stepping up and helping out. Numerous civilians were at intersections directing traffic, small restaurants, bars, and bodegas stayed open with candlelight, and most interesting - the casts and musicians from several Broadway shows performed on the street. No one had to tell them what to do - they just saw what was needed and did it.

So, a big shout out to the regular folks!


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Also, I've noticed something with my dog. Several weeks ago, when the wren chicks were getting ready to fly from their nest on our deck. a big ground squirrel appeared (they will eat baby birds). I was watching through the patio door, but the squirrel did not care about me. However, when my dog walked up beside me, the squirrel looked panicked and ran away.

Recently, there was a young dove flopping around in the yard with a wing injury. With the noise and flash of feathers, I figured the hawk would be here soon. My dog, who is a boxer, ran out, retrieved it, carefully carried it back to the deck, and placed it at my feet. It scrambled under the grill and walked into the shrubs later. (Alas, the next day I found feathers by my car, so it must have moved to the front yard and was caught by a fox.)

Today, we were on the deck just looking out when a drama unfolded in the trees. The hawk was trying to grab a bird from a tree. My dog ran out, started barking, and chased the hawk away. I know he was telling the hawk to beat it because he continued to follow the hawk around and barking at it.

One of these events would not have caught my attention much, but all three in such a short span of time.......


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Popped this on to my Facebook page last night after a "tip off" from a resident!

One of my roving reporters just informed me that the DUMFRIES sign on the Glasgow Road at Lincluden, was cleaned today by Stevie Moodycliffe of Clear2See window cleaners. Why? Because it needed doing.
Nice one Stevie. Thanks.

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