Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (2 Viewers)

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Involved Wayfarer
Dec 31, 2021
Linda, your dream reminds me of a message I got during my one and only QHHT session back in 2019. In fact it was the last thing my HS brought through, unprompted, after all my other questions had been answered. I got the message that “all humans” would be moving toward “more joy”, and it felt to me like we would have a much simpler way of living, one that would be much more joyful. I didn’t get a timeframe (besides the ubiquitous “soon”) but I remember the sense of it very well, and your dream reminded me of it.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
It could also have been another timeline/alternate reality. Or one that's an option.
Quite possible. This particular scenario has been coming in dreams and visions for many years, but the locations and severity have changed. At first, there was a lot of destruction, then places away from cities, and now in my own neighborhood. Perhaps a sampling of different timelines, or maybe an indication that events and energies have changed.

Not sure what, but I do know I awoke with a mission to share this one as best I could.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
June I came across this video with Janine (tarot reader) and Christiane Northrup (well-known physician). Northrup asks the most interesting questions about helping people who've had the vax. One of the questions was about med-beds, which seem in line with what you are seeing. The answer centered on the person's ability to access their own healing energies as part of the treatment. I've thought the same thing, otherwise people would not be able to achieve enduring health. So, there has to be some level of awareness in the recipient.

I think it’s true that people will have to be able to access their own healing abilities and I think in time everybody will, but that will take time, for a while people will need help to heal, especially from any adverse affects of the vaccine.
I went to a place where there appeared to be a prototype Energy Healing Centre , later I intuited there would also be Mobile Energy Healing Units.

There has been a lot of talk about Med Beds, maybe they will be in the healing centres or they could be another thing that is there to heal, we could well have several different projects in place , possibly one country using a different healing mode to another.
Its going to be interesting seeing how it all plays out


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Tuesday - March 15, 2022

Many Dreams

For three days
, I had versions of the same dream. People coming out from some great unrest, and happily finding a new and bright world. It was some kind of terrible storm - literal or metaphorical - and they were so happy it was over and ready to begin anew.

This morning I had two dreams.

In the first one, I was making videos on how to move from where we are now to where we want to go. First, we are going to be here a bit longer, so keep essential supplies here. Second, take the time to find just the right abode in the "where we want to go" place. Third step, carefully consider what we want to take and what we want to leave behind.

In the second one, the owner of a company I used to work with but left because of their less-lighted behavior, sent word that they really needed me to come back. At first I was happy but heard a voice saying, check the details. Ahhh - those details showed that they were exactly the same kind of people as before and wanted to profit from my skills.

My Take
The first series of dreams are just like so many I've had in the past years. There is something earth-shattering - literal, psychological, spiritual - maybe all three. It affects everyone, but some come through it just fine and are ready for a new life. June has had several premonitions and messages along the same lines. However, it has to be one of those "thief in the night" events, which means we will not know until we are in it. The big take-away for me is that so many people come through it and are happy to go forward.

The videos about how to pack are interesting because they suggest people are able to move back and forward between here and there - perhaps only in thoughts, but it is an interesting idea. Also, the videos suggested two important ideas - consider what you wish to leave behind and what to carry forward - perhaps ideas and feelings - and taking only what suits you. The other idea is to have the items important to your sustenance in the here. Now that idea has many meanings, including stocking up on provisions.

The second dream about the job offer has two meanings. One, for me personally to take care with whom I work. Sometimes I do yearn for the times of collaboration. The second meaning, for many of us, may be about people who've shunned us for our beliefs wanting to return and for everything to go back to the way it was before. They may not even entertain the idea that they were wrong and just want to gloss over it and continue as if nothing happened. To really be able to move forward, we have to be able to think critically and see the junk around us for what it is. We don't have to say "I told you so", (although there are some cases where I'd like to). However, people do need to come to grips with all that has gone on - otherwise, it only will be repeated.
I had a premonition of. ‘ Rising from the ashes ‘. with feeling of tears of joy and happiness and starting anew, seems to go along with your dream Linda.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
It could also have been another timeline/alternate reality. Or one that's an option.

However, I suspect this is how the holidays will be -- which will be refreshing. As Linus said, Christmas has become too commercial, and too dangerous.
And we'll have lettuce Christmases - here in High Summer!
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Involved Wayfarer
Nov 15, 2021
I think it’s true that people will have to be able to access their own healing abilities and I think in time everybody will, but that will take time, for a while people will need help to heal, especially from any adverse affects of the vaccine.
I went to a place where there appeared to be a prototype Energy Healing Centre , later I intuited there would also be Mobile Energy Healing Units.

There has been a lot of talk about Med Beds, maybe they will be in the healing centres or they could be another thing that is there to heal, we could well have several different projects in place , possibly one country using a different healing mode to another.
Its going to be interesting seeing how it all plays out
The folks at Schrodinger's Other Cat created an energy escrow account for anyone who needs it, free-will and all that:
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - March 24, 2022

Morning Dream
I was taking a group of people to a meeting to learn more about our work/mission in the near future. I was given the opportunity to ask for myself and had a vision. It was on the patio that overlooks our downtown from the convention center. In the middle was a teal color washing machine. It was large, fancy (all kinds of settings) and lighted up like a special display. I was happy to have the vision because teal is my favorite color, and I hold washing machines in great esteem.

My Take
Teal is an unusual color for an appliance, so I figured it was significant.

Dreaming of teal indicates your loyal and devoted nature and your willingness to come to aid of your kith and kin who may be in need of physical, emotional or spiritual assistance. Dreams of teal are also suggestive of greener pastures and good news in waiting.

This makes sense as I am a loyal friend and will get up and help another. Monday evening I scrambled down boulders into a ravine during the rain because someone one saw a dog slip in and thought they heard cries. Dog not found but was sighted later by another. So yes, it seems the washing machine points to me.

Washing machines are great aids - from cleaning very dirty clothes to the more delicate items - all at once without too much effort. I think it may refer to the ability to be in the midst of something grungy and rise above it without carrying the dirt with you. More and more troubling info is dripping out - from questionable labs to that laptop. As the location overlooks our downtown, which includes the state capitol, it seems a great deal of unhappy info may be coming our way. Yes, we need to be aware and understand what it means, but we also need to rise above it and create a better world without all that dross.

Also, I find the dream amusing and soooo me - who else gets a fancy teal washing machine!!


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Thursday - March 24, 2022

Morning Dream
I was taking a group of people to a meeting to learn more about our work/mission in the near future. I was given the opportunity to ask for myself and had a vision. It was on the patio that overlooks our downtown from the convention center. In the middle was a teal color washing machine. It was large, fancy (all kinds of settings) and lighted up like a special display. I was happy to have the vision because teal is my favorite color, and I hold washing machines in great esteem.

My Take
Teal is an unusual color for an appliance, so I figured it was significant.

Dreaming of teal indicates your loyal and devoted nature and your willingness to come to aid of your kith and kin who may be in need of physical, emotional or spiritual assistance. Dreams of teal are also suggestive of greener pastures and good news in waiting.

This makes sense as I am a loyal friend and will get up and help another. Monday evening I scrambled down boulders into a ravine during the rain because someone one saw a dog slip in and thought they heard cries. Dog not found but was sighted later by another. So yes, it seems the washing machine points to me.

Washing machines are great aids - from cleaning very dirty clothes to the more delicate items - all at once without too much effort. I think it may refer to the ability to be in the midst of something grungy and rise above it without carrying the dirt with you. More and more troubling info is dripping out - from questionable labs to that laptop. As the location overlooks our downtown, which includes the state capitol, it seems a great deal of unhappy info may be coming our way. Yes, we need to be aware and understand what it means, but we also need to rise above it and create a better world without all that dross.

Also, I find the dream amusing and soooo me - who else gets a fancy teal washing machine!!
Had I not read your post I wouldn’t have mentioned this.

Yesterday while resting I saw what appeared to be the ground, it was a mixture of all sorts of pebbles and bits and pieces, shining out from all this was something Teal colour, turned out to be a gemstone.
I thought how nice it would look in a ring or necklace , mostly I was wondering what it might mean and if I might find out
later then up pops Linda’s dream. Teal washing machines and my Teal gemstone.

There has to be a connection here doesn’t there.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Had I not read your post I wouldn’t have mentioned this.

Yesterday while resting I saw what appeared to be the ground, it was a mixture of all sorts of pebbles and bits and pieces, shining out from all this was something Teal colour, turned out to be a gemstone.
I thought how nice it would look in a ring or necklace , mostly I was wondering what it might mean and if I might find out
later then up pops Linda’s dream. Teal washing machines and my Teal gemstone.

There has to be a connection here doesn’t there.
Like this but different shape


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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
There has to be a connection here doesn’t there.
Most definitely - looks like a sapphire, which can come in colors from blue to green - including teal. They are associated with wisdom and prophesy. So, that fits right in with the dream I had.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - March 25, 2022

Dream (must sleep now moment)
My husband and I and my daughter and her husband were getting ready to move from our homes. We were so happy and excited about where we were going. My daughter and I were calling back and forth - talking about how we were handling different aspects - again with such enthusiasm.

My Take
Each family is settled and happy in our homes, so not seeing a literal meaning. Moving in the dream world usually means a change in thinking, reality, or being. I cannot adequately convey the joy we all were feeling. The interesting thing is that we did not have an exact destination in mind - only that it was wonderful and something we've wanted for a long time.

In light of the other dreams, I'm going with a change in state of consciousness. I'll be on the lookout for you all.

As I write, I'm listening to the Van Morrison song that Pucksterguy posted because it feels just right.

When no one steps on my dreams there'll be days like this
When people understand what I mean there'll be days like this
When you ring out the changes of how everything is
Well my mama told me there'll be days like this

from Days Like This by Van Morrison


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - March 31, 2022

Awoke and walked through the house. First I stopped and opened the curtains on the front windows. There was part of our local deer herd grazing in the front yard. I smiled, said hello, and walked on to the kitchen where I opened the doors to the deck. As I stood there, a large hawk glided down, perched on the power lines in front of me, surveyed the yard, and flew off over the house.

My Take

From the moment I saw each of these messengers, I knew it was about me being in the middle - perhaps a reminder to embrace the best of each one. Also, it might reflect my public life versus my private (and magical) life. Later in the day, I entered into a conversation about being in the midst of emotional situations requiring action on our parts. The conclusion was to know ourselves, let any intervention reflect love, and allow a space for another to disengage.

Yeah, that is pretty much in my face, so I looked at the messages from the deer and hawk. (

When Deer leaps in as your spirit animal, it's time to be compassionate toward others and yourself. Deer as a totem animal belongs to those who shine the light so others may find their way home. Invoke Deer as your power animal when you need to create peace in your sphere.

When Hawk swoops in as your spirit animal, it's time to open your awareness wide. Hawk as a totem animal belongs to those who can see the whole picture. Invoke Hawk as your when you need to see things with a more discerning eye.

When I'm in public, I shine my light and bring peace. At the same time, I consider privately what the larger picture might be and act with awareness and discernment. Alrighty - that is a pretty good plan for things / events that may come our way.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Recently I’ve heard that the Sun is a portal and that ships have been seen coming out of the sun, it’s also been suggested that the portal leads the the centre of the universe.
While discussing it with a friend I kept getting a shiver, the mention of a portal I shivered, she said does it lead to the centre of the universe, another shiver. Through many years I’ve found I shiver when me or someone gets it right, or very near.

We then deliberated as to whether the Event/Light Wave, whatever it may be, would actually come through the sun portal from the centre of the universe.. and I started to shiver more, I’m saying ‘. Omg I’m so shivery, I think we’ve hit on something, could it be I wonder. ‘
That when I felt some kind of energy touch me, it was strong and, although not scary, made me feel weird. I’ve never had that with my shivers.

I don’t know if the sun is a portal or if it leads to the centre of the universe, some seem to think so and I’ve leaned that anything is possible. What I do know is to rely on my shiver gauge, which must have blown a gasket as it has never been so high as to draw a slap of energy in some ways reminding me of the premonition I had June 2020 of something big coming, some kind of global shock.

I get that there is nothing to fear, whatever it is is coming from god/love and will herald the beginning of peace, joy and good, fair living, where love rules rather than fear.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I've been remiss in communicating lately.

Wednesday - April 13, 2022

Event two weeks ago
Going out to dinner, and I really did not want to be around people, but on the other hand, I was tired of being a hermit. At a stop light when I looked over and saw two motorcycles (and riders). One of them was a glorious Indian motorcycle (first motorcycle company in the US). These motorcycles have a long history here and have been going through a resurgence in popularity. My dad had one in his youth. I really was enjoying looking at them and the rumble seemed to be on my wave length. The light changed, and we drove side by side under the highway underpass, which magnified the sound. I started clapping like a little kid. I was so happy.

My Take
First, there is the idea of the Indian motorcycle - long history in this country - known as a workhorse - and my Dad had one. Second, there was the look and sound. My motorcycle days were with college boyfriends, and I've not ridden one in a long, long time. Yet, the sensation came right back to me - wind in my face, seeing the world flash by, and the direct connection to the machine. Yet, there was something more. I found this explanation to cover it well.

The second important idea in this exploration is the idea of peripersonal space. Studies have shown that the human brain uses three different “neuronal representations” to represent the space around us, based on the behaviors we can perform in each environment.
There’s the personal space, which is the body itself, and the extra-personal space, which is the area around us that we can hear and see. And within the extra-personal space, there’s the reaching space, which encompasses the area in which you could reach an object without moving your body. That’s the area known as peripersonal space.
Studies have also shown that when people use a tool, their peripersonal space expandsto include the area that the tool allows us to interact with. This indicates that our mental construct of our physical selves is extremely malleable, and can expand to encompass a tool.

The motorcycle helped me remember the sense of ever-changing oneness and expansion. I loved it.

indian motorcycle.jpeg


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - April 13, 2022

Events a week ago over 2 days
Looking out the kitchen door and see a hawk on the back fence. I slowly open the door and take a seat to see what was going to happen. It saw me, observed, decided I was not a problem, and continued scanning the yard. I've been living with and watching this hawk family for 15 years, and the behavior was odd. They have big feet and big talons, so perching on a metal rail is not preferable. Then it flew to a spot in the yard, stayed on the ground for a bit, then flew off. If it was food, it would have swooped down and grabbed it. Weird, but then this is Lindaland.

Later that day, I was reading when I could no longer keep my eyes open. I had a vision of what I knew was an energy device that looked somewhat like a sewing machine. Then I was back to myself.

The next day, the exact same thing happened. However, this time, another person saw the hawk and thought it was weird, too. All three of us (including my dog) walked around that part of the yard and found nothing.

My Take
Well, not too sure about this one - such an odd paring. My thought was that while hawks are associated with keen, long-distance sight, perhaps there is something to see closer to home - right in front of me, so to speak. Maybe that something has to do with some kind of new energy.

Feel free to chime in on this one.

Edit - 1
The energy device with an appearance similar to that of a sewing machine might also reference my creative and practical sewing abilities. However, it seems like the long way around the barn to make that point.

Edit - 2
Perhaps something like energetic lines - maybe stitching them together
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
One of them was a glorious Indian motorcycle (first motorcycle company in the US). These motorcycles have a long history here and have been going through a resurgence in popularity. My dad had one in his youth.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
I've been remiss in communicating lately.

Wednesday - April 13, 2022

Event two weeks ago
Going out to dinner, and I really did not want to be around people, but on the other hand, I was tired of being a hermit. At a stop light when I looked over and saw two motorcycles (and riders). One of them was a glorious Indian motorcycle (first motorcycle company in the US). These motorcycles have a long history here and have been going through a resurgence in popularity. My dad had one in his youth. I really was enjoying looking at them and the rumble seemed to be on my wave length. The light changed, and we drove side by side under the highway underpass, which magnified the sound. I started clapping like a little kid. I was so happy.

My Take
First, there is the idea of the Indian motorcycle - long history in this country - known as a workhorse - and my Dad had one. Second, there was the look and sound. My motorcycle days were with college boyfriends, and I've not ridden one in a long, long time. Yet, the sensation came right back to me - wind in my face, seeing the world flash by, and the direct connection to the machine. Yet, there was something more. I found this explanation to cover it well.

The second important idea in this exploration is the idea of peripersonal space. Studies have shown that the human brain uses three different “neuronal representations” to represent the space around us, based on the behaviors we can perform in each environment.
There’s the personal space, which is the body itself, and the extra-personal space, which is the area around us that we can hear and see. And within the extra-personal space, there’s the reaching space, which encompasses the area in which you could reach an object without moving your body. That’s the area known as peripersonal space.
Studies have also shown that when people use a tool, their peripersonal space expandsto include the area that the tool allows us to interact with. This indicates that our mental construct of our physical selves is extremely malleable, and can expand to encompass a tool.

The motorcycle helped me remember the sense of ever-changing oneness and expansion. I loved it.

View attachment 13394
those machines combine freedom and joy, they are not so much used in covoys but more trucks in the days of today
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Wednesday - April 13, 2022

Events a week ago over 2 days
Looking out the kitchen door and see a hawk on the back fence. I slowly open the door and take a seat to see what was going to happen. It saw me, observed, decided I was not a problem, and continued scanning the yard. I've been living with and watching this hawk family for 15 years, and the behavior was odd. They have big feet and big talons, so perching on a metal rail is not preferable. Then it flew to a spot in the yard, stayed on the ground for a bit, then flew off. If it was food, it would have swooped down and grabbed it. Weird, but then this is Lindaland.

Later that day, I was reading when I could no longer keep my eyes open. I had a vision of what I knew was an energy device that looked somewhat like a sewing machine. Then I was back to myself.

The next day, the exact same thing happened. However, this time, another person saw the hawk and thought it was weird, too. All three of us (including my dog) walked around that part of the yard and found nothing.

My Take
Well, not too sure about this one - such an odd paring. My thought was that while hawks are associated with keen, long-distance sight, perhaps there is something to see closer to home - right in front of me, so to speak. Maybe that something has to do with some kind of new energy.

Feel free to chime in on this one.

Edit - 1
The energy device with an appearance similar to that of a sewing machine might also reference my creative and practical sewing abilities. However, it seems like the long way around the barn to make that point.

Edit - 2
Perhaps something like energetic lines - maybe stitching them together
My first thought was that birds are very often messengers, this one it seems was making sure you noticed it so, for me anyway, it’s important.
When I imagine the scene I feel strongly that he was telling you to be ready for something, be on the lookout, be aware….. Keep your eyes peeled, has just come to me.

I guess it could be connected to the energy device, haven’t got any feelings on that at the moment but will see what else comes when I’m in. bed.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Wednesday - April 13, 2022

Events a week ago over 2 days
Looking out the kitchen door and see a hawk on the back fence. I slowly open the door and take a seat to see what was going to happen. It saw me, observed, decided I was not a problem, and continued scanning the yard. I've been living with and watching this hawk family for 15 years, and the behavior was odd. They have big feet and big talons, so perching on a metal rail is not preferable. Then it flew to a spot in the yard, stayed on the ground for a bit, then flew off. If it was food, it would have swooped down and grabbed it. Weird, but then this is Lindaland.

Later that day, I was reading when I could no longer keep my eyes open. I had a vision of what I knew was an energy device that looked somewhat like a sewing machine. Then I was back to myself.

The next day, the exact same thing happened. However, this time, another person saw the hawk and thought it was weird, too. All three of us (including my dog) walked around that part of the yard and found nothing.

My Take
Well, not too sure about this one - such an odd paring. My thought was that while hawks are associated with keen, long-distance sight, perhaps there is something to see closer to home - right in front of me, so to speak. Maybe that something has to do with some kind of new energy.

Feel free to chime in on this one.

Edit - 1
The energy device with an appearance similar to that of a sewing machine might also reference my creative and practical sewing abilities. However, it seems like the long way around the barn to make that point.

Edit - 2
Perhaps something like energetic lines - maybe stitching them together
As June says, your hawk seems likely to be pointing you to something as a messenger who can see more keenly than most. I've gotta wonder why he landed just there, not once, but twice and with others witnessing too.

Looking to your own back yard seems 'for sure'.
Checking that particular spot in your back yard where something is coming?

And, okay, as I'm typing this everything is conspiring to show me that my fingers are off the keys (literally) and mistakes abound; that makes me even more curious and off to check the hawk entry in my favorite animal messenger book: keynote is "Power and Guardianship" w a "Cycle of Power: Spring and Fall Equinoxes - New Moon". That new moon part is particularly intriguing as it's not a part of other entries. Also, I believe we're closer to a full moon just now. So, giving you a couple of weeks of warning? Look to this spot/your back yard at the next new moon?


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Wednesday - April 13, 2022

Events a week ago over 2 days
Looking out the kitchen door and see a hawk on the back fence. I slowly open the door and take a seat to see what was going to happen. It saw me, observed, decided I was not a problem, and continued scanning the yard. I've been living with and watching this hawk family for 15 years, and the behavior was odd. They have big feet and big talons, so perching on a metal rail is not preferable. Then it flew to a spot in the yard, stayed on the ground for a bit, then flew off. If it was food, it would have swooped down and grabbed it. Weird, but then this is Lindaland.

Later that day, I was reading when I could no longer keep my eyes open. I had a vision of what I knew was an energy device that looked somewhat like a sewing machine. Then I was back to myself.

The next day, the exact same thing happened. However, this time, another person saw the hawk and thought it was weird, too. All three of us (including my dog) walked around that part of the yard and found nothing.

My Take
Well, not too sure about this one - such an odd paring. My thought was that while hawks are associated with keen, long-distance sight, perhaps there is something to see closer to home - right in front of me, so to speak. Maybe that something has to do with some kind of new energy.

Feel free to chime in on this one.

Edit - 1
The energy device with an appearance similar to that of a sewing machine might also reference my creative and practical sewing abilities. However, it seems like the long way around the barn to make that point.

Edit - 2
Perhaps something like energetic lines - maybe stitching them together
I love Lila's response. It made me feel out the case with intuition, and what would your response be if I said that you had some interdimensionals in your back yard - Sasquatch visitors?


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the Sasquatch visited Lindaland as Melt suggests it’s a very special place..

What I have to relate is not nearly so exciting.
Yesterday evening I was imagining Linda’s hawk perching on the rail then flying to a grassy spot in the yard, suddenly the image changed to what appeared to be a vegetable garden.
I could see the typical patches with different plants, although I couldn’t see what they contained, what was very clear in the forefront of the image was what appeared to be bean poles, they were narrow arches with, something growing up them, looked like Runner beans to me, could be in the US you grow other things this way, but it all looked like vegetables.
I can’t see how this relates to your visiting Hawk but I have to give out what I get.

Thinking about your energy device that looked like a sewing machine.…………This is my imagination going wild and it is purely imagination, how about if you were to dig where the Hawk landed, would you find an ancient energy device. Wouldn’t be the first time such things have been discovered.



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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I take your visions seriously, June, as I think they are coming in very clear for you. What I would say is, they are getting stronger, if that's possible.
So vegies is a very good plan. Quite possibly every square inch of arable land will be planted over with vegetables - so that people can eat. People with more yard space will plant more.

As for the energy device, it could be energies joining together, but seamlessly. If you want to go 100% naked natural, there is really no need for any kind of device or technology - we can accomplish all through our aware and conscious being. But we are not at that stage yet - so probably there will be devices around until we learn how to do without them.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
going by what you wrote, a sashquash wouldn t surprise me in the slightest, when meat goes veggies the planet is greener and a clearing device to help restore the nutrience of the soil could be what i can mean


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
going by what you wrote, a sashquash wouldn t surprise me in the slightest, when meat goes veggies the planet is greener and a clearing device to help restore the nutrience of the soil could be what i can mean
Summed up in a nutshell, makes perfect sense to me.
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