Here's Magenta Pixie's latest vid about Q, Trump, New Earth, and the Ascension process. I just listened to it last night and there was LOTS of confirmation and resonance here for me. I had a few interesting revelations about my own "journey" while listening and there was a very strong feeling I should share, so make of it what you will:
PS: I got the feeling that the so-called "Indigo" person asking the questions was still pretty immersed in 3D (and perhaps a "plant" of sorts)...but the answers from the "White Winged Collective of 9" were extremely wise and "diplomatic" as it were. They did a masterful job of dodging what seemed to me to be some "energetic ambushes". There was LOTS of discussion about energies, choice, Free Will, 3D/5D, etc., so the content wasn't for beginners. But with most of us here, we're all pretty steeped in this stuff, so...please enjoy, should you feel so inclined.
PPS: One of the major things that came through for me was the confirmation that there are INFINITE timelines, INFINITE journeys, and INFINITE choices. We are all on an individual journey, but we can choose to hop on any "timeline train" and join any "collective journey" we wish along the way. The main thing for me is that before we can start making any CONSCIOUS choices (here in the physical), we must rediscover our own DIVINITY and realize that we even HAVE the Power of Choice. Until then, we unknowingly allow circumstances do much of the choosing for us.